Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 20: Wan Jian Gui 1 (3)

This chapter is for the new leader of the gods, "Pity the Wind and the Moon" and "7,878, Long". Thank you for your support. Please also pay attention to the public account: six sinks, plus six micro-signals

Chase while you win!

The troops in the ghost town continued to hunt down, and the coalition forces that killed 35 of the ghost tribe collapsed and kept dying.

Chen Zong didn't pause. With only a small amount of power left, he could play to the fullest in his own self-confidence, just like the peak of sufficient strength.

Kill kill!


Three other ghost kings died under Chen Zongjian, but other ghost kings fled.

In the pursuit, thousands of ghosts and soldiers were killed by Chen Zongshun.

Watching the army of ghosts fall apart and flee, Chen Zong also exhausted the last trace of power, relieved himself of self-confidence, continuously operated the exercises, and continuously absorbed the surrounding forces through the transformation of the world's will to recover himself at an amazing speed.

In just ten short breaths, Chen Zong recovered 10% of his strength and once again had amazing combat power.

Thinking of this battle, Chen Zong couldn't help showing a smile.

The receipt is large.

beyond imagination.

Before and after, thirteen real ghost kings were beheaded and killed, and the devastation of the ghosts was devastating.

As for the ghostly will of the dead ghost and ghost soldiers, it is nothing.

Chen Zong can feel that bearing the will of the world on his body seems to convey a feeling of fullness and satisfaction.

If you let yourself hunt and kill the Ghost King alone, it is difficult and difficult to kill the Thirteen Deities. After all, most Ghost Kings will only stay in the ghost city and will not leave easily.

Once you go to the ghost town to challenge the ghost king, if the other party defeats, it will likely inspire the ghosts and gods, summon ghost ghost ghost possession, and immediately increase the combat power several times.

And under the ghost and ghost's ghost possession, even if it is blasted, it will instantly recover with the help of ghost and god.

Called immortal!

In that case, it is undoubtedly more difficult to kill the ghost king and devour the ghostly will.

As for killing the ghosts under the ghost king, it is also possible to kill the ghosts, but killing one hundred thousand ghosts is better than killing a ghost king.

Sure enough, it is the correct way to enter the ghost town, and then use the ghost town to make the ghosts mess up. Otherwise, where can I swallow so many ghosts at once?

Unfortunately, most of them escaped.

If all the thirty-five ghost kings were beheaded and killed, the ghostly wills that they swallowed would be many times more.

Chen Zong thought of it with some regrets, but in fact, it was a big surprise to be able to gain this time.

However, it is estimated that it is difficult to achieve such great gains in the coming years.

Chen Zong was secretly happy, and while secretly thinking, the other ghost kings were relieved.

The rest of your life!

I originally thought that this time was the final battle, the final result was being suppressed or killed, and the city was destroyed. But what was unexpected was that the combat power of the ghost blade sword heart was so terrible, even the most powerful ghost king Xuanmo They were all run away.

For a time, the ten ghost kings stared at Chen Zong's figure with complex eyes.

The ghostly king Xuanlie's subtle essence is flowing deep in the eyes, and there seems to be a hint of murder.

He will rebel from the ghost king department because he is unwilling to submit to the ghost king mysterious monster. Among the ghost towns, he should have the highest strength and the strongest combat power.

But now, a ghost king from the ghost blade department has even more powerful power than him, which makes him feel the crisis and feel his position in the chaotic ghost city has been impacted and affected.

Most of the ghosts respect the strong, and naturally obey the strong.

If the opponent wants to enter the chaotic ghost town now, there will be many ghosts willing to follow him.

All the ten ghost kings, including the ghost king Xuanlie, were all injured. The only difference was the severity. The severely wounded had a broken body and lived a long life, like a candle in the wind.

However, the vitality of the ghost clan is very tenacious. As long as it is not dead, it will be restored to its original state after a period of time.

Chen Zong glanced at him, and there was a subtle faint flash under his eyes, but they were not found.

In this battle, the Chaos ghost town won, but the ghost soldiers and ghost generals also suffered a lot of damage, and the losses were very large. Then they needed to rest.

After this battle, the thirty-fifth part of the ghost clan will not attack again.

Chen Zong immediately returned to Ghostblade Door to retreat.

The more the battle, especially the battle with the warrior generation, the more obvious the sharpening effect brought to itself. In addition, the will of the world will continue to devour the ghost and the will to grow, and in the meantime, Chen Zong ’s perception will be temporarily obtained Ascension of sexuality erupts every moment.

The understanding of Yixinjue has been deepened, and the potential of driving the sword of mind has been continuously developed. Invisibly, the combat power has also been continuously improved.

From entering the ghost town, his combat strength is not as good as the third seat, but now, it surpasses the ghost king Xuanlie.

Its own heritage, the invisible increase of world will, and the profound mystery of one heart.

Chen Zong is absolutely sure that his inheritance of one heart is no less than that of the heart sword.

This gate comes from the inheritance of the heart of the heavenly universe, the heart of the heavenly palace, and the true heart of the true monarch. It is indeed very superb, and it has completely defeated the heaven and earth in the vein of the eternal battlefield. Compared to tactics, it is completely inferior.

The purpose of the retreat is naturally to sum up the gains of this war. Even if it is not possible to immediately improve the combat power, it can further enhance the accumulation and heritage, and lay a more solid foundation for the next improvement.

Other ghost kings also dormant one after another, the injury that should be healed, the cultivation that should be cultivated.

Ghost mother tree is constantly growing.

"It's already 1,500 meters. It seems that in a few days, it can grow to two kilometers. I don't know what level it will eventually grow to?" Chen Zong's figure flashed, silently sweeping from the side of the ghost mother tree Too.

The retreat is over, the arrangement is complete, the foundation is further solid, the insight of Yixinjue is deeper, and the potential development of the sword of heart is more.

Even the flower with the essence and the flower of the **** is more concentrated.

In other words, Chen Zong's war forest improved a lot at this time.

Well, it's time to act.

This time, it was to start with the ten ghost kings in the ghost town.

If Chen Zong is a real ghost clan, of course he will not do so, but Chen Zong is not a ghost clan, but a human clan who has temporarily transformed into a ghost clan, a human clan who enters the ghosts to eat the will of the ghosts.

Now it is difficult to start with the 35 Ghost Tribes. Then, start with the ghost king of Chaos Ghost City, kill them all, and devour the ghostly wills carried on them.

However, Chen Zong's actions are secret and cannot attract the attention of other ghost kings, otherwise, he may face ten ghost kings.

Even in the face of the ten ghost kings joining forces, Chen Zong is not afraid, but it will increase the difficulty of beheading.

The first goal was the Guiyanlie Mountain of the Guiyan Department. His previous injuries were very serious and it was difficult to recover in a short time.

The consciousness swept by, and Chen Zong found the location of Guiyanlie Mountain, sneaked in silently, and was not found by other ghosts.

Even a ghost king would not have thought that Guixin Jianxin would even shoot himself.

Guiyanlieshan's injuries are very serious. In just a few days, many amazing dragons have been combined together, and it is estimated that in a few days, he is expected to recover.

Appeared, the sword came out of the sheath, and it was killed instantly. The silent and silent interest stabbed Guiyanlieshan. The terrible sword air spread like a rhizome of the ghost mother tree, tearing Guiyanlieshan into countless , Kill.

Devour sneaky will.

Then, Chen Zong left silently and went to the place where the second ghost king retreated.




This kind of killing is extremely difficult, and can continue to devour ghostly will, which is very easy for Chen Zong.

Soon, the ten ghost kings were killed by Chen Zong successively, leaving only the last one, which is also the most powerful one: the ghost king Xuanlie.

Ghost King Xuanlie's injury has already been cured, and his combat power has fully recovered to the peak. It is very scary. His eyes are turning and he is thinking about how to deal with the ghost sword heart.

With these ghost kings present, he was restless, lest he be taken away by the other party.

But how do you get it?

The opponent's combat power is very weird. Even the ghost king Xuanmo has hit and escaped seriously. Even if he is not sure, even if he joins other ghost kings to siege together, he is not sure to kill them.

The ghost king Xuanlie kept meditating.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps sounded, and every step on the ground would emit a slight footstep sound, rich in a certain pattern, which slightly changed the appearance of the ghost king Xuanlie, only feeling that there were invisible feet stepping on his heart On, it moved slightly.

"Jingxin Ghost King, what's the matter?" Ghost King Xuanlie concealed his own murderous power and asked with a smile.

"Kill you." Chen Zong's answer was very direct ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to the ghost king Xuanlie was completely unexpected, and I didn't know how to answer all of a sudden.

Chen Zong did not give each other extra time.


Heart Sword Domain!

Without hesitation, immediately released the sword area of ​​the heart, condensed a thousand swords into the fine sword Qi.

The ghost king Xuanlie's combat power is amazing. If he wants to kill him by the way before, it is impossible to do it. After all, the power of the ghost king department is very powerful.

Then, you can only attack the frontal attack and kill it with the sword domain of the heart.

I am now, but in the heyday.

Wan Jian Chaozong!

One sword is one!

In a hurry, a thousand sword qi condensed into one, and under the control of Chen Zong, he instantly ruptured a vacuum to kill the ghost king Xuanlie.

Too fast!

It was completely unexpected. The ghost king Xuanlie was terrifying, but it was difficult to avoid.

Immediately was hit by Jian Qi, the sword Qi entered the body, exploded directly, hit the body crazy.

Another thousand sword qi appeared, instantly condensed into one, and shot again, and penetrated into the body of the ghost king Xuanlie, and the sword qi exploded.

Two consecutive swords of ten thousand swords to one sword, immediately caused the ghost king Xuanlie to be seriously injured.

The body flashed, Chen Zong approached, and a sword swept out.

Duan limbs, beheaded!

Ghost King Xuanlie's arrogant combat power was too late to play. Under the sword spirit of Wanjian's return, he suddenly lost his ability to resist.


Death is the end of the ghost king Xuanlie.

Wan Jian is very overbearing. Once he is hit and the sword gas bursts into the body, the instant injury also makes the ghost king unbearable.

If you change to an adult race, you will die directly and die.


Chen Zong began to devour the ghostly will of Ghost King Xuanlie and was very ambitious.

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