Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 25: Heavenly

The 17th to the 13th are finished, thanks to "Arvin_Liu" Dingli Holding)

Deep in the world, before the origin of the world, bursts of roar suddenly sounded in Chen Zong's body, like a thunderstorm, with an amazing momentum.

At the beginning of the early Jianyuan movement, Chen Zong's body was also shaking slightly.

Tai Chu Jian Yuan Gong first!


It's like breaking 桎梏 and re-cultivating.




Repeated re-cultivation one after another.

The first three are still the foundation.

Fourth, I just feel that there was some strange change in Jianyuan in the beginning. Its sharpness remains, tearing everything through everything, groundbreaking, its own meridians, etc., all being torn apart by constant impact .

Fifth, Fengrui's increasingly arrogant and even more amazing.

Sixth, it seems that some sharp changes have taken place in its sharp edge.

Run, run, run.

Endless running!

Endless operation!

The Taiyuan Jianyuan cultivated in the sixth stage is enough to be comparable to the previous eighth stage. The power is very amazing.

This means that in the beginning, Jian Yuan has a very significant improvement.


Chen Zong started to hit the seventh heavy!

Seventh, when there are new mysteries.

In the beginning of the Taichu Sword Yuan Gong, the first to the third is the foundation, laying a solid foundation, and subsequent cultivation will have more potential.

From the fourth to the sixth, it is the ultimate sharp edge.

But after the groundbreaking?

That's acting heavenly!

The seventh important point is the beginning of acting heaven and earth.

When Ming Wu emerged, Jian Yuan seemed to be violent in the beginning, and he wanted to tear Chen Zong's body.

When the time passed, Chen Zong's power seemed to be drawn, just like a stream, flowing out one after another.

These forces are precisely the power of Chen Zong's incarnation of the Purgatory Ghosts after entering the Purgatory Ghosts, and they continue to devour the Ghosts 'will, which is a very high-level, much higher-end than the Ghosts' essence Power of layers.

These forces lurk in Chen Zong's body, and they are continuously accumulated.

Chen Zong was still thinking about how to use these dormant powers to improve himself.

Because after returning to the Taixuan Realm, Chen Zong also tried it a little, but found that it was difficult to mobilize, and those powers were dormant in the deepest part of the body, and they could only feel it.

Unexpectedly, it now appears on its own initiative.

Under the seventh-heavy Taiyuan Jianyuan, Chen Zong's meridians were torn, and his muscles were also torn. The whole person seemed to be dressed in the same way as Wan Jian, and it was extremely painful.

The forces dormant in the deepest part of the body emerged, and turned into a raging wave that swept across the whole body, wherever they passed, and the places torn by Jian Yuan healed.

Chen Zong suddenly felt that as his body was torn by Jian Yuan and then repaired and healed by that high-end source of strength, his physique also changed and improved.

This change is different from the change in practicing body exercises.

Cultivation is to continuously improve itself, to make up for the innate deficiency through penance and various resources, and to continuously improve it.

The change and promotion at this moment, however, are even more clever and a leap of life.

Deeper and deeper.

Also more intelligent.

This change is very mysterious and difficult to make clear in words.

Not resisting, not struggling, but obeying this change, which comes from inner perception, this change is very beneficial to myself.

The seventh heavy Taiji sword Yuan Gong keeps running. This kind of power has exceeded the original eighth heavy section.

In addition to the extreme sharpness, there is also a mystery that is constantly changing in the body, as if the body is a chaos. Jian Yuan has passed through, tearing and breaking the ground.

Chaos opens up, heaven and earth evolve!

Tearing, the body is constantly torn, and after each torn, there will be an influx of original forces to repair it, so that it continues to rise without knowing it.


Transformation of Gongfa!

Transformation of the body!

This feeling is as if your physique is improving.

look alike!

In the vein of Heaven and Earth in Eternal War Fortress, his body with heaven and earth physique has gone through many physical improvements, so the feeling is very clear, like a brand.

Does it mean that your body is being transformed into a certain constitution?

Chen Zong is very clear about his own body, there is no special blood, no special constitution, just a normal body, although the heart sword eagle vein washing and spinal marrow reborn, but also just an improvement and optimization, Does not have any bloodlines and constitution.

For practitioners, it is also very important whether there is a blood or physical talent, that is a congenital talent, a congenital advantage.

Of course, Chen Zong doesn't really care if he has blood or physical talents. There are some, there are none, and everything is natural.

Because even if there is no blood or physical talent, Chen Zong is confident that with his own understanding, talent and hard work, he will continue to move forward and surpass many people.

For example, from the past to the present, in the past, they were better than themselves, but later they were overtaken by themselves, and even now how many people are left behind.

Taking a step back, if you can have the right blood or physical talents, you will make your path to cultivation smoother.

This feeling now seems to be giving birth to a physical talent, and it seems to be a physical talent that is closely related to the power of Tai Chu Jianyuan.

If this is the case, then the power of Jian Chu in the beginning will also be increased accordingly.


It started with tearing of the meridians and muscles, and then continued to deepen.

The bones were also torn, the bone marrow was torn, the viscera was also torn, and even to the back, Chen Zong felt that the flowing blood also seemed to be torn.

Will the blood be torn?

This may sound strange, but it is so. The blood is also made up of many small things. What is torn now is the material that makes up the blood.

After being torn, the original power fed back from the devouring ghost's will immediately poured into it, repaired it, and after it was repaired, it was strengthened.

This is a depth that cannot be attained by the exercises.

This is an ascension from the essence of life.

Stand up!

Taichu Jianyuan's tear was broken.

The restoration of the original force is Li.

Don't break!

There are broken and stand!

Stand up!

As the body changes, physical talents are slowly born, and they are also fed back to the exercises, which makes the seventh-prime sword power in the early stage of the sword constantly improve.

Chen Zong estimates that the seventh power of Jianyuan Gong in the beginning of the new emperor was comparable to the ninth power that had not yet been created, and even exceeded the early mystery.

Because the original Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong only possessed the extreme sharp mystery.

In addition to the extreme sharpness, Jian Yuan Gong of the beginning of the Taichu era now has more follow-up performances.

Even under the infinite mystery and infinite inspiration, Chen Zong even thought about the follow-up sword elementary power in the beginning, which would go beyond the level of playing heaven and earth and have more profound mysteries.

However, it is a follow-up level of exercises, which is still far away from myself.

But it is like a seed that has been planted. When the time comes, it will take root and sprout out.

The seventh sword is too early!

High-end original power!

Between the two, cycle with each other.

In a hurry, Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong reached the seventh extreme.

With the infinite light flashing, various mysteries also erupted in Chen Zong's mind.


The mystery of the eighth Emperor Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong was realized.

In an instant, the exercises broke through.

With a breakthrough, the trajectory of Taiyuan Jianyuan became more and more mysterious.

In the seventh stage, it just tears the inside and outside of the body to make it change.

The eighth is deeper and more thorough. At the same time, Chen Zong feels that in the operation of the eighth heavy sword elementary power, a trace of the beginning sword element begins to combine that high-end amazing original power in the body Converge within.

Located above the sea.

It was a phantom of a ball, filled with countless air currents, and it looked like a gray chaos. Looking more closely, it was found that there was a clear separation between clean air and turbid air.

The clear air is slowly rising, while the turbid gas is slowly sinking.

Heaven and earth fledgling!

This is really the prototype of heaven and earth, and it actually appeared in his own body, which made Chen Zong feel incredible and incredible.

Vaguely, Chen Zong found that he seemed to be creating an incredible skill.

It may not be as strong as Shenshaura Warfare now, but it will definitely not be inferior in the future, or it may be surpassed.


The eighth heavy primordial sword Yuan Gong continues to operate ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Tear Chen Zong's body further inside, outside and outside, tearing more and more completely and finely. The supplement of the original power.

The roar burst out from Chen Zong's body, as if it contained countless storms, countless thunders, and countless fires.

Chen Zong can feel that his constitution is changing further.


Unparalleled improvement!

Endless promotion!

However, the source of pure power that is fed back from the purgatory ghosts to the ghosts' will is not endless. Each time it is just a trace of strands. Although there are few accumulations, not many.

With the constant repair of tears inside and outside Chen Zong's body, he also continuously consumed.

There seemed to be a click, and there were numerous cracks on Chen Zong's membrane, which were the cracks that spread from the inside of the body to the membrane. The whole person looked like a broken porcelain.

The light flickers, the light is colorful, the source of power is covered from the inside out, and a layer of luster spreads over Chen Zong's body, like flowing water, unpredictable and mysterious.

In fact, the feedback power obtained from devouring the will of ghosts is exactly the power of the ghost's world origin, which is even more brilliant than the power of the world's origin of the heavenly sanctuary.

It was also because he was so clever that Chen Zong himself could not use it for a while.

By coincidence, by chance, I learned about the origins of the heavenly realm of the heavenly world, further improved and optimized the exercises, and led them out by mistake, and truly integrated into my own body, instead of dormant in the body. Office.

This is the strength that really belongs to you.

The light is gone, all cracks on the membrane have disappeared, and a faint layer of halo permeates, seeming to explain the mystery of the world.

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