Sword God

Vol 32 Chapter 30: World's Strongest Battle (3)

(The second is to offer, get angry, tooth swollen, really uncomfortable)


Devour everything!

Devouring everything, heavy sand and mud mixed with air, constantly being swallowed into the black hole-like cracks in the space, shattered and destroyed by the raging howling wind and thunder, and turned into nothingness.

With the engulfment, the crack in the space continued to shrink and eventually disappeared, but the void seemed to leave a trace of light but could not be erased. More thorough than anywhere else.

It's as if they were brushed with strange-colored brushes, very magical, like the marks of the sky.

In fact, after this battle, this long-lasting trace of 1,500 meters was also named Void Sky Mark.

The void mark symbolizes not only the fierce battle between the Son of Heavenly Yuan and the sword of the sword emperor, but also permeates the mysterious fluctuations of the atmosphere, and has become an open holy place for understanding the mysteries of heaven and earth.

Of course, this is something.

As for now, the battle is still going on.

The thousands of miles of wilderness are completely ruined, and in mid-air, they are even more vulnerable and overwhelmed.

Chen Zong and Tianyuan Shengzi coincided, soaring into the sky.

Only in an instant, the two figures disappeared. Over the sky, the spectators looked up, looked hard, and still saw a burst of star rings. Each time there was a burst of voids, there were countless space ripples, and there were countless space cracks, shocking.

Go up!

Keeping going up, in the end, even if everyone stretched their necks, they could not see any space cracks, but they could still hear a wave of violent momentum, and passed down from above, like a thunderous thunder rolling through the world.

It was the collision between the Emperor Jian and the Son of Heaven.

The wind layer!

Chen Zong and Tian Yuan Shengzi fought, and were constantly torn, and the countless squalls turned into nothingness under the shock of terrible power.

Suddenly, the two figures resemble the twin dragons, breaking through the wind layer and rushing into the sky fire layer.

The sky fire layer is undoubtedly stronger than the sacral wind layer, but it was turned into nothingness by the force of the collision between Chen Zong and the Son of Heaven.

Sky mine layer!

The thunder was rolling, the thunder was violent, and constant bombardment came, but it was also crushed and turned into nothingness.

In the next breath, Chen Zong and the Son of Heaven Yuan rushed out of the Heaven Yuan Sanctuary and came to the edge of the void.

This seems to be a silent world. The collision between the two people is extremely powerful and extremely amazing. It is placed in the heavenly sanctuary, which is a landslide and a rock breaking. But in the universe, even the edge of the void is still changing. The momentum was subtle, and even that amazing momentum could not spread far, and soon returned to nothingness.

Very weird!

But no matter whether it is Chen Zong or Gong Tianshen, no one paid attention to this, but kept fighting and fighting again.

Fight fight!

The more fighting, the more ambitious Miya Tenjin's war will be.

The more he fights, the more Chen Zong's sword will become.

"where are they?"

"Where did you go?"

"It should have hit the void of the universe." The nine-star strongman who practiced high-deep pupil technique condensed his eyes and urged the pupil technique as if seeing through layers of obstacles, but his tone was not quite certain.

"Let's go and see." Those who have nine-star and even eight-star combat power are all excited.

Maybe it would be dangerous, but Chaowen Daoxian could die.

I can witness first-hand the decisive battle between the two powerful men in the world, even if I die.

Besides, it's just a bit dangerous. As long as you are careful, you won't die, maybe you can still gain something.

Suddenly, a series of figures rose into the sky, breaking through the wind, sky, and thunder layers, and also entered the edge of the void of the universe. Far away, they saw two fierce fighting figures.

A golden ring with a few meters in size was chopped out and killed, but the strength of the void in the universe did not know how many times it would surpass the heavenly sanctuary. Such a powerful blow could not even stir the ripples of the void, but did not People dare to ignore.

Cut the ring in nine days and ten!

However, Chen Zong wields a sword, and that sword looks like an understatement, as if it were a child waving a branch without a rule, very rough, but there is an ultimate mystery.

All eyes were attracted by that sword, and the mind couldn't help being drawn and immersed in it.

Then, one by one, his face changed greatly, and he felt as if his heart was stabbed with a sword, and he couldn't help spit out blood, and his heart was painful.

Dedicated sword!

Not only is Gongtian Shen's warfare more refined and arrogant, Chen Zong's sword is sharpened and sharpened with it.

They are not targeted, just a glance, they are attracted, and their minds are wounded.

Even the nine-star warriors are no exception.

"Can't see, the sword of Emperor Jian can't see." A lot of nine-star powerful men closed their eyes, their voices were shaking, it was shocked.

Suddenly, the eyes of these eight-star and nine-star powerhouses became free.

Because if they focus on the sword of the Emperor, they will be hurt, and they will feel like their minds are torn.

If you focus on the fist of the palace god, it will give you a feeling of being crushed by the impact.

However, they did not want to miss such a timeless battle.

How to do?

You can only let your eyes drift away, instead of focusing on their shots, you can capture the blurring picture of the two sides.

In this way, you will not miss this battle.

They want to know more about the end result.

Who will win?

Seeing it with your own eyes is more exciting than hearsay.

Because this is not only a world-fighting war, but also a war of handing down.

The fierce battle is like an oven, removing impurities and leaving the essence.

Double Hearted Sword!

When he died, five pieces of phantom appeared on Chen Zong's body.

Six swords!

The three-hearted two-edged sword suddenly reached a satisfactory state.

Six swords in one, the power is even stronger.

Suddenly caught off guard, Gong Tianshen hits the sword directly, his body is penetrated, as if to be torn, flying backwards, the terrible sword gas bursts in his body, stuns.

In this battle, the points are won, when it is also a matter of life and death.

Therefore, Chen Zongke didn't have any intention to keep his hand. If he killed, he would kill.

No matter how great it is.

If the enemy, cut it!

Up to now, the two have been constantly improving, as if their potential is endless.


Keep getting stronger!

It's frightening, it's like two monsters, with endless ascension.

Ascension of the sword emperor seems to be faster and has the upper hand.

One sword cut the palace god, and Chen Zong did not hesitate to continue his sword.




Gong Tianshen kept hitting his sword, his body trembling, and endless sword energy invaded his body, raging his body and splitting his mind, the kind of pain that made Gong Tianshen look distorted and howling.

But at the next breath, the golden flame that was about to extinguish, soared in an instant, soaring into the sky, passing the original 100 meters, as if breaking the limit.

Immediately afterwards, the golden flame over 100 meters began to shrink.

In the blink of an eye, the ten-meter-based contraction continued to shrink, as if to become a substance.


Keep shrinking!

Eventually reduced to ten meters.

The golden flame of ten meters looks not as good as the golden flame of one hundred meters, but its flavor is more than a few times stronger.

The war will be more amazing, more magnificent, and more terrifying.

One shock, one after another, the broken sword gas was suddenly ejected from the body of the palace god.

"Sword Emperor Chen Zong, I would also like to thank you. If it were not for your sword, I would not have been able to cultivate the nine-day and ten-place warfare to the level of Dacheng." Gong Tianshen shrouded in a golden flame like a substance, his eyes burning the golden **** The flame of light, the voice spoke with a kind of indifference like heaven.

However, there was a kind of intense and extreme warfare, which rushed to the face and shrouded the void.

This coercion made Chen Zong's heart tremble, and the sword of his heart seemed to tremble.


The strong war will make people feel trembling.

Shivering but excited.

Miya Tenjin has become stronger.

Taking a deep breath, the sword of the heart calmed down, and Chen Zong's eyes flickered out with a sharper sword light, so sharp that it seemed to be able to tear the void of the universe.

The firmer, tougher, and stronger the heart, the stronger the sword.

Amazing sword-like, spurting out, strengthening one point at a time.


Gong Tianshen blasted out with a fist, and the combat fist rushed into the air to kill. Chen Zong's heart moved, but he had no time to resist with the crossblade. A bite of blood could not help spitting out.

Cut the ring in nine days and ten!

As soon as Gong Tian Shen boxed and injured Chen Zong, he immediately drew with both hands. The ten-meter chopped ring condensed. With the arms folded by Gong Tian Shen, it condensed and compressed to a size of one meter. God is made of gold, tearing out like a void.

This blow was even more terrifying than the previous round of golden sun the size of 100 meters, and it was extremely cohesive and flawless.


The eighth heavy power of the sword power in the early period, the power of the intermediate spirit body, the power of the flower of the god, and all other powers were all mobilized by Chen Zong and poured into the sword of heart.

Double Hearted Sword!

The six swords of light converge into one, silent at first, then, it seems that the storm is thunderous and the sky is falling apart.

Only momentarily, Jian Guang shattered away under the chopped ring, chopped the ring slightly, split into two, and still killed.

I saw Gong Tianshen shaking his hands, and seemed to control the chopped chopped ring, killing Chen Zong from the left and right sides.


Just momentarily, thousands of swords bloomed in the void, leaving countless sword marks.

Thousands of swords scored two points, killing two split chopped rings respectively.

Gong Tianshen suddenly let go of the general, no longer care about the chopped ring, his hands gathered high, and it was another round of golden sun condensation.

This scorching sun swelled to the size of 100 meters in an instant, emitting endless light and heat.

But next breath, Lieyang is continually shrinking.

Ninety meters!

Eighty meters!

Seventy meters!

In the blink of an eye, it was compressed to a size of ten meters, and a golden sun of ten meters size appeared above the head of Gong Tianshen.

In the distance, those half-step sage-level strong men feel that their bodies are about to be burned and melted into nothingness, and they have to withdraw further.

This fiery heat is not only the fiery heat of the body, but also the fiery heat of the mind.

Chen Zongxi trembled at this time. This blow, he couldn't avoid himself, he would die!

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