Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 27: Sword

(Fourteenth more, stabilize, seek stability)

"Brother Chen, let you see the joke." Lin Weiyin, with her heart-warming demeanor, also showed a touch of shame on her children. She smiled at Chen Zongwei with a little embarrassment.

"I'm embarrassed." Chen Zong also smiled slightly. If it weren't for himself, Lin Weiyin would not be so angry, and eventually the Feixuege small group parted ways.

The soldiers are divided into three ways, that is just nice to say.

In the magic prison, everywhere is dangerous and scattered, and the danger coefficient of encountering void demons will increase greatly. If this is not the case, who is willing to part ways.

However, instead of centrifugal separation, hidden machine front, it is better to separate as soon as possible, at least for peace of mind.

Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin both understand people, have a clear mind, and smile at each other. They did not discuss this topic again. After all, it is an unpleasant thing, why bother to remember.

Of course, not forgetting does not mean that there is no existence. If Feixue Pavilion can't maintain its original ranking this time, Lin Zhenglong will definitely fall down, which will be very detrimental to Lin Weiyin.

Therefore, to ensure the ranking, it is best to improve the ranking.

"Linge Lord ..." Chen Zong groaned slightly before speaking.

"Call me Weiyin." Lin Weiyin interrupted Chen Zong. This was the second time she asked Chen Zong to call her name.

Lord Lin, that's a formal address, and it's also a more polite one.

"Weiyin." Chen Zong gave a little meal, and still called Lin Weiyin's name: "You have mastered the sword into the silk, you have basically mastered it. Next, I will teach you the technique of breaking evil swords."

"Breaking evil sword skills ..." Hearing Chen Zong's name and omitting his last name, I don't know why, Lin Weiyin felt a little bit rejoicing in his heart, and heard Chen Zong's words, he was shocked.

Breaking evil sword skills!

She instantly thought of Chen Zong's countermeasures against the Nether Demon.

"Brother Chen, that's too precious." Lin Weiyin's idea is different from Lin Zhenglong's. Such sword skills are absolutely very precious, and they will not be worse than the little magical powers, or even better than them.

After all, within the Lin family, there are six small magical powers, but there is no better way to deal with the void demons.

"We are friends, aren't we?" Chen Zong asked with a smile.

The reason why he is willing to teach Lin Weiyin to practice sword silking and breaking evil sword skills is because Lin Weiyin is really good. Moreover, he has kindness to himself and he has maintained many times. It is worth making friends.

"Weiyin thanked Brother Chen." Lin Weiyin smiled again.

Indeed, she also needs a better way to deal with the evil demons. Since Chen Zong is willing to teach, then she has to give Chen Zong some compensation in other aspects.

In any case, Chen Zong cannot be disadvantaged.

Chen Zong began to teach the technique of breaking evil sword skills. This is a unique advanced technique based on the premise of practicing sword into silk. It is not a sword technique, but a secret technique. It is a secret technique for the deeper application of sword energy.

Chen Zongyi taught that Lin Weiyin immediately realized that this secret technique is of amazing value. Not only is it dealing with void demons, it also has deep and unpredictable potential. With his own understanding and mastery of kendo, he can also use the original On the basis of this, it is new and stronger.

Lin Weiyin understands that this kind of kindness is very big.

Lin Weiyin's talents are also good. She came from the Kendo family and she is also very talented in swordsmanship. Therefore, she was taught in detail by Chen Zong. She has a deeper grasp of practicing swords and silk, and she has also begun to master fur.

Next, it is natural to continuously improve through battle.

First find a demigod void demon to practice your hand, control your own strength, and sharpen the evil sword skills.

One day, two days and three days, under the constant fighting and training and the teaching of Chen Zong, Lin Weiyin's breaking evil sword skills advanced by leaps and bounds.

Facts have also proved that if he has a good talent, he also needs a good teacher. Chen Zong is undoubtedly a good teacher. He points and adjusts to Lin Weiyin's own characteristics to make him improve at least ten times. .

Next, of course, it is necessary to deal with the sub-void void demons. As for the demigod level, it is only incidental and can be killed easily. It can also be regarded as earning more records.


A large number of powerful sub-void demon demons have entered the first **** from the second hell. Although they have been suppressed by the first hell, their strength is still terrible, not the first hell. Compared to.

The sub-god level is a collective name that can be divided into two major levels.

For practitioners, the first level of the sub-god level is to condense the three flowers.

The practitioners who entered the magic prison this time are all the first-level sub-gods, and the sub-god-level void demons in the first **** are also the first level.

The first level of the sub-god level can already impact the Tongshen Realm, but the possibility of failure is great. Of course, if you can reach the second level and then break through to the Tongshen Realm, the opportunities will be much greater and the foundation will be more stable.

After the Void Demon reaches the second level of the sub-god level, he will be suppressed by the power of the first demon prisoner and will have to enter the second demon prisoner.

For example, the double magic prison is shallow water, only suitable for small fish, and the double magic prison is deep lake, suitable for large fish.

The luck of the brothers Lin Zhenglong didn't seem to be very good, and they encountered a second-level sub-level void **** that had just come from the double devil.


Lin Zhenglong, who was full of anger and murderous screams, regarded the Void Demon as the object to vent his anger and tortured him.

There was a flash of jokes in the dark eyes of this void demon. They were intelligent and not low.

Lin Zhengming also shot.

The two brothers joined forces two-on-one, and the strength was overbearing.

The second and third layers of the Black Frost Sword Skills were successively cast out. The black frenzy swept through, and the Black Sword swept away like a waterfall.

But the next breath, Lin Zhenglong brothers froze, shocked.

After their attack hit the Void Demon, they couldn't break a faint halo on the surface of the Void Demon's body, and were completely resisted.

how can that be?

"Dead!" The evil demon uttered an extremely wicked voice, and the sharp claws swung across the sky, leaving a few slender claw marks directly torn from the void. The power was extremely condensed, carrying the ultimate killing power to kill the brothers Lin Zhenglong.

The horrible killing intention, as if it was dark and sinking, was suddenly shocked, causing Lin Zhengming to tremble, his body chilling, his limbs stiff, and even his soul seemed to be frozen. It was difficult to move and his mind was frozen.

"Let's use the demon order." Lin Zhenglong's face changed greatly, his strength was more arrogant, he barely reacted, and yelled immediately.

At the same time, Lin Zhenglong did not hesitate to inspire the slaughter order.

Lin Zhengming's response was slow for a while, and the moment of the demon order was triggered, but he was swept by the claw marks, his chest was cut open, and he was almost divided into two.

Extremely wicked evil forces invaded Lin Zhengming's body and vandalized it.

Protected by the power of the Slaughter Order, the two brothers became thinner and disappeared completely under the claws of the Void Demon.


The raging void demons sent out an angry roar, and his body broke out in an instant with an astonishing power, like a flash flood, pouring out in all directions and crushing heavily.


The empty hall of the main town of the second town boundary city, two figures appeared one after another.

"Zhengming, take exorcism Dan soon." Lin Zhenglong quickly took the elixir and stuffed it into Lin Zhengming's mouth.

However, the effect of exorcism is obviously difficult to take effect on the wicked evil power of the second level of emptiness demons at the sub-god level.

When Lin Zhenglong was at a loss, the old man in the city's main government appeared out of thin air, his gaze swept away, and he stared at Lin Zhengming's body. To be precise, it was Lin Zhengming's chest injury.

"This kind of vicious evil force fluctuates ..." The old man reached out and grabbed it. When he died, the evil evil force that dispels evil Dana directly broke away from Lin Zhengming's body and fell into the old man's hand, letting the old man's face sink slightly: "It turned out to be the second **** The second level of Nether evil. "

"Did the void demon of the double devil enter the first?" The old man couldn't help guessing, his expression became more dignified.

If it is true, it is definitely a disaster for the geniuses who have entered a heavy magic prison.

Maybe this time the trial of slaughtering monsters will be terminated because of this.

After all, being sent away from the prison by the power of the Slaughter Order is tantamount to giving up trials and being eliminated. This is also a helpless thing.

It seems that it is necessary to use backup means to recall all Tianjiao as soon as possible.

However, this takes some time, and I can only hope that the Tianjiao people can hold it up. After all, the second-level Nether Demon of the sub-god level cannot stay in the heavy magic prison for too long.


Lin Xiong and Lin Xiaofu were in a team. After leaving quickly, they also killed some void demons, but unfortunately, they also encountered the second level of void demons from the double devil. With cautious instinct, he immediately used the power of the Slayer to leave.

Seeing Lin Xiaofu and Lin Xiong appear one after another, Lin Zhenglong snorted coldly, his eyes flashed coldly.

"Lin Weiyin, this time, you will lose your position as the head of the cabinet." Lin Zhenglong sneered, and missing four of them, Feixue Pavilion is equivalent to losing four players, and they belong to the eliminated, before The record is uncountable.

In this way, Fei Xue Ge must not be able to obtain any good rankings, and even, it cannot maintain its previous rankings.

If you can't keep the ranking, the distribution of resource stars will be reduced. The family will never let Lin Weiyin do this. At least, it will deprive Lin Weiyin of the position of master. Then, by then, you will be your own.

Because of the entire Lin family, the one who is qualified to compare with Lin Weiyin is himself.

"Lin Weiyin, all this is what you asked for." Lin Zhenglong's eyes grew darker.

She was so attentive to her, but because of an outsider and a native, she had confronted herself with bad words many times, which was unforgivable.

At that time, Lin Weiyin lost the title of the cabinet and lost some support, and then took the opportunity to attack, maybe he could win one of them.

Lin Zhenglong imagined the picture after Lin Weiyin was taken down, and a burst of pleasurable emotions appeared in his heart. The slightly excited and distorted face of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com made people look very weird and couldn't help walking back away.

Within the first demon prison, the people of the Shanhe Temple also encountered a sub-level void demon from the second demon prison, not just one, but as many as four.

"Be careful!" Chu Shanhe is extraordinary, and he feels different at first glance. The feeling of these four emptiness demons is very arrogant and dangerous.

Hearing the words of Chu Shanhe, the other eleven people stunned, and looked calmer and colder.


Suddenly, four heads of the Nether Demon shot, and twelve people in the Mountain and River Hall also erupted.

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