Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 4: The second town boundary city (on)

Do you like her sister? )

Hundreds of people, on the wide deck, there were hundreds of people standing around, half of them were from the Lin family, and half were members of other forces who paid for the help of the Lin family.

In the middle space, there are two people standing dozens of meters apart. One is Chen Zong, and the other is the Lin family. The young man can not see the specific age. He is in black and has a slender figure. gas.

With his left hand behind his back, Lin Zhengming was holding a sword obliquely on his nail plate, standing as a flock of chickens, very chic and arrogant.

The sword was cold and scorching, reflecting the Quartet, filled with a hint of chill, but a semi-artifact long sword.

"Brother Chen, let's get out of the sword." Lin Zhengming's mouth hanged a smile, a handsome appearance, seeing a woman in Lin's heart springing.

"Master Zhengming is really handsome."

"Drow is extraordinary."

"Master Zhengming's swordsmanship is superb, and he can definitely learn from this soil."

Although the sound around was very low, under the extreme cultivation of demigods, he was clearly heard. Lin Zhengming's look remained unchanged. It seemed that he didn't care about the light and light appearance, but his brow angle was slightly. Provocation is obviously very useful, and the heart has already blossomed.

"I don't have to cultivate to suppress you, just better than swordsmanship." Lin Zhengming was in a mood, and he said again. He subconsciously thought that a Xin Xi who didn't know which lonely star came out was so high, Definitely cannot compare with myself.

Use swordsmanship to teach each other a good meal, maybe Erxiu will feel happy.

As soon as Erxiu was happy, he might favor him. At that time, he would have the opportunity to connect with him, and his status within the family would also be improved.

The more I think about it, Lin Zhengming feels that life is better, and when that time comes, he will be able to outperform his elder brother.

It's a pity that Daxiu himself is difficult to climb, but the second show is also good.

Thinking about it, Lin Zhengming is almost out of water.

Chen Zong smiled slightly and pulled out the sword of his heart. If he was of the grade, he would not be inferior to the opponent's semi-artifact sword.

However, Chen Zongyi stabbed his sword. The speed of the sword was not fast, but not slow.

Of course, for Chen Zong, this is just a very ordinary sword. The purpose is naturally to let the other party shoot and show the sword.

Because Chen Zong is happy to hunt, and think about seeing other superb swordsmanship in the void, the two swordsmanships of the previous Xiu Linwei's swordsmanship are very common, but it is because she has not really worked hard.

That is undoubtedly a good swordsmanship.

In front of this person, although there are some vanity picks, but depending on its posture and breath, the swordsmanship is a certain level of skill.

Hope, don't let yourself down.

"I'll show you the black frost of my Lin family." As Lin Zhengming's voice fell, the sword waved out, first obliquely, then straight, and a black light condensed in an instant and shot out.

Immediately, a faint black scent pervaded, and the scent emanated an incomparable chill, as if freezing the void around.

This chill was directed not only at the body but also at the will of the mind, so that Chen Zong felt an unspeakable cold, straight through the mind.

Very good swordsmanship, terrible swordsmanship.

However, compared with the swordsmanship of Lin Weizheng, it is still inferior in level. As for the gap, Chen Zong cannot make an accurate judgment. After all, it is only to watch the swordsmanship of others.

Even so, Chen Zong also saw that this was a superb swordsmanship.

The black air exudes a frost-like astonishing chill, which contains a deep and unpredictable power and mystery, faintly closer to the air of this void, and seems to exceed a breath and a level of power in the heavenly realm of heaven.


Chen Zong immediately affirmed that the sword technique used by the opponent must have reached the level of magical power.

Any magical power, even if it is only a small magical power, is very precious and precious in the heavenly sanctuary.

Not to mention small magical powers, just supernatural powers are very precious. Only those top forces can master one or two.

Chen Zong was surprised by the sword technique that this person was exhibiting.

This feeling is like when in a world, everyone buys things in units of one hundred, and occasionally there are tens of thousands of tyrants, but in the void, when you first see others, you will pass 10,000 , A sense of vision of the tyrants.

In this way, Chen Zong is also more excited.

Perhaps this time, accidentally breaking into the void, although there are many dangerous, but it is also good.

At least, you can see more geniuses and more inscrutable martial arts.

At the turn of his thoughts, Chen Zong's sword was not slow at all, gently deviating from the trajectory of the sword, immediately blocking Lin Zhengming's sword.

Lin Zhengming's swordsmanship is superb, and his combat experience can be considered rich.

The sword stabbed in a moment, turned into a slash.

The whistling sound also swept through it, ringing in all directions, a roll of Jianguang, countless black cold permeated, as if a black frost spread, turning into a wave of waves that followed the impact of Jianguang, the amazing black The cold air seemed to be able to freeze everything around, directly against the will of the mind, and freeze the soul.

This kind of power is really amazing, everyone watching the battle can't help but retreat to the left, their looks have changed greatly, their brows are covered with a layer of fine black frost, and the deck also spreads a layer of black frost.


"Master Zhengming, has already cultivated Hei Shuangjin to a higher level."

There was an exclamation for a while, but what was said made Chen Zong understand, but it was a little unclear.


In other words, there is the first, and even the third.

The martial arts in the void made me look forward to it even more.

I really want to see the mystery.

Then, put more pressure on the other side.

Chen Zong secretly said.

Indeed, Lin Zhengming's swordsmanship is very good, quite advanced, and Heishin Jin is also very brilliant and powerful, if placed in the heavenly sanctuary, not many of his peers are his opponents.

However, regardless of how cultivation is done, comparing swordsmanship with Chen Zong is far too different.

There are two reasons. One is that Lin Zhengming has not cultivated the black frost to a very high level. The other is Lin Zhengming's combat experience. Although it is good, it is still limited. It seems that it has not gone through a lot of life and death.

It was another sword, which directly broke Lin Zhengming's sword.

Chen Zong is looking forward to the other party's ability to perform more advanced swordsmanship, but unfortunately, no.

The sword just before was already the strongest swordsmanship that Lin Zhengming was able to perform, without any practice.

Of course, if it is placed in the sanctuary of Tianyuan, such swordsmanship and accomplishment are really few compared to it.

It is not that Lin Zhengming is not strong enough, but that Chen Zong is too strong.

The sharp edge of the sword paused before the eyebrows, and a sharp but unshaven sharp edge caused Lin Zhengming's head to numb, almost burst, and his body was cold, and the sword that he waved stopped in midair, a look that could not move forward.

"Assign." Chen Zong stood up with his sword in a quiet voice.

This is the Chongfeng, the Chongfeng of the Lin family. Now, if you put it under a fence, you still have to be more modest, so as not to make the other person's face look bad.

Lin Zhengming's face was changing, he seemed to want to maintain his grace, but he felt very aggrieved, and in the end he was still not so profound. He snorted, left his robe sleeve, and left angrily.

Chen Zong didn't care.

After a while, the people watching around also left, and Chen Zong also returned to the cabin, continued to practice, and combed his own learning.

"Highly accomplished swordsmanship, but I don't know how to cultivate it." That scene all fell into the eyes of the middle-aged man in the gray robe, and he nodded secretly.

Lin Zhengming is the second son of the elder Lin family. His talent is very good. He can be called a genius. His sword skill is quite brilliant, and he is not bad in cultivation, but he is defeated by the other party.

Although he didn't use the practice, he can see the superb skill of Chen Zong's swordsmanship.

Within the younger generation of the entire Lin family, there were only two who could easily defeat Lin Zhengming with swordsmanship.

One is Lin Zhengming's elder brother, and the other is Daxiu.

Could this person's swordsmanship be comparable to a big show?

The middle-aged man in gray robes dragged again, negating that Daxiu's talent is definitely not comparable to this person.

Next, Chen Zong did not encounter any further trouble.

The Chongfeng continued to fly at an astonishingly high speed. Chen Zong Chen Zong stood on the deck and saw a huge shadow in front of him ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, as if an ancient Montenegro was standing in the void, it was extremely amazing.

"That's the second town, Jiecheng, we're almost there." Lin Weiyi, who was standing aside, smiled, as if staying on the Zhongfeng, very boring.

"Second Town Boundary City." Chen Zong whispered again, another he did not know.

"You have come from a small place, you may not have heard it." Lin Weihua laughed, contacted many times, and became more familiar with Chen Zong, she spoke more casually.

The origins of Chen Zong's origins at that time, such as his spiritual martial arts, etc., have not been heard by everyone, and combined with some other information, it is natural to infer that Chen Zongyong came from a relatively backward star.

There is no void in the sky. The cultivation of some stars is relatively low. They have not yet stepped out of the stars and entered the void. Naturally, all kinds of information in the void are not even understood.

"Also ask." Chen Zongwei smiled, and didn't take it for granted that he was older than the other than his opponent, but asked shamelessly.

"Hum, for the sake of your sincerity, I'll tell you." Lin Weihuan said delicately, his voice was crisp and clear, like a wind chime. It sounded comfortable to Chen Zong, it was a treat.

Lin Weixun spoke with her delicate, crisp and touching voice like a wind chime, like several Jiazhens, telling the origin and role of the Second Town Jiecheng and so on.

While Chen Zong was listening, he also asked some questions.

Although Lin Weiyi is relatively unconcerned in her cultivation, she is very familiar with some of the news. She always heard it when she came in handy.

The more he understood, the more surprised Chen Zong was.

This cosmic void is really wonderful. I broke into it unexpectedly. Although I disrupted the original plan, I broke through the unexpected wonderfulness. Of course, I am only in preliminary contact now.

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