Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 24: See the origin

In the territories of Tailo City, all the yin disappeared, and there was a blue sky and a bright sky.

Not only that, the concentration of heaven and earth in the entire Taixuan Realm is constantly rising, and the purity is also constantly improving. It has doubled before the infernal ghost invasion, and has not stopped, but continues to increase.

The richer the heaven and earth, the more pure it is, which is of great significance.

For ordinary people, being able to borrow and strengthen one's life, prolong life, and give birth to hundreds of students, even the offspring they give birth to, will become better and more suitable for cultivation.

In this way, the chance of giving birth to genius will be higher than ever, and it will continue to develop. It is difficult to say whether the most top-level evils such as Gongtian God or Chen Zong can appear, but the number of Tianjiao and even peerless Tianjiao will definitely increase. On the whole, it will only get stronger.

This is a comprehensive and comprehensive promotion.

For practitioners, it is easier to absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth. Whether it is the promotion of cultivation or the practice of exercises, they will be more efficient than before, and they can also learn more clearly and even the deeper mysteries of heaven and earth.

All in all, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

This is what the world will awaken and its strength will gradually recover.

The terrestrial city boundary, which was directly invaded by the purgatory ghosts, suffered the most damage, but the benefits were the most obvious after the restoration.

Break and stand in general.

Not long after, the broken land within the boundary of Tailo City began to recover, and a dense forest grew, lush, and full of vitality.

Before, the vitality of the heaven and earth and the mystery of the heaven and earth in the world of Tailuo City could not be compared with the world of Taixuan city. There is a big gap, but now, they may catch up, or they may surpass.

Under the leadership of Chen Xiu, Shuluomen went up from the master to the disciples, and migrated again, returning to the boundary of Tailuo City, and returning to Shurao Peak.

The invasion of the purgatory ghost clan, because Chen Xiu noticed the earliest and made corresponding arrangements immediately, so the loss was very small.

Coupled with the flexible maneuvering of the Shura Ghost Hunting Team, despite some losses, the gain was relatively large.

Such as the silver sword king Zhao Mingkong and the mixed king, etc., the original combat power is elite six-star, want to break through to the seven-star level, at a normal training speed, do not know how much time and energy it will take, and in the end it may not be Can succeed.

It is possible that in this life, he stopped at the pinnacle of six stars, missed seven stars.

But now, regardless of whether it is the King of the Silver Knife or the King of the Heavens, his combat power has reached the level of elite seven stars, and all seven battle stars are silver-white.

This kind of combat power is higher than in the past. I don't know how many times it has to be overbearing. All this is because of the invasion of the purgatory ghosts.

As long as they are a living practitioner, or because they directly killed the Purgatory ghosts to get the essence of the ghosts, they have significantly improved themselves, or indirectly because of the awakening of the world ’s will, the heaven and earth vitality and heaven and earth mystery become rich And thus break through.

All in all, as long as the surviving cultivators are made stronger by the invasion of the purgatory ghosts.

"It feels so good to return to Xiuluofeng." A disciple stood on Xiuluofeng, breathing a familiar and more intense breath, and could not help showing a fascinated look.

For the disciples, the school is home.

I had to relocate and temporarily set down the mountain gates elsewhere, but that was only temporary and in the end it was temporary.

Once defined as a temporary mountain gate, everyone's heart will think so.

If you are not at home, you will not feel so relieved.

Now, finally back to Shura Peak, the real mountain gate of Shuramon, everyone has a feeling of stability.

This is undoubtedly more beneficial to the cultivation of practitioners.

Back to Shura Peak again, the secret world of Shura can be opened again. With the secret world of Shura, the real forest of Shuramon will continue to grow invisibly.

Moreover, the current practice environment of Tailuo City boundary can already be compared with Taixuan World boundary.

The future Shuramon will definitely surpass the peak period of ancient Shuramon, and even become the top one in Taixuan Realm.

Chen Xiu's mission was completed after bringing all the people of Shuluomen back to Xiluofeng, the boundary of Tailo City.

One day, sooner or later, I will leave, go deep into the void of the universe, and look for other inheritances left by the Lord of Silent Sword.

Therefore, in the following, Chen Xiu tried not to interfere in all the affairs of Shulman, and let them decide for himself, and if he encountered any difficulties, he had to solve it himself, unless it was really helpless.

Entering Shuluo's secret territory, Chen Xiu took out the sever arm of the flame ghost and began to operate the **** Shashura's warfare method, absorbing the fierce power contained above.

This kind of power is very high-end. Compared with the power possessed by the ghost king, it is even more than one level.

Shensha Shura's warfare is very clever, majoring in Shensha's combat power, with a strengthened body.

Of course, that's not the practice of refining the body, so this strengthening is not to make the body look like the refiner, but to improve the level of life.

In other words, Chen Xiu's physique is constantly improved.

Shura body!

It can also be called Shura Spirit!

The years are endless and the practice is more than endless.

Chen Xiu worked hard in Shura's secret territory, and Gongtian God was also practicing. A golden flame seemed to be immortal. It burned like an eternal immortal fire. A potential was also continuously stimulated, and a spiritual body was unknown. Unconsciously slowly improve.

Physical fitness is very helpful for practitioners.

Those with superb physiques practice smooth sailing, especially in the presence of the atmosphere.

Gong Tianshen feels that his potential is constantly being stimulated, his physique is also constantly improving, and his combat power is becoming increasingly arrogant.

"Chen Zong!" Gong Tianshen's eyes stared at the front as if penetrating the void, burning with an eternal golden flame.

Chen Zong!

Sword Emperor Chen Zong!

This was his deepest obsession, a thorn and a shadow.

In any case, Chen Zong must be defeated before he can remove a thorn in his heart and erase the shadow in his heart.


very soon!

After you have completed your cultivation, your combat power has increased greatly, and after reaching the extreme, it is time to defeat the sword emperor Chen Zong.

In the deepest part of the world, the clear light like a lake is diffused, as if rippling in the wind, undulating, and the diffused breath is extremely subtle, so that Chen Zong is completely intoxicated.

The mysteries are endless and extremely direct.

Just after enlightenment, there are countless mysterious impacts, emerged in the Shenhai, and for a moment, Chen Zong had a feeling that Shenhai seemed to be exploded.

Too many, so scared that Chen Zong immediately stopped enlightening.

Although it was prepared, it was unexpected and really too strong.

The mysteries of heaven and earth are endless, but human cultivation cannot.

There are trade-offs.

If there is no choice, too greedy, want this and want that, the end result is nothing.

After all, there are too many mysteries between heaven and earth, countless.

Moreover, each mystery is worth enlightening, extremely deep.

Even with Chen Zong's amazing understanding, it is impossible to comprehend all the mysteries;


Feel carefully, feel the mystery that is closely related to yourself.

The first is the exercises!

At the beginning of the Taichu Sword Yuan Gong is the eighth, but still has not gathered the flower of the extreme, indicating that the limit has not been reached.

Then, we must create the ninth.

The ninth level of self-creation is very difficult. If there is no chance, Chen Zong estimates that he will have to spend a lot of time.

But the opportunity is right in front of you, you should seize it.

"Perhaps, I can take this opportunity to further optimize Jianyuan Gong in the beginning." Chen Zong suddenly thought.

In the beginning, the level of Jianyuan Gong should be almost the same as that of heaven and earth, but it is much different than that of Shenshaura warfare.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't dare to expect that the ancient sword proto-ancientization would be promoted to the level of Shensha Shura's warfare at once, but with so many battles, he could get this opportunity to understand the origin of the world and perfect his foundation. With great help.

When this opportunity can be taken, the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong will be further optimized.

Perhaps, it is expected to condense the top-level Qi flower.

The gap between the top and higher ranks is hardly obvious.

If the original Taichu Jianyuan gave the ninth weight, it is estimated that at most only the high-order polar flower can be condensed.

This is not pursued by Chen Zong.


Put aside the other mysteries and ignore them ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ focus only on the exercises and draw the mysteries that are closely related to it.

That is the mystery of the sword.

Too early!


A kind of heaven and earth beginning to permeate the heart, permeate the sea of ​​gods, permeate the soul, and were constantly contacted, perceived and mastered by Chen Zong.

Suddenly, Chen Zong seemed to see a pattern of light passing through the dark void. Suddenly, the clear air rose, and the turbid gas sank.

That sword of light, I do n’t know where it started, or where it ended, and when the flash passed by, the darkness was torn, and heaven and earth were opened.

In time, Chen Zong seemed to see the birth of this world.

Clear air is lifted to heaven!

The sullen air sinks to the ground!

The world opened at the beginning and became clear, but in the middle, it was still chaotic.

This is the prototype of heaven and earth.

"In the beginning of the sword sword power, take no torch sharp, sharpen the world, tear everything, irresistible." A flash of light suddenly flashed: "But it seems more than that."

"In the beginning of the sword world, it was the premise to open up the world, and then it was the evolution of the world."


Constantly enlightenment, the infinite mystery permeates from the origin of the world, allowing Chen Zong to contact and enlighten more directly.

For a moment, Chen Zong immediately realized that his previous Yuan Jian Gong seemed to be misaligned.

No, it doesn't need to be said to be a deviation. The road is correct, but there are some tastes that stop but don't go deeper, and have not really developed its potential.


Evolution world!

This is the correct way of the early sword sword.

Starting from chaos, starting in the early days, sword master heaven and earth!

It is for the real early sword sword element!

For a long time, if there is a masterpiece of divine light in Shenhai, it is the light of inspiration and the light of mystery.

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