Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 22: Magic prison

(Ninth more, the remaining three more at night)

"It's you!"

Seeing Chen Zong, the eyes of Chushanhe turned red, killing and anger erupted instantly, the roar rang in all directions, echoed in the hall, like a wave of endless waves.

If Lin Weiyin's words before had a great impact on Chu Shanhe, there was a feeling of being humiliated and furious to the extreme, but there was still a trace of reason to maintain calmness, then the appearance of Chen Zong directly defeated that trace of reason .

Since this person appeared, Lin Weiyin's attitude towards himself has changed greatly.

Because of him, it is because of him, everything is because of him, can he be so humiliated, or humiliated by the woman he sees, there is nothing more humiliating than this.


The anger is extreme, the killings tumble, the killing intentions are violent, the mountains and rivers are solid, suppressing all directions, as if to crush Chen Zong.

Chen Zong looked dignified, his eyes condensed to the extreme, a bit sharp as if the stars were about to explode.

The pressure brought by the Chushan River is very strong and strong.

The crowds receded one after another, at this moment the Chushan River was already furious to the extreme, and the next breath, they would be angry.

In order to avoid being affected, it is better to step back.

Lin Weiyin stepped forward and walked out from behind Chen Zong, standing next to Chen Zong, facing the Chushan River together. This move once again stimulated the Chushan River.

The killer tumbling, becoming more intense, destroying everything, destroying everything.

The eyes of the Chushan River were red, and the whole hall was extremely suppressed and suffocated, which made people suffocate.

Right hand, slowly raised, as if dragging a heavy mountain, pulling everything around.

At the sight of the people in the Shanhe Temple, they immediately retreated. This was the starting position. Chu Shanhe was about to take a shot, and, as soon as he shot it, it was a shock to the stone.

Chen Zong held the scabbard's five fingers tightly, and his right hand and five fingers moved slightly. He would pull the sword out of the sheath at any time, and cut out an amazing sword.

As if the scene of a star collision is about to occur, everyone is holding their breath.

"Little guys, keep your strength to kill more demons." An old voice suddenly sounded, the sound was as plain as water, but as if the still water was deep, it contained amazing power.

This voice contained supreme power. As soon as he appeared, he resolved the silence of Xiao Xiao in the hall, like a trickle of water flowing past, like a breeze.

The anger and murder of Chu Shanhe and the sharpness of Chen Zong's sharpness suddenly disappeared like the smoke blown by the wind.

I do not know when, in the center of the hall, a figure appeared, silent, as if appearing from nothing.

It was an ordinary-looking old man who stood there, without strong fluctuations in his breath, like an ordinary old man.

But who really considers him an ordinary old man is a big fool.

Divine Realm!

This is a powerful god.

In the face of the powerful gods, you must maintain sufficient respect, regardless of the identity of the other party.

It is a rule to respect the strong.

In particular, the other party is still the miracle state of the city's mansion, which is even more unusual.

"You are all elites in the second town of Jiecheng." The old man's seemingly murky eyes slowly swept away, making everyone who was struck by the eyes feel like he was taken seriously: "The triple magic prison is not a security In places where the Nether Demon is powerful and ferocious, you must be extra careful in the magic prison. "

Void Demon!

Chen Zong only felt his soul startled.

I heard this title again.

Tianyuan Sanctuary!

Eternal Castle!

Second Town Jiecheng!

Void Demon!

Feeling like a ghost, Chen Zong became more aware of the power and mystery of the void demons.

"The trial of slaughtering monsters is divided into groups and individuals. The higher the ranking, the greater the reward."

"But you have to remember that the Nether Demon is not a weak chicken. They are strong and cruel. If you are facing a life and death crisis, you can inspire the power of the Slaying Order, will protect you, and take you out of the prison and return to the second town boundary city. However, it takes time to ignite the power of the demon order. You must ensure that you can sustain it. "The old man's tone was slightly dignified.

"Of course, inspiring the protective power of the Slaying Order means that you gave up this trial, all your achievements are countless, and you can't compete for prizes."

"In addition, the magic prison is triple, and you can only move within one. Even if you have a chance, don't enter the second, and don't enter the third."

After the old man's words were finished, the veins of the veins appeared like veins, spreading rapidly on the ground of the hall, forming a huge array.

Immediately afterwards, a black crack opened wide and turned into a ten-meter-high portal.

"Go." The old man stood next to the dark portal, and the old voice sounded abruptly: "When the time is up, the slaughter order will bring you back."

Chu Shanhe took the people from the Shanhe Temple and a few foreign aids to take the lead and walked towards the dark portal. The moment he entered the portal, Chu Shanhe turned his head and swept, his eyes glowed with crimson, staring at Chen Zong, as if he were going to Shred.

Chen Zong looked at Chu Shanhe without fear.

The first meeting outside of Jiuzhong Tianjiu was doomed to be impossible for the two to be friendly, or even impossible.

Lin Weiyin is a fuse, but it is not the only one. Without Lin Weiyin, as long as Chen Zong is in this second town boundary city, he will definitely conflict with the Chushan River for other reasons. The difference lies only in the time of day.

Many people looked at Chen Zong with pitying eyes, and then looked at everyone in Feixuege.

It is not a good thing to get into Chushanhe and Shanhedian.

"Good for yourself." Lan Yuanmeng whispered to Chen Zong and the people in Feixuege as he passed.

For this period of time, Chen Zong had asked Lin Weiyin to communicate with God and knew what had happened.

"So, let me be temporarily listed in Feixue Pavilion." Chen Zong said to Lin Weiyin.

At the beginning, Chen Zong decided to act alone.

However, Lin Weiyin and Lin Weiyin have kindness and kindness to themselves, and when they report, they are within their own ability.

Since Feixue Pavilion has been betrayed and hit, then she will do her best to help.

Lin Xiaofu glanced at Chen Zong in surprise, didn't say anything, Lin Xiong didn't say anything, Lin Zhenglong and Lin Zhengming brothers were reluctant, they didn't like Chen Zong.

"Okay." Lin Weiyin was very happy. She was hesitant to invite Chen Zong. Since Chen Zong took the initiative to say it, she agreed with it.

Lin Weiyin agreed, and Lin Zhenglong's opened mouth could only be closed, he thought more.

There are only five people in Feixuege. It will be difficult to compete for the top position. If there is one more, there may be more hope. After all, the strength of this person does not seem to be weak.

Headed by Lin Weiyin, the six of them stepped into the dark portal, and the slaughtering orders in their hands bloomed with a touch of light.

As if falling, falling constantly, falling into the bottomless abyss.

There was darkness all around and nothing could be seen.

The breath, getting colder and colder, seemed to freeze everything, body, soul.

This breath made Chen Zong feel familiar. It was the breath of the Void Demon, but it was deeper and deeper than the breath felt in the Void Battlefield of the Heavenly Realm, a kind of extreme coldness and evil. Seems more pure.

Do not know how long in the past, Chen Zong's feet came a hard feeling.


Eyes can also see clearly.

The sky is dim, as if the ink is constantly rendering in the water, turning into a strip of dark dancing and twisting, it looks very weird, making it impossible to tell whether it is real or unreal.

The land is black, the blackness is deep and the darkness is deep, endless coldness permeates, as if sinking into hell.

In the distance, there seems to be black mountain shadows overlapping.

There is an unreal feeling in the whole world, but it is real.

Magic prison!

Triple Magic Prison!

What the **** is this?

When his heart moved, Chen Zong asked his own question.

Lin Zhenglong grinned, but didn't answer. There was a bit of disdain in his eyes.

"As far as I know, the magic prison didn't exist at the earliest." Lin Weiyin groaned a bit, and then sorted out the language before saying: "Void demon is an evil life born deep in the void cracks. They are chaotic and cruel and evil. Seems to be born to exterminate all beings in the void. "

Chen Zongjing listened and understood the origin of the Void Demon.

Of course, most people don't know what Lin Weiyin said about it, and because of her identity and talents, she is qualified to know something, but it is not very detailed. It is only an approximation.

The Void Demon born from the depth of the Void Fissure seems to be born to exterminate the creatures in the Void. Naturally, it broke out of the Void Fissure and entered the Void to launch an extinct attack.

The living beings in the void, however, will not stab at the neck and naturally resist, just as the void demons invaded the spiritual and holy realm.

Wars are inevitable.

Under that battle, the Nether also suffered great turbulence, and finally the Nether demons were repelled, sealed in the void cracks, and the place where the Nether demons appeared was locked up with a triple devil, and then the town boundary city was built to further strengthen the suppression. power.

After that, the Nether Demon was born and could only operate in the triple devil. It was difficult to break through the blockade of the triple devil and the suppression of the town boundary city.

However, if the Nether Demon continues to be born and accumulate to a certain degree, it will impact the ban, attempting to destroy the suppression of the ban first, so that the more powerful Nether Demon can move freely in the first demon prison, and concentrate all its forces to break through the suppression. If it breaks through, it will be another disaster for the void ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Therefore, every interval, the town boundary city will organize a cleanup operation to kill the void demons, reduce the number of void demons, and slow them down. The impact on the ban of a heavy jail, so that the ban and suppression have always existed, and the more powerful Nether Demon can only leave the first jail and enter the second jail, so as not to be traumatized and suppressed, For generations, there is no turning around.

By the way, as a sharpening of genius descendants.

Call it the Demon Trial!

This is the origin of the triple magic prison, and also the origin of the trial of slaughtering the demons. As to why not let more people enter, it is also limited by some conditions.

Chen Zong couldn't help feeling, the practitioners were really a group of terrible beings. Everything could be eaten, and everything could be the trial to train the younger generations. In the process, they continued to grow stronger.

Void demons are suppressed deep into the void cracks, but in the void, there are still some void demons remaining and chaotic.

Chen Zong speculated that the void demons that had attacked the Lingwu sacred realm at first were afraid that they were only a part of the remnants.

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