Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 23: Deep Vientiane

Shura cut the moon, it was dark, the waning moon was empty, and the power was unmatched.

"Supreme meaning!" Chen Zong couldn't help but startled.

When the deity was purging in Purgatory, the connection with the avatar was equal to the distance between the two realms, and was temporarily cut off, so he did not know the situation of the other party.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xiu's thoughts even turned into supreme ones.

God does it!

This is the meaning of God's Word from the final power of God's Essence, and then transformed into God's Word, which is closely related to the warfare skin.

Shensha Taoism matches with the power that Shensha's combat power can exert, beyond the direct superposition, and also has a significant increase.

And this sword also broke the original strength of 20%, reaching 30%, even more terrible, as if there was nothing in the world to block the rent of a sword.

There are so many swordsmanship that I just cut, the cut is extreme.

An extreme sword, the power of the burst is terrible. Chen Zong estimates that the power of this sword is also sufficient to directly split the top ghost kings such as the ghost king Xuanlie. It is enough to quickly wipe out the vitality of the ghost king Xuanlie.

In other words, Chen Xiu's Shurao Zhanyue shot with all his strength, and already had the terrible power of being equal to Wan Jian's reunification.

The deity and the avatar shot with all their strength, and the void instantly shattered countlessly.

Tianyuan Sanctuary's spatial intensity is far less than that of purgatory ghosts.

However, with such a perfunctory attack, the flame-like ghost's arm was only slightly broken open by the burning flame above, leaving a faint scar on the arm, and nothing more.


Chen Zong and Chen Xiu were extremely thrilled.

Why is it so strong?

The two men broke out the strongest attack, and it was difficult for them to get each other, so how could they fight?

"I'll wait to block it, I will close the ghost door." The voice of the world's will rang in the ears of Chen Zong and Chen Xiu.

That being the case, let's do it again.

break out!

Burst out!

With the outbreak of the power to pour out, Chen Zonglian's Royal Destroyer was also on display.

Of course, the power of the current Royal Destroyer might not be as strong as Wan Jian, but it is also a very powerful method.

As for Chen Xiu, coming and going is a beheading.

Shura Cuts the Moon!

Xeon Slash!

Although the two men's attacks could not hurt that arm, they could be postponed to a certain extent, acting as an interception.

Get the time to close the purgatory ghost gate for the will of the world.

That ghost gate, under the power of the world's will, slowly closed, irresistible and irreversible.

This side of the world, this side of time and space, is originally closely related to the will of the world.

If this Fangtiandi spacetime is likened to the body, then the world will be the soul, interdependent and indispensable.

Before the world's will fell asleep, as if a person had become a vegetative.

Awakening now means to recover, but the strength is not enough, it is still weak, and their own control is also weak. Only Chen Zong and others are needed to help.

If it recovers to a certain level, it will be able to condense a flame ghost and chase Chen Zong like a purgatory ghost.

If it is more powerful, maybe you can kill it directly.

The will of the purgatory ghost is swallowed a lot by the will of the world carried by Chen Zong, and the power is greatly reduced. Otherwise, it is hard to say whether Chen Zong can get away.

Although the will of the world has not yet recovered to its peak, it has also recovered a lot. It is many times stronger than when it was just awake, and it has more obvious control over the space and time of this world.

shut down!

The flames of the ghostly arm continued to burst into force, attempting to expand the ghost door, but could not stop its closing.

Completely closed!

The arm of the flame ghost could not leave, and was cut off directly.

Chen Zong and Chen Xiu were also relieved, and suddenly felt a emptiness in the body, and the energy and spirit were almost exhausted.

The ghost of the world's will immediately swallowed up the ghostly will in the arm of the flame ghost, which was very arrogant, and it was not inferior to the twenty or so ghost kings killed by Chen Zong.

When the engulfing was completed, Chen Zong could see that the ghost of the world's will was a little more solidified, and apparently improved again.

The sneaky will was swallowed up, and that terrible arm had lost all its strength and became crumpled, but still exuding terrible breath fluctuations, fierce and repressive.

This broken arm that lost the ghostly will is useless to the world's will, and Chen Xiu put it away. The above power can absorb refining and use it to improve the God of Shura warfare.

"Thank you." The voice of the will of the world will make a sound, deep and magnificent, with unique charm.

"Everything is needed," Chen Zong responded, which is indeed the case.

As for what to say and make a good relationship with the will of the world, etc., to Chen Zong, it does not exist.

The world's will is always fair and fair. Unless there is a special reason, it is almost impossible to do a good job of relationship. Why bother?

Of course, if your own path ends here, it is necessary to waste energy.

But no, your own path is in the void of the universe.

"When are you going to understand the origin of the world?" The world will ask, and he has no intention of pulling a relationship with Chen Zongke, and it does not exist.

"Now." Chen Zong's eyes flashed, and he responded without hesitation.

After countless battles, his continuous improvement has reached an extreme. Chen Zong feels that if he wants to continue to break through, unless there is great opportunity, it will take a lot of time.

To understand the origin of the world is the opportunity of the sky.

Now that you are enlightened, it also means to strike iron while it is hot.

Today, the purgatory ghost gate is closed, and the purgatory ghosts are also chaotic due to the relationship between Chen Zong and severely damaged. Not only were they directly killed by Twenty Ghost Kings but also because of the relationship between the flame ghosts and three ghost cities. , Not including the ghost town of ghost forest.

There were nearly ten more ghost kings that died.

It can be said that after this battle, the loss of purgatory ghosts was severe, and it was called heavy. In addition, the purgatory ghost gates were closed, and they could not be opened again and invaded the heavenly sanctuary again.

What's more, the world will not only awaken, the strength of the world has recovered a lot, the space strength has been significantly improved, although it is not as strong as the purgatory ghosts, but in this way, it will reach half of the purgatory ghosts. There is absolutely no problem.

The higher the intensity of the space, the more difficult it is to open the gates of purgatory ghosts.


It's finally settled.

Shuramon should also return to the boundary of Tailo City.

However, before this, the dark atmosphere of the boundary of Tailo City had to be dissipated.

With the Purgatory Ghost Gate getting involved, it's not that difficult.

Chen Xiu left to relocate Shuramen, but Chen Zong disappeared in an instant and was taken by the power of the world's will to the depths of the world.

In another place, the heavenly **** Gong Tian covered with golden light as if the flames were burning in flames. When he died, a breath of breath spread from all directions.

The breath on Gongtian God gradually changed and became more mysterious.

This mystery is constantly deepening, making the breath on him more and more powerful, the golden flame of flames, as if carrying an immortal will.

Never go out!

Tian Gong felt that the power contained in his body could break the vacuum and collapse the world.

In the depths of the world, light is strange and strange, like a kaleidoscope. Countless colors flash in front of eyes, and countless rays of light surround the body.

Dimly, as if pregnant.

Under the leadership of the world's will, Chen Zong continued to go deep. Looking around, he suddenly felt dazzled.

It's like crossing a space-time tunnel, but it's not like. In short, there are so many mysteries that can't be described.

This hasn't really reached the deepest part of the world. Just on the way, there are such gorgeous landscapes. Chen Zong can feel that the myriad of changing colors contain amazing mysteries.

If enlightened, there will be no small gains.

However, since you can go to the deepest building in the world to get to know the origin of the world, the effect will be more than ten times better.

Chen Zong is looking forward to it.

If you do n’t know the origin of the world, what will you gain?

After turning his thoughts, Chen Zong also noticed that the colorful spots around him became scarce, and gradually became clear, as if the waves were gently rippling.

"Here is the depths of the world, that is the origin of the world, you can see it." The voice of the will of the world passed into Chen Zong's ears, and then went silent.

There was only one chance, and Chen Zong stared straight ahead.

In front of me, it looks like a lake. Measurement.

This is the origin of the world.

The origin of the world, carrying the power of the world, is like the vitality of a world.

It is the deepest power of life.

The will is dormant, the world still exists, and it still works, but it is relatively deadly, but if the source is lost, the entire world will collapse, destroy, and disappear.

The vitality and mystery of one world will be concentrated in the origin of the world.

In short, the cultivation of the practitioners, and the realization of the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, is just like the realization of the slightest breath from the origin of the world.

The breath was separated from the void, and it radiated from the deepest part of the world, to the point where it could be enlightened. I don't know how many times it has weakened.

In some places, the mystery of the heavens and the earth is strong, because it is weakened less.

But now, Chen Zong is directly in front of the world's origins, staring at and understanding the world's origins in the most direct way.

This has not been weakened in any way.

Heart Sword Mark!

Just one trick!

Enlightenment of the origin of the world!

All three can be juxtaposed.

Either one is enough to create top talents and top powers, not to mention the superposition of the three. Invisible, the potential of Chen Zong has reached an even more amazing level, and he has built an incomparable solid foundation for the future success of the powers.


Eliminating all distractions, Chen Zong began to calm down and hold his breath, his eyes glowed with a hint of divine light, staring at the front, and realizing.

Upon enlightenment, Chen Zong immediately felt countless mysteries, rushed directly into the sea of ​​Shen, straight through the soul, so that Chen Zong could not tremble, and had an unbearable feeling.

It's too strong.

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