Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 19: 3 flowers gather

(Sixth more, for the new Alliance leader "God of War sven")

Behind Fengyu Building, in an independent courtyard.

This is the third time that Chen Zong has tried the Ether Jianyuan to impact the Nether Coin, shaking the extremely pure force of it, and trying to guide it and absorb it.

Chen Zong failed in the first two times, but he also found some skills, and now he is trying again.

Instinctively, Chen Zong felt that this pure power in the Void Coin was useful to himself.

Chen Zong's feeling is correct. The pure power contained in the Void Coin is very high-end, which is the essence of Void Vitality. This is easy for the powerful psychic to absorb, but the psychic If there is no suitable method below, don't expect to absorb from it.

Moreover, even if it is absorbed, it may not be refined into its own.

Chen Zong did not know this, but tried with his superb understanding.



The void coin in his hand trembled slightly.

The material of the Void Coin is very hard, and the power of the sub-God cannot be destroyed at all.

Constantly changing the rhythm and frequency of shocks and shocks to find the most suitable frequency.



three times!

Chen Zong made continuous attempts. Finally, at the 100th time, the trace of power in the Void Coin was successfully shaken, but he was not led out.

As if, there is a kind of concubine, a kind of limitation. With the ability of Chen Zong himself, that kind of limitation cannot be broken.

"It's amazing to be able to do this with such simple means." In the nothingness, it seemed that a commendation sounded, but it was blocked in a small area. Nothing was heard and Chen Zong didn't listen. To the slightest.

Immediately, the person hidden in the void pointed out, and an invisible energy hit the void coin in Chen Zong's hand. Chen Zong only felt that the void coin in his hand seemed to tremble slightly. Immediately, the unbreakable bond seemed to be instantly broken. Like opening, the ray of pure power was immediately pulled out.

Extremely pure and extremely brilliant, although it is just a trace, it is extremely condensed.

Chen Zong burst into full power in an instant. Taichu Jianyuan wrapped that trace of incomparable power and brought it directly into his body. Following the eighth trajectory of Taichu Jianyuan, he quickly moved in the body.

Running nine consecutive Sundays, Chen Zong suddenly found that the strand of power, as thin as a strand of hair, showed no sign of refining.

From that trace of strength, Chen Zong could clearly feel that his degree of condensing was far better than his early Jianyuan.

Fortunately, there is no trace of power and no attributes. It is very peaceful. If it has any offensiveness, I am afraid that I will be finished.

Chen Zong couldn't help meditating, but suddenly flashed, Chen Zong carrying Jian Yuan, with that trace of pure power condensed to the extreme, poured into the chaos of air and sea.


Suddenly, the chaos of clear air rising and turbid air sinking came a huge sound, and the next situation was no longer possible for Chen Zong to intervene, as if he had become a bystander and could only watch.

That strand of hair is as pure and extremely condensed as a thunderous thunderbolt, which makes the rate of clear air rising and the rate of turbid air sinking more than ten times.


Dramatic evolution.

Along with the drastic changes of clear air and turbid air, the speed of the eighth heavy Taichu sword Yuan Gong also exceeded the limit, and everything was beyond the control of Chen Zong.

Chen Zong could only watch.

The operation of the eighth heavy primordial sword Yuan Gong opened up a new line and became more complicated and mysterious.


Under the influence of that pure and extremely condensed essence of void vitality, the ninth line of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong was affected, and it evolved and developed on its own. This was the result of no interference from Chen Zong.

Chen Zong looked on and found that the trajectory was very mysterious. Even if he could not do better, even continuous optimization was needed to reach such a perfect level.

With the completion and stabilization of the ninth heavy Taiyuan Jianyuan, the Taiyuan Jianyuan also became more majestic and refined, and his power increased greatly. Chen Zong found that the world on that side has also become more powerful. It's clear.

Clear qi is heaven, turbid qi is earth, clear turbidity is clear, heaven and earth are clear, and the essence of the emptiness of vitality is also consumed cleanly.

Although it is just a trace, the power contained in it,

Suddenly, Chen Zong found that he could control himself again, and he was operating, and he was fully operating the ninth heavy sword elementary power. The potential of his own sword element was also in operation, and was continuously stimulated to the extreme.

In Shenhai, a dark brown bud is condensing.

The flower of qi, also known as the flower of the earth, represents the ultimate of practicing qi, the ultimate of strength in the body.

In Shenhai, that azure flower bud is slowly blooming, although it is just a ghost image, it is filled with an amazing and immense atmosphere.

There are three flowers in Chen Zong's Shenhai.

Dark brown qi flower!

Blood red essence flower!

Azure God Flower!

Spirit, heaven and earth!

Three flowers condense!

The burst of roar immediately sounded in the sea of ​​Shen Chen Zong.

Three flowers resonate!

This is spontaneous, and it is a kind of resonance and resonance after the three-flower condensation, because the three-flower condensation represents a kind of harmony.


Heaven and earth people!

This is a flawless one, so it resonates.

Three flowers of different colors trembled slightly, as if swaying in the wind.

The layers of ripples spread out from the three flowers, impacting each other and shaking each other. Chen Zong found that the flowers that had just emerged were still blurred, and the level of condensedness had not reached 10%. The flowers were changing little by little. Got solid.

Three flowers!

The Flower of God's Flower has the highest level of concentration, reaching 70%.

Jingzhihua's condensed degree is second, reaching 50%.

As for the flower of Qi, it is less than 10% because of just condensed.

In order to condense, it is necessary for Chen Zong to enlighten himself and continually cultivate and continually condense. Now, under the cohesion and resonance of the three flowers, he can condense one another.

Of course, because Qizhihua has the lowest concentration, the effect is the most obvious.

In other words, even if Chen Zong does not cultivate himself, the flower of Qi will at least follow the resonance, condense to 50%, and then go hand in hand with the fine flower, eventually reaching 70% of the flower of the god, and then slowly resonate. In the process, it continued to improve until it was ten percent complete.

"My current strength should be improved a lot." Chen Zong couldn't help secretly.

"Unexpectedly, I was able to refining the essence of the vitality of the Void by myself." The person who seemed to be hiding in the Void was secretly surprised: "Don't take this shot in person."

This time, the voice came directly into Chen Zong's ear.

"Who?" Chen Zong was frightened, his eyes flew sharp to the extreme, as if penetrating through the void, the sword with the condensed heart of the heart also emerged from the scabbard, filled with terrible sharpness.

In the sea of ​​gods, the three flowers swayed, releasing a ray of clear light, condensed into one, and injected into the long sword. That is a force that is derived from the spirit of the spirit and is extremely condensed. It is the strength of Chen Zong's strength. With manifestation, it is more than twice as powerful and has a harmonious feeling.

The strength blends!

No shortage of gas!

Consumption is minimized in the invisible, but the power is not weakened, but is stronger.

Jingqi Shen, this is a whole cycle.

Missing any one is incomplete, and once consumed, it is difficult to recover quickly.

"Little guy, don't be nervous, I don't have any malice towards you, I just want to see you." The voice sounded again, with a little smile.

"That being the case, then show up." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, extremely calm, carefully feeling around.

When the flower of Qi condenses and the three flowers resonate, although the consciousness has not been enhanced, it becomes more detailed, as if it can penetrate deeper into the void.

However, Chen Zong did not sense the presence of others.

"Maybe it won't be long before you can see me." The chuckle murmured: "Take this thing and behave well."

Suddenly, a black light emerged from the nothingness, and immediately stopped in front of Chen Zong, exuding a trace of cold and hot waves.

The light dissipated, and a token in the shape of a blade fell, caught by Chen Zong, and started cold.

"Vastness and vastness, countless geniuses, it's true that Tao Guang is capable of keeping a low profile, but sometimes it is necessary to show his own edge."

The soft laughter sounded for the last time, as if drifting with the wind.

Chen Zong knew that the other party had left.

I do n’t know when it came, and when I left, I was silent. This level completely surpassed myself.

"Through Divine Realm!" Chen Zong's eyes flashed with a touch of fascination.

This can only be achieved if it is in a state of divinity.

However, the reason why a god-strength strong man came here is that his purpose is to come towards himself, but it does not seem malicious.

After turning his thoughts, Chen Zong seemed to think of something, took out a piece of void coin again, and tried shock shock only by the method, but after many attempts, he still couldn't lead out that pure force.

You should know that the power of the ninth heavy sword in the beginning is much better than the eighth heavy. It is still under the condition of condensing the flower of Qi, and it is even more domineering.

So how did you succeed before?



Neither, but the help of the mysterious person, just how to help, the other party's means, not their own insight.

But anyway, at least, I didn't feel the slightest bit of malice, but instead benefited.

It is because of the help of the other party that I successfully absorbed a ray of pure power ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ And, I raised my Yuan Jian Gong to the ninth level, and condensed the flower of Qi. increase.

The three flowers are gathered together, and there is no lack of leakage. It is a potential.

In particular, the flower of Qi is also the top class, which resonates.

The three flowers resonate, and only the same level of the three flowers will appear.

Folding up the Void Coin, Chen Zong carefully looked at the black blade-shaped token, which had two large characters, two simple and mysterious characters.

That was a mysterious character. Chen Zong could not understand it, but could understand its meaning: Tu Tu, but what was it for?

It's not clear, but since it is given by the powerful gods, it must have its usefulness.

Chen Zong suddenly found that this token could not be included in the ring, and his mind moved into the Nineth Heavenly Ring.

"Taoguang raises his shadows and reveals his sharpness." Chen Zong said to himself, his eyes twinkled, and a hint of sharpness gradually diffused from within his body.

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