Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 2: Taichu Sword Element

Second, I would like to offer, knocking on today is the birthday of Master Renyi Sword Boy Yunmo. Here I wish him a happy birthday. Six words continue to code, plus one more on the softness)

In the Taixuan Realm, Chen Xiu went out of the game, and his body became increasingly domineering. He had reached the fifth level of the peak of Shensha Shura's tactics, but it was difficult to break through to the sixth.

The more sophisticated the exercises, the more obvious the gap between each weight.

"I didn't expect that the deity actually ran to the void of the universe." Standing on the top of Xiuluo, Chen Xiu had an inexplicable smile on his face, as if a bit gloating.

In essence, although it is the same soul, it has independent personality.

"Looks like I have to speed up my steps, otherwise I might be dropped by the deity." The words turned, and Chen Xiu said secretly.

It's just a pity that it's not easy for me to upgrade Shenshaura Warfare to the sixth level in a short time.

With his own realization and inference, the sixth is the ultimate of the demigod, and the seventh is the beginning of the divine realm.

However, according to the current situation, it is difficult and difficult to stay in Tianyuan Sanctuary to cultivate to the seventh level. Even the sixth level does not know how much time it will take.

As soon as his mind moved, Chen Xiu thought of the empty battlefield.

On the battlefield of the void, there is an army of void demons. If you kill the void demons, you can absorb the evil spirit. Even if you do not need to kill the void demons, there is a stronger evil spirit on the battlefield than elsewhere.

Of course, if the evil spirit in Shura's secret territory is completely absorbed, it may be expected to enter the sixth, but it is only hopeful.

Whether or not it can be done, Chen Xiu can't do this. Anyway, this is the ground left for Shuramon. Without the secret of Shura, the development of Shuramon will be reduced to a level that is not in accordance with the original intention.

So, let ’s go to the Void Battlefield in Taixuan Realm to absorb the evil spirits there, and practice the God of Sharasura warfare. You can also go deep into the battlefield and kill the Void Demon. Vitality to further restore strength.

The universe is empty and dark, and I do n’t know how far away from the heavenly sanctuary. A huge black ship is flying in the void at an astonishing speed. At such a speed, it only takes a few short breaths of time to fly the whole Tai Xuanjie.

It looks like this giant ship is like a black epee, so it is named Zhongfeng.

On the Chongfeng, there are many personnel, all of whom are practitioners. Most of the time, there are also half-step saints, or demigod-level cultivation for combat power, and some demigod extreme combat power.

The middle-aged man in gray robe is more than a demigod supernatural power. Otherwise, he won't let himself have no resistance.

Now, Chen Zong is temporarily staying on the Chongfeng. This is the meaning of the hot body but a baby-faced second show. Chen Zong is also very happy, otherwise, based on his ability, I do n’t know what to do. How long do you wander in the void of the Infinite Void? Maybe you are in danger.

Now, you can take a sailing boat, no matter where you go, at least better than being alone and aimless in the boundless void.

Of course, Chen Zong is inevitably "interrogated".

The people questioning were those two show.

Obviously it looks like a baby face, but it is necessary to stretch out a majestic look. Even the tone of speech is pretending to be majestic, as if it can make her look more deterrent.

As everyone knows, it looks more adorable.

Chen Zong can also see that the other party seems to be imitating someone. As for who he is, he certainly doesn't know, but it is the person who is close to the two show.

Faced with "interrogation", it is actually asking about his origin and why he followed the Void Front Void Ship.

Chen Zong said a mixed answer.

Origin, naturally speaking Lingwuxing.

Lingwu Holy Realm is the title of a world. According to some classic records recorded in the Eternal War Fortress, the world and the stars are different, to a certain extent, less.

Less, sometimes it means value.

Although the current Lingwu sacred world is nothing, but all in all, the mind is supreme. Therefore, calling it Lingwu Star gives people an innate sense, coming from a star, not a world.

Following the elders of Shimen travelling through the void around Ling Wuxing, he was attacked by a void beast. In a battle, he and his elders were separated and drifted here, not knowing exactly where it was.

Among them, true and false are mixed, so that there will be no flaws and people believe.

The young girl believed directly, but the middle-aged man in the gray robe didn't change the slightest look, and couldn't see whether to believe or not.

But that's not important, as long as you set up a downwind boat, you didn't think about how the heavy front was.

Under the decision of those two show, Chen Zong was assigned to a cabin. Although ordinary, it was enough for Chen Zong, and he was grateful.

This is a kindness that will one day be repaid.

The Chongfeng is very powerful, and there is no doubt about it. There is also a strong psychic power in the town, which will undoubtedly be more secure.

Sitting in the cabin, Chen Zong finally breathed a sigh of relief. The feeling of disappearing in the dark and empty void disappeared, and the slight pressure inside him disappeared.


This time, it was really very dangerous.

Almost, I'm finished.

Now it's finally safe.

"Palace of God, it seems that it is impossible to build a large tomb for you now. When I return to the Heavenly Sanctuary in the future, I will find your body and fulfill my promise." Chen Zong said secretly.

Miya Tenjin!

That is a real opponent.

Although there is some regret, after all, it is necessary to distinguish between victory and loss and life and death.

This point has been set from the beginning.

can not avoid!

Seems like a fateful encounter.

So far, it has only ended. Chen Zongke didn't know that after the fall of Gong Tianshen, he was taken away by a golden light. Whether he died or not, he left a suspense.

Putting aside his thoughts, Chen Zong began to calm down.

From understanding the origins of the world in the depths of the world to being expelled by the world's will, he immediately fought a life-and-death battle with the Gods of the Palace. Recognize yourself and watch your changes.

Now, finally, there is time.

Get rid of all distractions and start to observe yourself.

What made Chen Zong very interested was his physical change.

According to the feeling, the level of the intermediate spirit body has been reached, but what kind of intermediate spirit body it is, it is hard to say, maybe it has not appeared before and may not be necessarily.

But one thing is certain: this transformed intermediate spirit body is closely related to his early sword power.

God's inner vision completely sinks into the body, and at the same time, there is a thought of circling around Chen Zong, observing Chen Zong, the thought of the middle-aged man in gray robe.

He didn't want to peep at any secrets, but wanted to know whether this person would be in trouble. Although there was only an ant-like existence in front of him, no mistake could be made in any case.

It now seems that the other party really did not have any idea, it is very honest.

Just be honest, stay calmly.

From the inside, Chen Zong can see the inside of his body, compared with before, it seems to have changed greatly.

Over the air, there is a gray ball slowly turning, countless air currents roll on the surface of the ball like a blade wave, endless loop, endless and endless.

Inside, there is a clear air rising slowly, and the turbid air slowly sinking, as if it were performing heavenly.

This is the eighth mystery of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong.

Looking inside, the viscera, the five internal organs, are full of amazing vitality. It looks extremely bright and bright. It seems to emit a heavy light from the inside, and it turns into a halo covering the surface. Heavy protection can resist the bombardment of Zou Li.

The heart is beating steadily and powerfully, and is spitting shining blood. Each spit is as if the waters of the rivers and rivers are turbulent and turbulent, and contains amazing power.

This is the body that condenses the flower of the top-level polar world, and its potential is amazing.

Looking at the skeleton again, it looks like a white jade cast, like a jade bone, permeated with a layer of crystal clear luster, containing a terrible power, seems to be a kind of sharp.

As sharp as a sword, it seems to be able to tear and pierce everything.

The tendons have become thicker and tougher, and the force that can be burst out between them is becoming more and more amazing and more and more terrible.

If a little bit of light condenses into the breath, flowing slowly in the muscles of the bones and muscles, it is a very strange power, which does not belong to the essence of spirit, it is unique and powerful.

That's the power of physique ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It's the power that belongs to a special constitution.


This is a sign power of the spirit body.

His physique is indeed a spirit body, and judging from his cultivation experience in the Eternal War Fortress, he has reached the level of an intermediate spirit body, a spirit body associated with Kendo.

In the eighth period, the sword power in the beginning of the Taiyuan movement, Chen Zong also urged the power of the spirit body. This can be controlled by himself. Whether to urge or not is entirely up to his own heart.

Therefore, it can be used as a hole card.

As soon as the physical strength was aroused, Chen Zong immediately felt that his power in the beginning of the sword was greatly increased, and directly increased by about 60%, and he couldn't help but be shocked.

The growth rate of the lower level spirit body is 30%.

Intermediate spirits are 50%.

The superior spirit is 70%.

Top spirits are 10%.

But now, his intermediate spirit has brought him a 60% increase.

The difference between 60% and 50% is only 10%, but for the strong, the increase of 10% is very obvious, and the improvement of strength is also very considerable. In many cases, it is enough to reverse life and death.

Chen Zong couldn't help showing a touch of joy. If it weren't for his own place, I'd be afraid that he had already adjusted his power and tried it.

"There is no doubt that these spirits are closely related to the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong." Chen Zong secretly said that the eye bacteria were bright: "The power of the spirit body can not only better increase the power of Gongfa, In the same vein as Gongfa, is it possible to raise the level of the spiritual body through the cultivation of Gongfa? "

If the guess is true, I'm afraid it will be amazing.

It is not impossible to become a superior spirit body or even a top spirit body in the future. The increase in yourself can be very obvious.

Well, this kind of spirit body is named Taichu Jianyuan body.

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