Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 1: Giant ship in the void

(What if the little sister-in-law accidentally enters the void in advance? Want to become a vacuum-packed sister-in-law? Will you be worth 100 times when you go to the void?)

The universe is empty and quiet. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to hear any sound. Most of what can be seen is a piece of darkness. Countless starlights are shining in the dark, like the eyes of gods. It seems to contain infinite. Mystery.

When you first saw it, you would feel the mystery is infinite, as if it has a magnificent magnificence that is indescribable and fascinating, but if you have seen it for a long time, it will inevitably be a little greasy.

It ’s like something that ’s delicious. It ’s eaten continuously every day. It ’s never changed. It ’s eaten a few times or even a dozen times a day. If you eat too much, you will feel boring. threw up.

A clear light was rippling through the water, passing by in the dark void, passing extremely fast, passing by instantly and disappearing into the distance.

I don't know how far it flew out. Suddenly, the clear light, like ripples and ripples, seemed to be the fire of a residual candle blown by the wind. After three breaths, it suddenly extinguished, and the body that continuously rushed forward also slowly reduced its speed.

"Did you run out of power?" Chen Zong held the eternal heaven and earth command, and could not feel the slightest transmission of power, which was a bit regrettable and a sense of loss.

The feeling of being filled with the power of the Divine Realm is extremely strong and extremely violent, as if he would burst himself at any time, and he enjoyed it.



If I can, I really want to keep mastering these forces.

But unfortunately, no.

After all, this is not the strength you cultivate, it is the strength brought about by foreign objects, which is out of your control and consumes all.

Although it has been known for a long time, when this power disappears, the feeling of that powerful power filling the whole body also dissipates, and it will inevitably feel lost from the heart to the body.

It's like being hollowed out all at once, empty and out of bounds.

But Chen Zong was very adaptable and had almost perfect control over himself, so he recovered and recovered in an instant.

A sense of crises, always lingering, lingering.

Chen Zong could not help but look dignified.

As soon as his thoughts turned, Chen Zong soon knew that the source of the sense of crisis was the black monster that was a void monster.

Except for the black monster, the black snake, there should be no other source of crisis, so clear, so locked in.

In other words, the black snake did not give up, and was even chasing itself.


Although this word is not very elegant, it is a fact.

The current one is not the opponent of that black snake void monster at all, and can only escape.

In fact, even if you master the power of the celestial realm of the eternal heaven and earth order, it is not the opponent of the black snake void monster, because it is not a power that you cultivate and cannot be completely controlled by yourself.

Uncontrollable power can sometimes become a burden.

The Void Beast itself is extremely powerful. If you choose to fight one, the result is your own death.


I do n’t know what is north-south or north-south.

The universe is empty, and the darkness is deep, especially here it is far away from the heavenly sanctuary, and it is unknown at all.

Chen Zong didn't even think about it, wouldn't it be the final decisive battle with Gongtian God?

Everything is beyond the original plan.

Originally, I was going to return to the Heavenly Realm, and then consciously descended on the Eternal Battle Fortress to practice the enlightenment. After returning to the ontology, I tried to improve as much as possible, strive for a faster breakthrough, and step into the level of the gods.

Although, the Divine Realm is not so easy to break through.

However, it is only after reaching the level of the Divine Realm that you are truly qualified to break into the void of the universe, because you have enough power to deal with the dangers in the void of the universe.

For example, it's just a void monster.

Like that black snake, its strength is very terrible. It is estimated that the ordinary miraculous realm may not be able to get it.

I don't know the direction now, let alone the others. I can't help feeling a little dazed, but Chen Zong didn't feel panic, but broke out all the speed and kept moving forward.

Her own strength has long been restored.

It's just that the current full-speed outbreak, compared with the power of mastering the Divine Realm before, is simply a comparison between the turtle and the rabbit, and the gap is too big.

But there is no way. If you want to master that kind of power, you can only break through to the realm of divine power.

The sense of crisis lingering in my heart has always existed, and has not disappeared in the slightest. Chen Zong can only keep moving forward and forward. What exactly is ahead is unclear.

I don't know how long in the past, Chen Zong felt a little tired, because the surrounding scene is still the same, dark and deep, the stars in the distance are flickering, flickering, it feels as if he has been in the same place, never moved.

If your mind is not tough enough, you will soon feel upset.

But Chen Zong wouldn't, because Chen Zong knew that he was flying forward all the time, but the universe was just like that, it was too vast and seemed to be the same.

If it is in the Taixuan Realm, it has already crossed the Taixuan Realm at its own speed, but such a distance is just a trivial segment to the void of the universe, like a drop in the ocean.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's eyes condense, staring at the front, a huge figure is approaching at an alarming speed, filling an amazing coercion.

The eyes are condensed to the extreme, like pinholes, and the heart is extremely vigilant.

After experiencing a crisis of the Nether Beast, Chen Zong is now more vigilant. If he comes back to a Nether Beast again, he is really very dangerous.

However, it is not a void monster, but a huge ship.

The ship, originally sailing in water and at sea, is now sailing in the cosmic void.

At first glance, Chen Zong thought it was a void monster.

This ship has a length of three kilometers and a width of hundreds of meters. It is also hundreds of meters high. The black base is engraved with many complicated patterns. It is densely layered and layered. It approached Chen Zongdai when approaching. The coercion that came was not inferior to that of a black snake void monster.

In the face of this huge ship, Chen Zong was also extremely vigilant and had avoided it long before.

The black giant ship seemed like a row of mountains, exuding a breathtaking breath, passing by instantly.

It looks huge, but it's not slow at all, just like riding the wind and breaking waves.

Staring at the black giant ship that was quickly away, Chen Zong's eyes flickered a few times, and immediately broke out at full speed, flying away along the track of the giant ship.

Although he is very alert, Chen Zong also understands that this huge ship will definitely go to a certain place, and in the void of the universe, he knows nothing, is not clear about the direction, is full of danger, and cannot stay long.

In addition, the breath emitted by that beast is very tyrannical, and it will also have a certain deterrent effect on the void beast.

Then, following that giant ship is the only feasible way now.


On a huge black ship, in a simple and brightly decorated cabin, there is a girl with a hot figure in a goose-yellow shirt but a tender face lying on a soft bed, supported by her hands, and her upper body with opposite eyes flaming and jealous of same sex. Zheng is bored flipping through a Kendo note, but her big eyes are vacant and she doesn't even look at it.

"Sister Smelly, you have to force me to remember these things every time." The girl tossed out a Kendo note that was precious to many people, and grumbled, looking soft and boneless, grumbled. Immediately, I thought of the majestic appearance of my sister, and I couldn't help but pick up the Kendo notes, but I still couldn't get in.


The door was knocked.

"Who?" Tong Yan asked crisply.

"Miss Er, it's me." A low voice came from outside the door: "We followed by Fengfeng, and we couldn't repair it."

"Let me see." The big eyes of the goose yellow boy face girl suddenly brightened, and it seemed to find something fun, and quickly rolled down from the soft and wide bed, leaving the precious Kendo note aside.

"Uncle Rong, pick him up." The young girl Yan Yan left the cabin, looked back at the top of the giant ship, saw a slight figure, and said to the middle-aged man in an ordinary gray robe standing next to him.

"Miss Er, this person doesn't know what it is." The middle-aged man in gray robe did not act, but said Xu Xuji completely.

"Uncle Rong, aren't you saying that he hasn't gotten into the divine realm? Since he can't get into the divine realm, is there any bad thing he can do under the eyes of the divine realm?" Waving his hand: "Bring him up ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ask him what is the purpose of following us on the front?"

The middle-aged man in the gray robe turned his thoughts, and so did it.

Although he is a psychic state, although it is only the lowest psychic state, for practitioners who do not have a psychic state, it is an invincible existence and cannot completely counteract the slightest existence.

With your own presence, why not worry about a practitioner who does not have the ability to communicate with the gods, not to mention, on the Chongfeng, there is more than just one who communicates with the gods.

Then, act according to Miss Er's intentions. After all, the current Chongfeng number is that Miss Er is the principal, which is the meaning of the young lady, in order to exercise Miss Er.

The body flickered, the middle age of the gray robe disappeared in an instant, and then it appeared outside the Chongfeng with an amazing speed.

Chen Zong only felt a flash before his eyes, and was immediately locked by a terrible breath, the breath was so magnificent, like a void in the ancient mountains, making him hard to move.

Immediately, a quaint palm fell on his shoulder, and a slight buckle made him lose his dependence and could not operate.

As if traveling through time and space, the speed is amazing to the extreme.

It was just a blink of an eye that Chen Zong found that he could not see the black giant ship, and then found that he had actually been on the black giant ship.

My heart sank slightly, but Chen Zong didn't panic, but quickly turned his thoughts and thoughts.

"Who are you? Why are you following the Chong Feng?" At the moment Chen Zong was thinking quickly, a clear voice suddenly sounded, and he got into his ear. Chen Zong saw a goose yellow figure in front of him. It was a small but The girl who looks very hot and has a baby face is trying to make a serious expression to make herself look more deterrent.

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