Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 16: Realm Crushing (1)


Powerful as wind, hard as steel, heavy as mountains.

The arrogant force filled the black robe, making it from a piece of clothing to a weapon, and its power was amazing enough to suppress and crush the half-step holy man of nine-star combat power in an instant.

The mighty sound of the wind kept ringing, and the gurgling overflowed in all directions, straight through the eardrum.

For people who are not strong enough, this is a killing move. For people who are strong enough, this is a false move, or a prelude.

The black robe was so large that it seemed like a dark cloud covering the sky, completely obscuring Chen Zong's sight, and even with the effect of disturbing the consciousness.

The symbol of the strong, the timing changes, and the fleeting, victory and loss, life and death, will be separated in an instant.

A hint of opportunity is enough to lay down victory and defeat.

Like a black robe covering the sky and heavy as a mountain, it is the epee madness that burst out with full force.

For a moment, the power penetrated through the legs, like a volcanic eruption, so that its own speed was increased to the extreme, as if the impact of a smashing vacuum came out, and the endless air flow reversed.


The black giant sword, two meters wide behind the back of the door, was also sheathed in an instant, carrying unparalleled violence and violently chopped down.

I have to say that this trick of the epee madness is used very purely, and the grasp of timing is also called the ultimate.

First of all, the robes filled with forceful powers were used as a pioneer to strike out, giving the enemy an illusion of their own attack. Even if they were spotted, they knew that it was not a real person but a robe, but they had to be prepared.

Either dodge or resist, after all, the power condensed above is terrible.

But whether it is to resist or to evade, in the next moment, they must endure their full strength with a sword.

This is a slaying sword.

Although this is not a life-and-death martial arts platform, you can't kill yourself, but if this sword goes down, you must at least cut off the opponent's arms or legs and destroy them.

This is also what Chu Shanhe requires.

As a person of Shanhe Dian, of course, he must obey the order of the owner of the hall, especially the strength of Chu Shanhe is much stronger than himself.

Chen Zong did not evade, the sword did not come out of the sheath, but the sword speed was extremely fast.

Just a flash of Jianguang, the black robe carrying the amazing power was torn directly.

A dazzling light of sword, overwhelming the sky, as if it were shot down like a rock, the power was violent to the extreme, and an amazing airflow was rolled up. The airflow was like a hurricane snarling and tearing everything. In the hurricane, there was a dark mountain, which was heavy from above Fall.


Dazhongshan Sword!

This is a magical sword.

Through this sword, Chen Zong felt the terrible power of the epee madness.

Cultivation practitioner!

The Epee Frenzy is a refiner.

Moreover, he is a pure cultivator.

Chen Zong himself also exercises and has a strong physique, but Chen Zong is very clear that he is not pure in training together.

My major is actually practicing Qi or Kendo. As for refining, it is only used as a supplement.

But Chen Zong knew very well how terrible a powerful pure trainer would be.

That chopped sword has a weight of at least hundreds of thousands of pounds. Well, according to the calculation method of the Heavenly Realm, there is another method for calculating the weight in the void.

Hundreds of thousands of pounds of heavy swords, coupled with the terrible brute force of the epee monster and the skills of the magical swordsmanship, the power that erupted in an instant is really terrifying.

If placed in Tianyuan Sanctuary, this sword can destroy the city, it is a real sword that splits a city.

But here, the sword looks so powerful, but it can't cause real damage to the surroundings.

This is also because the second town boundary city is extremely hard.

Only the power of the realm of the Divine Realm can cause damage to the second town boundary city.

The pressure of this sword was so extreme that it suppressed everything, making Chen Zong feel restrained. The whole person seemed to be suppressed in general. The amazing pressure poured from all sides, as if to crush himself.

The face of such a sword, can only choose to fight hard.

However, such a mighty sword is cut, its power, and horror are extreme. If it is hard to fight, the result is self-inflicted, or even directly crushed, into a meat sauce.

Will Chen Zong be so?

will not!

Although he is not a pure cultivator, he is not inferior in cultivating cultivating body. He has condensed the flower of the top order and condensed to 40%, which is much stronger than before. .

With such a large amount of power, combined with other powers, a sword was killed in an instant.

It was a golden light!

The golden sword light seemed to tear through the void in an instant and killed directly.

Under the kendo realm that is more clever than the palm sword, even if it has just touched the fur and did not even get started, it still brings a significant improvement to Chen Zong's sword mastery, making Chen Zong's control of all swordsmanship further .

One sword Jinmang, that sword light is condensed to the extreme, it is more condensed than the normal Jin Yaoguan star sword, and its penetration is even more amazing.

A sword, seemingly random assassination, came out, but it was the weakest point of the sword that hit the epee mad, like the seven inches of a snake.

The complexion of the epee changed suddenly.


There are very few flaws in this sword, and they are unsteady, and they will be hit directly, which is incredible.

As everyone knows, it is a kind of repression in the realm.

Change tricks!


When the sword that was split in the air was directly attacked by Chen Zongyi, it changed instantaneously, and the sword light exploded, turning into a raging wave, condensing directly into a mountain.

It was a dark mountain, which was extremely heavy and suppressed the earth.

Dazhongshan Sword is third!

Generally speaking, the magical swordsmanship is divided into three, and the third is the most powerful one.

Lin Weiyin is now at this level, and Lin Zhenglong is also at this level. This epee madness has also mastered this. Of course, they are all entry-level, but some have stabilized and started to move into the realm of Xiaocheng. Some, Still solid.

One sword, turned into a dark mountain, this is the artistic conception, but also a kind of might of heaven and earth. This is the true power of the supernatural power.

This effect cannot be achieved at all by performing magical powers in the heavenly sanctuary.

Suddenly, Chen Zong gave birth to a kind of enlightenment. Why did the Great Holy Realm not take the shot when the infernal ghosts invaded before?

It is most likely that once the Great Sacred Land was shot, although the ghosts would be killed, it would also cause deeper damage to the Tianyuan Sanctuary, causing the Tianyuan Sanctuary to fall further.

Of course, this is only my own guess. It is a thing that has passed, and there is no need to worry about it.

I have to say that the power of this sword is much stronger than the one just before. The pressure on Chen Zong has more than doubled.

If Chen Zong is not strong enough, this pressure alone is enough to crush him.

Jin Yaoguan Star Sword Second Level: Shine!

For a while, the sixteen golden swords were so bright that they shone in all directions. Through the heavy darkness, the slayer's madness couldn't help narrowing his eyes, making it difficult to look straight.

In the next breath, under the ultimate control of Chen Zong, the sixteen Jianguangs traversed different trajectories, presenting arc trajectories, killing them at a faster speed, and landed on the fifteenth place of the black mountain Jianguang.

The fifteen direct strikes caused a slight pause for the sword light of Montenegro, and the covered flaws appeared in an instant.

The sixteenth golden sword light was killed and hit the flaw.

Da Zhongshan Sword was third and was immediately broken by Chen Zong.

The epee frantic face looked confused.

He thought that the opponent would deal with his epee in various ways, but he never thought that his epee would be broken so directly.

Why is that?

Chen Zong will not tell him that this is a crushing of the realm.

The kendo realm of the epee madness is also the ultimate of the sword, but he has not taken that step, and Chen Zong has already taken that step.

Just a small step difference brings about a gap in the realm. When this gap is applied, it will form a crushing.

The big magic sword of the epee mad monster's supernatural swordsmanship is really tyrannical, but helpless, Chen Zong can master everything.

Either, the strength of the epee madness is further strengthened to overpower others, or the realm is improved and equal to Chen Zong, otherwise, it is not Chen Zong's opponent.

After breaking the third heavy mountain sword, Chen Zong did not pause.


This is an understatement sword, but also a sword that you want to see. You can't see the sword body, nor the sword light, and you can't catch the sword shadow.

But at the moment Chen Zong wields the sword, the epee madness hits the sword.

Dedicated sword!

This sword technique learned by Chen Zong from one mind is still at the level of the sub-supernatural power, but it has completely reached the peak of the sub-supernatural power and has initially reached the level of the small supernatural power.

The sword is silent, the speed of the sword is surprisingly fast, and the defense is invincible. This is Chen Song's own swordsmanship, which he controls at will.

In the case of breaking the opponent's sword potential mood, then exhibit such a sword, and immediately let the opponent hit the sword.

However, at the moment of the sword, Chen Zong could also feel the arrogance of the opponent's physique, resulting in great resistance.

Hitting only one sword had little effect on the epee madness. Instantly, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands, the body twirled violently in the air, turning into a violent dark hurricane that swept across and destroyed everything.

The whole combat platform was shrouded in the black violent sword and hurricane.

Chen Zong's eyes flashed a bright color, as if seeing everything in an instant.


This time ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong's whole body, but a few illusions flashed out, all swords.

Several swords of light converged into one in a flash, and they directly transformed.


Little magical power!

After coming to the Second Town Jiecheng, Ming Wu's higher level of Kendo realm, coupled with his own accumulation, the sword technique of one heart is constantly improved.

The one-hearted one-sword sword reaches the extreme of the sub-supernatural power, while the three-hearted two-sword sword really breaks through and reaches the level of the small magical power. Although it is only equivalent to the first-level small magical power, the small magical power is the small magical power.

Even if it is only the three-hearted double-edged sword equivalent to the first small magical swordsmanship, under Chen Zong's sword, it can fully exert its due power to the extreme.

Because this is based on a mind-knowledge, the swordsmanship based on the sword of the heart is a swordsmanship that can truly exert the power of the sword of the heart.

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