Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 26: Infinite yin and yang

Too tired, take a break, and change it today. Thank you very much for the "Sword Ling Xiaojun" for your reward. Thank you for each of the three days that have been constantly on the list for the gods, so grateful, now 11th place, With more than a hundred votes left, Tongshen will be able to rush into the top ten and rank on the first page. If it can rush to the top ten, then six waves will erupt again before the end of this month, and begging for support, only less than two hundred votes. Up)


A treasure, as clear as water, as if echoing the origin of this world.

It seems to be breathing, every pore is breathing, and the power of nature is swallowed, this feeling is very beautiful.


Chen Zong was extremely affirmed that his physique had transformed, completely transformed, and became a spiritual body.

The original cultivation practice is that it has reached the level of nine stars, and the ninth battle star has also become white and silver, which is only a line away from the gold color.

Now, Chen Zong can feel that because of his body's transformation into a spiritual body, not only has its strength been greatly improved, but its latent throat has been increased many times.

"On the strength alone, there may be some ghosts who are not as condensed as high-end fine flowers after being transformed into ghosts, but on the potential, they have to surpass them." Chen Zong secretly rejoiced and excited.

Potential victory means that I have developed this body to the extreme, and it is expected to condense the top-level fine flower that surpasses the high-end.

It would be even more amazing if all the three spirits of the Qi, God, and God were condensed to the top level.

And if you want to rank among the top of the universe, you must condense the three spirits of the spirit and spirit to the top. That is only a prerequisite.

Demigod Extreme is a realm that is more complex than a demigod.

Although the universe is extremely dangerous, only the Divine Realm is qualified to break out, but in fact some powerful demigod cultivators will also begin to step into the void of the universe and begin to break out.

Of course, that would be very dangerous. After all, there are many dangers in the void of the universe, even if it is a psychic state, it may fall.

It's too early to think about those, at least, to promote yourself to the extreme, it is difficult to make a breakthrough, and then consider the plan to enter the void of the universe.

Now, of course, it is necessary to catch a meeting and learn the origin of the world.

This kind of opportunity is difficult to obtain. Whether it can be encountered again after this time is difficult to say. It is estimated to be impossible.

Directly understanding the origins of the world is tantamount to exposing the origins of the world to people. If you encounter a speculative generation, the origins of the world are likely to be directly plundered and devoured, causing great damage.

Even if not, direct enlightenment will also deplete a little of the world's origin.

If Chen Zong had promised to infiltrate the ghost clan to infiltrate the infernal ghost clan, and swallowed a lot of ghost wills, so that the world will greatly recover many powers, it would be absolutely impossible for Chen Zong to directly understand the origin of the world.

Originally, Chen Zong only planned to improve and optimize the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong to enhance it. I did not expect that the new Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong was unexpectedly profound, and even inspired the dormant source of power in the body to make it truly integrate into the body and transform the body. , Become the acquired spirit.

Unexpected gain.

The meaning of the sword of the heart is already superior, and there is no further improvement, but only for continuous deepening.

Chen Zong stared at the yin and yang meaning.

Yin-Yang Tao means the highest order and the third most extreme state, but only 70% of its power has been reached, and Chen Zong has no time to enlighten.

Now, I will take this opportunity to improve her understanding to perfection.

If you have the opportunity, you should realize it to the utmost, and see if it can become supreme as sword-like.

Supreme thought!

The power is amazing. After mastering the sword of the heart, Chen Zong is very clear.

If the yin and yang meaning can also be promoted to supreme, one will add more means.

The meaning of yin and yang is also one of the mysteries of the heavens and the earth, naturally included in the origin of the world.

Ignore the many mysteries of heaven and earth, only weak sun.


One black and one white, immediately pulled out from the origin of the world, and surrounded by Chen Zong, that is the power of the yin and yang origin of the origin of the world.

The origins of white and black are dancing like dragons and snakes, soaring around, gradually, first connected, endless, endless, endless.

During the enlightenment, a trace of the power of the Yin and Yang origins was drawn out, merged into Chen Zong's Shenhai, and merged into the yin and yang Taoism in the Shenhai.

This enlightenment is most significant.

If you are enlightened from the outside world, you can only appreciate the mystery, and then slowly increase, but the enlightenment before the origin of the world will draw a trace of the power of the origin of the world into the ascension, and all the mysteries emerge naturally. Be mastered by yourself without leaving any sequelae.

If you compare the two, then understanding the mysteries of heaven and earth from the outside world is like walking a difficult and winding path, and there will be a mist, which makes people see clearly the front and it is very difficult to move forward .

Directly understanding the origin of the world is like riding a car on a flat and wide avenue. Not only that, there will be a few winds blowing from the back. You can use the wind to continue to move forward with only a small amount of effort. Do more with less.

The gap between the two is amazing.

The mystery of the yin and yang ideology was continuously enlightened by Chen Zong, and the power was constantly improving, very quickly.



It didn't take long for the breakthrough to reach 10% completeness.

After consolidating the ten percent success, Chen Zongfang breathed a sigh of relief. In my mind, countless mysteries related to yin and yang appeared.

yin and yang!


Qian Kun!

This was Chen Zong's understanding in the context of the eternal battlefield, but now it is deeper and deeper.

life and death!

This is a new mystery realized by Yin Yang Dao Yi after he realized his complete success.

After life and death, it is reincarnation.

For a time, Chen Zong fell into a mysterious state, as if epiphany.

In a hurry, it was like the clear light of a lake blowing by the breeze. At first glance, it seemed to turn into a strong wind, and the strands of the power of the world came out from it, like dragons and snakes, rushing towards Chen Zong.

Just in the blink of an eye, Chen Zong was wrapped in the glorious world's original power, as if woven into a cocoon.

The origin of the world is a hodgepodge, the sum of the mysterious origins of countless worlds.

Inside, there are a variety of original forces, such as the five elements such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, etc., and many more, all inclusive.

Some of the different mysteries of the heavens and the earth are opposed to each other, and some are interdependent, and there is an irrelevant relationship between them.

Like the sword, it is a separate mystery that exists independently.

The meaning of yin and yang is different. It seems that there is only the mystery of yin and yang. If you study deeply, you will find that it contains more mysteries. Of course, it is not to say that yin and yang can be used as other ideology, but it is yin and yang. Inside, it contains some other mysteries of Taoism, not all of them, but there are some or even some.

yin and yang!


Qian Kun!

The mysteries of heaven and earth and the mysteries of Qiankun are all the same and different, but the yin and yang also contain some of the mysteries of heaven and earth and Qiankun, which Chen Zong learned before.

Now, from the yin and yang meaning, Chen Zong realizes the mystery of life and death, and then realizes the mystery of reincarnation.

Life and death are closely related to reincarnation.

Heaven and earth can also be regarded as a kind of Taoism.

Qiankun can also mean for Qiankun.

Life and death can mean the same for life and death.

As for that reincarnation, it is very clever, better than yin and yang, better than heaven and earth, better than life and death, better than life and death.

That may be a level of supremacy.

But at this moment, Chen Zong did not participate in reincarnation, but fell into epiphany. The mysteries about yin and yang, heaven and earth, Qiankun, life and death, and even a few reincarnations came to mind, and then came The original power of the response was dragged, separated from the source of the world, and drifted towards Chen Zong Xu Xu, and merged into Chen Zong's Shenhai, into the Yin Yang Shenlun.

The yin and yang **** wheel is undergoing some transformation.

In the next breath, the hurricane transformed by the fusion of the wind and fire and thunderstorms is also turning vigorously, and the traces of the power of the wind and fire and thunder are also separated from the source of the world, poured into the sea of ​​God, and merged into the fusion. Within meaning.




The fusion of wind and fire and thunder and lightning increased rapidly from the second level of the polar world to the third level of the polar world, and then quickly reached 80% of power and 90% of power.


Very good.

Each type of Fenghuo Thunder is only a high-order Taoism, but the power after fusion is better than the highest-ranking Taoism, of course, it is not as good as the Supreme Taoism, and the gap between the highest-ranking and Supreme Supreme is far better than The gap between the higher order and the top order.

It can even be said that it is like a gap between two large levels, not a quantity that can make up.

It was a complete transformation.

However, the fusion of wind, fire and thunder that has reached a perfect power of 10% contains the terrible power, the hurricane roars and roars, and the storm turns into a blazing red, countless black thunders, flickering and jumping, it seems Able to destroy everything.




Among the Taoism ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is also a Taoism called Destruction, which is a powerful and terrifying force that can be transformed into the Supreme Taoism.

At the beginning of the Destruction of Taoism, it was the top hierarchy, and it was easier to transform to the highest level.


In Chen Zong's sea of ​​God, a thunderous storm of flames of thunderous destruction swept across, seeming to destroy everything and become nothingness, constantly approaching the yin and yang **** wheel covered by colorful light.

The next breath, a big collision occurred.


The sound was terrifying, ringing through the sky, and the sea of ​​God was turbulent. It seemed to be broken.

When the time passed, the sword of the heart and the sword were magnificent, and the radiance was endless. As if countless swords and swords were swept across, all the turbulence was weakened at once.

Shenhai, more and more stable.




The strands of the world's original forces are separated from each other. Each strand is different, perpetually permeating, constantly pouring into Chen Zong's Shenhai, and being continuously injected into the explosion. Within the meaning.

As the power of the world's origins continued to separate and pour into Chen Zong's sea of ​​thoughts, the world's will, which seemed to disappear without seeing it, was on the side watching, and it finally hurt.

All these powers belong to it. Nowadays, they are continuously absorbed. Although it doesn't feel like a lot, we must know how difficult it is to accumulate such powers.

Had it not been for the many sneaky wills that had swallowed up in Purgatory ghosts this time, and in the end it had swallowed up the ghostly wills that had broken arms in flames, it would have been reluctant to let Chen Zong absorb so much of the world's original power.

Now, enough, enough.


When the time passed, all the original forces no longer escaped, but contracted and restrained, not allowing Chen Zong to absorb any more.

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