Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 19: Wan Jian Gui 1 (2)

Advance one place, add one more, and six words will continue to code. Later, one more change will be added for the new alliance leader. If the ranking rises to 17, one more will be added. Work hard, red blood year, six (This time the Secret Falun Gong broke out, which lasted until 12 o'clock tonight)

The sword of the heart, the potential is amazing.

Constantly fighting and killing, the deeper Chen Zong's potential development of the sword's intention of the heart, the more powerful the power he exerted.

In terms of potential, the sword of the heart is supreme, which can cause smallpox and chaos, and cause a very high level of the sound of the avenue. In fact, it has a lot more to overcome than the flowers of the top level, completely two levels.

The reason why it was said to be similar to the flower of the top level is precisely because the development of potential is not enough.

But as Chen Zong continued to enlighten and fight, the potential was also continuously developed and deepened.

Every sword is condensed with amazing power.

Chen Zong's expression was indifferent, his eyes sharp and unparalleled, like a sword's edge.

Extreme power. Extreme power.

Constantly fighting, but the strength was not continuously consumed, but as Chen Zong continued to practice the exercises and recovered a little bit.


The ghost king Xuan demo's combat power is fully open, the black light is diffused, condensed into a huge ghost hand, and it is instantly blown out to kill the ghost king Xuanlie directly.

The fighting power of the two is quite obvious.

Fighting against the ghost King Xuanlie, the ghost King Xuan demonized into a black light, like a black torrent of torrents, with an astonishing momentum, and rushed towards Chen Zong.

Do it yourself!

The ghost king Xuanmo has to deal with Chen Zong himself.

A strong sense of crisis, as if the tide was swept over, the eyebrows fluttered suddenly, and the sword of the heart also trembled.

Strong enemies struck, but let Chen Zong from the heart of a war.

Chen Zong not only avoided, but fought.

A sword is swept out of the air, the sword light is like a red line of condensation, the sword is magnificent, the edge is extremely sharp and tears the void, and directly kills the ghost king Xuanmo.

But the ghost king Xuanlie who was blown away was the ghost king who killed the ghost king, and launched a fierce battle, venting the anger king suppressed by the ghost king ghost, and attacked madly, causing the ghost king to retreat.

The ghost king Xuanmo grabbed it with one hand, and the black light condensed, as if covered with a layer of armor.

The domineering physique and the power of the ghost king gave him an amazing defense, without any injuries.

After smashing the sword air, the palm covered with black light killed the air, and the rumbling sound continued to sound, as if it were thunderous and powerful.

The terrible breath fluctuations emanated from the palm of the constant bombardment, suppressing the void around and blocking all imprisonment.

This breath not only suppressed the void and imprisoned the void, but also gave Chen Zong a feeling of being suppressed.

Ghost King Power!

This is the supreme power of the ghost clan, a force that is stronger than the power held by other ghost clan.

It is also because of the power of the Ghost King that the Ghost King Department was able to rank at the top of the 36th Department. Even the Ghost Killing Department and the Ghost Underworld Department cannot be completely compared.

Too early sword element, extremely cohesive, a sword swept out of the air.

The space was torn and the blockade was cut open by Chen Zong's sword.

The body flickered, and a sword went out of the sky.

As soon as the battle unfolded, Chen Zong immediately felt great pressure, constantly rushing from the body of the ghost king Xuanmo, to the extreme, terrible, so that he felt as if he was carrying a mountain, this heavy, made Chen Zong feel The amount of power you consume when wielding your sword is several times as usual.

With all my heart, concentrate all my strength and fight constantly.

Stress can also be converted into motivation.

Suddenly, the ghost king Xuanmo had one arm, and the endless black light burst from his extremely strong body. It seemed like a torrent of torrents that swept through the mighty, but only momentarily, covered a few kilometers and rendered into a dark void.

Chen Zong only felt that the pressure on his body increased several times in an instant.

This is like a field, with endless pressure pouring from all directions, as if to crush Chen Zong.

Heart Sword Domain!

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately inspired the sword domain of the heart, the kilometer sword domain, surrounding the surrounding, the amazing coercion was immediately offset.

Wan Jian Chaozong!

Thousands of sword spirits also condensed in an instant.

Sword into silk!

Jian Qi condensed to the extreme, tearing the void, and numerous black cracks appeared.


Thousands of swords practiced into a silky sword spirit, and they were shot out of the air in no time, and relentlessly killed the ghost king Xuanmo.

The ghost king's mysterious voice was low, his arms suddenly closed, and the black light spread, wrapping himself in all directions without dead ends.

Thousands of extremely sharp sword qi were radiated on the black light, part of the sword qi was immediately shattered by shock, but part of the sword qi penetrated it and killed the ghost king Xuanmo.

However, after breaking that layer of black light protection, the power of sword energy also decreased significantly.


Chen Zong sighed, all his consciousness erupted, his eyes twinkling and condensing.

The broken sword energy in the heart of the sword domain reunited in an instant.

Although it is less than one thousand, there are more than three hundred.

At least, you can test your strength more.

This is also the ability that Chen Zong slowly mastered under constant fighting.

When he died, Jian Qi made up to a thousand roads and surrounded him, but he did not kill again.

The light in Chen Zong's eyes flickered endlessly, and his thoughts moved at the speed of flash light.

It is obviously very powerful to deal with the thousands of sword spirits in the former ghost king and the sword area of ​​the heart, but it is not enough to deal with this ghost king mysterious demon.

To increase power, you can increase the amount of sword air.

He named this move himself as Wanjian Chaozong, but in fact there are only a thousand sword qi. The true Wanjian dynasty must at least have 10,000 sword qi.

If the sword qi can be increased from one thousand to ten thousand, no doubt the power will increase greatly, greatly increasing a lot.

However, Chen Zong is not without trying, it is difficult to increase the amount of sword gas.

The emergence of the Sword Field of the Heart can be said to be an attempt of his own whim at that time, and the result appeared, unexpected.

Now, it is not so simple to want to improve it. At least, I haven't really learned the realm of this sword of heart.

Since it is not possible to increase its power by increasing the amount of sword air, we can only take the second path: condensing!

Too scattered!

The sword qi is now one thousand, and the laser is radiated. The power is really strong, but it is not enough because it is scattered.

If one thousand sword qi can be aggregated and compressed into one, perhaps its power will increase greatly.

But again, it will be more difficult to bring them together.

try it!

Maybe it works!

People often break through their own limits in desperation, especially true genius and arrogance.


Get together!

In a hurry, a thousand sword spirits gathered at an alarming rate.

Chen Zong immediately felt amazing resistance. The closer the thousand sword qi were to each other, the more amazing the resistance radiated from each other.

The blow of the ghost king mysterious monster also smashed the vacuum-like bombardment and smashed the sword area of ​​the heart. Chen Zong had to avoid it, and a thousand sword spirits were scattered.

"Simple cohesion, it is difficult to perform, you must have skills." Chen Zong secretly said, but did not fight back, because the ghost king Xuanmo's combat power is amazing, his own counterattack is difficult to kill each other.

When he died, Chen Zong thought of Yu Shenbing.

The combination of Xuan Shenbing can be used as a reference, and aura of inspiration emerges.

In a hurry, a thousand sword qi fluctuated in a unique way, or straight or zigzag, and gathered to the center.

Chen Zong can feel that the resistance between sword and qi disappears due to the unique trajectory.


When Chen Zong did his best, the consciousness broke out, and the potential of the sword of heart was further stimulated.

Thousands of sword spirits, united into one.

The original thousand sword qi was very subtle, more meticulous than silk. After condensing, it turned into a sword qi with the thickness of chopsticks, which fluctuated and exudes sharp and shocking to the extreme.

The sword qi stopped in the sword area of ​​the heart, motionless, but the sharp edge emanating from it shattered a trace of the surrounding void.

Chen Zong can feel the power contained in that sword qi, which is terrible, and also has a feeling that it is difficult to fully control.

It was as if holding a struggling python in his hand.

With a flash of silver in his eyes, Chen Zong immediately inspired himself to be in control and completely controlled that sword.


When the thoughts moved, the sword suddenly shot through the air, faster than before.

The ghost king Xuanmo had just noticed, and the black light swept through immediately, and was torn through, even with his body.

However, Chen Zong found that although that sword gas penetrated the body of the ghost king xuan demo and caused damage ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But this kind of damage is not strong, and the ghost king xuan demo's powerful body and strength are enough to resist Live and healed in a short time.

Manipulating that sword gas, immediately flew from behind, and shot into the body of Ghost King Xuan Mo from the back again. This time, instead of penetrating the body, it entered the body and dispersed immediately.

Thousands of sword qi immediately exploded in the body of the ghost king Xuanmo, impacting in all directions, strangling wildly.

With this blow, the ghost king Xuanmo could not help cursing and shaking, blood spewed out of his mouth.

His body flickered, Chen Zong wielded a sword, silent, invisible and colorless, but killed the ghost king Xuanmo directly.

Sword gas raged in the body, causing severe pain to the ghost king Xuanmo, but also causing serious injuries. In the face of a sword cut by Chen Zong, he couldn't completely avoid it. Between the leaning body, one arm was cut off immediately. Flying high.

When he died, Chen Zong cut out the second sword.

The ghost king's mysterious face changed drastically, and he flew back without hesitation.

At this moment, it is not advisable to fight again.

The ghost king from Ghostblade was really weird, completely breaking the thick, and breaking his concept of living for many years.

However, the ghost king Xuanmo did not suspect that the other party was not a ghost clan. He could never think of it. This was actually a human race, disguised as a ghost clan.

Otherwise, if it is a true ghost, where there is such amazing ability, he has already been suppressed by him.

"Escaped." Chen Zong's eyes were slightly frozen, but he did not pursue, because his strength was almost exhausted, and he could catch up, but in fact he could not help the ghost king Xuanmo.

Seeing that the most powerful ghost king Xuan demo ran away, the other ghost kings were frightened, and one by one flew back without hesitation and quickly ran away.

After all, the ghost king from the ghost blade department is really terrible. It is incredible that he can defeat the ghost king Xuanmo.

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