Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 9: Little magic swordsmanship (below)

Second more)

The green and gold sword bamboo is a special star growing plant. It absorbs the earth to strengthen itself. The bamboo body is very tough, and its hardness can exceed the nine-pin holy artifact, which is very close to the lowest order semi-artifact.

Even if you want to destroy it with the power of a semi-artifact, it is not easy.

Because the bamboo body of the green gold sword bamboo is not only hard enough, it also has amazing toughness, and the surface is smooth and extremely capable of unloading force naturally.

Previously, Chen Zong tried to attack directly with the sword of his heart. He could only pierce a sword bamboo without using any strength of his own. He could clearly feel its resistance. The reluctant feeling of the fish could not continue to run through the first. Two bamboo bodies.

However, as soon as Jin Yaoguan ’s star sword, the most important golden mang, was cast, it suddenly penetrated a bamboo body of the sword body. It was very smooth and there seemed to be no resistance.

At that moment, Chen Zong had a more sense. When he came out of the sword, the **** from the void in this side weakened a lot, which was the same as the feeling that he had cast the sword of refining one heart before.

Based on this, Chen Zong made a speculation.

Supernatural powers correspond to powerful supernatural powers, which are patents and also correspond to the void.

Because the supernatural mood involves more than the original level.

Cultivating magical powers, even if they are just small magical powers, is to a certain extent unlocking a part of the banned **** of the void.

It's like a permission.

"First of all, there are also points of entry into Xiaocheng and Chengcheng. Now, it is entry." Chen Zong secretly said.

Getting started is definitely not your end point and continue to cultivate.

Emphasizing not focusing on form does not mean that you only need to master the artistic conception to completely abandon the move.

In fact, the trick must be mastered, the higher the deeper the more solid the better, starting from this, transforming into a state without tricks.

The so-called no move is not that there is no move, but that there is no fixed move. It is a living move, not a dead move.

The move is the foundation. Only when the foundation is made extremely solid can it be sublimated.

Thousands of moves, frustrated, the instinct of the body, hands and feet, can use the instinct to make the most accurate judgment of everything around him, so as to make the most accurate response, show the most suitable moves.

Come in handy, do whatever you want.

Only when based on solid and incomparable moves and integrated into a strong artistic conception can we exert its power to the utmost, instead of becoming a brainless man who lacks the corresponding power and lacks the corresponding methods to exert it.

The timing of a battle is often fleeting. There is not so much time to think calmly. Many times it depends on its own subconscious and instinct.

Turning thousands of moves into instincts is the real basis.

Chen Zong has no lack of foundation at all. It was a hard training since childhood, and it also came through many life and death fights.

Of course, Chen Zong will not be complacent because of this, the road is endless, and there is still much to be improved.

Without leaving the house, Chen Zong directly closed the Jianzhu Garden and dedicated himself to practicing Jin Yaoguan Xingjian.

At the very least, practice the first rebuild to perfection.

This is not difficult for Chen Zong.

Counting in the void is three days, which is equivalent to thirty days in the heavenly sanctuary.

In the green and golden sword bamboo forest, the wind blew through, like bamboo blades like sharp blades, rustling, between heaven and earth, there seemed to be a hint of Xiao killing.

A trace of sharpness, silent and silent around Chen Zong's body, condensed.

The bottom of his eyes flashed, as if the sword's edge was broken.

Jinmang turned into the sky, and instantly condensed into the thickness of chopsticks. It was like a sharp blade plunging into tofu, dripping through it. It penetrated a turquoise sword bamboo with a thigh thickness, and then passed through the second and third plants. .

This is the damage caused by Jin Yaoguan's star sword's first Jinmang artistic conception without using his own cultivation as strength.

First successful!

Chen Zong took out the golden puppet, and his consciousness penetrated into it again. At that moment, the figure flashing with golden light condensed, a sword burst through the air, and turned into a thin golden mang to kill.

When Chen Zong was aware of it, he also stabbed a sword. Jin Mang shot through the air and both collapsed.

Immediately afterwards, when the opponent saw his sword rise, Jin Mang made a masterpiece and stabbed in an instant.

One sword, two swords, and then four swords, eight swords, and sixteen swords.

In a hurry, the sixteen golden mangs pierced through the void like sixteen shooting stars, and the shots flew, and the light flickered, becoming extremely dazzling and difficult to look at directly.

Every golden mang has the first complete power of golden mang, which is extremely powerful.

Chen Zongzhong Jian, a burst of information came to mind.

Jin Yaoguan star sword.

Second: shine!

Sure enough, as I guessed before, after training to the first, it is still in the second, but it should be no more than the third, after all, Lin Weiyin said that this is incomplete.

Continue to enlighten.

The second shining sword is to extend and improve on the basis of the first golden mang.

Jin Mang attacked directly with one sword, while there were multiple swords when shining, two swords when he got started, four swords when he was young, eight swords when he was big, and sixteen swords when he was successful.

With Yu Yizhong as the foundation, coupled with superb understanding and kendo heritage, the second mystery is not very difficult for Chen Zong.





When the sword came out, the golden light shone, and it turned into sixteen dazzling golden sword lights that penetrated through the void, as if sixteen long swords were shot together, the power was amazing.

In this way, it is considered to be a second shine, reaching a satisfactory level.

Sure enough, there was a lack of the third, and this was no other way. Chen Zong lifted the ban on Jianzhu Garden.

Immediately, Lin Weiyin invited Chen Zong to the past.

"The first few days of the battle gave me a better understanding of Tianhan Feixue Street. I don't know how well you practiced swordsmanship?" Lin Weiyin said directly, staring at Chen Zong with a faint look of war. Diffuse.

"Don't you know if you try?" Chen Zong smiled slightly.

The purpose of Lin Weiyin calling himself over is very obvious, that is to practice swordsmanship.

As it happens, he became the second player of Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword and reached a perfect state. He also needed a suitable opponent to try it.

Lin Weiyin didn't think about it. The semi-artifact Han Xue only had a sheath, Xue Liang Jianguang swept to the air.

The blossoming snowflakes condensed and permeated all around, and the amazing chill struck all around, freezing everything.

This is Tianhan Feixue's first sword: Snow!

The snowflakes fell, the cold sky fell, and the sky froze.

Chen Zong also issued a sword, Jin Mang began to rise, and shattered snow through the void.

Lin Weiyin's eyes lightened slightly. Jin Yaoguan's star sword was handed to Chen Zong. Although she had not cultivated, she had also come to understand it and recognized it at a glance.

When he died, Chen Zong once again issued a sword, and the sixteen golden sword-mans shining brightly directly killed Lin Weiyin.

Lin Weiyin was suddenly shocked.


In just a few days, he has cultivated to the second level of Jin Yaoguan's star sword, and has reached a perfect state.

It's incredible, even if you can't do it yourself.

Does this person's talent in Kendo be above himself?

The power of Jin Yaoguan's star sword is not as strong as that of refining the heart, but the power of second shining is better than refining the sword and it will not perform as much as refining the sword. , It consumes almost all the energy and strength of the horse.

Therefore, from a subtle level, the sword of refining the heart is still rough, and it cannot be compared with the real little **** stopping method.

Chen Zong was not discouraged.

In fact, his own background, in fact, has not yet chanted to support himself to create a small **** to stop the law to the point, but still need more and more vigorous accumulation to do.


This time, the sixteen sword lights were not killed at one time, but continuously. One sword after another, like a choppy sea, endless, and violently killed. The power of each sword is very amazing. There is no flaw in the connection between each other.

Lin Weiyin suddenly felt a sense of difficulty, at least in terms of his second cold snow sword.

Third: Avalanche!

A sword waved, and the fierce roaring sound shook all directions, raging the world, terrible, the sword light seemed to turn into a snow mountain, the snow fell from the snow mountain in an instant, rolling down, carrying the power to destroy a quiet horror world.


Chen Zong exhibited the second weight of Jin Yaoguan's star sword again.

The sixteen Dao sword lights came out instantly, but this time it was not scattered, but with the help of Chen Zong, the sixteen Dao sword lights turned into bribes, but broke through and killed them at a faster rate than the straight line.

This is how Chen Zong puts his heart-stroke serial power-strength skills into it ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Sixteen Dao swords bribes, hitting the same point one after another, and the destructive power that erupted in an instant is incomparable and terrible.

The violent and amazing avalanche was suddenly broken, there was a feeling of thunder and heavy rain, and the smoke disappeared.

This surprised Lin Weiyin even more.

The last time I fought, I still had the upper hand, but this time I frustrated.

Of course, this is the case when all the practices have not erupted, but the practices used this time will not be weaker than the previous one.

However, Lin Weiyin was confident. As long as he broke out all his cultivation practices, he would be able to defeat the opponent. This is a kind of confidence.

But since it is necessary to sharpen the swordsmanship, it is enough to maintain the cultivation to such an extent.

However, under this kind of cultivation, he lost, under the superb swordsmanship of the opponent.

The second level of Jin Yaoguan's star sword, Lin Weiyin has also learned about it, and knows its mystery, but there is a big gap between the mystery she knows and the mystery that Chen Zong exerts.

That swordsmanship seems to have come alive under the sword of the opponent, becoming more subtle and unpredictable.

She didn't know that this was a kind of control under the sword of the heart. The sword of the heart controlled all the swordsmanship and mastered all the magic of the swordsmanship.

"What advice do you have for my swordsmanship?" Lin Weiyin asked calmly instead of being frustrated by his temporary failure.

"The foundation of swordsmanship is not solid enough," Chen Zong said after a slight groan.

Lin Weiyin heard the words, immediately pondered, and then looked at Chen Zong again: "Can you help me improve my sword skills?"

"From now on, you must not engage in magical swordsmanship against me." Chen Zong said very directly that in the void, the martial arts below the magical power are regarded as the basis.

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