Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 22: Final return

I just took a bath with Xiao Liu Dao and talked to Liu Ye until the end of the night at 12 o'clock. It is estimated that there will be 17 more. It is a pity and a thank you. Unfortunately, I ca n’t continue to rush. I can take a good rest, but I did n’t expect to be slammed in the blink of an eye, and rushed to the 13th place. Depending on the situation, maybe I could make it into the top ten. I was drunk when I thought about it. Say again and again to serve)




Earthquakes are like the tremors of a dozen magnitudes, with countless dust billowing, as if the onslaught of a mighty army, and the momentum is terrifying.

The dust was a straight line, and it didn't go around at all.

Chen Zong kept flying forward, and the 100-meter giant kept chasing, its speed was getting faster and faster, from three-step to two-step to one-step. Now, ten steps are taken in one breath. When speed The faster it gets, the more amazing and terrifying it is.

Passed along the way, everything was impacted by the ghost-giant giant of a hundred meters high, rammed and pushed completely.

The ghost tribes along the way just felt that when the terrible vibration came, they had no time to respond, and immediately felt an astonishing high temperature sweeping over, as if a volcano erupted.

The temperature is astonishing and terrible. It burns everything, and the ghosts whose combat power is less than the level of ghost soldiers. Under this high temperature, the blood seems to be ignited and burned.

Screams came and went, and in the blink of an eye, the ghost tribe of the tribe burst into **** flames, burning continuously.

Use high temperature as the source and blood as the source.


In the blink of an eye, the dried ghosts spontaneously burned to ashes.




"What it is?"


The ghosts defending in this ghost town were shocked.

Several ghost kings also shot.

The high temperature swept through, making them dry mouth, as if to burn, it was uncomfortable.

Several ghost kings stared dumbfounded at the huge figure that was approaching. The blood-red veins and magma-like blood on the figure continued to swell, seeming to boil, burning indiscriminately, burning everything to death.




The void around the burnt is distorted, and when viewed from a distance, it is like a flame ghost surrounded by a layer of fiery red flame.

"Ghostly power!"

Without hesitation, a ghost king immediately inspired the power of ghosts and gods accumulated in the ghost town, summoning ghost ghost ghost possession.


Several ghost kings joined forces to kill them immediately.

The huge flame-like figure came directly, without any intention to detour, and the horrible momentum made them feel terrified.

If it is not resisted, the ghost town is afraid of being directly defeated.

Therefore, you must take the initiative, take the initiative, and intercept it.

The joining of several ghost kings, especially one ghost king summoning the ghost ghost ghost possesses a multiplier of several times, is even more amazing.


The ghost kings directly used their natural strength to explode all their strengths and kill them directly. Ripples and even cracks appeared in the void and spread quickly.

However, when these tyrannical attacks hit the huge figure, they broke apart directly, and it was impossible to let the horrible figure of flame and ghost be damaged.

It's like shaking a tree!

Several ghost kings were all stunned, which was completely different from what they imagined.

It turned out that their attack did not work at all and was completely resisted.

how can that be!


The flame ghost also counterattacked in an instant, slamming out, flapping in the air, rolling up a terrible blood flame storm.

Those ghost kings, even if there were ghosts and ghosts, possessed a multiplied combat power that multiplied several times, it would not help. It was just a face-to-face annihilation.


As soon as the ghost king died, the ghost town lost its top combat power, and the remaining ghost soldiers and ghosts scattered and escaped.

The city wall was smashed directly, there was no way to stop this flame ghost, everything was crushed and melted by high temperature.

The blazing heat became more and more intense, and the constant impact spread, and Chen Zong always felt the crisis.

too terrifying!

A ghost town is broken when it is said, and this kind of power cannot be resisted at all.

Even if there is a heart-printed treasure on his body that can weaken the attack, the remaining 30% is enough to turn himself into ashes in an instant.


I never thought that such a crisis would occur.

Is it too fast?

Suddenly too many sneaky wills were swallowed up, so that they attracted the attention of the sneaky wills, and realized that something was wrong before counterattacking.

It is possible!

However, Chen Zong was also worried that the longer the time and the more variables, the more quickly he stepped forward. I did not expect that such changes would be induced.

It's too late to say anything now, not to mention that once again, Chen Zong will also devour the will of the ghost, and the family will complete the mission, and the family will leave the purgatory ghost and return to Tianyuan Sanctuary.

Anyway, now it is time to leave, and the family leaves the purgatory ghost and returns to the heavenly realm.

It is only safe to return to Tianyuan Sanctuary, otherwise here, once caught up, as long as one hit, it will be wiped out and everything will be empty.


The speed of the flame ghost is getting faster and faster, just dying, you can step out of dozens of meters, each step can cross a distance of kilometers, just in the blink of an eye, you can jump tens of thousands of meters away. , The ground left a thick scorching black.

It's as if a thick pen and heavy ink stroked on white paper, very clear.


Constant pursuit!

The crazy chase, the more chase, the more the cup, the more angry, the more intense the scarlet flame burning on his body.




Burn clean and cut!

Burn everything!


As the speed of the flame ghost increased, the distance between each other was continuously shortened, and the horrific high temperature swept through. Chen Zong felt that his body seemed to be ignited.

Gongfa works and continuously eliminates this fierce invasion.

Speed ​​up speed up!

Must fly faster.

Chen Zong found that although the yin and yang inferiority method is amazing, it is more suitable for combat, rather than long-distance flight.

"The straight line has the fastest speed, but that is the previous cognition. The trajectory of the heart beat is a bribe, but it is faster than a straight line." Under the strong sense of crisis, Chen Zong's mind became more condensed and condensed Extremely similar, there is a temporary increase in the will of the world, and aura of light emerges.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's physical trajectory also began to change. Instead of going straight ahead, he went around a trajectory of bribery, but his speed did not decrease because of the same distance, but faster.

This means that Chen Zong's speed is indeed increasing.

Almost a leap in bribes, with a distance of about 10,000 meters, had to fly again. It was rusty at first, but it was constantly used and continuously improved. It was amazing.

A bribe leap is 10,000 meters, which is the best distance.

If it is too long, the locust bribe will be enlarged, and once it is enlarged, it will affect the time invisibly and the speed of disguise will decrease.

Ten thousand meters, exactly.

Is the most suitable distance.

With 10,000 meters as a segment, the connection between each segment must be perfect.

Suddenly, Chen Zong turned into a curve continuously flying in the void, like a snake-like shape, and like a dragon.

Invisibly, Chen Zong's speed has increased by 30%.

Originally, Chen Zong's speed was extremely fast. It was even more amazing to improve by 30%. Even the speed of top ghost kings such as ghost king Xuanmo was not safe compared to Chen Zong.

Distance, pulled away again.


Chen Zong is getting closer and closer to the Ghost Forest Department.


The speed of the flame ghost is also constantly increasing, sending out an incredible cup of roar.

In a hurry, Chen Zong rushed through, directly into the city of the ghost forest, and went to seal the gate of purgatory ghost.

The first thing to do is to lift the seal.

It takes a little time.

And that horrible flame ghost is chasing at an astonishing speed, along the way, everything is wiped out.

The crisis is approaching again and it is getting more and more terrible, but Chen Zong is not in a hurry, but calms down. The more such times, the more calmness is needed. Only in this way can the seal be lifted.

In fact, it is not difficult to lift the seal. It is just because the crisis is approaching, and there is a feeling that it is like years.

Everything is a psychological change.

The ultimate calmness, which was lifted quickly, probably required three breaths.

But the flame ghost has approached and has rushed into the city.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!

Sealed off, at the same time, the flame ghost also blasted a punch.

The terrible punches slammed, the flames filled with extreme flames burned everything, and wherever they passed, the void collapsed into countless numbers.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately turned around and rushed into the gate of purgatory ghosts, feeling only a horrible roar behind him, an indescribable blazing spread, and almost turned himself into ashes.

so close!

It's just a little worse. A little time difference is the boundary between life and death.

After a while, Chen Zong rushed out of the purgatory ghost gate and returned to Taixuan Realm.

Upon returning to the Taixuan Realm, Chen Zong immediately felt that the atmosphere of intimacy pervaded ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The body of the ghost clan was also rapidly transformed and re-formed into the original human clan.

Sure enough, I still prefer the smell of Tai Xuanjie.

And the breath of this ghost town is much weaker.

"Respect, come back." Chen Xiu, who had been guarding the purgatory ghost, laughed, but for a while he hadn't seen him, his breath became deeper and deeper, unpredictable.

"Come back." Chen Zong nodded, a little intoxicated.

Immediately, the will of the world was also stripped off, condensing into a phantom, which seemed to be a lot more solid than before.

"Now join forces to close the Purgatory Ghost Door."

As soon as Chen Zong and Chen Xiu and the world's will prepared to close the purgatory ghost gate, the sudden changes began.

A blazing breath instantly turned into flames, rushing out of the gates of purgatory ghosts, sweeping everything, and the terrifying heat seemed to melt everything.

Then, a three-meter-thick arm covered with veins of magma, burning with terrible flames, bursting out of the gates of purgatory as if it were breaking the world.


Full of terrible destruction, it also spread, covering all directions.

It was the arm of the flame ghost.

Even after this pursuit, one arm rushed into the Taixuan Realm. If he didn't stop, the other party would likely enter the Taixuan Realm through the purgatory ghost gate.

By then, it will be a real disaster.


Double Hearted Sword!

One sword is one!

Chen Zong erupted immediately without reservation.

Chen Xiu's body suddenly burst into a terrifying and terrifying atmosphere.

Shura Cuts the Moon!

One sword is chopped down, and the residual moon sword light is crushed and killed in a vacuum. This sword seems to be able to chop everything between heaven and earth.

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