Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 26: Parting ways

(Thirteenth, the last hour, the eighth place is jealous, and a posture that must be surpassed at any time. It must be stabilized, stabilized, and then stabilized, blocking the road of the eighth place and consolidating our results Please everyone)

In a heavy magic prison, in the depths, endless evil forces gathered from all directions, as if the storm was surging and the current was turbulent.




A pitch of darkness condenses on the ground, instantly expanding at a high speed like a vortex, continuously expanding to 100 meters, then to kilometers, covering all directions to 10,000 meters.

This dark vortex seems to run through a double **** to a double hell.

On the dark side of the magic prison, a bit of darkness seems to penetrate from the deepest part of the sky, as if thick ink dripped into the water, spreading quickly between the waves, and when the darkness spread to tens of meters, it was Rotate it slowly.


A vortex appeared over the double magic prison, reaching a diameter of 10,000 meters, and continuously rotated through the sky of the double magic prison, connecting with the land of the double magic prison.

In the double magic prison, the tall figures exuding tyrannical breath flew from all directions, the speed was amazing, and the breath emitted from each body was horrible and trembling.

Some of these figures look like a huge ball of meat, full of spikes, and some of the upper body is like a human, but the lower body is a fierce spider eight claws, and some have four arms, but the lower body looks like a ghost.


Void Demon!

All are sub-level void demons, powerful void demons.

Void demons are a collective name, but their appearances are not necessarily the same. Their birth is a collection of negative forces deep in the void, and the vicious evil forces are extremely powerful.

Now, they all received the order from the king, and they set off for a heavy magic prison.

Although the suppression of a heavy magic prison will make them feel uncomfortable, even if it is a long time, they will be traumatized, and they may even die. However, it can be tolerated in a short time. As long as all the small ants who enter the heavy magic prison are killed Off.

Flying across, completely different and exuberant figures, soared into the sky, into the dark vortex of 10,000 meters, and headed to the first hell.

At the same time, the blockade of a heavy magic prison seemed to be irritated, with the wind rising, the wind roaring, the lightning flashing, the thunder rolling, and it turned into a terrible **** thunder cracking down into the air, hitting the ten thousand meter vortex.

Suddenly, a part of the Nether Demon of the second level was hit and instantly turned into a gray fly.

However, there are still some void demons who successfully passed the 10,000-meter vortex and stepped into the first demon prison.


Within the Shenhai, Jingqi Shenhua is swaying all the time, as if the lotus on the lake, which is blown by the breeze, is extremely beautiful.

The flower of God is still 70% solid.

Fine flower, still 50% solid.

But the flower of Qi has a solidity of 20%.

From initial solidification to 20% of solidification, it took less than ten days before and after. This speed of condensing is simply incredible.

You know, before Chen Zong did not need external assistance, it took a lot of time to consolidate 10%. Now, the three flowers gather together to resonate with the flower of God and the flower of essence to shake the flower of gas. Energetic Flower's condensing speed is improved, and its efficiency is amazing.

Chen Zong even found that during the battle, the three flowers resonated more frequently, and the Qi flower's condensing speed was faster.

Originally, when Chen Zong had just entered the magic prison, the solidification degree of Qihua reached 10%. At the speed of three flowers resonating, it would take at least ten days or more to hope that the solidification degree would reach 20%.

However, the battle with the sub-void void demons made the Sanhua Resonance more efficient. In just three days, the degree of solidification was increased by 10%.

Qi Zhihua's concentration has reached 20%, and Chen Zong can feel that his strength has been further enhanced.

The level of the sub-god level can only be improved by condensing the flower of the extreme realm. As for the exercises, it has reached the extreme. There is no way to improve.

In other words, Chen Zong ’s early sword Jian Gong wants to cultivate to the tenth level, provided that he breaks through to the gods.

This time, the six of Feixue Pavilion encountered eight times of god-level void demons.

Lin Weiyin and the other four were one-on-one, except that Chen Zongyi sword blocked three void demons and suppressed them.

The sword of the heart means that the long sword is silently and silently killed, and it is an understatement. It is like a breeze blowing the willow. The sword is sent to the heart.

Just in an instant, all three swords of God-level Void Demon.

Void demons at this level do not pose much threat to Chen Zong.

"Brother Chen's strength is stronger." Lin Weiyin also gradually mastered sword training into silk, and his strength was further strengthened. During the battle, he could still pay attention to the surroundings.

Seeing that Chen Zongneng blocked three Void Demon one by one, and suppressed them, his heart was greatly shocked. Such strength has already surpassed himself a lot.

With the sixth sense, Lin Weiyin felt that Chen Zong's strength should be promoted to this point within a period of time, and he has made rapid progress, but he does not know how to improve.


For example, Lin Weiyin and others have already condensed the three flowers, but because the three flowers they condensed are not exactly the same order, they cannot resonate.

Therefore, they didn't know the mystery at all, let alone that the three flowers that Chen Zong condensed were all top-level.

Sincere and sincere.

The sword seemed to disappear into the void.

The bodies of the three emptiness demons with different shapes suddenly stunned. They were chopped by Chen Zong's sword. The terrible sword power raged in the body, spreading like a rhizome, spreading all over the body.

Each sword qi is a superb skill of practicing sword into silk, very sharp, cutting everything and tearing everything.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

This sword is extremely powerful. Originally, Chen Zong needed to run out of his energy and strength before he could really perform it. But when he came to the second town boundary city, he obtained the magical swordsmanship and learned the practice, so that he was attentive. The Yixin sword has also been sublimated.

This refining sword is not only a great increase in power, but its consumption is also reduced. Each time it is cast, it will consume about 70% of its spirit and strength, and it also needs to be guided by self-reliance.

Although only one sword can be cast within a short period of time, there is still a great difference between the 10% consumption and the 70% consumption. At least, it can ensure that Chen Zong still has enough strength after performing the sword of refining one heart. .

Even in the self-confidence, the remaining 30% of the power can also exert its peak power.

But after Chen Zong's flower of qi condenses, the power is fully cycled, and then the sword of refining the heart is returned. Not only will there not be so much consumption, but the consumed power will naturally recover at a faster rate.

This sword consumes about 10% of his strength. With full force, Chen Zong can continuously display ten swords.

The power of each sword is much more powerful than that of the three-hearted sword.

The three powerful sub-god-level void demons trembled, and they were torn apart from the inside by the sword gas, and died by fate.

One sword killed three times of the god-level void demons, making Lin Zhenglong and others' eyes almost protruding.

too strong!

"What means is that in the end?" Lin Zhenglong was secretly thinking. He felt that Chen Zong could not be so strong. He must have mastered some special means to deal with the void demons.

After the outbreak of strength, Lin Zhenglong finally killed his opponent and suffered some injuries. He quickly took Quyadan to take it, and dispelled the evil force to recover the injury. Lin Zhenglong stood up and stared at Chen Zong.

"Chen Zong, you must have mastered some means to deal with the Void Demon. Teach me, I can give you three thousand Void coins." Lin Zhenglong tried to use three thousand Void coins to obtain Chen Zong's breaking evil sword skills.

"You can't learn." Chen Zong smiled and said in a calm tone.

This sentence is true. From the swordsmanship of Lin Zhenglong's shots, Chen Zong saw that the basis of Lin Zhenglong's swordsmanship did not have any victory compared with the previous Lin Weiyin, and it was even slightly inferior.

The basics of such swordsmanship will not learn how to practice sword into silk, let alone break evil sword skills.

Even if Chen Zong wanted to teach, the other party couldn't learn.

Of course, Chen Zong could not be taught to Lin Zhenglong.

"Chen Zong, you should be very clear about the importance of that means to us. If you are willing to impart it to me, I can take the initiative and let my grandpa accept you as a disciple." Lin Zhenglong forcibly resisted his inner irritability and took a deep breath Road.

"Then you are not calling me uncle or uncle." Chen Zongwei smiled. If so, Chen Zongke will become Lin Zhenglong's elder.

Obviously, Lin Zhenglong didn't think about it, and after hearing Chen Zong's words, his face changed suddenly.

"You don't go too far," Lin Zhengming growled.

"Lin Zhenglong, if your brothers don't want to be with us, we will part ways." Lin Weiyin took a step forward and stood in front of Chen Zong, his eyes staring at the cold, his voice blowing like a cold wind.

This time, Lin Zhenglong brothers and Lin Xiaofu Lin Xiong were shocked.

Parting ways!

"Lin Weiyin, you turned a blind eye to the interests of Feixue Pavilion and the Lin family for an outsider. When I leave here, I will explain everything to the family and deprive you of the identity of the Pavilion owner." Lin Zhenglong was furious and jealous. , Almost burned to ash by jealousy.

Lin Zhengming stared at Lin Weiyin unbelievably.

"I will still kill the Nether Demon and raise the rank of Feixue Pavilion." Lin Weiyin chuckled coldly, his eyes still cold, without a half change.

Lin Zhenglong deliberately targeted Chen Zong three times and annoyed her. She was in a state of mind and emotion that was unclear and could directly explode.

"Okay." Lin Zhenglong was even more angry, looked at Lin Weiyin, and looked at Chen Zong, his eyes were dark, it seemed that Chen Zong would be peeled, cramped and broken.

Immediately, Lin Zhenglong looked at Lin Xiaofu and Lin Xiong, and said intently, "Where are you two?"

The implication is to see the choice of Lin Xiaofu and Lin Xiong.

It's time to make a choice.

Lin Xiaofu and Lin Xiong looked at each other, they were clear, sooner or later, this time will come, now it is time, it is time to make a choice.

So ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is the choice of the cabinet owner Lin Weiyin?

Or choose the court to make Lin Zhenglong's side?

Once a choice is made, it means that their standing team's position is obvious. After that, it can't be changed any more, otherwise it will become a two-sided and spurred.

"It would be better for us to divide the army in three ways, maybe we can hunt more void demons and get better rankings." Lin Xiong said in a deep voice.

This kind of statement is nothing more than nice, in fact, it is a choice.

Lin Weiyin and Chen Zong, Lin Zhenglong and Lin Zhengming, Lin Xiong and Lin Xiaofu.

What was once a small group is now divided into three teams.

"Let's go." Lin Zhenglong yelled like a sleepy beast. After his eyes filled with anger, he turned and strode away. Lin Zhengming hummed at Chen Zong and followed quickly.

Lin Xiong and Lin Xiaofu smiled slightly at Lin Weiyin, seeming a little embarrassed, and then turned and left.

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