Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 16: Stress

Fourth more)

In the ghost town, the mother-ghost tree is constantly growing, and it is constantly rising at a speed of one meter and one meter, and the coverage of children is also expanding.

In the sky and ghost wasteland, Chen Zong kept beheading and killing ghosts and beasts, looking for the king of beasts to try sword hunting.

A few days later, there were as many as ten ghost monster kings who died under Chen Zongjian. The ghostly will obtained by them was equal to the killing of five ordinary ghost kings, which was very obvious.

And the consciousness attached to the sword spirit enlightened by the ghost mother tree is spreading and extinct all vitality, and it is becoming more and more perfect, and it is becoming more and more arrogant by incorporating it into the sword strokes enlightened by one heart.

At the same time, Chen Zong also felt that depression was breeding, spreading, and malice, and it seemed to become more and more apparent.

The thirty-sixth part of the ghost clan, no, to say the thirty-five, were mobilized one after another, headed by the ghost king part.

Ghosts will be dispatched!

Ghost King dispatched!

The army rallied, pointing at the ghost town.

All the battles before the thirty-fifth episodes have been temporarily suspended, and each one has a ghost king, a thousand ghost generals, and 10,000 elite ghost soldiers, and a large black mass quickly advances to the sky ghost wasteland.

Thirty-five ghost kings, 35,000 ghost generals, and 350,000 elite ghost soldiers.

As if the dark clouds were overwhelming and the mountains and the sea were down, the majestic momentum was so extreme that it almost turned into a substance, as if the ghost shadowing the sky was gone.

When he died, many ghost kings in the sky ghost wasteland trembled, terrified.

The breath of this ghost clan is too tyrannical, and even the ghost and beast king can't dare to stab its edge and can only dodge.

Ghost Town also got the news.

The ghost king Xuanlie summoned all ghost kings in the ghost king alliance.

In this battle, the contrast of power is very different. Is it a battle or a retreat?

The number of eleven ghost kings is significantly different from the thirty-five ghost kings.

Moreover, the headed ghost king is also the first ghost king of the ghost king department: ghost king mysterious monster!

It was a tyrannical ghost king who had always been under the head of the ghost king Xuanlie. When he thought of the ghost king Xuanlie, the ghost king Xuanlie was full of anger.

"Battle!" Ghost King Xuanlie yelled in a low voice: "No one can retreat in this battle!"

The red eyes swept across, making a dry ghost king feel cold.

The ghost king Xuanlie in this state is very dangerous.

In this case, fight.

Power contrast is disparate.

Headed by the ghost king Xuanlie, all the forces in the ghost town are assembled.

Unfortunately, the time is not up.

If you can give more time to allow the ghost mother tree to grow to a height of two kilometers, you can begin to gather the power of ghosts and gods. At that time, you can stimulate the power of ghosts and gods, summon ghost ghost ghost possession, and the combat power will increase several times.


The power of the thirty-six ghost gates was gathered together and concentrated on the walls of the Chaos Ghost City, and the ghosts and beasts escorted by the ghost and beast department also assembled into an army.

Speaking of which, the power of Chaos Ghost Town is still very good. Adding up tens of thousands of ghosts, the number of ghost soldiers is more than a million, and the black pressure is overwhelming, and the breath fluctuations emitted are even more amazing.

In terms of quantity alone, it is necessary to outweigh the thirty-five ghost army that came from the pressure, but if it is about the number of strong people, there is a gap.

This battle will be very detrimental to the ghost town.

But had to fight.

Even if you escape, where can you escape?

The ghost town is gone. It is indeed possible to build another one, but what about the ghost mother tree?

I can get one now, which is a huge luck. Next time, there is no hope at all.

You know, before they were able to get the ghost mother tree, they had been planning for thousands of years, and they had never been successful.

In addition, looking at the 35 troops dispatched, the purpose is obvious, that is, to completely destroy the chaotic ghost town.

Then, fight, do your best, fight to the end.

Chen Zong felt that the amazing pressure Lin was turbulent, like a wave, and it was difficult for him to breathe.

But at the same time, there was another excitement and excitement deep inside.

Maybe, after this battle, I can devour enough sneaky will, and then leave the sneaky and return to the heavenly sanctuary.

However, the premise is to ensure that Bi has survived this battle.

Once dead, everything becomes empty.

The army was under pressure, and the black was overwhelming. It was like the dark clouds swept through the shock and crushed, and it seemed like the tide was unmatched.

This kind of power, mad shock, violent extreme, seems to want to defeat all the ghosts.

In contrast, Chen Zong immediately noticed the difference.

Although the number of ghost warriors in the ghost town will be more, the opponents are elite.

If it is metaphorical, it is as if the other party is a regular army with a lot of hard work, and the ghost army of Chaos ghost city is like a militia.

Facing the regular army, the militia is like a flock of sheep facing a wolf.

Perhaps among the ghosts, the gap is not so great, but there are also gaps, and a slight gap is enough to reverse the victory.

To this day, no matter what, this battle is inevitable, only one battle to the end.

Fight fight!

Warfare breeds inwardly, and the momentum rises.

Thirty-five ghost kings led ghost generals and ghost soldiers, approaching each other, and stopped at a distance of 10,000 meters.

The ghost king Xuanmo flew a hundred meters away, and the restrained Yousen and domineering glances passed away, which brought amazing pressure to everyone, and finally fell on the ghost king Xuanlie.

When being swept away by the ghostly king Yousen's overbearing eyes, Chen Zong shuddered unconsciously, his deep coldness manifested from the deepest body, secretly vigilant, and his strength seemed to work unconsciously.

very scary!

"Xuanlie, give up the chaotic ghost town and return to the headquarters." The ghost king Xuanmo spoke, his voice was slightly low, it seemed to contain some kind of magic, it sounded as if directly through the eardrum, straight into the soul, shaking.

"It's impossible." Ghost King Xuanlie's complexion is overcast. Of course, the ghost's skin is dark, so even if it is gloomy, you can't see it. Rejected.

What does refusing mean?

Means fighting!

"Kill!" Obviously, the ghost king Xuanmo is not a patient patient. He said in a sentence, since you do n’t listen, hit it until you give in. If you still do n’t give in, then you can only kill the killer and kill the thing directly. .

There is no doubt that the ghost king Xuanlie can only be dealt with, and also needs the ghost king xuanmo to deal with.

As for the ghost kings of the ghost killing department and the ghost ghost department, the ghost kings of the ghost killing department and ghost ghost department also deal with them, as if they are cleaning up the portal.


Now it's time to liquidate.

The blossoming flowers of the polar world manifested in the sky above the ghost kings.

Chen Zong was also followed by several eyes. One of them was the ghost king of Ghostblade.

The fact that Chen Zong beheaded and killed the three ghost kings in succession was not a secret. It had already spread to 35.

Therefore, there are five respected ghost kings staring at Chen Zong.

Amazing pressure swept across instantly, while Chen Zong's face was dignified, deep inside, there was an unspeakable excitement, as if the current was raging, and he couldn't help but tremble slightly, and the sword at his waist trembled with it.

Swords come out of the scabbard and kill blood.

Five ghost kings, I will surely let myself devour more ghostly will.

These five ghost kings include ghost kings from the middle nine, and ghost kings from the upper six. Among them, the ghost king from the ghost blade of the middle nine, is now the first ghost king of the ghost blade.


His ghost blade is exactly a long black knife, the blade is curved, the blade is covered with fine sawtooth, very stingy, killing weapon.

"What's your name?" Ghostblade's eyes were as cold as a blade, across the void, as if tearing Chen Zong's face, his voice was hoarse, and there was a kind of blade-like sharpness. It seemed that the two blades kept cutting each other, Extremely harsh.

"Ghostblade sword heart." Chen Zongbu Xu Xuji replied.

"Ghostblade Sword Heart, your strength is good, now, return to the headquarters." Ghostblade Sword's voice became more obscure.

Chen Zong did not answer again, but pulled out the sword, and the sword came out of the sheath, which was his own answer.

"Kill!" In a whisper, the ghost-blade knife mang sword was chopped, and the condensed inky knife suddenly broke into the air. The knife was strangely light, and the edges seemed to be jagged, and they were constantly rotating.

In addition, the four ghost kings also shot to kill from all around, joining forces to besiege Chen Zong.

Suddenly, Chen Zongyi sword held the ghost-blade sword and slashed with a long sword. His wrist turned, and the dexterous and delicate traction pulled the sword to the side. After the sword rushed forward along the blade, it was cut. The hand holding the knife to the ghost blade.

The ghost-blade knife was immediately frightened, the power burst, and the long sword suddenly slashed.

But Chen Zong's sword changed slightly in an instant, and the cut turned into a pick, and then changed into a thorn ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Just for a moment, the ghost blade sword felt a bit of coldness blooming in front of him, and it was too late to dodge, and his brows immediately Be penetrated.

It's too fast, and the technique is very clever. All changes are within one sword, as if everything is accurate.

Among the Ghost clan, the best fighting skills belong to the Ghost Blade Division, but now the skills of the first strongest in the Ghost Blade Division are incomparable.

It was just a face-to-face meeting and he hit his sword.

However, with such a sword, when Wufan directly killed himself, as long as he got a chance, he could quickly recover.

The idea is beautiful, but the reality is cruel.

With the middle sword as the center, countless sword qi, as if the roots of the ghost mother tree broke into the ground, but in an instant, they burrowed into the flesh of the body, as if there was nothing to stop, all over the body , Not even let off the edge.

It felt as if a terrible tree had taken root in the body.

Vitality is rapidly extinct, and power is constantly flowing.

This type of swordsmanship is indeed a good swordsmanship against the ghost clan.

In just one face-to-face meeting, one ghost king was killed, and the other four ghost kings were shocked. They just drew their breath slowly.

The shortfall is the boundary between life and death.

Ghostly will, began to pour into Chen Zong's body, and was absorbed by constant swallowing.

The attacks of the other four ghost kings also came from all directions, terrible power, as if to directly break Chen Zong's body.

However, Chen Zong's body disappeared in an instant. The broken one was just a ghost.


Swordplay: Double-minded!

One sword was killed, but two overlapping illusions appeared on his body, and then he wielded his sword and killed the four ghost kings, which seemed to be targets under Chen Zongjian.

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