Sword God

Vol 33 Chapter 12: 9th Heaven (Middle)

Fifth more, in the evening there will be a sixth, the monthly ticket for six refreshing)

Jiuzhong Tianzhu, up to nine kilometers in height, is the tallest building in the second town boundary city. The dock is vigorous and amazing.

At this moment, there was a strange sight outside the gate of Jiuzhong Tian, ​​as if standing on three legs, but no one dared to approach, but watching from a distance, with inexplicable surprise and excitement in his expression, watching the lively excitement.

Strong psychic powers rarely appear in front of the public, at least in places like the Second Town Jiecheng. They are all high above them.

Below the psychic realm, there are also a lot of characters.

Today, three of them are outside the Jiuzhong Heavenly Quarter.

Chujia Chushanhe!

Lin Jialin Microphone!

Xing Lan teaches Lan Yuan Meng!

Anyone in the airspace of the second town boundary city has a prominent reputation, especially the younger generation.

In the second town boundary city, Chu Shanhe is the master of the Shanhe Hall of the Chu family branch, while Lin Weiyin is the owner of Feixue Pavilion. As for Lan Yuanmeng, it is the president of Xinglan Club.

Regardless of talent, status or strength, the three are better than many other peers and even seniors.

Chu Shanhe, in particular, is a child of a higher-ranking star power, with a more noble origin.

"Lord of Chu Dian, please call me by his full name or Lin Ge." Lin Weiyin subconsciously avoided the eyes of Chu Shanhe, and his body was slightly inclined to Chen Zong. will.

"Weiyin, are you in a mood with me?" Chu Shanhe frowned slightly: "In the second town boundary city, who knows what Chu Shanhe thinks of you."

Lin Weiyin's expression grew colder and colder, but his heart was helpless.

Chu Shanhe is this kind of person. He is very self-conceived and believes that what is what can not be reversed.

Lan Yuanmeng's dazzling eyes turned gently, but his face was like a smile with a smile, as if watching the lively.

She wasn't going to step in. A person with a disposition like Chu Shanhe would not be provoked.

"Mr. Chen, let's go in." Lin Weiyin stopped paying attention to Chu Shanhe because he continued to talk, but he was confused.

Chen Zong nodded.

There was a flash of purple light in front of him, and Chu Shanhe intercepted it in front of him. His height was still above Chen Zong, and he looked up and stared down. When he opened his mouth, his voice also overlooked with a high voice: "I do n’t care who you are, from where Now, leave Weiyin immediately, and go as far as you can. "

The words and expressions of Chu Shanhe are full of oppression and threat.

"Chushan River, don't force me to pull my sword." Lin Weiyin's look suddenly changed. His right hand clasped the handle, and the icy snow and ice chilled out from the tall and slender body in an instant. Fall and cover a few meters of the circle.

Lan Yuanmeng's eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn't help covering his lips with his hands.

The Chushan River was a little stunned. Immediately, his complexion changed, and his eyes burst out with a horrific look, as if to smash everything. A majestic and overbearing momentum condensed on the body, and we can see vaguely, Ying Gang, suppress all directions.

"Weiyin, are you serious?" Chu Shanhe's voice became cold, exuding an indescribable heavyness, and his eyes became more and more fierce, full of oppression, and the voice was loud and full of anger: "Just for the sake of Xin Xi who never knew which lonely star came out, would you draw a sword with me?"

In the shortest possible time, he has made clear the origin of Chen Zong.

A stranger who came from a lonely star and entered the void because of an accident, was at a loss, and was immediately taken by Lin Jia Erxiu and Lin Weiwei to earn his heart, and then came to the second town boundary city.

There seems to be some accumulation and talent in swordsmanship, so Lin Weiyin was fancy, so please practice for the swordsmanship for the time being.

That's it!

In the eyes of Chu Shanhe, such a person is nothing but Chu Shanhe is not allowed to allow any young opposite **** to approach Lin Weiyin.

For Chu Shanhe knowing Chen Zong's information, Lin Weiyin is not surprised. There are still some people in Feixue Pavilion who are willing to disclose information to Chu Shanhe, especially those related to themselves, which is not a secret.

In the past, even if Lin Weiyin knew it, he didn't want to bother because he was unwilling to make a big deal about it.

But this time, Lin Weiyin flashed a bit of dissatisfaction in his heart. After returning this time, it is time to rectify Feixue Pavilion.

Lin Weiyin didn't answer Chu Shanhe before turning his mind, but his eyes became more and more stern, the sword slightly out of the sheath, the astonishing sharpness, permeated all around, and the chill became more intense.

Lan Yuanmeng was even more surprised, and people watching from a distance were also very surprised.

At the same time, a tyrannical breath quickly approached from a distance, exuding a sense of icy coldness.

"Iron Guard!"

"The Iron Guard of the city's main capital is here."

The exclamation sounded suddenly, and the crowd in the distance suddenly dispersed.

In the town boundary, Iron Guard is very famous, it's fierce.

Once caught by Iron Guard, it is definitely not a good thing.

What's more, the Iron Guard is no matter what kind of force or person you are, once you violate the rules of the town boundary city, it is directly won, dare to resist, let alone kill.

If it is killed for that, it is really a grievance and nowhere to shout, even the upper-class stars of the Chu family dare not provoke the city's main government.

Although in the town boundary city, the city's main government has not been included in the ranks of several major forces, which is why the city's main government has not intervened in various disputes, but the origin of the city's main government is amazing. Thirteen major forces are tied together. Can not reach the forces behind the city's main government.

If you want to die quickly, it's a good idea to provoke the city's main government.

However, Lin Weiyin seemed to be unaware. The sword was still half-sheathed, and the whole body was still filled with amazing chill. His eyes stared at the terrible atmosphere of Chushan River.

One is that it seems that women are provoking themselves, yes, in Chu Shanhe's opinion, Lin Weiyin is provoking herself and must be suppressed, otherwise he will be fine in the future.

The second is the iron guard of the city's main house, which is fierce, and to be honest, he is not willing to provoke him.

But now, Lin Weiyin has no intention of giving in half, and almost ignites Chu Shanhe for a hard-working, jealous fire, and an originally handsome face becomes extremely embarrassing, like an evil spirit.

Tie Yiwei's unique icy forest cold iron blood became more intense, closer and closer, and locked remotely.

Chu Shanhe's murderous eyes crossed Lin Weiyin and landed on Chen Zong's face, as if he would be killed as soon as possible.

Then, a breath repressed like a mountain and a river is restrained and calm, as if the clouds disappeared.

Chen Zong's eyes narrowed for a moment. Such a person is becoming more and more terrible. Now, the other party is undoubtedly focusing on himself and needs some attention.

Chu Shanhe converges, and Lin Weiyin converges.

Iron clothing guard appeared.

There are a total of five iron clothes guards, all of which are almost black armor, with a long black scabbard hanging around the waist. The breath on the body is very cold and condensed, as if killed from the flesh and blood battlefield, terrible and abnormal.

These five iron clothes are all middle-aged people, all of them are the ultimate level of demigods.

"What's happening?" The eyes of the five iron-clad guards were cold and brilliant, and the eyes of Chu Shanhe Lin Weiyin, who looked like a knife, swept across the faces. The tone was cold and rude.

He naturally recognized the identities of these people, but how about that, compared to the city's mansion, it was nothing.

"It's nothing, it's just a joke." Chu Shanhe smiled slightly and said with a light wind, but it made some people feel cold.

Just now, his evil-looking appearance is obvious to all, but now not only has curbed his inner anger, but also a look of cloudlessness and lightness that seems to have never happened, let everyone's understanding of Chushan River go further Deepen and become more daunting.

Taking a deep look at Chen Zong, Chu Shanhe said nothing and stepped away.

But Chen Zong was very clear, I was afraid that after that, he would have some trouble.

"Let's go in." Lin Weiyin said to Chen Zong.

The two walked towards the gate of Nine Dragons at the same time. At the same time, Lan Yuanmeng took the young man in black clothes and strode to the door of Nine Dragons.

This time, Lan Yuanmeng didn't say anything. Chen Zong even found that she looked at her with a contempt and contempt.

Lan Yuanmeng despised Chen Zong, and even allowed Lin Weiyin to fight against Chu Shanhe, but he didn't dare to come forward, and he didn't take any responsibility at all. Such a person should be despised ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ However, Chen Zong did not Any care.

Lan Yuanmeng is just an irrelevant person. How she sees herself is her business and has nothing to do with herself.

Taking a step forward and stepping into the gate of Nine Dragons, Chen Zong's eyes changed, as if under a starry sky.

Lan Yuanmeng, who entered with himself, seemed to disappear.

"I, Xuanhua Tian's disciple Lin Weiyin exercised the referral right today, and introduced Chen Zong to join the Nine Heavenly Sisters." Lin Weiyin raised his left hand, and a ring of steel suddenly appeared on his wrist.

That ring has nine colors, two of which are clearer, and the remaining seven colors are very fuzzy.

With the sound of Lin Weiyin's voice, the red and orange light on the ring swelled.

Under another starry sky, Lan Yuanmeng also raised her left hand, and the ring above also shone with red and orange rays, and she shone away. She is also a disciple of Xuanhua Tian, ​​and she is also exercising the right of referral, and she will go with her. The young men in black clothes came.

"Xuanhua Tian disciple Lin Weiyin was allowed to exercise the referral right." A deep voice suddenly sounded under the stars.

"Xuanhuatian disciple Lin Weiyin exercised the right of referral, would you accept it?" The second voice sounded, asking Chen Zong.

"Accept." Chen Zong did not hesitate.

"Given that you accept the referral from Ninetimes Heavenly Disciples, you have passed the preliminary assessment and entered the final assessment."

At the moment when the low, full of mysterious and majestic sounds fell, Chen Zong's whole body also flickered with starlight at the starting point, these starlight colors were different.

Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple, silver, gold!

Nine colors are very bright and magnificent.

Between the flashes, the next breath, Chen Zong's body disappeared under Lin Weiyin's beautiful eyes.

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