Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 21: Shot

(Eighth more)

In three days, the moment passed.

The gates of the mysterious city main house opened, but not everyone is eligible to enter, only a few people, and only a few people who received the order of slaughter.

There are eleven people in the Shanhe Temple, nine in each of Yanmen and Daomen ...

There were six people from Feixuege, five of them were members of Feixuege, and one was foreign aid warrior Zhao Fengyun.

The personnel of the 13 forces themselves and the foreign aid they have invited, there are more than 100 people in total, all of them are sub-gods, which is the ultimate strength of demigods. For example, the ghost king of the purgatory ghost clan comes with more numbers and strength Also stronger.

There are dozens of other relatively weak forces, at least one sub-god level, at most three sub-god levels, and there are more than a hundred.

In total, nearly three hundred sub-level masters gathered here.

Here is an empty hall in the city's main palace. It is very wide, and various forces are waiting in different directions.

Chu Shanhe's footsteps moved, drawing many eyes, to Feixue Pavilion, standing in front of Lin Weiyin, with a smile on his face.

"Weiyin, why don't you come to my Shanhe Temple? The Shanhe Temple still lacks a deputy." Chu Shanhe's mouth is filled with a confident smile full of honey fans, his voice is mild and clear, with a slight magnetism, as if he can straighten Thoroughly mediocre.

The women in some forces could not help but show their admiration and a touch of love.

There is no doubt that Chushanhe is excellent.

Men will like beautiful and outstanding women. Similarly, women will like excellent and extraordinary men.

This is a deep instinct of life.

It's natural!

The beautiful things always make people appreciate, long for and even take it for themselves.

Therefore, Lin Weiyin was jealous.

Lin Weiyin is the owner of Feixue Pavilion, but Chu Shanhe said so. The meaning is obvious. The deputy chief is false. It is true that Lin Weiyin should be put into the room.

"I'm the owner of Feixue Pavilion." Every word of Lin Weiyin was cold, as if freezing around, people couldn't help feeling chill. In his words, there was unquestionable determination.


A flash of cold mang flashed under the eyes of Chushan River.

It turned out that he refused to do so, but it was still uncomfortable in the eyes of the public.

Whoever upsets me will not make him feel better, no matter who it is.

Immediately, Han Mang opened his eyes, and Chu Shanhe's mouth twitched a smile, but his eyes crossed Lin Weiyin's face, and fell on the young man who looked a little cynical.

The young man was holding a grass, and his hair was casually pierced with a grass, because it was not combed, it looked a bit messy, with a smile on his face, wearing a dark blue samurai uniform. The long legs under the body stood in a lazy manner.

"Zhao Fengyun, I think you should understand." There was a smile on the corner of Chu Shanhe's mouth, but the bottom of his eyes was cold, the sound sounded very light, but there was a dignified flash on Zhao Fengyun's face, originally A slack look disappeared, his body was slightly stretched, and the muscles of the legs under the samurai suit were slightly inflated, full of amazing strength.

"Chu Shanhe, what are you going to do?" Lin Weiyin vaguely had a bad feeling.

His eyes flickered several times. Immediately, Zhao Fengyun looked at Lin Weiyin: "Lin Ge, I'm sorry."

After speaking, Zhao Fengyun walked aside, kept a certain distance from the team of Feixue Pavilion, and also stood beside the Chushan River, saluting his fist in front of the Chushan River: "Please also give the Lord Chu Chuan a lot of advice."

"Zhao Fengyun, what do you mean?" Lin Zhenglong was furious and his black hair was angry. As the wind blows, the slightest chill spread out from his body.

Several other people in Feixuege were also furious. Is this going to be inconsistent?

Not only is it going against others, but it also intends to invest in the Shanhedian camp.

Lin Weiyin's face became more ugly, his eyes became colder, and he wanted to freeze Chu Shanhe and Zhao Fengyun.

But Chu Shanhe was not afraid of Lin Weiyin's eyes, but after Zhao Fengyun's expression changed, he smiled indifferently: "Water flows to the lower part, but people are not water and only go to the higher part."

The implication is that Shanhedian is a high place, Feixue Pavilion is a low place, and people go to a high place, which is not wrong.

The problem is that Zhao Fengyun has promised Feixue Pavilion before, and only now has he changed his mind. This is a great blow to Feixue Pavilion, which has greatly affected the morale and morale of Feixue Pavilion.

This is a conflict between Shanhe Temple and Feixue Pavilion. It can even be said that the forces between Chu Shanhe and Lin Weiyin can't be intervened by other forces, all of which fall into the sidelines.

"Zhao Fengyun, don't regret it." Lin Xiong exclaimed in a deep voice.

In Zhao Fengyun's view, this is just a threat of bluffing.

Less than half of the twenty-two scattered people who have obtained the order of slaughtering demons are masters on the sub-list. Most of them are those who have not been included in the sub-list. Of course, it is not that they are weak and in fact can be obtained They are all recognized, and their strength is strong, second only to the masters on the sub-list.

Therefore, among the twenty-two scattered people, Zhao Fengyun is undoubtedly one of the heavier.

In the face of Lin Xiong's reprimand, Zhao Fengyun just smiled slightly and did not respond, the pair of gestures clearly expressed his disdain.

Don't bother to respond!

It's kind of frivolous.

Lin Weiyin's breathing was violent, and his chest was undulating. He just felt a rage in his chest cavity burning, and he was about to explode.

The breath of astonishment followed, and it was extremely cold and extremely violent, faintly rumbling, as if the Daxue Mountain was about to collapse, and many people were secretly shocked.

"Lin Weiyin is stronger again." Lan Yuanmeng's pupil contracted like a needle.

"Oh." Chu Shanhe was slightly surprised, and immediately smiled, it was indeed the woman she liked, and it was even more powerful.


Two breaths!

Three Breaths!

In the entire empty hall, the temperature dropped sharply, and the astonishing momentum was agitating. It seemed to erupt completely. It felt like Lin Weiyin had turned into a snowy mountain.

The fourth breath, that amazing momentum is restrained.

The fifth breath disappeared without a trace, as if an illusion.

Lin Weiyin's anger seemed to disappear, and the whole person returned to calmness, but his eyes became more and more cold, without the slightest temperature, making Zhao Fengyun's scalp numb.

Chu Shanhe's brows frowned slightly, it seemed that his method was wrong, no, he was not wrong, but Lin Weiyin was too stubborn and too fierce, but this way of tame, it also has a sense of accomplishment.

"Weiyin, why are you a woman so strenuous?" Chu Shanhe said with a mild tone, as if to warm Lin Weiyin.

"Go!" Cold eyes stared at Chu Shanhe, Lin Weiyin's red lips opened slightly, but he spit out a word like thunder.


The astonishing momentum echoed in the hall, sweeping across the staggered and shocked faces.

Who is Chushanhe?

The youngest owner of the Chu family, the most powerful force in the airspace of the second town boundary city, is the next generation of homeowners with talents and strengths.

Regardless of status, status, talent, or strength, Chu Shanhe has surpassed many people.

Among the peers, who dares to speak to Chu Shanhe in the airspace of the Second Town.

Chu Shanhe is also full of sorrow.

"Chushan River, you, a dark-skinned bug, don't sway in front of me, otherwise I'm afraid I can't help pulling my sword and chopped you." Lin Weiyin spoke again, his voice getting colder and shivering. Murder.


Chu Shanhe's double fists clenched immediately, as if shattering, it seemed to make a harsh sound, the blue tendons on the back of his hands were protruding, and his forehead also had blue tendons protruding, his eyes flew fiercely, his teeth clenched, teeth Almost bitten, his face was as dark as a ghost, and he chose to die.

The horrific momentum broke out from the Chushan River instantly, sweeping in all directions, a shadow of mountains and rivers came, suppressing the earth in general, making everyone's body heavily depressed.

bed bugs!

My heart is dark!

When did someone dare to judge himself this way?

A group of people from the Shanhe Dian appeared all around the Chushan River, bursting into an astonishing momentum, turning into a heavy and heavy tidal wave, raging to the side of Feixuege.

Today, there are twelve people in the Shanhe Temple, but there are only five people in the Feixue Pavilion. The gap is not only in number but also in strength.

The five members of Feixuege, including Lin Weiyin, were shocked by that overbearing momentum, and their looks changed one after another.

There is a feeling of being suppressed.

Lin Weiyin, in particular, suffered the most intense pressure.

Her words were like tearing her face with Chu Shanhe.

Lin Weiyin began to feel difficult to breathe, sweat, and could not help seeping from his forehead, slipping down his fair-faced jade cheeks.

The momentum, becoming stronger and more amazing, made Lin Weiyin more and more difficult to bear, only to feel that he was falling into the violent waves, falling into the mountains, and constantly being hit.

Can't support it anymore.

Speaking from time to time, an astonishingly sharp edge erupted at an instant, as if torn apart from heaven and earth.

Just moments ago, the extreme trembling edge that tore the people in the mountain and river hall appeared in front of Lin Weiyin, at the same time, a figure condensed.

The arrogant, vast, and extreme sharpness is constantly permeating from that figure, turning into an imaginary sword shadow, straight into the sky, any approaching momentum is torn, Divided into two.

And this figure ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ has Lin Weiyin firmly behind him.

That doesn't seem to be a very strong figure. At this moment, it seems to have become infinitely tall, like a giant sword and a heavenly sky.

Lin Weiyin only felt that the astonishing momentum that would almost defeat herself was much relieved in an instant, and she couldn't help raising her eyes to see a familiar back, but she recognized the back in an instant.

Chen Zong!

Chen Zong also came here. It turned out that Chen Zong was given a slaughter order.

It is impossible to enter here because there is no magic order.

Since appearing here, it shows that Chen Zong has a demon order.

Lan Yuanmeng was also a little stunned. There was a hint of mistakes on Jiaoyan's face, and she thought she was dazzled.

Wasn't that the person who was previously recommended by Lin Weiyin to Nine Dragons?

In my opinion, that is a person without the slightest responsibility.

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