Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 14: Malicious

(The first is more, our monthly pass is closer to the eighth)

There are many manor courtyards in the Blizzard Pavilion, which looks like a huge snowflake.

Lin Zhengming hurriedly greeted his brother into his manor, and couldn't wait to speak: "Brother, Lin Weiyin is too much."

"How?" Lin Zhenglong frowned slightly, his voice was low.

"During this time, she found a so-called swordsman practice, often mixed together. A few days ago, she also used the referral privileges of Jiuzhong Tianxun, and recommended that Tuyu to become a disciple of Jiuzhong Tianxun. After returning, she even cleared up a dozen People. "Lin Zhengming said slightly exaggerated.

Lin Zhenglong is tall and strong, even better than Lin Zhengming, but his appearance is similar to Lin Zhengming, but he looks more determined, his eyes are deep and cold, and he is extremely oppressive.

He just flew from the Lin Family Star to the Second Town Jiecheng on the Fengfeng, but he did not expect to hear such bad news.

The Lin family is a large family, with Lin as the surname. Some of them have blood relatives, and some do not have blood relatives. Lin Zhenglong and Lin Zhengming belong to the elders' elder brothers, but they are the elders of the elders, but they are not blood relatives.

Therefore, Lin Zhenglong once thought that Lin Weiyin belonged to himself. One day, he would marry himself, and then he would be in charge of the Lin family.

Not only can you get the position of homeowner, but you can also hold the beauty, the power and power are at hand, and the peak of life.

As for Lin Weiyin's admiration by many young and handsome men, Lin Zhenglong is also clear, but he doesn't care, even if it's Chu Shanhe, he should fight against one another.

After all, Lin Weiyin's attitude towards anyone who admires is very cold, there is no difference.

But now, what do you hear?

Lin Weiyin even recruited a clay terrier who did not know which remote star accidentally strayed from the void to practice with swordsmanship. He personally took the other party to the Nine Dragons, and exercised his own referral privilege to recommend the other party, and even rectified because of the incident. Feixue Pavilion cleared a dozen people.

This made Lin Zhenglong extremely upset.

On what basis?

At that time, when he asked Lin Weiyin to recommend Nine Dragons for himself, Lin Weiyin refused without hesitation, but now he is actively recommending for others.

A referral just skipped the preliminary assessment, at best it was to save some time. For Lin Zhenglong, there was nothing, because he was already a disciple of Jiuzhongtianji by his own ability.

The problem is attitude, one attitude.

Lin Weiyin's approach made him very unhappy.

"Brother, you are the ambassador of Feixue Pavilion, but you can't let Lin Weiyin make such a mess." Lin Zhengming said the problem very seriously.

He deeply knew his elder brother's attitude and attitude towards Lin Weiyin. Just because he was not qualified to compete with his elder brother, he targeted the second lady, Lin Weiyin.

At that time, the elder brother collected Lin Weiyin, and it was not a good story to collect Lin Weiyin himself.

Feixue Pavilion is not the sole proprietor of the proprietor, just like the Lin family, not the sole proprietor of the proprietor.

The imperial court ambassador is an important position that can check and balance the master of the court to some extent, just like the elder in the family.

Lin Zhenglong did not respond to Lin Zhengming, his eyes flickered, he suddenly got up, and strode out.

He is going to find Lin Weiyin. The first step is to confirm the accuracy of the matter, because he knows his brother.

Blizzard Pavilion Snow Mountain.

Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin are fighting on the basis of swordsmanship.

The sword is in the hands of Chen Zong, like the scepter in the hands of the emperor. The sword points to the mountains, and the sword falls to divide the world.

Lin Weiyin is still unable to fight back, and can only constantly change his moves. Among the changes, he improves his swordsmanship foundation and further improves, making the swordsmanship foundation more and more solid.

This is not without effect. In fact, Lin Weiyin can feel the improvement of his sword skill after the foundation of sword skill is improved.

The original third cold avalanche of Tianhan Feixuejian was just reluctant to get started. Now, it has completely stabilized in the realm of getting started, and has taken a step forward, which can impact Xiaocheng.

And all this is exactly what this man from a lonely star brought to himself.

Lin Weiyin also couldn't say clearly, why the attitude towards this man is somewhat different from that towards other young men, and it seems that he will not feel disgusted when he is with him.

"Brother Chen's swordsmanship is amazing." Lin Weiyi, not far away, blinked, surprised.

She even saw her sister and was suppressed by Brother Chen.

It seems that Brother Chen's sword is like walking in a leisurely court, as if casual, understatement, but it contains a unique rhythm, beautiful, so that people can not help but indulge in and explore.

The elder sister's sword, however, was a bit hasty, and was always interrupted. She had to change her way halfway and was exhausted.

Suddenly, the abnormality is abrupt.

An astonishing roar sounded like a thunderous rolling riot, the amazing black breath turned into a dark thunder, carrying the terrible violent power and amazing iciness, freezing all directions for an instant, and ruthlessly blasted to Chen Zong.

Heavy, violent, cold ...

Lin Weiyin was interrupted by Chen Zongyi sword and changed his way halfway. For a time, it was difficult to change his third move immediately.

A sword broke through the air, and the snowflakes burst under the dark sword light like a frost and thunder, turning into dust and flying into the sky.

For a moment, the golden light flashed and shone in all directions.

Chen Zong slashed his sword and turned it into a golden mane.

Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword First: Jin Mang!

Jin Mang condensed, and swept across the sky, hitting the black frost and lightning.

Jin Mang shattered, lightning burst, Chen Zong's figure flickered slightly, the long sword slanted to the ground, and a black chill came straight down the sword body, falling on the snow, penetrating it, and making a noise.

"A bit of skill." The chill suddenly sounded, and then, a more magnificent and violent inky black sword light burst into the mountains and chopped the waves, the darkness was rolling, as if the waves were overlapping, the sound of roar was endless, the world shook, and snowflakes came Broken, rendered as black frost, frozen in all directions.

"Hei Shuang Jian Jue is the third most important thing!" Lin Weiyin's pupils condensed, secretly surprised. Suddenly, a powerful force burst out, as if pulling the snowy mountains to resonate, it was freezing cold.


The rumbling sound was terrifying, as if all the snowflakes between the heavens and the earth shook with Lin Weiyin's sword, and even the entire snow-capped mountain seemed to be being towed.

Tian Han Fei Xue Jian Third: Avalanche!

Jian Guang disappeared, disappeared into the avalanche wave, fierce and violent, cold and icy, impact everything, destroy everything, freeze everything, destroy all vitality.

Black frost rolled like a tide, and Bai Xue turned into a landslide rage.

Just momentarily, black and white collided, that was the collision of the sword, the collision of power, the collision of artistic conception, the collision of the power of heaven and earth.

Facing this might, Chen Zong gave birth to a small feeling of his own.

The body turned and retreated, but in front of it, heavy black and white waves swept through, and the speed was amazing, but he couldn't catch up with Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's body was a meal, and the black and white waves that were inconsistent with each other also seemed to stop very tacitly, everything was under control.

"Lin Weiyin, as the owner of Feixue Pavilion, you have to oppose me for an outsider." The cold voice was filled with dissatisfaction and anger: "Where will Feixue Pavilion place our Lin's face?"

"This is my personal matter, and it's not your turn to point your finger at it." Lin Weiyin's voice became colder.

In the impact of the black and white waves, Lin Weiyin's sword with the extreme chill of snow and ice, with the terrible avalanche power, one sword after another.

Unconsciously, Lin Weiyin incorporated the basic swordsmanship techniques pointed out by Chen Zong into it.

The visitor was speechless immediately, not entirely because of Lin Weiyin's rebuttal, but also because Lin Weiyin's sword was permeated with an extremely powerful force that was restrained and overbearing. It's terrible.

Originally, his own strength was not as good as Lin Weiyin, but after the black frost sword trick broke through to the third, he was confident to compete with Lin Weiyin. In Lin Zhenglong's view, a woman like Lin Weiyin must be in Suppressing it on the strength of the sword in order to surrender it.

Based on this, Lin Zhenglong just came from the Lin family stars, the purpose is to show his strength and surrender to Lin Weiyin.

Now it ’s unexpected that Lin Weiyin ’s swordsmanship has improved faster than he thought. Even if his black frost swords breakthrough to the third level, he ca n’t suppress it. Gradually fell into the downwind.


Since he is not an opponent in swordsmanship, Lin Zhenglong did not continue, but quickly retreated.

"Stop it." At the same time, backing back, Lin Zhenglong shouted, "Lin Weiyin, now I want to exercise my powers as a supervisor."

Lin Weiyin's sword light fluttered, his body fluttered, and his cold eyes stared at Lin Zhenglong. The chill in his eyes could not be turned away, and it seemed to freeze Lin Zhenglong.

Lin Zhenglong avoided Lin Weiyin's gaze and gazed at Chen Zong: "You, unknown origin, mixed into Fei Xue Pavilion, is He Juxin, now he's out of control, waiting to fall."

Chen Zong couldn't help but be dumb.

Since coming to Feixuege to meet Lin Weiyin, it seems to have caused a lot of trouble.

"Lin Zhenglong, Brother Chen was brought by me. I invited him to Feixue Pavilion." Lin Weiyi had seen Lin Zhenglong's discomfort for a long time, and now listening to him say it, it was like an angry female cat.

"So, Miss Er is intending to take in unknown generations." Lin Zhenglong's eyes flashed a cold flash.

"Wei Wei, don't talk." Lin Zhengming hurried to Lin Weiyi, looking kind.

Lin Weiyi glanced at him coldly ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to pull away.

"Lin Zhenglong, Mr. Chen is the sword practice I hired." Lin Weiyin's eyes became colder, as if to freeze his soul, making Lin Zhenglong more uncomfortable. Immediately, Lin Weiyin said as if he was spitting out cold air. "This is my personal business and has nothing to do with Fei Xue Ge."

"Since it has nothing to do with Fei Xue Ge, why are you still in my Fei Xue Ge? Is it because we can't do it?" Lin Zhenglong seized the opportunity and buckled his hat.

His purpose was straightforward, and that was to target Chen Zong.

Because he is the ambassador of the imperial court, he has great power, and acts in the name of worrying about the safety of Feixuege.

"Linge Lord, I have to harass for many days, I should also leave." Chen Zong intends to be angry, Lin Weiyin, arching his hand: "I will find you where I find my footing."

After all, this is a place for others. It is not a long-term plan to leave people behind.

Well, it's better to leave first. I estimate that I will stay in the second town boundary city for a short period of time.

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