Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 23: Edge (1)

(Seventh place, give power, you are too powerful, but keep it steady, don't fall down, don't let our efforts go to waste, add two more, tenth more)

Each batch of people entering the magic prison does not necessarily appear in the same place, but appears randomly and cannot be controlled.

But the same batch will appear in similar places, not far apart.

Magic prison triple.

The void demons born in the first devil are at the highest level, and once they exceed the sub-god level, they will be continuously oppressed. They can only enter the second devil and even the third devil.

All in all, the more powerful the Void Demons are, the more they are suppressed in the first place, making them feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, in the first demon prison, there is no god-level void demon, that is, a void demon that passes through the level of the gods.

There are few god-level void demons in the second level, but few. There are many god-level void demons in the third level.

This is also the old man in the city's main house warned everyone not to rush into the second demon prison. In case of encountering a god-level void demon, it is too dangerous, and the demon killing order may not be able to inspire.

"Last time, the group ranking we got from Feixue Pavilion was seventh, so this time we can only assign five pieces of slaughter order." Lin Weiyin looked cold and cold, "The assigned resource star is also the first. Second-class. "

"This time, we need to keep the ranking at least. If possible, we need to hit the top three and assign them to the first-level resource stars. We can also assign more orders for the next time."

The killing of the demon order is one more and one less, and the impact is still not small.

However, Chen Zong is not very familiar with this, but I can hear that the ranking of the Tutu Trial is important to Feixue Pavilion or any participating forces.

Then, do your best.

"Go this way." Lin Zhenglong looked around and chose one of the directions.

"Brother Chen, what's your opinion?" Lin Weiyin said to Chen Zong, this time, instead of calling Chen Zong as Mr. Chen, it was Brother Chen that seemed to be closer.

Lin Zhenglong's face changed suddenly. What does it mean, even if he did not listen to his own opinion, he even asked a local opinion.

It means that I'm not as good as a hoe?


Lin Zhenglong was very annoyed.

Lin Xiaofu and Lin Xiong did not say that they were inferior to Lin Weiyin and Lin Zhenglong in the Lin family.

Therefore, when making decisions, they generally shut up. After all, one is the cabinet owner and the other is the cabinet ambassador, with little difference in status.

"This way." Now that Lin Weiyin asked himself, Chen Zong pointed out a direction by his own sense of heart, and seemed casual.

"Go." Lin Weiyin said without hesitation, she seemed to trust Chen Zong.

Chen Zong followed, and Lin Xiaofu and Lin Xiong followed each other.

"Brother, what about us." Lin Zhengming walked to Lin Zhenglong and whispered.

"Follow." Lin Zhenglong growled and snarled.

If you do n’t keep up, are you going to act separately?

In magic prison, the risk factor of acting alone is several times or even ten times higher than that of group action.

If the teammates are weak, of course, it is better to act alone, but if the teammates are not weak, of course, group action is better.

Nether demons have never been alone.

The strength of everyone in Feixuege is not weak, and that nasty earthen figure is undeniable. The strength does not seem to be weak. Perhaps, it is not inferior to itself.

Can only keep up.

When Lin Zhenglong was annoyed, he made up his mind. In any case, he must show his strength well, suppress the soil, and let him know that he is stronger in order to make Lin Weiyin admire.

The breath of human beings entering here is like blood dripping into the sea, which will be smelled by sharks with amazing smells, and then quickly besieged from all sides.

In the magic prison, the void demon is like a shark.

The magic prison is very large, and there are many void demons born. Here, it is more suitable for the growth of void demons, so there are many powerful void demons.




It didn't take long for the six of Feixuege to face a group of void demons, at least as many as hundreds, with a strong breath, at least at the demi-level level.

Under normal circumstances, for the strength of the sub-god level, no matter how many demi-god levels, it just increases the casualties.

But because of the nature of the Void Demon's power, extremely fierce and extremely evil, that power has an amazing ability to damage and destroy the beings living in the void.

Demi-Void Nether Demon attacks on the sub-level practitioners will also have a certain impact. When the number is large, qualitative changes will occur, and it may even kill the sub-level practitioners.

From the fluctuation of breath, Chen Zong feels that the void demons in the magic prison are essentially more evil and pure than the void demons they killed in the void battlefield of Tianyuan Sanctuary, and their power should be the same.

It seems that the void demon here is the real void demon, and the void demon remaining in the void is affected by the invisible influence of the void and becomes less pure and extreme.

It can be seen that the five people in Feixuege did not seem to encounter the Void Demon for the first time. This can be seen from their breath and look, but it can also be seen that they should not have many opportunities to encounter the Void Demon.


With a low sigh, Lin Zhengming was the first one to take the shot. The sword swept across the sky, and the black frost filled it. The amazing chill spread quickly and seemed to freeze around.

As soon as Lin Zhengming shot, other people also shot.

The Lin family is a Kendo family and almost all practice sword.

Lin Weiyin and Lin Weiyi practiced the Tianhan Feixue Sword, which is the top sword among the three magical swords of the Lin family.

Lin Zhenglong and Lin Zhengming are practicing the Black Frost Sword Technique, which is slightly inferior to the Tian Han Fei Xue Sword, but there will be no obvious gap.

As for the practice of Lin Xiong and Lin Xiaofu, it is the Xiaohan Liujian, which is the third magic sword skill of the Lin family.

The sword came out, as if all the cold currents were killed.

Tian Han Fei Xue Jian!

Black Frost Swordsmanship!

Osamu Sword!

The three little magical swordsmanships have all released an amazing chill, merging with each other, permeating in all directions and seeming to freeze everything.


Chen Zongyi sword was shot through the sky.

At the same time, hundreds of void demons also shot, the evil force turned into a dark torrent, a wave of turbulent shocks came, and it was violent, destroying everything.

Among the hundreds of heads of the Nether Demon, the power released by a few moments was even more arrogant and more amazing, and loomingly made everyone feel threatened.

The power collided, and it was instantaneous. Then, a terrible shock erupted, as if it could tear and destroy everything.

However, Chen Zong found that the intensity of the space here is amazing, and it is not inferior to the boundary town of the Second Town. The damage was small.

Xiaoguixiao, but the momentum is very scary.

Under the force of the collision, some demigods of the Void Demon were killed, but other Void Demons approached instantly and started to fight close.

The six people in Feixuege were surrounded by the moment.

Chen Zong Yijian was shot out of the air, using a single-minded sword, seemingly a sword, in fact, dozens of swords were issued in an instant.

Of course, this can't be compared with the hundreds and thousands of swords in the heavenly sanctuary, because of the restraint of space strength here.

With dozens of swords dying, it is already fast.

Dozens of swords, each of which was deadly, and the demigod-level void demons were killed directly.

Chen Zong felt that as the Void Demon was killed by his sword, there seemed to be a whiff of breath spreading into the slaughtering order that did not know when it would become a mark imprinted on the back of his left hand.

This is the record.

The number and strength of the void demons killed will be recorded in the demon order, which is the sign of the final ranking.

Together with the six sub-level gods, the demigod-level void demons were quickly killed, leaving only seven sub-level god-level void demons.

The nature of the Nether Demon is very strong, so the sub-level Nether Demon is very terrible, especially the Nether Demon here is not comparable to the outside Nether Demon, they are more pure, more evil, and stronger.

Therefore, it is not easy to kill these seven god-level void demons in a short time. The powerful nature of life gives them the ability to be more difficult to be killed.

Fierce battle!

The brothers Lin Xiong and Lin Xiaofu and Lin Zhengming and Lin Zhenglong each blocked a first-level God-like Nether Demon and were fighting fiercely. It can be seen that Lin Xiong and Lin Xiaofu and Lin Zhengming can only fight, but Lin Zhenglong can suppress.

As for Lin Weiyin, using one enemy and two, to hold back the second-level god-level void demons, looming in the downwind.

Chen Zong dealt with a void demon.

Jin Mang penetrated through the void and was instantly killed, piercing the body of the void demon directly, but the wound healed quickly.

In the magic prison, there is a dark and evil atmosphere everywhere, which allows the void demons to get water like fish, but for the practitioners, it is not good. To restore strength, they can only rely on elixir.

In three days, in addition to the cultivation, Chen Zong also purchased some remedies for recuperation.

The demigod-level Nether Demon can be easily killed. It is because of suppression and level of suppression, but in the same level, it cannot be suppressed. It is difficult to kill, and it can only be slowly abraded to death.

This is actually very unfavorable for practitioners, and it is also why group action is better.

The power of Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword is the first and the second. It can only hurt the opponent and cannot be killed directly, but Chen Zong found that he can slowly consume the opponent until it is exhausted and then killed.

This is too inefficient.

Lin Weiyin also fell under the wind ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ a bit dangerous.

Well, just look at other techniques.

Just one trick!

One-hearted sword.

When a sword is killed, the god-like Nether Demon is stabbed directly, and the sword's energy spreads quickly in the opponent's body in an instant, as if the rhizome penetrated into the soil and took root.

This is a technique learned by Chen Zong as a purgatory ghost clan by consciously integrating into the ghost mother tree. It is used to deal with the purgatory ghost clan, especially the purgatory ghost king, and the effect is very significant.

To some extent, the Nether Demon and the Purgatory Ghost seem to be somewhat similar.

So, does this method have a significant effect on the Nether Demon?

Not clear, but worth trying.

At that moment, the sword air spread quickly like a rhizome, spreading all around, immediately causing great damage and destruction to the void demons.

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