Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 31: 1 sword over the mountains (2)

(The fourth change today, the third change is to maintain the top ten update, the first is to add to the new alliance leader "Uncle Momo", let's continue to top ten tomorrow, continue to rush, to achieve a better record, in addition, the group The "little five who grew up here" said that if he were to show his face here, he would be as happy as a child of three hundred catties, and after one second of thinking, six decided to complete him)

The dark air flow twisted, changed, and filled the sky.

The dark land is boundless, vast and boundless.

Several figures flew across, blasted vigorously and filled all directions, seeming to break everything.

Chen Zong's figure walked in the void, avoiding heavy and mighty attacks, and flashed in front of Zhao Fengyun.

"I said, you are the first." Chen Zong smiled at Zhao Fengyun slightly, but this smile was full of sharpness, giving Zhao Fengyun a feeling of being torn directly.

The chill suddenly emerged from the deepest part of the body, sweeping everything.

With the sound of Chen Zongsheng, the sword was shot instantly.

Zhao Fengyun's body flashed a touch of Guanghua, and that layer of Guanghua blocked Chen Zong's sword, so that he was not split by Chen Zong's sword in an instant.

This sword, although Chen Zong did not use his full strength, but also did not intend to show mercy under the sword, such as these two sides and three swords, **** good.

However, Zhao Fengyun, as a master of the sub-list, should have some life-saving cards in his back, which is normal.

Chen Zong also did not expect to be able to kill him directly.

The next instant, Zhao Fengyun immediately inspired the protective power of Tu Mo Ling. If he did not do this, Chen Zong would have another sword and he would be killed.


Zhao Fengyun disappeared from Chen Zong's eyes under the protection of the power of Tu Mo Ling.

It's okay to kill Zhao Fengyun. If it can't be killed, it must be eliminated.

Now, Zhao Fengyun has been eliminated, weakening the strength of Shanhedian, and also reducing the final record of Shanhedian.

But this is just the beginning.


Together with Chu Shanhe, Chen Zong will eliminate all of them.

Dedicated sword!

In a hurry, a sword was shot out of the air, and the epee mad monster waved his sword again and again, but he was still repelled. He only felt that Chen Zong's sword was more sharp and terrible than before, and his sword technique seemed to be more profound. Unpredictable.

It's hard to resist.

Seven people joined forces, Zhao Fengyun was eliminated, and the remaining six were difficult to prevail.

You know, most of them are in the second place.

It was so terrible that Chen Zong couldn't help it together.

On the other hand, the situation is the opposite.

Lin Weiyin did his best, but was not Chu Shanhe's opponent and was suppressed by Chu Shanhe.

"Weiyin, I will give you one last chance." After Chu Shanhe shattered Lin Weiyin's sword light, he condensed into the ear of Lin Weiyin: "As long as you are willing to commit to me, I never blame everything before. "

"Chushanhe, you and others are not worthy of me." Lin Weiyin's voice was cold.

"I don't deserve you. My Chushanhe is the master of the Shanhe Temple, and the youngest Master of the Chu family. My Chu family is the most powerful force in the airspace of the second town. In the future, I will be in charge of the Chu family. As a homeowner, if I do n’t deserve you, who else deserves you. ”Chu Shanhe heard a smile, and then his eyes turned red again:“ Is it the dirt who did n’t know which remote star came from? ? "

"It seems that Chu Shanhe is blind. I didn't expect Lin Weiyin to be so superficial." Chu Shanhe seemed to be indifferent and scolded harshly.

"Apart from your family background, what can you compare with Brother Chen." Lin Weiyin still countered coldly, almost making Chushanhe vomit blood three liters, becoming more furious.

Originally, he was just suppressing Lin Weiyin, showing mercy everywhere, but now he finally gave up.

Who is he Chushanhe?

The owner of the Shanhe Diandian, the young master of the Chu family, and the future Chu master are even more extraordinary. They have now ranked over 200 on the list of gods, and they have great hope of breaking into the top 100 in the future.

Regardless of status or status, it should be second to none in the airspace of the second town boundary city.

She is so good, but Lin Weiyin has not flinched at herself, and has repeatedly humiliated herself because of a soil dweller, which is unforgivable.

Before, I still had one last hope for Lin Weiyin, or he was embarrassed, but now, the hope is shattered.

The hope that has been shattered into despair, and despair breeds anger and murder.

The palm print is as magnificent as a mountain and is overbearing, carrying the Chushan River with ten successful bombardments, suppressing all directions, oppressing the void, and constantly squeezing from all directions, making Lin Weiyin feel heavy.

In terms of cultivation, Lin Weiyin is still not as good as Chu Shanhe, and is also inferior to Chu Shanhe in martial arts.

Had it not been for Chen Zong to improve his swordsmanship and teach superb skills in sword training, he would have been defeated long ago.

Now, Brother Chen fell into the siege of the others in the Shanhe Temple. It didn't seem to be suppressed, but he prevailed, so he couldn't be too backward.

In any case, it is necessary to resist Chu Shanhe, and even entangle Chu Shanhe so that he cannot deal with Brother Chen separately.

The roots of the teeth are critical, resisting the pressure of the Chushan River's palm print, killing with one sword, the sword light is violent, and the snow waves are surging and surging.




Under the ultimate conviction, Lin Weiyin's kendo potential was excavated by a little bit of excitement, and the power of the Avalanche Sword was raised a little bit.

Chu Shanhe can clearly feel that Lin Weiyin has become a little stronger.

"Lin Weiyin, you're asking for everything." Chu Shanhe looked fierce, hands out.

One palm is like a mountain, and the other is like a river.

The mountains are magnificent, and the river is majestic.

Take charge of the mountains and rivers!

The mountain was surrounded by heavy currents, suppressing the void-like bombardment. In a hurry, the mountains were surrounded by turbulent water. Endless pressure poured out from all directions and rushed towards Lin Weiyin.

This is the trick of Chu Shanhe.

This move represents that Chu Shanhe has no reserve anymore, it is all about to cause Lin Weiyin to die, unless Lin Weiyin provokes the protective power of the slaughter order, but that consequence is to be eliminated.

Lin Weiyin's look changed greatly, but he did not mean to seduce the demon order. Instead, he continuously agitated his own strength, chilling and falling all over the place. For a moment, Lin Weiyin's long black hair seemed to be blown by the wind.

A little white, blooming in Lin Weiyin's eyes, and instantly spread out from the bottom of the eye, quickly back, rendering a black to frosty white, permeating an amazing chill.

Frost spreads out of the body and under the feet, rendering the surroundings into a snowy field.

Little magical secret: ice and snow!

As the owner of the Feixue Pavilion of the Lin Family, Lin Weiyin naturally passed on this little magical secret method, but because the secret method is more inscrutable than martial arts, to this day, Lin Weiyin has only cultivated to the first priority, and has never Reached second.

Even if it is only the first priority, once urged, it can increase Lin Weiyin's strength by 30%.

Of course, these secret methods cannot easily be cast. After all, they are not true psychic states and have side effects, but now they have to be cast.

On the flying snow sword, the frost spreads and freezes all around, the frost is white, as if the frost and snow came.


A sword is killed, the roar is rolling, the world is shaken, the frost and snow are turned into huge waves, and the sword light is endless, like waves and landslides.

This power is more powerful than before.

However, with this kind of power, it is still not enough to resist the mountains and rivers in charge of Chushan River. The power of this move has the overbearing power of the mountains, runs on all sides, crushes everything, and has the surrounding water, constantly weakening the strength of the other party .

Weaken the opponent, and then forcibly attack, both of them become more and more terrible.

Jian Guang shattered, the snow and ice scattered, and Lin Weiyin was to be suppressed.

When in danger, Lin Weiyin burned his spirits and forced the secret ice and snow to the second level. The whole body was filled with frost and spread quickly, as if freezing everything.

Power, 60% enhanced.

Lin Weiyin's complexion glowed with snow-white fluorescence.


Once again, the power of this time, once again strengthened.

This time, it directly blocked Chu Shanhe's governing mountains and rivers, but Lin Weiyin's body shook, as if his strength was recoiling. A corner of his mouth overflowed with blood, corresponding to the frosty white, becoming more vivid and shocking.

"Lin Weiyin, you forcibly put on the second place in the snow and ice realm, and you are also uncomfortable." Chu Shanhe smiled coldly, and the killings in his eyes remained undiminished.

Since you can't be your own, then become your own soul.

Take charge of the mountains and rivers!

Chu Shanhe once again shot, he did not need to cast a secret method, because he was very clear that, at a level less than the level of divine realm, forcibly urged the display of ice and snow to the second level, the load was too great, and it could not be maintained for long.

Lin Weiyin didn't speak, and his expression became more and more cold, forcing the momentum force again, exhibiting the avalanche sword, and resisting the mountains and rivers in charge of Chushan River.

The blood spit out again ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ spreading on the frosty white ground around, it became more and more shocking.

"Take me another shot." Chu Shanhe looked more and more fierce, and once again performed the show in charge of Shan Shanhe.

Lin Weiyin once again forced the momentum, but when the sword was just issued, he couldn't help spitting out blood, his momentum was dissipated, and the sword that he uttered was dissipated like a tiger's head and a snake's tail and a thunderstorm.

Seeing that, surrounded by mountains and rivers, crushed from all directions, Lin Weiyin still did not have the protective power to seduce the demon order.

On the brink of danger, a sword-killing silently reached the air.

The surrounding mountains and rivers are as stable as iron buckets, but they cannot stop the sword.

Chen Zong's body flashed, rushed out of the encirclement of the remaining three, appeared next to Lin Weiyin, and once again waved a sword to attack the Chushan River.

"Weiyin, you go back first." Chen Zong's voice also entered Lin Weiyin's ear.

"I ..." Lin Weiyin said, just to refuse, she wanted to stay, go hand in hand with Chen Zong, advance and retreat together.

"These people are not my opponents." Chen Zong's voice came into Lin Weiyin's ears again, and his words were light, but he revealed a conviction of incisive sharpness, as if under a sword, it was like a bunch of native chickens and dogs: "In addition, I will try to help Feixuege to maintain its place."

"Thank you Brother Chen. As for the ranking of Feixue Pavilion, it doesn't matter. Brother Chen must be careful." Lin Weiyin thought for a while and understood that he was suffering from the backlash of secret law now, and his strength could not reach 50% at all. Continue to stay, it will only become a burden on Chen Zong, making him unable to fully display his strength.

Chen Zong, however, had personally beheaded the second-level Nether Demon, and he was absolutely strong.

Well, leaving here is the best help for Chen Zong, to avoid worries.

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