Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 8: Kogami Dori method (above)

Ask for a monthly pass, keep it ten, and strive to reach the top.

There are not many classics, and the recorded content is the basic magnetic interest of the void. It may not be of much use to others, but it is not small to use Chen Zong, at least to allow Chen Zong to have a more comprehensive understanding of the void.

The vitality in the world or the stars, called the heaven and earth, is suitable for the power absorbed by practitioners below the Tongjin Realm. It is no longer useful for the Tongjin Realm.

It is even said that the vitality of the heavens and the earth has weakened the demigod's ultimate practitioners.

There is also power in the void, which is called Void Aura, which is essentially the same as the Aura of Heaven and Earth, but it is much higher on the level, as if it is the gap between the under-god and the under-god.

Below the level of Tongjingjing, it is impossible to directly absorb the vitality of the void, and the town is full of rich vitality, which will make the people below the Tongjingjing restrained.

Of course, there is also the rule of void.

The rule of the void, that is a power above the Tao.

There are mysteries of heaven and earth in the world, and there are also mysteries of void in the void, with different levels.

Some of the emptiness in the Feixue Pavilion is transformed by the formation method, and the layers of consciousness become a kind of sub-emptiness that is higher than the heaven and earth energies and lower than the emptiness energies, which is just right for the demigod practitioners to absorb and practice.

Chen Zong tried it. The sword power was eighth in the beginning. It was a bit jerky and unsuitable at first, but it was able to absorb the sub-empty energy into the body. Once transformed, its efficiency was at least three times higher than that in the heavenly sanctuary. More than that.

The speed of cultivation has been improved several times compared to that in Tianyuan Sanctuary.

In such a place, I can practice the eighth restructuring of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong in a shorter period of time. At that time, I am expected to create the ninth.

Once you create the ninth weight, you may be able to reach the extreme and condense the flower of energy.

At least, it's high-level, even top-level.

Of course, it is best to condense the top-level Qi flower, and it is best that all three flowers reach the top-level.

But there are times when you can't do it by yourself, you can only do what you can and try hard.

This is the first time we have arrived, and it will take a while to stabilize, and then we will come to the eternal battlefield.

Because once the consciousness comes to the Eternal War Fortress, your body loses its consciousness. It is like a piece of wood. If it is found, it may cause an accident.

If you want to consciously come to the eternal battlefield again, you must have a relatively safe place, such as the Miguang Island in the heavenly sanctuary, which is under your own control, and no one else enters. Therefore, in a sense, it is absolutely Safety.

For now, practice first.

Chen Zong took out the golden badger given by Lin Weiyin.

Holding on to the hand, a hint of sharpness permeated, very amazing, it seemed to be able to cut through the palm.

As soon as Chen Zong was aware of it, he was instantly immersed in the golden urn. First, it was dark, and then, a color of light lit up.

It was a sword light.

The golden sword light condensed into one, about the thickness of a finger, and carried with extreme sharpness in an instant, penetrated the dark void, disappeared in the distance, and seemed to leave a slight trace, disappeared in a blink.

At that moment, another golden sword lighted up, and Chen Zong saw that the golden sword mang was exactly the sword from the figure's hand that exudes a golden halo.

It seems to be a slash, and it seems to be a stab, but it seems to be an understatement to make a sword, but at the moment, a high-intensity golden sword-mantle pierces through the torn void.

What matters is not how it moves, but the strength it condenses.

That golden swordman burst into the air and shot and came, and in a split second, penetrated the thought of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong only felt that his consciousness was penetrated in an instant, but he did not report any pain, but there was an explosion of information.

Jin Yaoguan star sword.

Grade: Little magical power.

Type: Sword.

There are three.

First: Jin Mang.

The information is quite detailed, so that Chen Zong can intuitively know all kinds of information of this little magical power.

"There are a total of three, but now it is the first, is it incomplete?" Chen Zong's eyes flashed. "Or do I have to be the first to be able to pass from it to the second inheritance?"

It should be the latter. Chen Zong thought of Lin Weiyin's cold and immaculate face, and said secretly.

Immediately, Chen Zong began to realize the first mystery of Jin Yaoguan's star sword.

As soon as I got involved, I was immediately amazed. The mystery is really inscrutable. If you don't have a superb understanding and deep kendo, it is probably a mess.

But now, at all times, Chen Zong can feel that he has realized new mysteries. This kind of continuous gaining feeling is very beautiful and intoxicating.

I don't know how long in the past, Chen Zong suddenly woke up and fully realized the mystery of Jin Yaoguan's star sword, Jin Mang, and the rest was cultivated to truly master.

But Chen Zong did not practice immediately, but thought about it.

After confronting with Lin Weiyin, and then seeing this little **** stopping, Chen Zong found a little difference, a little difference between Void Martial Arts and Martial Arts in Tianyuan Sanctuary.

The martial arts in the heavenly sanctuary first focused on moves, and then there were moves, and then the momentum and morality were extended by moves.

But in any case, it cannot be separated from the scope of moves.

Void martial arts is different. It does not focus on moves, but only on artistic conception.

As long as you master that mood, you can do whatever you want, everything you want.

Comparison between the two sides, high or low?

It is very intuitive. It is undoubtedly that the Void Martial arts is more intelligent, and does not stick to moves. It only cares about the artistic conception, so as to condense the solemn momentum, and further draw the mysterious power in the heavens and the earth and even the Void to exert even more terrible power.

But after thinking carefully, Zong also understood a little.

If you practice Void Martial Arts from the beginning, you will never achieve much, because you lack sufficient foundation.

For example, if you build a building, you suddenly want to build a ten-story and twenty-story building, but you have not laid the foundation, or it cannot be covered, or even if it is covered, it is just an empty shelf. Will collapse.

"Speaking from this, the martial arts in one side of the world are the foundation, and the martial arts in the void are extensions." Chen Zong's eyes flashed with brilliance.

This is of course his own speculation, but Chen Zong estimates that it is inseparable.

Because when I think about my own cultivation path, in the beginning, I practiced the basics, which was a move, without any momentum or mood.

However, with practice, exposure to more sophisticated swordsmanship and martial arts has also continued to improve.

Gradually, from which to understand the mysteries of heaven and earth, to understand the Tao and so on.

This is an improvement.

Before that, I passed on Chen Chen with one heart and one mind, and realized the sword with one mind, and so on. In fact, I have gradually separated from the scope of the move and evolved to the level of artistic conception.

It's just that it's not perfect, and further optimization is needed.

That refining the heart to one sword is even more optimized, and has reached the level of little magical powers, but Chen Zong estimates that it is only equivalent to the first priority of the small magical law suspension, and has the potential for improvement.

How to improve it?

It's nothing more than constant enlightenment, but if you want to enlighten, you need to increase the background.

In the accumulation of basic martial arts, I am enough, even better than many practitioners, but in the accumulation of void martial arts, I am far from enough, just just started.

Yixinju has great potential. This is the inheritance of the heavenly palace from the top forces in the universe. It is very clever. Now, he has only realized the fur.

Therefore, the swordsmanship that came out with one mind knows a great deal of room for improvement.

Then, we must further enhance our accumulation of void martial arts, and gradually improve, optimize and improve.

As if back to the days when he was still weak, he tried his best to constantly learn and practice.

The fact is the same.

The void is much bigger than the world, the mysteries are infinite, and the strong are many times more numerous. Here, it is as if I had just debuted.

This feeling is really a long absence.

For a time, Chen Zong couldn't help feeling a feeling of excitement, as if he wanted to burn with blood.

This trembling feeling is not fear, but excitement and excitement.

In Tianyuan Sanctuary, in addition to the great sacred realm, who is not out of the world, he is the most powerful being, and can't stand the cold.

But in the void, he was like a filial son who had just started.


I enjoyed this feeling very much. He was passionate, constantly striving to continuously improve himself, climbing the peak, it was very beautiful, and he pursued his whole life.

Chao Wen said, immortality, when the poor life energy, chasing and exploring ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ life is endless, endless struggle.

Inevitably, Chen Zong remembered the teachings of his father Chen Zhengtang: self-improvement!

Those four words, which accompanied me from oblique to present, will also accompany forever, forever.

All of a sudden, Chen Zong missed his father, some missed his sister Chen Chuyun, and some missed his sister Chen Lan.

I don't know when I will be able to return to Donglu, Canglan World.

No matter how long his thoughts have spread, Chen Zong sighed long before his thoughts spread, only to let go of all thoughts, and his look became extremely tenacious.

"Then my path to the Void Powerful begins here. The deeper kendo also starts with this little **** stopping."

Jin Yaoguan Star Sword!

Thousands of tall buildings rise flat!

No pace, no miles!

Now, let ’s start cultivating.

The so-called meaning is the mood, and the so-called form is the move.

Emphasis is not important, that is the basis.

Attention is not important, it is expansion.

One low and one high is indispensable, and the way is the strong.

Then, the foundation, Chen Zong is extremely solid, even if it is Lin Weiyin and other heavenly pride girls, they cannot be compared. What needs to be improved is expansion.

Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword First: Jin Mang!

In the golden sword bamboo, Chen Zong pulled out the long sword condensed by the sword of heart, with a calm look, eyes closed.

The next breath, Chen Zong's eyes opened, and the light was like a sword, and shot in an instant, as if it could penetrate everything. The amazing sharpness also spread in all directions in an instant.


There are no fixed moves, just follow the most comfortable habit to make a sword. The moment when a sword breaks through the air, the sword light condenses into a bit of gold in the moment. It is extremely sharp, runs through everything, and directly penetrates a green sword bamboo. .

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