Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 15: Epee Madman

(Second more)

After rejecting Lin Wei's retention, Chen Zong walked out of Feixue Pavilion. Since then, he will no longer live in Feixue Pavilion, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble to Sister Lin Weiyin.

Obviously, Lin Zhenglong was targeting Lin Weiyin with himself as a breakthrough.

Generally speaking, there are some winding roads between the younger generations or they are involved in power struggles within the family. Chen Zong is more fortunate that he did not join the Lin family, otherwise, he will be affected.

But for Sister Lin Weiyin, Chen Zong was full of gratitude.

If it were not for them, they would not have been able to come to the second town of Jiecheng, and they could not have a new starting point, reunion.

Then, Chen Zong found himself tragedy.

I need a foothold, so where do I go?

Rely on other forces?


Can only find a restaurant to open a room, but that requires money.

The best is to buy a house with a courtyard, which requires more money.

Obviously, Tianyuan San of Tianyuan Sanctuary will not work here. It seems that there are different currencies in different places in the void, but there is one currency that is common, that is, the void coin.

I didn't.

Sister Lin Weiyin obviously did not think of this, and Chen Zong did not think of it before.

Is it necessary to sleep on the street?

A penny stumped a hero.

When did you encounter this distress again?

"I don't know what you can buy from the Tianyuan Sanctuary. How much can you buy?"

Thinking as he walked, Chen Zong's footsteps paused, staring ahead.

The long street is wide and the long street is long.

A figure wrapped in a black hooded robe seemed to step out of the darkness, and as each step was raised and lowered, it seemed to affect the surrounding atmosphere, and there was a burst of roar.

A feeling of inner breeding made Chen Zong know that this man was directed at himself.

"Is Chen Zong?" A low, husky voice sounded from under the shadow covered by the hat: "I heard that you are the master of swordsmanship of Feixue Pavilion. Your swordsmanship must be very good. Come and fight me. Right. "

In the last sentence, it suddenly became high-pitched. On the shadow face under the black robe hat, the eyes suddenly burst into a terrifying light, as if the blade of a heavy sword burst out of the sheath and burst into the air.

When he died, the astonishingly heavy and majestic sharp sword, like an invisible Jianshan rammed into the ground, went through the 100 meters without mercy, and rushed towards Chen Zong.


Amazing stress!

Such shocks can even be compared with Gongtian God.

Sure enough, the void is a place where many geniuses emerge, such as the genius at the level of the palace god, there are many.

Lin Weiyin is one. The Lan Yuan dream that I saw before is even the Chushan River, and even the Chushan River may prevail.

Now, this mysterious man shrouded in a black robe who can't see his face clearly and can't see his age, is also one.

However, Chen Zong did not know the other party, but a voice rang from the street, letting Chen Zong know who the person was.


"Episode madness in the 680th place in the sub-list!"

"The epee madness of Shanhedian is about to come out again."

"This man is so unlucky."

"Episode mad." Chen Zong secretly said, staring at a large section of the hilt behind the opponent, his pupils contracted slightly.

The length of the sword's stalk extends directly beyond the head of the opponent. If you judge from this, the total length of the sword is estimated to be two meters.

The height of this person is also close to two meters.

The breath is amazing.

"Chu Shanhe asked you to come?" Chen Zong asked.

Inexplicably, Chen Zong has never participated.

No one knows this epee mad monster. I don't know, presumably, the other party doesn't know who he is.

There was only one explanation, someone was instructed.

So who is it?

Chushan River!

After all, someone just spoke, the epee of Shanhedian.

And Chu Shanhe is the master of the contemporary Shanhe Temple.

Is this one of Chu Shanhe's means of dealing with himself?

"Come and fight with me." The epee madman did not answer Chen Zong's question, but spoke again. The voice became deeper, but more fierce, full of amazing warfare, extremely terrifying momentum, directly oppressed and go with.

"How many void coins can you take out?" Chen Zong asked, turning his thoughts.

It was just this question that made the epee madness stunned suddenly, not knowing how to answer Chen Zong.

Because, he thought about the other party's promise, and the other party's rejection, and how he forced the other party to promise after the other party's rejection, but never thought that the other party would ask such questions.

Void Coin!

The epee man of course knows what it is.

However, asking such questions in this scenario is really difficult to accept.

"As long as you can defeat me, I will give you ten thousand Void Coins." The Epee Frenzy also reacted quickly after a moment's stun.

"Ten thousand vanity coins." Chen Zong heard the words, his eyes burst into a flash of brilliance.

Recall that the restaurant room I asked about before, even the most ordinary room, requires ten Void Coins a day. As for the better, Chen Zong did not ask because of the shyness in his pocket, but at least dozens of Void Coins.

If you can get 10,000 void coins, at least for a while, you don't have to worry about a place to stay.

You can even try to find a small courtyard.

So, fight against each other?

Hey, when did you fall into a way to get money by comparing with others?

A penny stumped the hero Han.

Then, fight.

Chen Zong's eyes also burst out a sharp sharp sword, approaching the heart of the epee madness, making the epee madness feel a moment, his mind seemed to be penetrated, and he couldn't help shaking.


A master with a sword.

The epee demon was indeed directed by Chu Shanhe. Accepting the instructions of Chu Shanhe, he came to challenge Chen Zong and waited for the opportunity to destroy it.

So now, the epee madness is a little bit more combative.

Fighting, of course, cannot be carried out here, otherwise it will be taken away directly by the Iron Guard.

In the second town boundary, there is a corresponding battlefield called Wudoutai.

There are two types of martial arts platforms, one is the life and death martial arts platform, and the other is the ordinary martial arts platform.

The life and death martial arts platform, as its name implies, must be divided into births and deaths, and no one may interfere.

Ordinary martial arts platforms are divided into winners and losers. They can be severely injured or disabled, but cannot be killed.

The instruction given by Chu Shanhe to the epee madness is to destroy Chen Zong, which is naturally an ordinary martial arts platform.

Fighting the disability first, and then slowly processing it, is more resentful than killing it all at once.

"Walk and go and watch the battle."

"The epee of the Mountain and River Hall has a good show again."

"Last time, Epee's opponent was cut off his legs. This time, I don't know what will happen."

The battle at the Wudoutai is allowed to watch, but it needs to pay a fee, which is not high, which is ten Void Coins, which is equivalent to a night in the most ordinary restaurant room, which is almost affordable for anyone.

In the second town boundary city, the seven characters of the epee of the Mountain and River Hall are obviously quite influential.

Thousands of people appeared around the Wudoutai, each of them a cultivator, and each one was at least a half-step sacred level.

The Wudoutai is circular and has a diameter of kilometers.

The kilometer is actually not large, but in the second town boundary city, because of the relationship between repression and restraint, even if it is the level of the demigod, it takes several breaths to pass.

Without speaking, a momentum that was as heavy as a mountain, emerged from the epee mad, layer by layer of turbulence, turning into dark waves, spreading away, and carrying the sharp edge of the sword.

It was the sword of the epee, with the sharpness of the sword, and the majesty and weight of a mountain.



If the mind is not strong enough, in the face of such shocks of the epee madness, it is absolutely unbearable, and it will collapse immediately.

The strongest ghost king of purgatory ghosts is not the opponent of this epee.

Sure enough, when he accidentally entered the void, he encountered not only danger, but also greater challenges.

In the face of the violent sword sentiment from the epic savage demon, Chen Zong's heart became more excited and his blood was boiling.




At the moment, Jianyi condensed into the sky, as if piercing the sky.

Chen Zong's sword intention has an unpredictable and elusive feeling, as if the situation is changing, but it moves with the heart, becoming sharper, tearing everything through everything.

This is the first real shot after entering the void.

The previous battle with Lin Weiyin was just a kind of swordsmanship, and the assessment in the Nine Heavens is not really a real battle.

Only now, the opponent is still a very powerful person.

Every day, Chen Zong can feel that he is improving, and he is much stronger than when he first entered the void.

It's been a while that I haven't tried my best, and my whole body is in a state of peace and quiet. Over time, I feel a little uncomfortable.

Now when released.

Gongfa, operation!

Under the operation of the eighth Taichu sword Yuan Gong, the tyrannical Taichu sword Yuan was like a river surging in its body, but its center was the chaos above the sea of ​​gas.

A snoring sound, like a wind, instantly turned into a violent blow. As soon as Chen Zong's eyes became dark, he saw a dark shadow flying at an amazing speed, like a huge bat in the night. Coming out with double wings ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is the black robe, the black robe on the epee madness.

The black robe, carrying a force of incomparable force, broke through the impact directly, bursting out an astonishing sound, like a mountain.

Obviously it was just a robe, but in an instant, a stunning power of a mountain burst out.

This is a prelude to the epic attack.

After that piece of black robe, the legs of the epee freak slightly, and the muscles of the legs bulge, full of amazing power, as if stuffed into one volcano after another.

The breathtaking blood swelled in the body, like a cross of the sea, faintly roaring like a thunder.

With a loud bang, the Wudoutai seemed to be shaken in an instant, an astonishing air current rushed backwards, and the violent muscles burst into an unparalleled power in an instant, propelling the body of the epee, with a thunderous speed Go straight ahead and low out.

At the same time, the epee mad detained the two-meter-long epee hilt with his right hand.

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