Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 20: Slayer Order

(Is the eighth place, can the seventh place be far away? According to the agreement, rush to the eighth place, six lanes plus one more, today's update is twelve, if you rush to the seventh, then add two more changes. Into fourteen more, now, the seventh more)

Feixue Pavilion, like a huge snowflake, seems to be three feet away from the ground, suspended in mid-air, there is a feeling that the wind will blow away.

Among the snowy mountains in Feixue Pavilion, Lin Weiyin was practicing sword.

She clings to the sword, but whenever she has a little time, she will practice the sword. Without time, she will squeeze out time.

"Miss, the Lord of the City sent a slaughter order." Uncle Rong appeared in the snow-capped mountains, and said when Lin Weiyin finished practicing his sword.

"How much?" Lin Weiyin sword came back.

"Five." Uncle Rong said.

"What about other forces?"

"There are seven temples in the mountain and river, and six in each of Yanmen and Sword Alliance ..." Uncle Rong reported the demon order obtained by the other twelve major forces outside the Feixue Pavilion.

The least is to get four, and the most is to get six.

The order of the slaughtering monsters is arranged by the city's main government, which is closely related to the ranking of the last trial.

Each piece of demon order can let one person recognize the Lord.

In other words, Feixuege's five pieces of slaughtering orders can only be participated by five people, and they are limited to the first level of the sub-god level.

There are seven demon-slaying orders in the mountains and rivers, which is equivalent to seven people participating in the slaughtering.

As for the dozens of other forces under the Thirteen Great Powers, there are at most three demon orders, and at least one demon order.

"Uncle Rong, how many scattered people get the demon order?" Lin Weiyin looked calm and light.

"According to my investigation, there are twenty-two scattered people who have obtained the demon order." Uncle Rong said: "The young Chen Zong's friend does not seem to have received the demon order."

"Oh." Lin Weiyin's eyes seemed to flash a bit of disappointment: "Uncle Rong, these twenty-two people can temporarily recruit as many as they want."

"Okay." Uncle Rong nodded. Of course, it wasn't that he personally came out to solicit. After all, he was a powerful man in the divine realm and had the status and dignity of the strong.

The so-called temporary solicitation is not to invite those people to become the people of Feixue Pavilion, but to temporarily become a member of Feixue Pavilion during the trial of slaughtering demons.

Fei Xue Ge is in action, and other forces are also in action.

Being able to be enshrined by the city's government represents a strength, and each one is an object that various forces need to solicit.

Of course, among the many forces, only the Thirteen Great Forces have such ability, and the other forces are powerless even if they are motivated.

Inside Fengyu Building, Li Cang, the gold-burning hand, wore a dark red robe with a burning flame pattern embroidered on it, looking cold and drinking fine wine in a small mouth, but his eyes fluttered, as if absent-minded, as if in wait for what.

He is not an unknown man, but a strong man on the sub-list.

Ranked 131st.

After a while, one person, wearing a white robe, stepped into the restaurant from the outside on a brisk pace and walked directly to Li Cang.

"Mr. Li, I'm the deacon of Feixue Pavilion, come on behalf of Feixue Pavilion and cooperate with you." The deputy of Feixue Pavilion has a little respect.

"Feixue Pavilion, what can you give me?" Li Cang put down his glass, and asked Xu Xu not ill.


As a casual person, the veteran inferior list of strong players, he values ​​interests, especially the interests that can make him further.

"It's not important what the Feixue Pavilion can give, what's important is that I can give you more than the Feixue Pavilion." A low voice, like a bell ringing, passed into Fengyu Building, interrupting Fei The words of Deacon Xuege are about to be exported.

Suddenly, there was an annoyance on Deacon's face.

And Li Cang's face also showed a hint of faint joy.

"Thank you for your kindness, but Li has chosen Shanhe Dian." Li Cang stood up and said to the deacon of Feixue Pavilion casually.

Looking at the back of Li Cang and the slightly provocative look and contentment of Deacon Shanhedian, Deacon Feixue Pavilion almost broke his teeth.

The other people in Fengyu Building, although they didn't say anything, could see some jokes and optimistic looks under their eyes.


It must be shameful.

If you say your own conditions, Shanhe Dian is better than Feixue Pavilion, Li Cang chooses Shanhe Dian, which is natural and excusable.

However, the two sides have not yet stated their respective conditions, and Li Cang chose Shanhe Temple directly as if he had been waiting for the people from Shanhe Temple to invite him.

OK, this is also normal, after all, is Shanhedian more powerful?

In this case, it is good to refuse Feixuege from the beginning. Why should I ask what Feixuege can give? This approach is undoubtedly teasing Feixuege.

Perhaps Li Cang was not intentional, but in the eyes of others, Fei Xue Ge is ashamed.

Taking a deep breath, Deacon Feixuege did not get angry, that would not help, but would be even more ashamed.

Now that the invitation has failed, look for the next goal.

The action must be fast, because there are only twenty-two scattered people who get the demon order, but the force of the action reaches as many as thirteen.

Feixuege failed to invite the first one. If not soon, the rest might be invited by other forces.

Perhaps there is only one chance left, and this time we must show our greatest sincerity.


"The Lord, the invitation to the gold-burner Li Cang failed, and he put it into the Shanhe Temple." The deacon of Feixue Pavilion reverently reported to Lin Weiyin: "However, we invited Feng Yun samurai Zhao Fengyun to use the first plan."

Inviting others to join the team naturally gives benefits. Feixuege has prepared two plans, which are two grades of benefits.

When I was preparing to invite Li Cang, I was going to use the second set of plans, but the invitation failed before I could speak, and I could only find the next person immediately.

Zhao Fengyun, the samurai warrior who ranked 999th in the rankings, was still in the first level and successfully invited to the competition with the first-level benefits.

No doubt, Feixuege has to pay more benefits.

However, if you ca n’t get more foreign aid, it is estimated that the five people in Feixue Pavilion alone will be more difficult to compete with other forces in the slaughter trial. If the final ranking is not high, it will affect the rewards and resources. Allocation and so on, affect the number of next demon order.

"Are you only recruiting one?" Lin Weiyin frowned slightly.

Finding just one is not enough.

"What else?" Lin Weiyin said again.

"The Shanhe Temple invited four people in total, Yanmen and Daomen invited three people each, Xinglanhui and Bailianmen invited two people each, and the rest invited one." The deacon reported one by one and went to the Shanhe temple in detail. The four people who were recruited were who, etc., all of them were very clear.

Lin Weiyin frowned.

Of the 13 forces, at least two people invited foreign aid, and the remaining eight invited only one person. Feixue Pavilion is one of them.

It seems that this is fine, but Lin Weiyin is not reconciled.

As the owner of Feixue Pavilion, even a woman, she also has the ambition to further develop Feixue Pavilion, but Lin Weiyin knows that it is difficult for her to further develop Feixue Pavilion by herself. Need sufficient external force to contrast.

External forces are not so easy to find.

The trial of slaughtering monsters may be an opportunity for Feixue Pavilion to rise and surpass the limits of the previous generation.

But now it seems that there are many difficulties.

"Notify Lin Zhenglong, Lin Zhengming, Lin Xiaofu, and Lin Xiong to the Senate Hall." Lin Weiyin stretched his heart, and the matter has come to an end. It is useless to think about it and can only find a solution.

It's a pity that Chen Zong did not get a demon order, otherwise, he might be able to invite the other party for foreign aid.

Perhaps it was because Chen Zong's time in the Second Town Jiecheng was too short. This demon order was issued by the city's main government and cannot be asked for.

With a complicated mind, Lin Weiyin also went to the parliament hall, ready to discuss.

How can we achieve a better result in the upcoming trial of the slaughtering monsters, so that Feixuege has a higher ranking.


In an independent courtyard behind Fengyu Building, Chen Zong stood up and received a sword. On the dummy who tested the sword's power in front of him, the deep sword marks were slowly healing.

After the sword returned to the sheath, Chen Zong secretly nodded, sinking his consciousness into the Nine Heavens Circle, and seeing once again if there was a task suitable for him.

After getting the Nine Heavenly Circle, Chen Zong always checked it to see if he had the right task for him. If so, he picked it up and completed it in order to get paid and nine days.

But unfortunately, even though I have seen some missions since I obtained the Nine Sky Rings, they are not suitable for myself.

After all, the level of his ninth heavenly disciple is Chixiaotian. The lowest level is very limited, and he can only view and receive Chixiaotian tasks.

Now, it is also a routine check.

Just as Chen Zong opened the Nine Heavens Ring to view the mission, the demon order in the Nine Heavens Ring shook with it, and there seemed to be a slight wave of fluctuations, and then a new task appeared on it.

"Trial of slaughtering demons: The demons in Mobuchi are about to move again, they are trying to break the Mobuchi's blockade, invading the void again, and clearing up actions is imperative. Time: three days later, Location: City Lord's Mansion. Mission reward: Ten to nineteen days. "

Chen Zong suddenly hesitated, this turned out to be a pure nine-day reward task, ranging from as little as ten points to as many as one thousand points, which was amazing.

You must know that those nine days of the red sky missions that Chen Zong has seen before are only ten o'clock.

So, is it 10 o'clock or a thousand o'clock? Maybe it depends on the demons killed.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong took the task.

As soon as he took the task, Chen Zong took out the slaughtering demon order and looked closely, but still couldn't see anything, but Chen Zong was sure that once there was a direct connection between the slaughtering demon order and the trial of slaughtering demon.

Slaughter Order!

Trial of Demons!

Maybe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This is something like a key or a pass.

Only if you have a Demon Slaying Order can you participate in the Demon Slaying Trial.

Only momentarily, Chen Zong made a very correct inference.

Put away the slaughtering order, Chen Zong dismissed the miscellaneous thoughts and continued to cultivate.

For three days, it was not long or even short, but my cultivation could not be stopped.

Using these three days to further improve his own strength, Chen Zong always felt that the trial of the slaughtering monsters was very ordinary. Without sufficient strength, it would be difficult to obtain sufficient benefits from it. The most direct thing is that he cannot get more More than nine days.

So, enhance it.

Vaguely, Chen Zong's heart raised an indescribable excitement, sword, blood has not been seen for a long time.

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