Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 17: Killing Unparalleled

Fifth more)

Long before the army was assembled, the news that Chen Zong had killed three of the six ghost kings with one sword per person had spread to 35 ghost clan.

Therefore, there will be five ghost kings joining forces to deal with him.

The first strongest of the Ghostblades is Ghostblade, with three flowers condensing. One flower is still a high-order polar flower, and the other two are intermediate-level polar flowers. They are all solidified to perfection and their combat power is amazing. The knife is superb and extremely lethal.

Put in the last six, is also a powerful ghost king.

However, such a strong man, even with a powerful combat power and superb swordsmanship, had no time to show up. He just was killed in a face-to-face meeting.

The mystery of that sword, their four ghost kings said they couldn't understand it, but they were very scared.

Even if it is the ghost king of the ghost king department, it has the most powerful ghost king's power, and it is impossible to kill the opponent in one shot without an absolute gap in combat power.



It was also because of great fear that he shot with all his strength and directly beat the opponent to death.

These four ghost kings have at least two polar flowers, at least intermediate and high-level, and one has three full-scale polar flowers, which are very powerful.

But now, Chen Zong does not need to use the sword domain of his heart. With the high realm of power he realizes, as long as he hits the opponent, he can make the sword breath break into the ground like the root of the ghost mother tree, and take root in the body instantly tip.

When the rhizome breaks through the ground and takes root, it will burst out with extremely sharp sharpness, wantonly destruction, and extinction.

Chen Zong's sword is also constantly being perfected, becoming so.

Sword gas enters the body, using flesh and blood as the land, drawing vitality, strengthening itself, and then burst out, completely crushing the opponent.

Body shape changed, Chen Zong avoided the tyrannical blow of the four ghost kings.

These four ghost kings also burst into full force, each showing their talents, each with different strengths.


Chen Zong's figure was changed from reality to reality, and then from reality to reality, a sword was swung out.


There is another sword in the ghost clan. The sword's qi is like a rhizome growing in an instant, and it penetrates and spreads away instantly, with hundreds of limbs to the end.

The seeds seem to germinate in an instant and spread directly, spreading everywhere in the whole body, like a real rhizome, constantly devouring vitality.

Lost is a thousand miles, and at this moment, it is verified generally.

Just a slight gap, the boundary between life and death between the four ghost kings and Chen Zong becomes so obvious.

Kill kill!

The second ghost king was killed, and the ghostly wills were swallowed by Chen Zong, and the good bag invisible was large.

The swordsmanship of Yixinjue was performed to the extreme by Chen Zong. The three-hearted two-edged sword is obviously more amazing and more mysterious than the one-hearted one-edged sword.

So far, even the six-Xuan Xuan Shenbing's Royal Destroyer can not match the power of the three-hearted two-hearted sword.

It will be even more frightening when the double-hearted sword is aimed at only one target.


The third ghost king also fell under Chen Zong's sword.

When the world's will in the Yuan Dynasty sanctified more ghostly wills, invisible, the greater the increase in Chen Zong, the more superb the invisible, the more trajectory and mystery when the sword came out.

Nowadays, the ghostly wills carried by Chen Zong have swallowed up and absorbed many ghostly wills. In addition to the pure breath of feedback, it also increases the understanding of Chen Zong, and in the battle, also gives Chen Zong brings intangible benefits.

Fighting is also sword training.

Improve yourself in high-intensity battles.

Compared with not long ago, Chen Zong's combat power has been significantly improved.

Not long after, the remaining three ghost kings were also killed by Chen Zong.

A large number of sneaky wills were absorbed by Chen Zong's rapid consumption.

The purest and most powerful forces also poured into Chen Zong's body, and fell down deep in his body.

Seeing that five ghost kings were killed by Chen Zong, the other ghost kings in the thirty-fifth part were shocked.

Chen Zong didn't pause, his body flashed, and he shot in and out.

The way of using swords from the growth of the ghost mother tree is superb and integrated into each sword. The sword's air is like the rhizomes breaking through the ground. It instantly spreads to the whole body and takes root in every flesh, causing amazing damage.

It is just a ray of sword gas destruction. It is nothing at all to the amazing race of the ghost clan. Only at the same time, many sword gas destructions can be combined to cause fatal damage to the ghost clan.

The disadvantage is that you must hit the opponent with a sword, that is, you must fight close to you to play the superb subtlety of such swordsmanship.

But for now, that's enough.

On the side of the ghost town, the ghost king Xuanlie and the ghost king xuanmo battle fiercely, but they are gradually suppressed.

The strength of Ghost King Xuan Mo is too amazing and extremely arrogant.

It can be said that with the exception of Chen Zong, all other ghost kings are down, because this battle is not one-to-one, but many-to-one.



After Chen Zong beheaded the five ghost kings, he immediately reinforced the nearest ghost king.

Reinforcement is just superficial. The real purpose is, of course, that Chen Zong wants to learn more ghostly will.

The ghostly will of the Ghost King is undoubtedly stronger.


The seventh ghost king died under the sword.

Suddenly, a strong sense of crisis emerged, Chen Zong's hair was creepy, the film seemed to burst, the hair was upright, and a burst of coldness from the bone marrow and the soul surged like a torrent of water.

After the ghost king Xuan demo suppressed the ghost king Xuanlie, his sword slashed in the air, and a dark blade of light shattered the vacuum like a moon, killing Chen Zong.

Ghost King Xuan Mo, but there are three flowers of the extreme state, two of which are the top-level flower of the extreme state, the combat power is extremely amazing, terrible.

This attack immediately made Chen Zong feel a strong crisis sweeping through him, as if the waves were so massive that he would drown himself.

The void around it was directly blocked and suppressed, and could not be avoided.

Chen Zong's face was dignified, and his sword was cut out flatly. The illusion on his body suddenly appeared, dim and dim, and in a moment, as if he exceeded the limit, a third illusion appeared.

Double Hearted Sword!


Jian Guang kills, instantly converges into one, the power reaches the extreme.

The vacuum, under the sword of Chen Zong, was torn open like benzene.

Jianguang and the palm knife collided in an instant and exploded directly, just like the 10,000 tons of volcano ejecting amazing magma. The instantaneous power will shatter the vacuum into countless fissures, spreading in all directions, filling the terrible Yuwei, crushing everything.

It felt like that void was being wiped out with great strength by humans, and it took a while to recover.

Blocking his own blow, the ghost king Xuanmo was also shocked.

Is this really a ghost king from Ghostblade?

How could there be such a powerful force?

The ghost king Xuanlie is also shocked. In his ghost king alliance, there are still such amazing combatants, not the fourth seat, but the second seat, second only to himself, and even compared to himself.

Haunted Town has this kind of combat power, maybe this time, you can survive the crisis.

Although blocking the Ghost King Xuanmo's blow, Chen Zong had no intention to fight with the Ghost King Xuanmo halfway, and immediately walked away, appeared in another place, and shot at other Ghost Kings.

Now, Chen Zong's purpose is to kill other ghost kings and devour ghosts' wills. It is best to pick those who are weaker in order to be more efficient.

Walk around and beheaded.

The eighth Ghost King also died under Chen Zong's sword, and he was devoured by Chen Zong and absorbed by Chen Zong.

For a moment, in silence, a black light penetrated out of the void, with a very sharp, severely pierced Chen Zong's back.

It was the ghost king of the ghost department.

The talent of the ghost department is to be able to be transformed into a ghost image and merge into the void, making it impossible to detect, and then attack.

The attack was unexpected, like a peerless assassin, hitting it in one shot.

With the appearance of that black mang was a phantom, the phantom of the ghost king, and there was a shadow on his face.

This blow will pierce the opponent's back and tear the opponent's body.

Suddenly, a die tip appeared through the void like a god's help.

It's as if I've been waiting there for a long time.

A jingle was extremely crisp and extremely pleasing, but falling into the ears of the ghost king of the ghost department seemed to be the sound of urging, causing his face to change greatly.


His deliberate blow was blocked.

how can that be!


The killing blow is blocked and you can only retreat. If you do not retreat, it is very dangerous.

Suddenly, the ghost king turned into a shadow again, and merged into the void.

But Chen Zong's eyes flashed a trick ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Escape!

Can you escape?

A sword blended into the void, as if submerged in water, without ripples or ripples.

The ghost king of the ghost department made a scream, his body turned into a virtual shadow, and then turned into a substantial manifestation. All over him, you could see the subtle veins of sword energy.


The ninth ghost king is dead!

Thirty-five ghost kings struck, but nine were killed under Chen Zong's sword.

Make other ghost kings startled.

What kind of swordsmanship and power is that, just a sword stabbed, it will be dismembered by Ling Chi, and then die, it is too terrible.

All the other ghost kings on the side of the ghost town were suppressed. Except for the ghost king Xuanlie, they were injured, but they were shocked when they saw the ghost blade sword heart killing nine ghost kings in succession.

The ghostly will of the nine ghost kings is swallowed up, and the feedback is the pure power of nine ways. Chen Zong only feels that one of his origins continues to grow, and when it grows to a certain extent, it also affects the refinement of the essence of flowers.


Previously, Jinghuahua condensed to 50%, and she continued to fight to rise to 60%, but now she has reached 70% against the pull, and her combat strength has been further improved.

Sure enough, fighting is the best way to improve yourself.

Chen Zong stared at the tenth ghost king, but was shocked and locked by a terrible murderous force.

A touch of black light was extremely sharp, with an astonishing killing power, instantly tearing the sky to kill.

It was the ghost king of the ghost killing department that shot, this is the army came under pressure, second only to the ghost king Xuanmo's ghost king strong.

Seeing that Chen Zong continued to kill the Ghost King, the loss was great. Under this ghost killing department's Ghost King Cup, he gave his opponent to the ghost king Ghost King. One enemy and two can be contained, and he took the empty hand to deal with Chen Zong. .

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