Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 29: Full combat power (below)

, The latest chapter of Kendo Mastery is updated soon! (The second change is to add to the new alliance leader "Uncle Momo". Later, there will be a third change. If it remains in the top ten, there will be a fourth change.)



It turned into a shudder-like feeling, like a thunder that roamed inside the body, penetrating up and down the body, bringing more horizontal strength.

The Nether Demon's four arms bombarded and killed from four angles, completely blocking Chen Zong's dodge, and only hardwired.

However, the power of the Nether Demon is extremely overbearing and the destructive power of the Nether evil is extremely amazing. Once he is hit, Chen Zong is estimated to be blasted on the spot.

Lin Weiyin's expression changed slightly, the five fingers of the sword holding the force, as if to pinch the sword handle.

However, she still did not take any action. She believed in Chen Zong.

Then her eyes couldn't help widening, and she seemed to see an incredible scene.

Chen Zonghua couldn't be possible. His body flickered in an instant, and it seemed to be blurred. As if to disappear, he avoided a punch, but the second punch came instantly.

Chen Zong's body was slightly shifted, and the sword was swung across the sky, touching the side of that punch in a very clever way.

The burst of power and guidance caused Chen Zong's speed to more than double, more than doubling from the blockade of the last two punches, as if the body and sword were integrated, people are swords, swords are people, regardless of each other, the soul is connected.

The unity of man and sword is a kind of kendo realm. Chen Zong mastered it a long time ago. It seems that it is not high in kendo realm, but it is very high and clear.

The unity of man and sword is useful at all times.

Smart and sharp, a sword, as if tearing the void, layers of subtle ripples permeated.

The sword seemed to be up against the current.

The black film of the body of the Nether Demon flashed, blocking Chen Zong's sword, but the next time, the black film was directly penetrated.

This is the amazing power of Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong. Although the black film is strong, it is difficult to resist the ninth heavy Taiyuan Jianyuan's edge.

A sword tears through the black membrane, drives straight through, and penetrates into the body of the void demon. The sword gas bursts out in the body of the void demon at once, as if the seeds took root and sprouts, and the speed is extremely fast.

However, Chen Zong also found that the strength of the Void Demon's body at the second level is obviously better than that of the first level, and the evil power of the Void is also more arrogant. The damage caused by his sword is obviously not as good as that of the first level.

Sword gas quickly spread inside the Void Demon, causing damage and angering this Void Demon.

The four arms raised, the black light diffused, and the next breath, the four arms turned into a storm and poured out, covering the front directly, as if the raging waves and flooding Chen Zong.

Lin Weiyin became more and more nervous, but in an instant, she felt Chen Zong changed.

It still looks like that Chen Zong, but the atmosphere has changed, and the sense of existence seems to become extremely strong, as if it suddenly became the center of this world, the feeling is very wonderful.


These realms highlight the self, so that all of his power can be exerted to the extreme, even if it is injured, it will not affect the exertion of strength.

Only when one's own power is exhausted can one's self-reliance be maintained.

Chen Zong seems to be a white dragon in the midst of the huge waves. His body is meandering, but he is still domineering. No matter how big the waves are, they can't be overturned, but set off his healthy and wonderful heroic posture.

The refinement and improvement of the flower of the gods allowed Chen Zong to fully realize his potential for self-reliance, and achieved a new level of control over himself, and further enhanced his perception and grasp of the surroundings, and raised him to a new level.

At this point, Chen Zong is all-out shot.


Allowing this second level of void demons to attack violently, Chen Zong kept avoiding.

The Void Demon's body is huge, more than ten meters high, and Chen Zong appears small but more flexible in front of him.


Fight back!

Even if he surpassed Chen Zong in absolute strength, this void demon still could not attack Chen Zong. With the shock of the aftermath, he could not help Chen Zong at all, because Chen Zong had a heart-printed treasure coat, which weakened Qicheng power.

The remaining 30% cannot affect Chen Zong at all.

"Brother Chen's strength is so strong!" Lin Weiyin was shocked beyond words.

Could it be said that Brother Chen has reached the second level?

Before, it was just a hidden strength. Until now, when I encountered the second level of void demons, did I only show it?

Thinking about it this way, Lin Weiyin felt that it might be, and then shook his head, it is unlikely, because if it is the second level, it will also be suppressed by a heavy magic prison, then it should be the pinnacle of the first level. Only the extreme sword skills can be so strong, coupled with the suppression of the second level of void demons by a heavy magic prison, this can only be counterbalanced.

After all, it's incredible to improve so much power in a short time.

"The Void Demon of the second level is really strong." Chen Zong secretly surprised while fighting fiercely.

If you replace it with the first level of Void Demon, even if it is the first level of the peak, it has already died under your sword. Where is the second level of Void Demon like this one in front of you, you have been hit by dozens of swords in succession and still return Has terrible fighting power.

Dozens of swords are not enough, then dozens of swords are not enough, then there are hundreds of swords.

Under the sympathy of the Three Flowers of the Polar Realm, not only continuously assisting Qihua's condensing, but also forming an endless cycle, as if continuously running, the strength of Chen Zong was restored ten times faster than in the past.

The fast recovery speed means that the combat power is more durable. Even if the absolute strength is not as good as the opponent, you can use the majestic strength to crush the opponent to death.

Although Chen Zong's technique of breaking evil spirits is good, there is still a big gap compared with breaking evil spirits.

The evil-breaking power contained in the evil-breaking pill has a direct and strong destructive force on the lives of negative forces such as the void demons, as if it existed as a natural enemy, and its origins are extremely amazing.

Although breaking evil sword skills is good, but after all, it is still not deep enough, relative to the entire void.

However, the technique of breaking evil swords against the Nether Demon is still very good.

The second level of the Nether Demon hit the sword several times, the power intensified, and the breath began to fall.

The body looks like a willow swaying in the wind, like bamboo shadows, between the change of reality and reality, there is an unreal feeling, as if it does not exist here.


Sincerely, hold up the sword.

The mind is condensed to the extreme, the sword energy becomes the first one, and a sharp and extreme breath permeates.

That sharp edge, as if everything was unified, as if everything was condensed.

The mind, the sword, the sword, the spirit of spirit, everything is unified.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

This sword has been promoted by Chen Zong and reached new heights, which is no less inferior to those of the top little magic swordsmanship.

In addition, the sword was created by Chen Zong, which fits himself very much, and it can fully exert its power.

For example, Lin Weiyin, although he has trained Tianhan Feixue Sword to the third level, compared to the creator of this sword, the power exerted by the same power and realm is somewhat different.

A sword is drawn out, the sword is out of the middle, the second level of the void demon can not escape, the body's black film is instantly torn, as if the sword light without color directly breaks into its body, turning into an endless sword gas explosion , Rooted like a rhizome in the flesh and blood of his body, spread quickly, and destroyed with astonishing sharpness.

When this sword was hit, this void demon had dozens of swords in his body, and his strength was continuously consumed, and there was not much left.

"Then, try my sword again." The silver mang in Chen Zong's eyes seemed to become more and more fierce, and the breath emanating from the whole person became more and more powerful and amazing, the kind of sharpness spreading in all directions, Seems torn and runs through.

A few kilometers apart, Lin Weiyin felt a burst of extreme chills coming in, and there was a sense of being shattered.

"Vientiane ..." murmured, came out from Chen Zong's mouth, and his strength erupted again. The spirit and spirit of the three flowers swayed together, as if blown by the strong wind, permeating more and stronger power.

Chen Zong's body was fixed in the void, as if embedded in the void, and became an extremely real picture.

The next breath, Chen Zong's side turned into a phantom, as if overlapping with Chen Zong's real body.

"Refining your heart!"

The sound, ringing from both the real body and the mouth of the illusion, turned into overlapping sounds, ringing in all directions.


The real body and the illusion, waved their swords together, and the two swords came out, hitting the void demon's body instantly.

Sword Qi erupted again in the Void Demon, superimposed on each other, and the power of the outbreak was not as simple as one plus one, but better than that.


Constantly tearing, the Nether Demon roared fiercely, constantly stimulating its own power, but it could not be recovered.

Numerous cracks appeared under its huge body, and the next breath, like a broken sculpture, kept falling.

A black breath also entered Chen Zong's order of slaughtering monsters.

Seeing the death of this second-level sub-void demon in the second level, Chen Zong quickly withdrew from his self-confidence ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and found that he was almost full of strength.

Sure enough, the second level of the Nether Demon is terrible, and with his current strength, he must do his best to defeat him.

Vientiane? Refining the heart and returning to one sword is Chen Zong's mystery of three-hearted and two-hearted swords, which has been initially incorporated into the refining and heart-returning sword.

The basis of the one-hearted sword learned by one-hearted tactics is actually the one-hearted one-hearted sword. As for the three-hearted two-edged sword, it is actually an enhancement of the one-hearted one-hearted sword.

As for refining one sword, it is based on one heart and one mind and beyond.

The mystery of the three-hearted two-edged sword lies in the three-hearted two-heartedness, as if it were the multiple applications of one-heartedness in one instant.

In the final analysis, the three-hearted two-edged sword is actually a superb skill application.

Before, Chen Zong applied it to the sword of one mind and one mind, but now he applies it to the sword of refining one heart.

However, the difficulty of applying the sword with one mind and one mind with the sword of refining one mind is indistinguishable. It is a gap of more than ten times. Of course, there is also a huge gap in its power.

With his current ability, he can barely illusionize a illusion, and with the real body all come out with a sword.

Quickly take out the elixir and run the exercises. Between the air and the sea, the elixir is ground up immediately, and the power inside the elixir is absorbed, so that it can be repaired to recover at a faster speed.

In the magic prison, there are many crises. You must keep your own strength at the peak to be able to deal with all crises more easily.

"Brother Chen." Lin Weiyin secretly excited, not knowing what to say.

A Fengyun warrior Zhao Fengyun had betrayed the Feixue Pavilion group and joined the Shanhedian group. It was not expected that the newly joined Chen Zong had such powerful strength.

Maybe this time, Chen Zong's strength will be used to maintain the ranking, and there is not necessarily no hope of improving the ranking.

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