Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 30: 1 sword over the mountains (1)

, The latest chapter of Kendo Mastery is updated soon! (Third change, Liudao continue to work hard, and there is a fourth change in the evening, keep our monthly pass, and strive for higher peaks)

Vientiane? Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Under the sword of the heart, the second demon of the void in the second level died under Chen Zong's sword.

Chen Zong could not help exhaling.

Vientiane? The power of refining one sword is indeed much stronger than that of refining one sword, but the consumption of strength is several times more. With its current strength, it can only be performed twice in a row.

Therefore, this sword should be used as a new killer.

"Brother Chen, I am worried that the Void Demon of the second demon prison has entered the first devil." Lin Weiyin frowned slightly.

For the triple devil, Chen Zong's understanding is always inferior to that of Lin Weiyin, but he also understands that the sub-level void demon of the second devil is at least the second level and has amazing strength.

If the Void Demon of the second demon prison really enters the first demon prison, the risk factor will increase by more than ten times, and it means that the demon of the void will fight back.

It is estimated that many people have eliminated it.

I don't know if anyone was killed.

The thought flashed through, but Chen Zong didn't have much worry.

Do your best to fight, if you can't fight, then leave here with the power of the slaughter order, even if it is eliminated, there is no way.

Do your best, but ask for it.

Unconsciously, Chen Zong's heart flashed a clear understanding, his mind became more transparent.

A large group of void demons flew from a distance, and the black pressure was a large piece, like a dark cloud, like a cloud, and they were about to destroy the city, carrying the amazing atmosphere of a heavy devil, very terrible.

However, almost all are demon-level void demons.

The Void Demon was born deep in the Void Fissure. It is a collection of all negative forces. The practitioner can powerfully create the depths of the Void Fissure guarded by the magic prison, and actually merges with that fissure.

Therefore, the Void Demon is like born in a magic prison.

As soon as they are born, the Void Demon can quickly absorb the dark and evil breath in the demon prison, and quickly rise, and they will not leave the demon's lair until the demigod level.

In a heavy devil, a demon-level void demon can be regarded as having a certain combat power and can be considered an adult.

Seeing hundreds of demon-level void demons, Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin's eyes flashed sharply.


Slash the Void Demon as much as possible, weaken the Void Demon's overall strength, otherwise, let the Void Demon impact the blockade of the triple devil, and sooner or later it will be broken. At that time, if it breaks the suppression of the second town boundary city again, Will bring a great disaster to the void.

When so many god-like void demons enter the void, they will destroy everything like a locust swarm. Think of that scene and know how terrible it is.

Avalanche Sword!

Suddenly, Lin Weiyin shot with all his strength, a sword blasted out, and the sword was turbulent and heavy, as if the Daxue Mountain collapsed, erupting an incredible force.

Chen Zong was out of the sword, but did not have the mighty momentum of Lin Weiyin, but had a sharp edge pointing deep inside.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Fuck it!

Like dumplings, many demigod void demons were exhausted in an instant, wiped out vitality, and fell.

After a short while, together with the sub-level vanity demons, Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin were killed by all.

With each shot and battle, the higher the frequency of the Three Flowers Resonance, the higher the Qi Zhihua's condensing speed will increase, but when the battle stops, the Qi Zhi Hua's condensing speed will also decrease, but it will not stop, but every time It is increasing every moment.


Today, Qi Zhihua's degree of condensing has reached 30%, and it is continuously progressing towards 40%.

If it reaches 40%, Chen Zong's combat power will increase a bit.

Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin teamed up and went to Lin Zhenglong's brother's puppet. They felt much more comfortable, and they seemed to be more smooth when they came out with their swords.

Lin Weiyin feels very happy, and his mind is open. When he comes out of the sword, he can often realize more mysteries, and the avalanche Xiaocheng keeps consolidating.

In the distance, several figures flew at an astonishing speed, shrinking the eyes of Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin.

"Weiyin, what about the others in Feixuege?" Chu Shanhe saw Lin Weiyin and Chen Zong, and his eyes suddenly burst into a chill, immediately thinking of the humiliation he had suffered in the main hall of the city's main palace, unforgettable and murderous.

If the eyes can kill people, I am afraid that Chen Zong has already been Ling Chi.

Chu Shanhe's eyes were terrible and unusual, but Chen Zong looked at him without fear.

There were twelve people in the Shanhe Temple, and now there are eight people left. They quickly dispersed and immediately formed a siege circle to surround Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin.

"It has nothing to do with you." Seeing Chu Shanhe, Lin Weiyin's face with a slight smile on his face suddenly appeared cold and disgusted.

In the past, although Chu Shanhe was entangled many times, at that time, Lin Weiyin just didn't like it and did not develop an aversion. After all, Chu Shanhe at that time was at least a gentleman style.

Nowadays, it seems that the nature is exposed.

Indeed, there was no peer in the second town boundary city that could pose a threat to himself, but now a sudden emergence of Chen Zong, regardless of his strength, was so close to Lin Weiyin, which made Chu Shanhe Very upset.

That's all, but Lin Weiyin, who favors a peer of the opposite sex, has shown favor to this native, which directly aroused the deepest dissatisfaction and anger in the heart of Chu Shanhe.

Some people, when they have not violated his interests, are humbly and courteous, like gentlemen, but once they have violated their interests, they immediately become evil spirits.

Chu Shanhe is such a person. In his heart, Lin Weiyin has already regarded Lin Weiyin as his own personal thing.

Lin Weiyin did not give up on him, and even yelled at him for a soiled humiliation.


Killing intention!

This is not only angry with Lin Weiyin, but also murderous to Chen Zong.

Now, I have encountered myself. Although the other party also has a slaughtering order in hand, I can inspire protection at any time, and it is difficult to kill. I also need to take it out to eliminate some of my hatred.

"It seems to have been eliminated." Chu Shanhe smiled slightly, and the smile was not as gentle as before, only a few bitter savages: "Now, I will kindly send you back."

"Give you a piece of advice, now turn around and leave immediately, I will not investigate." Chen Zongbu Xu Buji said, this is a kind advice, it is really a kind advice, but it caused a ridicule.

"I'll also give you a kind advice, to inspire the power of the Tumoring Order, otherwise it will be ugly." Feng Yun warrior Zhao Fengyun tilted his head with a grass root and said to Chen Zong with a bitch.

"So, you are the first." Chen Zong's sharp eyes fell on Zhao Fengyun's face, the extreme sharpness and the coldness deep in his heart, suddenly called Zhao Fengyun trembled, there was a kind of inner being The feeling of piercing, the chill swept out of the deepest part of his own body, and the spine chilled straight into the forehead.

Unconscious response immediately made Zhao Fengyun angry.

It is unacceptable that he is so disoriented due to the look of the other side.


Zhao Fengyun's body moved, as if a gust of wind swept across her body, her legs rolled like clouds, the speed erupted to the extreme, as if the wind and clouds were surging, carrying a mighty wind like power, instantly passing through the sky, boom To Chen Zong.

Little magical power: Stormy legs!

Third: The mighty situation!

As soon as Zhao Fengyun took the shot, he went all out.

Under the turbulent winds and clouds, the legs rolled up the extreme violent wind, which instantly swept through, the clouds surging, diffused in all directions, and shrouded all around.

It seems that Zhao Fengyun's legs seem to be able to sweep everything and destroy everything.

Even a mountain can be destroyed under its legs.

Zhao Fengyun's title is Fengyun Samurai. Its speed is amazing. Once the attack is launched, the legs will be like a turbulent wind. Not only is the speed amazing, the power is even more terrible, it is very good at combo, if it falls into its offensive, unless it is a victory It took him a lot to be able to interrupt, otherwise he got stuck and could only resist passively and then be defeated.

At a glance, Chen Zong saw the mystery of Zhao Fengyun's leg magic.

The body changed several times, as if to be hit, but avoided at critical moments.

But Zhao Fengyun was not worried, because the more his offensive continued, the more intense, until his power was exhausted.

In the case of little difference in strength, if he was not able to interrupt his offensive at the beginning, in the end, the power surged and he could not resist it.

Zhao Fengyun shot, others did not shoot at Chen Zong. They did not know how Chen Zong's true strength was. Although he ranked better than Zhao Fengyun on the sub-list, and better than the epee madness, it was only a game after all. Just the record.

Even if Zhao Fengyun couldn't defeat it, he could support it for a while.

After several dodges, Chen Zong saw more mystery in Zhao Fengyun's legs.

Immediately, the sword came out.

Jianguang seemed to be silent, but it was silent. The amazing storm clouds brought by Zhao Fengyun's legs were all at once, and then they collapsed towards the center, as if an invisible black hole swallowed it.

The whole person of Zhao Fengyun flew up in an instant, the legs of the pants seemed to be cut by invisible sharp blades, and they were instantly broken and fluttered like butterflies.

If it hadn't been for the leggings, Zhao Fengyun's legs would have been ruined.

"Shoo!" The complexion of the epee changed, and Chen Zong's strength seemed to be stronger than when he fought himself.

Seven people from the Shanhedian shot one after another, and an astonishing killing erupted immediately, killing Chen Zong one after another.

Lin Weiyin's look changed and he immediately gave up his sword.

Sword avalanche!

The sword light is huge, like the collapse of the Daxue Mountain, and it bursts into an instant with incomparable power, billowing and turbulent, with endless incomparable power, they are blasted out.

"Weiyin, your opponent is me." Chu Shanhe's expression changed slightly, feeling that Lin Weiyin's strength seemed to be a little stronger, and he immediately made a sound, at the same time, with a palm as if condensing the power of mountains. Killed out.

"Natural chicken tile dog." Chen Zong smiled slightly, even if facing the joint attack of the seven masters, he was not afraid, his body flashed, as if shuttle between the presence or absence, to avoid the attacks of the seven masters, that side The land was bombarded by tyrannical attacks, and they shattered, as if they were swept away by a plow in a court, and turned into ruins.

However, Chen Zong avoided each other and appeared in front of Zhao Fengyun.

(Some bookmates responded that Xiaozheng had come to the monadic galaxy, and Liudao described the strength of the younger generation of the monary galaxy, making the eternal battlefield look like a weak chicken. Then Liudao explained a little bit. The eternal battlefield is very strong, but it was written before. The part I came to is only the tip of the iceberg. I will write it clearly later. At present, Xiaozongzi is a one-ary galaxy, which is the main course. When I want to write more clearly, it is estimated that the description of the six roads has created an illusion. Of course, the six roads are retrospective When I think about it, I also feel that the eternal battlefield seems really weak and not worthy of the name. This is a problem caused by the description before and after the six words, which has caused misleading everyone. Apologies first. The above text is free)

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