Sword God

: In full swing

The competition in the top ten of the monthly ticket list was really fierce, and Liudao only took a break, Liu said that he rushed to the top ten, and soon fell to the eleventh, then rushed to the ninth, and now fell to the tenth. , And only a few votes behind the eleventh, will be reversed at any time.

The ups and downs are like riding a roller coaster. The ups and downs are too fast. Be careful of the unbearable birds.

Call for appeal, our aura is waiting to be fed, we need more monthly tickets, let us stabilize the top ten, do not be reversed, because this is the first time we have opened the book, nearly six million words, To the top ten, miss this opportunity, it is estimated that there is no next time.

After all, it is only when the time is right, and the three are combined to achieve such a record. The next time, it is difficult to have such a good opportunity, so I urge you to support and support. Of course, it is within the means to do what you can. Nene is thrown out, and the Six Ways will be uneasy.

I hereby promise that before the end of this month, Liudao will definitely have another wave of thanks for your support and love.

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