Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 21: Sneaky rage

The psychic ranking rushed to 17, six chapters, and a chapter. Thank you very much for "Pity the wind and the moon". Continue to code, there will be a more late, that is the last change today, it is a change of appreciation )

In the ghost town, unknowingly, ten ghost kings were killed by Chen Zong. Even the most powerful ghost king Xuanlie was not spared. Even his powerful strength was too late to be exhibited. He died directly under Chen Zongjian. Bend.

At the last breath, he was still thinking about how to deal with the ghost blade sword heart, but at the next breath, he died under the sword of the opponent, which has to be said to be a great irony.

Consecutively devouring the ghostly will of the ten ghost kings has given Chen Zong a full meal, but Chen Zong has no intention to stop there.

Ghost mother tree!

That growing ghost mother tree, if you destroy it, can devour many ghostly wills.

In order to get more sneaky will, Chen Zong started, but there was no slightest softness and no hesitation.

With strength restored, Chen Zong appeared beside the ghost mother tree, her eyes glowed with a touch of chill.

Heart Sword Domain!

Wan Jian Chaozong!

One sword is one!

Thousands of channels condensed to the extreme, and condensed into an invincible one in an instant. They were shot through the air, pierced by the black light covered by flashes, and opened the extremely tough trunk directly into the trunk. explosion.

The blasted sword gas slammed in all directions, immediately destroying the ghost mother tree from the inside.

Wan Jian Chaozong!

The second wave of one thousand channels condensed to the extreme sword energy, all of a sudden spread all around, filled within a kilometer circle, filled with extremely amazing sharp.

This sharp, tearing the void.


Thousands of channels condense to the extreme Jianqi and shot away instantly.

When I first entered the ghost, the ghost mother tree, which was 1,500 meters high, could not fight, but now, it is absolutely okay.

The black light pervaded again, covering everything in an instant, but was torn and penetrated by the extreme sword qi.

In a hurry, the huge trunks were covered by countless sword qi and were broken in succession.

Wan Jian attacked and killed himself, Wan Jian Chaozong destroyed from the outside, merged inside and outside, and immediately caused amazing damage to the ghost mother tree.

The screams continued to stir away, and they continued to impact around, but they couldn't shake Chen Zong at all.

The flower of the gods at the top level condenses Chen Zong's spiritual will to the extreme, indestructible and unshakable.

If the scream of the ghost mother tree is compared to a gale, then Chen Zong's spiritual will is like a mountain.

No matter how strong the wind is, there is nothing to do with the mountains.

But this screaming alarmed other ghosts in the ghost town. The ghost generals and ghost soldiers came to see what happened.

Under normal circumstances, the ghost mother tree will not scream. There is only one case, which is to be attacked.

So, who dares to attack the ghost mother tree for the messy ghost town that has just won?

I wonder if there is not only a ghost king Xuanlie in this chaotic ghost town, but also a ghost king who seems to be even more scary?

When these ghost generals saw it, they stayed one by one.

Ghost Blade Sword Heart!

It turned out that the ghost sword sword ghost ghost king was attacking the ghost mother tree.

What exactly is going on?

Why does Ghostblade Sword Heart Ghost King attack the Ghost Mother Tree, but no other Ghost King comes out to stop it?

Chen Zong ignored these.

The third glassy gas blasted out of the air and bombarded the ghost mother tree directly.

Immediately, a sword was swept out of the air.


The four phantoms flashed in an instant, and as the main body wielded the sword, it was five swords of light, and then converged into one, the power surged.


The ghost mother tree was chopped down and fell down to the side, making an amazing roar.

Countless dust billowing, impacting in all directions, the whole ghost town is shaking.

Sisi's black color permeated from the dumped ghost mother tree, and was immediately dragged inexplicably into a black dragon-like dragon, which rushed directly to Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt his body tremble, and the world's will carried on her body also sent a feeling of full meal, and it was almost saturated.

For a calculation, since the incarnation of the incarnation of the ghost family has entered the ghosts, so far, it has absorbed the ghostly will of more than 20 ghost kings and two ghost mother trees, and absorbed the ghostly will of many ghost soldiers and even ghosts. Already.

"Next, what should I do?" Chen Zong couldn't help thinking.

Immediately, he looked at the ghosts around him.


All killed, mosquito legs threaten flesh, let alone accumulate less.

Under the willful shot of a top ghost king with a large amount of war, the weaker ghost king cannot resist, let alone a ghost general ghost soldier.

Kill kill!

The ghost clan thought the ghost sword heart ghost king went crazy.


This is a one-sided slaughter. Chen Zong's heart is extremely tenacious, as unshakable as the refined steel, and under the drag of the flower of the top god, any negative impact, Jun is resisted from disintegration.

Moreover, such killings are difficult to sharpen their own will, because the levels are too different.

The heart does not move, only one sword kills.

There are thirty-six ghost gates in the ghost town, corresponding to thirty-six. Now, one door after another is being slaughtered.

With a flicker of his body, Chen Zong appeared above the Ghostblade Gate and waved his sword without hesitation.

"Ghost King, this is Ghostblade Door." A ghost will yell suddenly, unbelievably, the owner of Ghostblade Door actually started to attack Ghostblade Door.

What exactly is going on?

Are you confused?

Never heard of it.

Chen Zong ignored it, and kept waving his sword. Every sword was killed, hundreds and thousands of ghosts were killed, just like cutting grass.

After a short while, the 36 gates of the whole chaotic ghost city were slaughtered by Chen Zong and turned into a ghost city.

With one person and one sword, Chen Zong has accomplished the feat that the 36th part of the Ghost Tribe wants to complete but has been unable to complete.

This is also because Chen Zong's sword has a kind of suppression and killing of the ghost clan.

The sword-qi running skills learned from the roots of the ghost mother tree really do have terrible lethality. It is really amazing to deal with the tyrannical and stubborn generations of the ghost family.

Countless ghostly wills have converged from all directions, swallowed and absorbed by the will of the world on Chen Zong, and continue to give Chen Zong the subtle but pure power.

When he died, his mind trembled slightly, and the will of the world in his body also fluctuated slightly. It seemed to remind Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt a slight tremor in his body, and he couldn't help it. There seemed to be a cold and cold breath spreading, and a malicious attack came, causing the eyebrows to beat unconsciously, and the sea of ​​spirits was shaking.



Chen Zong's own reaction and the warning of the world's will carried on him immediately made Chen Zong realize that it was bad.

I'm afraid that what I did has already attracted the attention of the ghostly will. Although it is not clear, the ghostly will also seems to notice that something is wrong.


Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately turned into a black light, tearing the sky in an instant, and heading towards the Ghost Forest Department at the fastest speed.

That's where the purgatory ghost gate is.

go away!

Even though it hasn't devoured enough sneaky wills, sneaky willes seem to have noticed themselves, and if they don't leave, there will be major changes.

make a prompt decision!

Without hesitation!

Because I don't rush to leave anymore, I'm afraid it will be too late.


The violent wind blew up suddenly, the black lightning appeared in the sky instantaneously, and the sky passed by, and the dark clouds were torn directly, revealing a touch of scarlet.

Immediately after, Chen Zong noticed that a scarlet one-eyed ghost was silently and silently condensing in the sky, staring at him.

At the moment when the huge one-eyed gaze trembled, Chen Zong was trembling all over, an astonishment of coldness seemed to come from the deepest part of his body, and seemed to come from the deepest soul.

Forbearing the throbbing of Zong's heart, Chen Zong's constant driving force kept the speed to the extreme.

The storm thundered, the blood glow spread, and it continued to spread. The scarlet one-eyed eye became more solid.

Immediately afterwards, endless blood was falling, endless wind and lightning fell, and countless dark breaths swept from all directions, like a large vortex storm. It looked like a horror dragon column that stretched across the world for hundreds of miles.

The breath was so powerful that it suppressed the void world, and cracks appeared again and again.

Chen Zong just looked back, and the scalp was irritated with numbness and sweat. The violent storm of **** lightning condensed all the terrifying power. Chen Zong pays for himself. If he falls into it, he will be hanged instantly. Destroyed, the bones disappeared without a soul.

An instant, an arm broke the vortex storm, and even if the storm swept through, it could not affect the slightest, as if it was just a breeze blowing stainless steel, it was non-destructive, and even a trace of it could not be done ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ What kind of arm is it.

The arm is huge, the five fingers are like giant pillars, and the arm circumference reaches an astonishing three meters. The whole body is black, but it is covered with a thick blood red veins. The veins are coiled, like a **** dragon. It flows like magma. Red blood flickered, and a fiery breath spread, and the temperature of the void around it kept rising.


This is a ghost giant with a blade and a single horn on his forehead. He is 100 meters tall and has muscles like steel cast iron casts on his body. It contains horrific power, and it can destroy everything.

The blood-red veins on his body were entangled like a giant snake, and the blood rolled like magma. The temperature around him rose sharply, and even the hurricane was burned.

Far apart, Chen Zong could feel the terrible high temperature, as if to burn himself.

Dry mouth!

The whole body started to get hot.


Chen Zong immediately entered his self-confidence, and isolated all negative influences. The speed was also invisible, which increased a little bit.


The one hundred meter ghost giant stepped forward and stepped out, which was hundreds of meters. It seemed unpleasant, but it was slowly increasing its speed.

At first, it took only three steps to take a step. After a while, it became a step to take two steps, as if you were adapting to your huge body.

After a while, it became a step forward. Of course, compared with Chen Zong's speed, there is also a huge gap. In a short time, the other party steps hundreds of meters, but Chen Zong can fly away Ten thousand meters away.

The distance between each other is constantly widening.

However, the sense of crisis has not been eliminated, Chen Zong can clearly feel that kind of fiery, as if the back.

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