Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 11: The 9th Heaven (1)

(Fourth more, monthly pass, monthly pass)

Joining the Lin family was indeed a pretty good ulcer, especially for Chen Zong, who came out of a backward star and had no background or background. He could only struggle with his own insignificant ability.

But Chen Zong's heart is very big.

Whether it's the Eternal War Fortress or the Mind Heaven Palace, according to Hua Ji, it is the top force in this void.

In this way, the eternal battlefield and the Mind Heaven Palace are astral-level forces, and even higher-level astral-level ones. Compared to the middle-level star-levels like the Lin family, they do not know how many times they are beyond comparison.

Joining a force in the void is not just verbal, but also loyalty, at least on the surface, so that others will rest assured of you, and will give you resources, or else why? Resources.

If Chen Zongyang joins the Lin family, it will be branded by the Lin family. This life has this identity.

It was really good for me at the beginning, but after that, it's hard to say.

Of course, if there really is no other way, it can only be so ulcerated, but since there are other ways to go, of course, Chen Zong must try other ways.

It is necessary to consider both the current development and the future.

Superficial loyalty?

But don't take it for granted?

No, that's not what you do, sincerely, not allowed.

Heading to the Nine Dragons, the leader is Lin Weiyin.

When some people in Feixue Pavilion knew that Lin Weiyin was going to personally take a young man to tour the Second Town Jiecheng, one after another revealed his eyes widened and his face shocked and dull.

You know, in the weekdays, the owner is not close to a living person, but also to a young male. In the second town boundary, many young men with good talents admire her, but they are rejected. Outside the door.

Now, the owner of the cabinet actually took a young man who was said to be from a lonely star to visit the Second Town Jiecheng. A group of people felt that their brains were not enough.

Then I suddenly felt that something might happen.

Lin Weiyin ignored them, and Chen Zong ignored them.

A man and a woman walking on a wide and amazing street are very small compared to that wide street and the tall buildings on both sides.

Both were in white sword robes, with outstanding style and light looks, as if the golden boy and girl were out of the dust.

But when someone saw the woman, she was shocked.

"Master, I saw Lin Weiyin, the owner of Feixue Pavilion, beside her, there is a strange young man." In a shop, someone immediately heard the voice through the ring.

"Follow them and keep me informed." Soon, there was a voice in this person's mind.

Voice ring, this is a treasure in the void, the only function of which is the transmission of consciousness.

Of course, not everyone is eligible for the ring, and its value is not low.

At least Chen Zong is not.

If Chen Zongyang joined the Lin family, it would be available.

The main color of the second town boundary city is black. Occasionally, some other colors are seen, but the main color is dark.

Such as dark gray, or brown, brown, dark blue, dark red, and so on.

Dark tones are embellishments, and black is the main tone, creating a solemn and ironed second town boundary city.

Along the way, Lin Weiyin also spoke from time to time as Chen Zong explained. As the owner of Feixue Pavilion, she knew the Second Town Jiecheng very well. After entering the city, Chen Zong went directly to Feixue Pavilion and went out for the first time , Very novel.

Everywhere, there are tall buildings.

Kilometers of buildings abound, they are ordinary, and some are as high as two kilometers or three kilometers.

After some time, Chen Zong saw a huge building standing in the town boundary, like a tall building and a tall tower.

That is the Ninth Heaven, which is the tallest building in the second town boundary city. It is nine kilometers high and higher than the main city.

This is true not only in the second town boundary city, but also in the first and third town boundary city.

The origin of Jiuzhong Tianmao is quite mysterious, at least Lin Weiyin's origin is unknown.

"I am a disciple of Jiuzhong Tianmao Orange Xiaotian. I can recommend it to you and avoid the initial assessment." Standing in front of Jiuzhong Tianmao, Lin Weiyin told Chen Zong the reason to lead him.

Jiuzhong Tianmao is a mysterious force with a long history. It is also quite peculiar. It does not care about loyalty and disloyalty. It is more like an idle organization.

Becoming a member of Nine Dragons is different from joining other forces.

For example, if you join the Lin family yourself, then you are a member of the Lin family and cannot join other forces at will.

Of course, if there is too much difference between cheapness, such as star level, galaxy level and even star field level, there is not much restriction, but the branding will always exist.

This is why Chen Zong is unwilling to join the Lin family.

Although he is still very weak, he has just started in the void, but he is not willing to do so.

As a matter of fact, many people in the second town boundary are members of Jiuzhong Tianmao, and they often come from various forces, especially the Thirteenth Power.

However, Ninetimes Tennessee was not able to join if he wanted to join.

The normal process is to register and wait for the initial assessment. After passing, there will be other assessments. Until all are passed, you are not eligible to be one of them.

Therefore, from another level, Nine Dragons is also a gathering place for geniuses.

If there are disciples from Nine Emperors, they will be able to directly skip the initial assessments and go directly to the real assessments.

Generally speaking, the initial assessment is just a brush system.

Those who are introduced by the disciples belong to the ranks of geniuses, so they are eligible to pass the preliminary assessment directly. Of course, if they are not true geniuses, the disciples would not dare to recommend them, otherwise it would reduce their own evaluation in the Nine Emperor Heavens. , And even lower the level.

It's not easy to upgrade the level in Nine Dragons.

After promotion, the greater the authority, the greater the benefits are invisible, and no one wants to lower his own evaluation.

Conversely, if a real genius can be recommended and the performance is better, the referrer's evaluation within the Ninetimes Templar will be improved, and promotion will be relatively easy.

Lin Weiyin believed that Chen Zong could become a disciple through the examination of Jiuzhong Tianyi, so he personally recommended it.

This is good for herself and for Chen Zong.

"Did I see a fake Lin Weiyin?" Suddenly, a charming but exaggerated voice sounded, and the two came forward.

One man and one woman!

The man's black suit was cold as a knife edge, his lips were thin and narrow, his cheeks were thin, his shoulders were broad, his waist was narrow, his legs were slender, and when the whole man stepped, it seemed like a long knife dragged the ground. The spirit continued to move forward, as if cutting wind and waves.

There is no knife on his body, but it can make people feel that he is a master of knives, and his knife skills are superb.

It was the woman who spoke.

The close-fitting and cool fire-red breastplates and skirts and armour leg armors set off a stern and sculpted sculpted tall body, and the snow-white slender waist exposed outside the armor is lightly stepping like a water snake. Twisting, there is a pair of white and plump under the skirt, plus a full face, the eyes seem to be rippling with spring water, the whole person is like deadly blooming delicate flowers, full of charm.

When Chen Zong's eyes fell on her, she seemed to smile slightly at Chen Zong. The smile had an indescribable charm, and her eyes moved slightly, as if spring water wafted in layers, as if in her ears. Whispered.

Chen Zong was not charmed. His mind was extremely tenacious. Under the sword of his heart, external evils did not invade.

Therefore, Chen Zong can find that when the woman's eyes like spring water fell on Chen Zong's eyes, the eyes of the young black-skinned young man with a knife flashed a bit of chill and seemed to cut and tear Chen Zong.

"Lin Weiyin, you actually brought someone out. If Chu Shanhe knew, what would he think?" The charming woman spoke again.

Chen Zong noticed that Lin Weiyin's expression changed slightly.

"Little brother, what's your name?" The charming woman looked at Chen Zong again, and with a smile, there was an indescribable charm: "My name is Lan Yuanmeng, and I want to warn you to stay away from Lin Weiyin Keep a proper distance, otherwise, Chu Shanhe will not let you go. This is a piece of advice. If you don't know where to go, you can come to me. "

"I heard someone talking to me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A slightly low voice suddenly came, and with a little clarity, I flew over the seagulls to beat the giant waves at leisure, and it was like Foshan The spring is quiet.

When that unique voice sounded, Chen Zong keenly captured the impatience that flashed on Lin Weiyin's cold face and the jealousy of Lan Yuanmeng's eyes like spring water.

I saw a tall figure wearing a purple luxurious robe, walking quickly from a distance. His stepping posture was like a dragon and a cloud, and he had an astonishing mighty footsteps. A temperament, as if born.

This person looked quite young, with thick eyebrows and deep eyes, and seemed to be restrained with amazing power.

The broad shoulders seemed to support the mountains.

"Weiyin, I went to Feixue Pavilion to find you many times, but I was told that you were in retreat and you were out of customs today. Why didn't you inform me first, I'd like to host a banquet to comfort you." The purple robe youth glanced away, When I saw Lan Yuanmeng and the young man in black clothes, I swept directly. When I saw Chen Zong, though, it was also swept away, but Chen Zong keenly captured the flash of light in his eyes.

Immediately, the eyes of the young man in the purple robe completely fell on Lin Weiyin's face, bursting out a fiery light, burning like the sun, trying to melt Lin Weiyin.

This look made Lin Weiyin's eyebrows slightly crease, turning slightly towards Chen Zong.

This is a kind of avoidance that comes from the subconscious instinct, and it also comes from the behavior that the subconscious moves closer to a reliable direction.

But I do n’t know, Lin Weiyin's little one originated from a subconscious action that was not even clear to her, but she let Chu Shanhe's eyes shoot out a horrible horrible coldness. However, Chen Zong's body was tightened slightly, and a hint of crisis permeated.

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