Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 29: World's Strongest Battle (2)

(Our monthly ticket has increased again, Coca-Cola Coca-Cola, closer to the eighth place, closer, rush, ohhhhhhhhhhh)




Time and time again, the loud and loud sound continued to sound.

This field is the battlefield chosen by Chen Zong and Gongtian God.

There are no bounds, no living beings, let Chen Zong and Gongtian God fight a wanton.

To the world's will, Gongtian God is the son of Qi Yun, which is very important, but Chen Zong is also very important. In this battle, it will not have any bias.

Fair and just duel, everything depends on combat effectiveness and means.

Regardless of whether it is Gong Tianshen or Chen Zong, the combat power is extremely high, and the degree is extremely amazing and sensational.

Except for the Great Sacred Realm and Chen Xiu, no one can capture the shape of the two people in the entire heavenly sacred realm, not even the blurred figures.

What they can see is the collisions over the Wanli Wilderness. Each collision will have countless energy bursts, madly impact in all directions, sweeping a range of hundreds of meters or even thousands of kilometers, as if the stars exploded and spread Out of the terrible ring of stars.

The ring of stars burst with each collision, tearing the void layer by layer with great power, exposing countless darkness, wind and thunder, and destroying the four poles.

In the previous breath, the star ring burst in the upper left of the field, and in the next breath, the star ring burst in the upper right of the field.

"Can you see it?" A nine-star warrior with a strong frown frowned and asked in a low tone.

"I can't see it, I can't even capture the shadows." The response was from a nine-star warrior who had practiced a pupil technique and reached a high level, even if he was stronger than him, He can also capture his figure.

He was confident that even the ghost kings who had invaded before could capture his fuzzy figure with deep pupil technique.

But now, when he performed pupil technique to the extreme, he could not capture the slightest figure of Chen Zong or Gong Tianshen, and there was no trace of blur.

What this shows is that the two are too fast and too fast, and have a taste of going beyond the limits of this world.

The restoration of the world's will power, the transformation of the Heavenly Realm, especially the Taixuan Realm, is very obvious. Therefore, many people who have good talents but lack sufficient opportunities have made rapid progress.

Today, the nine-star combat power in the Taixuan Realm is at least ten more than in the past. With the passage of time, this number will continue to increase, making Tianyuan Sanctuary constantly stronger.

This is of great help in resisting the invasion of the Nether Demon.

Can also better adhere to the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary, to avoid the invasion of foreign enemies.

Too fast too fast!

Not only fast, but also a force that breaks everything down.

In the space above the Wanli Field, cracks and black holes constantly appear, ranging from tens of meters in size to hundreds of meters in size.

In the blink of an eye, there was a void in the wilderness, and dozens of black holes appeared at the same time. Each black hole exuded a terrible breath, as if devouring everything and destroying everything, making people just look at it, and they were trembling.


After the collision between the two people, the land in the wilderness of Wanli was also constantly torn, and the gullies were like a dragon turning over, broken and innumerable.

Just in less than ten breaths, this 10,000-mile field has shattered more than half of it, as if it were a ruin, as if caused by the violent torture of the army against each other.

How terrifying!

Far away, everyone outside the Wanli Field was shaking with madness.




All kinds of emotions constantly impacted them, and the immense sound of excitement caused them to roar their minds and had to retreat farther and farther, otherwise they could not bear it.

Feeling the breath from the collision seems to suppress and destroy them all.


The war is boiling, burning, and getting stronger.

The golden flame on Gongtian God was more vigorous and fiery.

He was extremely inspiring, only feeling that his nine days and ten places of warfare seemed to be breaking through. He had to break through the current level and trance to reach a higher level and master more powerful forces.

Chen Zong was also very excited, the more solid the sword's meaning on his body, the more concentrated the application of the sword's meaning of the heart, and its power was also gradually improved.

As if there is no end.

Chen Zong can clearly feel the fighting power of Gongtian God. With continuous fighting, and with the rising of the war will continue to increase, it is a terrible heritage.

Legacy born for battle only.


Strong enemy!

Hearty battle.

"Chen Zong, I want to defeat you." A loud roar suddenly blew between the heavens and the earth, and the sound waves rolled in all directions, tearing the void into countless fine cracks.

There was a roar, which stirred the sky.

When the time passed, the golden light was endless and endless. It seemed to turn into a golden ray of sun shining through the wilderness. Every ray of light released the mighty terror power, as if the earth and the earth were invisible.

This is a trick, a new trick that Gongtian God learned from the nine days and ten places of war.

Nine days and ten Zhenyang broken air strike!

This is a trick that is even more arrogant than cutting the ring in nine days and ten places.

Just now, Gong Tianshen has actually performed nine days and ten days to cut the ring, but there is nothing more than Chen Zong. Now, naturally, it is necessary to perform a more powerful trick


Under the true sun, everything is shrouded, everything is suppressed and everything is suppressed.

Chen Zong only felt that under the light of that true sun, everything was covered, forming a unique area, a bit like a field.

And myself, is in that field.

shoot down!

Gong Tianshen lifted up the golden true sun, which was 100 meters in size, and threw it suddenly downwards. Wherever he passed, the vacuum burst into numerous cracks.


The crisis was so intense that it continued to impact Chen Zong's mind and let the body tremble slightly.

With his eyes condensed, Chen Zongxian's 100-meter golden scorching sun was completely integrated, and there seemed to be no flaws.

No, there is a flaw, you can see it, but there is only one flaw, and the flaw is still changing positions and covered by heavy air force.

A flaw is tantamount to no flaw.

With a single shot, the light was fierce, the fire was fierce, and the sky seemed to sink into darkness in an instant, without the five fingers, as if the black hole swallowed everything, set off the bright golden sun.

Between the world and the world, darkness was shrouded in the world, and only the golden sun that lasted forever seemed to be ancient.

Everything will be shattered and melted under the golden light of the sun, and completely turned into nothingness.


Strong yourself in crisis!

Chen Zong was extremely determined that the most powerful ghost king, the ghost king, the mysterious monster in purgatory ghosts, would be wiped out directly under this attack. Although he was stronger than the ghost king, he had no absolute confidence to stop the attack.

With this blow, Gong Tianshen exerted his best efforts.

With one hit, the outcome is determined by life and death!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Zong trembled. When he died, the power hidden in his body was suddenly excited. A blood-colored flower larger than the basin condensed above his head.

Fine Flower!

Top-level flower of the polar world!

Originally, his physique became very arrogant because of the relationship between refining. When Chen Zong estimated that he could reach the extreme, he should be able to condense the mid-level flower of the extreme state, which is quite remarkable among the human race.

Realizing the origins of the depths of the world is invisible. Because of the optimization and optimization of the relationship between the sword and power in the beginning of the early years, the source forces of the ghostly world have been merged, and the body has undergone a deep transformation.


What's more, at once, he reached the level of intermediate spirits.

The original solid and amazing foundation coupled with the mystery of the intermediate spirit body, Chen Zong has not yet carefully realized that the fierce battle of the Gongtian God strikes, but it has aroused the potential and strength of the body.

Nowadays, under the coercion of the Mighty God of Xeon, it is possible to reach the extreme state and condense the top-level flower of the extreme state.

Three flowers have made two.

The last Qi Flower has not been condensed, because Chen Zong felt that as his body was transformed, the upper limit of Qi training that he could hold also increased again.

Chen Zong's combat power also strengthened a lot in an instant.

The qi and blood surged like a real dragon vacated, and in an instant, it turned into an extreme blood gas, which instantly poured into the sword of heart.

Power, high concentration!

Suddenly, Chen Zong's body seemed to flash, and four illusions appeared around him.

Double Hearted Sword!

The five swords were waved, and the five sword lights condensed into one in an instant. The power surged, and the void was directly cut off. It was easier than light paper.

One sword!

Compared with the falling sun ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The momentum of this sword is not huge at all, but very subtle, but the power of cohesion is unparalleled.

The sword came out, the void broke, and it hit.

A mighty sword, hitting the ever-falling golden sun.

Suddenly, Jian Guang was broken.

The golden sun was also a little meal, centered on one point, quickly collapsed and exploded directly.

Jin Guang mixed with endless horror sword gas, tearing all directions.

The darkness receded.

However, the deeper darkness appeared in an instant.

It was ... a crack in the void!


Just moments ago, the void crack reached a kilometer, and it was still expanding.

The largest void crack in the past was only a few hundred meters, but now it has more than doubled, and it is still expanding, without any pause.

1,100 meters!

One thousand and two hundred meters!

1,300 meters!

1,400 meters!

One thousand five hundred meters!

The void cracked only when it expanded to 1,500 meters.

However, the breath permeated by the fissure of 1,500 meters of void was ten times more intense than the fissures of void of hundreds of meters before, terrifying.

The squall wind inside seems to be able to tear up the heavens and the earth, and the anger and thunder inside seems to be able to smash everything and completely become nothing.

These huge void cracks, Chen Zong and Gong Tianshen, were also terrified and flew back quickly, otherwise once they were affected, they would not only get the slightest benefit, but they would be swallowed up in no time, and they would die directly.

As for other people who watched the battle, they were even more embarrassed and fled, because the horrible devouring force constantly swallowed everything around them, covering the entire field. If they took a slow step, they would be directly swallowed.

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