Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 6: 1 fleeting blush

Take your big show, it will break out tomorrow)

In the second town boundary city, there are nearly a hundred forces, each with its own site and resources.

The Lin family is one of the ten most powerful among the nearly one hundred powers. The area and resources occupied by its branches are also relatively large and numerous.

In the second town boundary city, the branch of the Lin family is called Feixuege.

"This generation of the Lord is my sister." Lin Weiyi smiled contentedly, very happy, and bounced around, her inner happiness seemed to be able to infect other people around, making the solemn black here, as if a few more Vivid colors.

The town boundary town is very large. Everyone spent a lot of time before and after walking to Feixue Pavilion.

Of course, this is also because there are no emergencies, and many of the teams are coming to the second town boundary city for the first time, so walking, let everyone adapt to the unique environment of the second town boundary city.

If there is an emergency, Gorilla Boat will contact Feixue Pavilion as soon as possible, and Feixue Pavilion will send a flying car to answer it.

The suppression force of the second town boundary city is very strong. Chen Zong adapts a little bit. When he came to the Feixue Pavilion, he was almost adjusted. This is more than the other first time he came to the second town boundary city. People have to get on a lot faster.

The Feixue Pavilion is also black, but its architecture is very special. It looks like a huge snowflake. It seems that it is suspended in the air, but it is actually in contact with the ground. It has a very clever construction technique, which gives people A visual dislocation that exudes a seemingly heavy and frosty atmosphere.

As soon as everyone arrived at Feixue Pavilion, they immediately presented the relevant identity verification and so on to prevent others from mixing in.

As for Chen Zong, it belongs to the scope of others, but there are middle-aged middle-aged people in Erxiu Lin Weiyi and the robe of God.

Feixue Pavilion, covering an area of ​​ten miles long and six or seven miles wide, has a height of more than one kilometer, and looks like a snowflake that has been magnified many times, just like a fortress.

Such a huge building is also the only thing Chen Zong has seen in his life. No building of this size can be found in the heavenly sanctuary.

So amazing.

Inside the Feixue Pavilion, a man-made snowy mountain peak covering an area of ​​several hundred meters and covering a few thousand meters is standing tall with a tall body and a white sword robe. When the snow blows, it stands still.


The wind became more than ten times violent in an instant, and there was no Beijing flower in the world. It turned into a violent snowflake-like swell, and it seemed to engulf that almost perfect body.

The wave of snowflakes is astonishing, as if it carries the might of heaven and earth, terrible and anomalous. Under such might, that strong body is afraid of being unable to resist the slightest, and it will be destroyed instantly.

For a moment, the moment when the crisis came, a sharp sword light burst out suddenly, shining between heaven and earth.


Along with that dazzling snow and bright sword light, there was a burst of violent and amazing momentum, as if the snowfall collapsed. Not only did it emit an amazing momentum, but it also gave out an amazing power. The whole snow mountain seemed to be shaking, As if to collapse.

Sword out, big avalanche!

The majesty is magnificent and the weather is huge, but at the moment, where the Jianguang passed by, the huge waves of snowflakes blown by the strong wind came to a halt, and then they collapsed directly.

That sword light rushed forward, as if it was going to cut through this side Xu Di, draw a vacuum channel, it is extremely amazing.

"When will I be as powerful as my elder sister." Lin Weizhen stood staring at the edge of the snow mountain, exclaimed, seeming a little longing for it.

"As long as you are willing to cultivate, you will reach it." The middle-aged man in gray robe smiled.

"Never mind." The thought of Lin Wei's small face shuddering at the thought of such hard work, and then smiled again: "Sister is enough."

Middle-aged man in gray robe couldn't help but grin and laugh.

These two shows, talent is there, just can not bear the suffering of cultivation.

Any practitioner, no matter whether his talent is high or low, wants to achieve a certain degree of accomplishment without hard work.

Even if your cultivation speed is as fast as lightning, the stubborn will have superb cultivation from low cultivation to short cultivation, but cultivation is cultivation, and combat power is combat power.

Without sufficient combat experience, cultivation is difficult to turn into combat power.

Throughout the ages, there have also been many examples. There are no cultivation talents in the air, but they have not been converted into some combat power. As a result, people have lowered their cultivation to defeat and kill, and they have achieved the reputation of others.

Although I also hope that the second show can be like a big show and strive to cultivate, but there is no hard requirement in the family.

After all, the Lin family is a big force, with stars, countless masters, and a lot of genius. To some extent, there is not much difference between one more second show and one less second show.

Besides, there are also stunning big shows.

Let Erxiu enjoy her happiness.

"Uncle Rong, Weiyou, here you are." The tall and tall Jiang Zi, who had broken a violent storm with a sword at the top of the snow mountain, stepped down and appeared in front of the two of them. A nearly perfect face was pale and the skin was like a sheep Fat white jade, with a faint halo.

"Sister." Lin Weizhen immediately filled in, hugging the tall woman.

Middle-aged man in gray robe also nodded slightly.

"Sister, let me tell you, this time we are" Lin Wei's pretense, can't wait to say what happened on the heavy front.

Of course, it is something related to Chen Zong.

Lin Weiyin's eyes flashed a faint light, and he immediately looked at the middle-aged man in gray robe.

"Big show, according to my secret observations, this person is indeed from a lonely star, and it is the first time that he left the star to enter the void." The middle-aged man in the gray robe suddenly understood the meaning in Lin Weiyin's eyes, no Xu Buji said, "As for what he said that the people of Hezongmen were separated because of encountering the Nether Beast, the credibility is 70%. According to my overall judgment, he is not malicious or threatening to us."

Lin Weiyin nodded incomprehensible.

Uncle Rong is a powerful man in the family, and a restrained, low-key but well-thought-out person. He has a bad eye, and he said so.

Since there is no malicious intention or threat to the Lin family and Feixue Pavilion, as to the credibility of its statement, it does not matter.

"Is his sword skill very clear?" Lin Weiyin asked again, the bright flashes in his eyes seemed a bit brighter.

"Sister, his sword skills are very good, I am not an opponent at all." Lin Weiyi immediately answered.

Lin Weiyin smiled slightly. The smile was fleeting, but it was like the snow and ice melted in an instant, it was amazing, but unfortunately, no one else saw it.

"His swordsmanship is indeed very clever. Lin Zhengming is not an opponent at all." After the middle-aged man in the gray robe also smiled, he said, "In my opinion, in swordsmanship, he can completely defeat Lin with a sword. It is clear that the younger generation in our Lin family should be included in the top ranks. "

As for Xiu Wei, because Chen Zong has not been fully exposed, it can only be a level of demigod extreme, but the same demigod extreme, the difference between strength and weakness is also obvious.

Lin Weiyin's eyes seemed to become brighter.

Lin Zhengming is well-known in Lin's family, and his sword skills are also okay.

Being able to defeat Lin Zhengming with one leaven shows that this man's sword skill is indeed very clear.

"Bring him to see me." Lin Weiyin was very direct.

"Okay." Uncle Rong nodded, and couldn't help but secretly said that he hadn't seen him for a while. The show was still the same. He was sensible, calm, and never messed up.

Soon, Chen Zong came to Lin Weiyin.

Both sides looked at each other.

Lin Weiyin's eyes were beautiful, but still cold, like ice in a deep lake, as if it could freeze everything. For a moment, Chen Zong's heart felt cold.

Regardless of his appearance or body, Lin Weiyin is one of the first women he has ever seen. His temperament is cold and cold, very unique, just like the flawless snow lotus on the top of the snow-capped mountains facing the wind and snow.

Lin Weiyin is also looking at Chen Zong.

At first glance, she felt very ordinary, but at second glance, she couldn't help being more careful.

Those calm eyes, as deep as the void, seemed to be able to absorb everything and accommodate everything.

The thirsty face has a scholarly style, and it seems to contain a sharp edge of the swordsman, vaguely calm, light, cold, and violent.

These different temperaments seem to appear on the same person at the same time at the same time. When mixed together, not only did they not conflict with each other ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, but they further enhanced their personal charm, and they also had a kind of shock.

Looking at it, Lin Weiyin found that he seemed to be attracted in general, and had a thought of inquiry.

"Why did my sister keep staring at Chen Zong." Lin Wei's eyes widened, his face stunned.

"The big show is a bit out of order." Uncle Rong was also secretly surprised, very rarely, seeing the big show staring at others, especially the other man was a young man.

Immediately, Lin Weiyin realized that he seemed a bit ill and reacted quickly, but his cheeks flashed a shimmer of red in an instant, and disappeared.

Lin Weidi didn't see it. Uncle Rong, as a powerful man in the magical realm, was more keen, but found it, and suddenly felt a stun.

Did you see the flowers yourself?

Is it really eye-catching?

Is he already old and starting to faint?

How could Daxiu's coquettishness appear, even if only for a moment.

Daxiu has always been cold since childhood. Although there are many pursuers, she has never moved her too much. How can such shyness appear?


It must be your own illusion.

What they don't know is that Chen Zong's various temperaments are very restrained, as if they are in the bottom of his heart, as if the artifact is obscure, and it seems to return to its original form.

Without some special ability, it is hard to notice.

In other words, the vast majority of people see Chen Zong who has not shot, and they will feel that the other party is as mediocre as themselves. Only a few really outstanding people or some people with special ability can feel it. Chen Zong's extraordinary.

Lin Weiyin itself is very good, and his mind perception is also more acute than that of ordinary people. This is inherent and has nothing to do with the level of cultivation.

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