Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 32: 1 sword over the mountains (3)

(If there is nothing unexpected today, it should also be the third change. If there is a new alliance leader, it will add one more to the new alliance leader. Then the first one is offered, everyone, is there a monthly pass? Our psychic spirits are still waiting to be fed. Children of 600 pounds need more monthly tickets for food)

Lin Weiyin inspires the protective power of the Tu Mo Ling, and his eyes do not consciously spread a trace of inconceivable and have not been noticed by Chen Zong, they fade quickly and disappear.

Although Lin Weiyin used the power of the slaughter order to leave, which is equivalent to elimination, but Chu Shanhe couldn't be happier, but was kind of annoyed, because Lin Weiyin was not forced by him, but he heard the words of the little soil turtle Just left.

No matter how unhappy it is, you will be angry and angry.

Take charge of the mountains and rivers!

Relentless, full of anger and murder, poured out.

The remaining three also quickly arrived.

In just a short period of time, seven of them joined forces to besiege, but were eliminated by Chen Zong, which made them extremely surprised.

But now joined forces with Chu Shanhe, the strength of Chu Shanhe is undoubted.

The strength of Chu Shanhe is indeed very strong, and Chen Zong has to admit it.

But he is stronger.

First clear out these three obstacles, and then come to deal with Chu Shanhe.

Jianguang flashed, Jin Mang shimmered and killed.

Sixteen golden sword lights shone with dazzling brilliance, illuminating all directions, carrying incredibly sharp edges, penetrating everything.

Jin Yaoguan Star Sword Second Level: Shine!

Although this little magical swordsmanship is not as good as Yixinjian to a certain extent, it also has good power.

Sixteen sword lights killed all around and the three men, and Chen Zong immediately sent out his sword and killed Chu Shanhe.

The battle is fierce!

The strength of the Chushan River reached the peak of the first level, and the blessing of the semi-artifact small mountain river hand, combined with various means, was very powerful, and Chen Zong could not defeat it in a short time.

Sword light is spreading everywhere, like the explosion of a true sun, splashing in all directions, Chen Zong's shape is changing in it.

Appearing in front of one of them, the moment he flew by, a sword waved.

The sword power is condensed in the sword body to the extreme.

The man was extremely horrified, and his lifesaving card broke out automatically, turning into a layer of light curtain, blocking Chen Zong's sword, but the light curtain was torn in an instant.

At the same time, Jian Guang's power was spurred, and at the same time, Jian Guang cut and killed one arm.

Did not die, but fled.

There are more treasures in the void, and it is also possible to re-grow the broken arm, but the broken arm is uncomfortable after all.

The purpose of Chen Zong is to drive him back and make him obsolete.


Chen Zong's speed was extremely fast, without stopping, the second sword waved.

With all his strength, the speed of the sword became more and more amazing.

Not long after, the remaining two in the Shanhe Temple were all repelled by Chen Zong, and had to use the power of the slaughter order to leave, otherwise they would die.

In this way, there are twelve people in the Shanhe Temple, and only Chushanhe is left.

Although Chushanhe was the most slaying vanity demons this time, the record of the other eleven people is not bad. Now they are all eliminated.

Based on his own record, I am afraid that I am not sure enough to win the first place.

If the first place cannot be obtained, then the allocation of resource stars will be unexpected.

All because of this person, because of this soil.

Chu Shanhe's eyes were completely red.

Little magical secrets: Shanhe Town!

In the roar, the breath of extreme force suddenly exploded from the body of the Chushan River, impacting the surrounding, and the shadow of the river became more solid.

Tall mountains and rushing rivers and rivers appear on the whole body of the Chushan River, as if to condense into substance.

The incredible pressure also permeated, holding everything around, and the void was calm.

This calmness immediately made Chen Zong feel pressure.

After all, the Chushan River condenses the Sanhuadu to a perfect level of 10%. The mastery of the mountain and river Taoism has also reached the top level of 90%. With the Chu family ’s mountain and river channel skills and martial arts, the power erupted. However, it is beyond the limit and it is more and more amazing.

The strength of Chu Shanhe is comprehensive, while Chen Zong's strength is strong in attacking.

After all, at the level of cultivation, Chen Zong condensed Sanhua, but Sanhua never condensed to perfection, and there is still a big gap.

However, because Chen Zong's three flowers are all top-level, the power is amazing, and the power that can be exerted under the resonance also exceeds the limit, and Taoism is the sword of supreme mind, the power is terrible.

All this has created Chen Zong's unparalleled attacking force, which is unparalleled.

Take charge of the mountains and rivers!

Under the secret method of the Chushan River, both hands came out, one hand was like a mountain, and the other hand was like a rapids.

The mountains are magnificent and the currents are vast.

The mountains and rivers are in the palm of your hand, hitting the town with empty air.

The currents are heavy, which can continuously weaken Chen Zong's power and affect its balance. The mountains are powerful and heavy, and they can shock and suppress Chen Zong, limit its strength, and carry terrible power to destroy everything.

The overlapping and fusion of the mountain rapids contains a lot of mysteries, creating a terrible power.

If Chu Shanhe had exhibited this blow before, even if Lin Weiyin forced the ice and snow to be the second, he would not be able to resist the slightest, and he would be crushed and wounded instantly.

The difference is too big.

Chen Zong also felt amazing pressure. From all directions, he completely blocked the void around him, making him hard to move at once, and he could only resist this move.

Even if Chen Zong wanted to use his body skills, he couldn't do it.

This move is almost perfect, and the power is even more overbearing. Compared with the original Gongtian God, it is much more overbearing.

Of course, his own strength is now much stronger than when he battled with Miya Tenjin.

Of course, the martial arts of Chu Shanhe are powerful and wonderful, and they cannot be avoided, so don't avoid them.

Attacking is their strongest means.

Raise your sword and be sincere!

Refine your heart!

Sword cut!

A sword, carrying an extremely powerful force, condensed in an extremely ingenious fusion, bursting out of the power beyond the limit and beheaded.

At the moment when the sword came out, the virtual shadows of mountains and rivers, which had almost condensed into substance, were torn apart immediately.

Jian Guang could not find out, hitting Chushan River.

As soon as Chen Zong's figure moved, he also rushed out along that rift. After refining his heart and returning to one sword, one sword reached.

Close combat is the strongest means of his own.

Chu Shanhe resisted Chen Zong's heart-building sword, and could not avoid Chen Zong's close combat.

As soon as he got close, Chu Shanhe's complexion changed immediately, but he felt endless sword light in front of him. It was endless, like mountains and ridges. It seemed that the torrents were endless and endless.

The sword light, as it pleases, seems real and false.

If you think it is false, it will become true and cut you. If you think he is true, try your best to avoid resistance, and it will become false, making you useless.

True, false, false, real, changeable, unconscious, that is in the heart of Chen Zong, not the heart of Chu Shanhe. Therefore, Chu Shanhe has a feeling of exhaustion.

Concentrate on all the spirits and spirits, and dare not be distracted in the slightest, in order to feel Chen Zong's sword light, and then resist or dodge. As for counterattack, Chu Shanhe has given up.

There was no chance of a counterattack at all.

It never occurred to me that the swordsmanship of the close-killed swordsman was so inscrutable and so thrilling.


Before confronting Lin Weiyin's swordsmanship, Chen Zong actually had some reservations, especially when he realized the realm of Kendo above a sword, and his own swordsmanship advanced by leaps and bounds.

Chen Zong is still not clear about what kind of realm it is, so he calls it the sixth heavy kendo realm, because palm sword means the fifth.

A furry sixth kendo realm gives him a sense of mastering everything, even beyond self-comfort.

In this superb realm, the potential of the sword of the heart has been continuously stimulated and exerted more thoroughly.

Under the sword, they are in charge.

This is the superb state and the suppression of the state. Unless Chushanhe also realizes the fur of the sixth heavy martial arts state, or masters many times more powerful than Chen Zong, otherwise he will not be able to compete with Chen in close combat. Zong contends.

Before being able to fight a battle, it was also because of non-close-kill combat. The increase in the sixth kendo level was relatively weak for Chen Zong. Of course, this was also because Chen Zong did not really master the sixth kendo level.


Chu Shanhe's swords flickered from time to time, but the light flashed again and again. That was the life-saving secret given by the Chu family, which was able to withstand attacks from outside forces.

Chen Zong has a heart-printed bodyguard, and Chu Shanhe, as the young master of the Chu family, has a powerful bodyguard of the secret treasure, which is also normal.

But although the secret treasure is very strong, it can only block for a moment.

Not long after ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the figure of Chu Shanhe was cut by sword gas and wounded with blood.

"Damn, how could he be so strong!" Chu Shanhe was furious and terrified again.

If he didn't fight close with Chen Zong, he could still fight for a while, but as soon as he got close, he was really suppressed.

This is not clear to Chu Shanhe now, because he has no time to think distracted.


Furious to the extreme, he can only continue to urge his own power, erupt continuously, and evolve the repression of the shadows of the mountains and rivers, but nothing can help Chen Zong.

Even if it was only a piece of fur under the sixth heavy kendo realm, the sword controlled everything, and the repressive force of the shadow of the mountains and rivers had no effect on Chen Zong.

On the contrary, Chu Shanhe has a feeling of being suppressed everywhere, tied hands and feet.


Constantly injured, if there is no secret treasure in the body, automatic defense, I'm afraid they have been killed.

A sword was killed to counteract the protective power of the mysterious method, and the aftermath of the sword gas ripped Chu Shanhe's body again.

Just minor injuries, but called Chushanhe uncomfortable.

Although this secret treasure is good, it can withstand brutal attacks. Even the second-level sub-level attacks can be blocked instantly, but it is only instantaneous. Chen Zong ’s sword is too terrible. This superb skill is not the first. Two levels of sub-gods can be compared.

"Earth, I remember you from Chushanhe." Chushanhe has inspired another secret treasure. Chen Zong's sword has been killed, but he has only cut a virtual shadow. As for the true body of Chushanhe, it has disappeared. Don't know where it appeared.

"So clever means." Chen Zong's sharp eyes swept away, but he could not find any trace of Chu Shanhe, and could not help saying secretly.

Unfortunately, Chu Shanhe escaped.

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