Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 25: Edge (3)

(Twelfth more, the remaining two more will be presented later)

Void demons were born in, and grew up in, all over the place.

For the first time, the Feixuege team encountered hundreds of Nether Demons, including seven times of God-level Nether Demons, all of whom died under Chen Zongjian. The next-world Nether Demons they encountered were not killed by Chen Zong. Leave some for others to kill.

Although it is impossible to check the record of the demon order, the record obtained by killing the sub-god-level void demons is definitely better than the demi-god.

The record of killing the sub-gods is like eating meat, and the record of killing the demigods is like drinking soup. If you eat meat yourself, you can never let others drink soup.

Lin Weiyin was engaged in a fierce battle with the god-level Void Demon. This time, God-level Void Demon's combat power was overbearing, almost equal to Lin Weiyin.

Chen Zong was on the side for Lin Weiyin.

Looking at it, Chen Zong's expression moved, and his voice sounded in the sea of ​​Shen of Lin Weiyin.

Immediately after that, Lin Weiyin's swordsmanship began to change slightly, and the sword's qi seemed to be more intensive even before he knew it.

Sword into silk!

That's right, Chen Zongzheng taught Lin Weiyin the superb skill of practicing sword into silk.

Anyway, Lin Weiyin's sisters have great gratitude towards themselves, and can even be regarded as a life-saving grace. If Lin Weiyi had let himself board the heavy front, he wouldn't know how long to wander in the void.

After all, at your own speed, if you want to reach the second town boundary city, it is difficult and difficult, and you have a lot of luck.

If you're out of luck, don't say anything about the direction. In case you encounter a void monster or a disaster in the void, there is only a dead end.

Therefore, boarding the heavy front, to some extent, is equivalent to life-saving grace.

After entering Feixue Pavilion, although Lin Weiyin said it was a transaction, he had at least a foothold in the second town boundary city, a more intuitive understanding of the void, and a magical swordsmanship, even if It is incomplete, but it also improves the foundation of his swordsmanship.

The introduction of Jiuzhong Tianmao, in the face of Chu Shanhe and other maintenance of himself.

That's a kind of kindness.

Graciousness, to return, this is the principle.

Before pointing to the basics of Lin Weiyin's swordsmanship, it was a transaction. Now to teach the superb skills of practicing sword into silk, it is to pay back the kindness.

Practicing sword into silk, the principle is the ultimate compression sword air sword light sword and so on. It sounds simple, but it is difficult to do.

You must have enough swordsmanship and absolute control over yourself.

This requires talent and hard work.

Originally Lin Weiyin was difficult to master, but before Chen Zong's instructions, the basics of swordsmanship have been greatly improved. Now he is taught by Chen Zong, and slowly mastered in the battle.

Practicing sword into silk, this is a superb sword qi skill, which will cause more direct and stronger damage to a target with a strong body. When incorporated into swordsmanship, it will also consolidate the power of swordsmanship, enhance its power, and combat the void Demons do more damage.

During the fierce battle, others did not notice the change in Lin Weiyin's swordsmanship, because it was very subtle.

Lin Weiyin was secretly excited and thanked Chen Zong for imparting such superb skills.

In the end, Lin Weiyin took the lead in killing the sub-god-level void demons. Although he was not injured, his strength also consumed seven or eighty-eight. He had to take out the elixir to restore his strength.

In the magic prison, you should keep your power at its peak at all times, just in case.

Not long after, Lin Zhenglong also killed the Nether Demon, and was also not injured. After Lin Zhengming and Lin Xiong and Lin Xiaofu killed their opponents, they were slightly injured. .


The Chushan River looked cold, and the last palm blasted out, suppressing the earth like a mountain, directly blasting a sub-god-level void demon and killing it completely.

"Dianzhu, with our strength, we can definitely maintain the first place." A master of Shanhedian laughed.

There are twelve of them. Six of them are on the sub-list. As for the other six, although they are not included in the sub-list, they are also very powerful. Together, they can only die in the magic prison as long as they do not kill themselves. , Basically can be safe and sound.

"Find out the Feixue Pavilion." Chu Shanhe chuckled coldly, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "I want to let them take the initiative."

The thought of Fei Xue Ge and Chen Zong, although full of anger and murderous feelings, but Chu Shanhe is a little clearer, there is a slaughter order, they can not be killed at all.

Since it can't be killed, then the opponent was forced to leave here with the power of the demon order, eliminated from the trial, and could not get any ranking.

At that time, the distribution of resource stars will have no share, which will be a great blow to a large force.

"Lin Weiyin, if you want to blame, you blame me for provoke me." Chu Shanhe secretly flashed a look.

Dozens of people are scattered around the first demon prison. Compared with the people of the 13 major forces, these small people are more careful.

Because they are small in number and not so powerful.

However, there is no end to the road, or, in the face of difficulties, we will come up with solutions.


Some small forces unite with each other and become a group for the time being, and join forces with each other to fight against the vanity demons and slay them.

In the magic prison, there is no day or night, and it is difficult to feel the passage of time, but everyone who enters here has prepared some gadgets to know how long it has been.

Three days!

Three days have passed since entering the prison.

Within three days, there were thousands of void demons killed by six people in Feixue Pavilion, most of them were demigods, and a few were sub-gods.

Now everyone in Feixuege is resting.

Chen Zongsi was intact and his strength was at its peak. Lin Weiyin, who had initially mastered sword-making, had further improved his strength and was not injured.

But Lin Zhenglong was slightly injured and is recovering.

Lin Zhengming, Lin Xiong, and Lin Xiaofu were not badly injured. You can see a dark scar on their chest or back, filled with amazing black power, very evil, pure and extreme, it is the evil force of the void.

Void evil is extremely evil. Once it enters the body, it will continuously destroy vitality, destroy the body from the inside, and eventually die.

It must be expelled as soon as possible, or over time, it will leave its own aftermath.

Strands of black breath continued to emerge from the wound, wavy like water.

The trio's complexion turned dark and sometimes pale, and his cheeks flickered slightly.

After a while, the three took out the evil spirits and took them. This is an elixir that can help expel the evil spirits of the void. Otherwise, it is difficult to expel the evil spirits of the **** level by themselves.

Each of them consumed a second exorcism, and the three of them successfully dispelled and dissipated the insidious evil force invading the body. As soon as the dissipated nether evil force dissipated, the torn wounds only healed.

At the same time, in the empty and spacious hall of the main town of the second town, the main city, several figures appeared, and their faces were either blank or lost.

Their bodies were covered with a layer of light black and nearly transparent aperture. After three breaths, the aperture disappeared.

That was the protective power of the slaying demon order. They were almost killed by the void demons in the devil. At the critical moment, the power of the slaying demon was inspired, and then they were protected and left the demon's return.

The power of the demon order needs to be stimulated by oneself. If you slow down a bit, you will die.

Once I think about it, it is inevitable that I will be afraid and palpitated after a while.


Three days later, someone was wounded, and someone inspired the protection of the Tumor Order and was eliminated.

Fei Xue Ge also changed its horizontal push posture when it just entered, because several of them realized the danger of magic prison.

The paper must come to an end, and only by experiencing it yourself can we understand the difficulties and dangers.

Previously, everyone's understanding of the magic **** only stayed on the information, and they also tore away from the outside void demons. Those void demons were not very strong for them.

Therefore, when entering the magic prison, there is a mentality that can be used to slay the void demons wantonly.

However, these three days of fighting finally made everyone fully realize the danger of the magic prison and the horror of the void demons in the magic prison, which is different from the external void demons and is more pure and more evil.

Then the next action must be more cautious.


The third devil.

The sky here is extremely dark and dark, and it will never turn out.

The earth is also extremely dark and extremely deep, as if it were an abyss, and it will cause people to sink forever, even the soul cannot escape.

A series of dark thunder, constantly passing over the sky, seems to tear the sky and shatter them, exuding the extreme terror of destruction and destruction, destroying everything and everything.

A dark fortress suspended in mid-air, under the dark sky and the earth, endless dark thunder converged from all directions, and continuously shot down around the dark fortress.

The fortress, like a giant monster with a strange appearance, was suspended and asleep, extremely evil, as if it was going to devour everything and destroy everything.

It is located in the huge dark fortress, at the center, a huge figure seated on a throne of 100 meters in size.

The figure was huge and extremely strong, wearing a black armor covered with thorns and barbs, covering every part of the whole body ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Behind it, there was a huge round wheel, around the round wheel Dozens of huge blades spread out.

The huge figure, the huge armor, and the huge sword wheel exude a breath of horror, even if it is just a trace, it is enough to shock the sub-level master.

"Are those **** maggots and ants coming again?" It seemed to be whispering to himself, as if thundering and roaring, with a terrifying look. The closed eyes opened in an instant, huge and extremely bursting The red light seemed to be able to penetrate everything, smash everything and destroy everything.

The breath of terror has skyrocketed more than ten times. The whole fortress is shaking, and the dark thunder surrounding it is becoming more and more violent.

"Pass the order of the king, all second-level gods, all enter the first level, kill the group of maggots and ants."

The sound suddenly sounded, accompanied by a burst of violent thunder, rolling across the world, full of fury and fury.

When he died, the sound penetrated the third **** and blew directly above the second hell.

"Observe, my lord!" The countless figures who gave out a terrible breath fell on their knees.

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