Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 5: The second town boundary city (below)

Tomorrow Liudao will release a picture of the second town boundary city on the public account. You can pay attention to the public account: Liudao sinking, tasting.)

There is no emptiness and darkness, and a huge city stands out of thin air, standing still. From a distance, it looks like an ancient mountain. The dock is vigorous and vicissitudes, and it emits an endless and powerful atmosphere, which stuns all directions and makes it that. One side of the void seemed imprisoned and could not afford the slightest wave.

At a glance from a distance, Chen Zong consciously looks like a gnat and is as small as dust.

This second town boundary city has a long history and is closely related to the void demons familiar to Chen Zong.

In other words, the existence of the town boundary city is to suppress the void demons.

As for how to suppress Yunyun, Lin Weizheng knows little about it. To a certain extent, it can already be regarded as some secrets. Lin Weizheng is not particularly interested in it, of course, it is not clear.

Rao is so, everything that Lin Weiyi said makes Chen Zong curious and longing for it.

Zhongfeng quickly approached the ancient giant city standing in the void, and its speed decreased rapidly.

The closer he got, the more clearly Chen Zong saw, and the more shocked he felt.

Giant City!

When it is really a giant city, at first glance, it seems that you cannot see the width and the height. According to Lin Weiyi, the length and width of this second town boundary city are more than ten thousand miles. Although its height is not so amazing, But it was more than ten miles.

Well deserved giant city.

Compared with those giant cities in Tianyuan Sanctuary, it looks like a rotten grass compared with towering trees, and the gap is too big.

This is also the first time I have seen such a huge city with my own eyes, it is unimaginable.

After all, the largest city in Tianyuan Sanctuary has a length and width of at most hundreds of miles.

Hundreds and thousands of miles, there is a big gap.

At the bottom of the second town boundary city, it looks like a floating land. On the land is a giant city. Below it, there are uneven inverted cones, like a wide overhanging mountain.

In addition to the huge and amazing ancient black giant city standing in the void, there are thirteen circular platforms around the giant city. Each platform has a diameter of hundreds of miles, which is quite large.

The round platform is flat on the top, and the bottom gradually shrinks to the end, and the whole looks like a cone.

From the conical platform to the giant city, there is a huge black chain with a thickness of 1,000 kilometers, which collapses straight, like an extremely long spear sword, with a cold and cold atmosphere, and a trace of iron blood. .

A giant city, thirteen conical platforms and thirteen huge chains constitute a shocking and profound scene called Chen Zong in the void.

This shock is a shock that directly hits the heart.

Chongfeng must not fly directly to the boundary town of the second town. Any void ship is not allowed. This is a rule that it can only be parked on the void dock.

"This dock belongs to our Lin family." Lin Weizheng said to Chen Zong with a bit of ostentation, and it seemed to be a bit coquettish, which made Lin Zhengming and others breathe fire.

To them, Erxiu has never been so close, and now he is so envious of Xin Yan who doesn't know from which corner.

Lin Zhengming even regretted why he made a request for the sword test on that day, instead of all his strength, otherwise he would not lose.

No, it will win.

The Heavy Front landed on the dock, and most of them also came down.

There are a few hundred in total, each of which is cultivated as a body, at least half a step, and even a small part of the breath is very tyrannical.

Compared to the heavenly sanctuary, this kind of information should go beyond much.

Is there a real step into the void of the universe? It is a sign, a dividing line between strong and weak.

If the Lingwu Holy Realm has not experienced the ancient wars and thus suffered great damage, perhaps it can now enter the void to explore, it is definitely many times stronger than now.

The emotion was fleeting, and a black orangutan shaped like a shuttle stopped on the chain at the edge of the dock.

Hundreds of people descended from Zhongfeng boarded the black orangutan boat and sat down one after another. Lin Weizheng sat next to Chen Zong, and immediately there were many eyes swept away, as sharp as a sword, it seemed to be Pierce Chen Zong and shred.

Envy and envy again.

Lin Weiwei didn't have any awareness herself, but also because her mind was pure or pure, she didn't care about those, and she didn't think so much.

Chen Zong was aware, but didn't care.

To themselves, these people are just passers-by.

According to Lin Wei's information, Chen Zong knew that there were a total of thirteen major forces in the second town boundary city, which belonged to the thirteen major forces in the area guarded by the second town boundary city.

In addition, there are dozens of forces that are second to the Thirteenth, and as many as dozens of them have also established branches in the town boundary town.

The forces that are eligible to establish a branch in the town boundary city are at least those who have a strong power of the gods.

In this way, the number of psychic powers in the Second Town Jiecheng area is more than one hundred, and even more. When Chen Zong knew this, his inner shock was beyond description.

Looking at the Lingwu sacred realm, only in ancient times, there were many sacred realms, but how many are there, Chen Zong is not clear.

Nowadays, in the Holy Realm of Sacred Realm, there is only the Great Holy Realm who is equivalent to the Divine Realm in Tianyuan Sanctuary. According to Chen Zong's understanding, there are four statues in the Xuanyuan Realm, which have been in existence for many years.

Among the other eight realms, there are no less than four statues. In total, there are more than thirty or even forty statues.

However, not all the great holy realms will stay in the heavenly sacred realm, and some have already explored in the void of the universe.

As for the invasion of the purgatory ghosts at that time, why there was no great sacred shot, Chen Zong speculated that it may have something to do with the will of the world.

But what exactly is the reason is not clear, Chen Zong did not intend to explore.

Recalling the words that Hua Ji said, the Existing Great Holy Realm Xingyuan in Tianyuan Sanctuary is at most equivalent to the lowest level of the Divine Realm, and even it cannot be regarded as a complete true Divine Realm.

Not only in quantity, but also in quality, it can't be compared with here.

It's a place that makes people look forward to it.

As far as the communication of the divine realm is concerned, there is little information that Chen Zong can know, and even the division of the realm in the connected divine realm is unclear.

Because the power of the Divine Realm is related to a deeper level of power. Even if it is just a state of practice, it also has extraordinary power. Those who do not enter the Power of the Divine Realm cannot know. If they are forced to know in advance, they will be impacted. Creation, and then there is no hope of eternal life.

Only when you truly become a powerful person in a divine realm can you know everything.

Now, we can only know the general term of the psychic state, and nothing more.

Only one title can be known, and the state of spiritual practice cannot be known, which makes Chen Zong more and more curious and yearning for the state of communication.

The Barracuda boat is extremely fast, and galloping forward on the straight black chain, approaching that giant city quickly.

Chen Zong felt very depressed because he felt it for the first time and was not used to it.

I just feel that all my strength seems to be suppressed into the body, and the operation speed is several times slower than usual, and even

Chen Zong tried it a bit, and sure enough, he couldn't come out directly.

Suppression, too strong.

Of course, if you do your best to explode, you may do so, but it is difficult to say to what extent.

This was all-round suppression. Not only was Chen Zong suppressed, others were also suppressed.

The degree of suppression is closely related to the individual. The higher the level of self-repression, the lower the suppression.

Chen Zong didn't know how much time was spent here. Without proper means, it is difficult to feel the passage of time.

Finally, the Gorilla boat slipped across the chain and came to spasm: one of the thirteen entrances to the second town boundary city.

More than a hundred people descended from the orangutan.

Chen Zong looked around carefully.

The black color of the second town boundary is the main tone. Every brick and stone is extremely thick and exudes an air of grandeur and arrogance. The feeling of touching the feet tells Chen Zong that it is not known what the material is made of masonry. Hard, I don't know if my heart-strengthening sword can be broken.

Every building in the city is very tall, huge, extremely impactful, solemn and cold-hearted.

At a glance, the mind will be greatly affected.

At first glance, it seems that this giant city is not spasmodic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The sight is obstructed. Within the range of sight, the highest building that Chen Zong saw is more than one thousand meters, just like It is a mountain peak.

According to Lin Weizheng, a one-kilometer building is not the tallest in the city. The tallest building reaches three kilometers.

It's simply beyond imagination.

The law and order in the giant city is very good, because fighting is not allowed to take place at will. Once a fight occurs, no matter who is right or wrong, they will be punished. In severe cases, they may even be killed by the giant city guards on the spot.

If you have to fight or resolve grievances, of course there are places to go.

Hundreds of people entered this giant city, as if a handful of sand was thrown into the lake, and they couldn't splash much water.

Not long after, hundreds of people began to spread.

The total number is divided into four teams, of which the Lin family has the most, more than two hundred, and the other three teams each have dozens of them, going in different directions to their respective forces.

Chen Zong naturally followed the Lin family.

I have just entered the void and I am a rookie. I do n’t know enough information, and it ’s not enough to repair. I ’m not strong enough, so it ’s not suitable for acting alone. Otherwise, the danger of death is too great.

The current self needs to have a temporary starting point, as a rocker for himself to stand in the void.

As it happens, Lin Weizhen invited himself to the branch office of the Lin family, and said that he was good at swordsmanship. He wanted to recommend it to her sister, who might be able to point and point at her swordsmanship.

Chen Zong did not refuse, nor did he feel how great he was. The void is huge, the world and the stars are numerous, and it is not particularly strange that there are people better than himself.

As a result, Chen Zong was also a little more curious about the sister in Lin Wei's mouth, but she didn't know what her sister did.

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