Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 33: Eye-catching

(Second, hungry, hungry, need a lot of monthly passes)

In a heavy magic prison, a figure instantly solidified, his robe was broken, stained with many bloodstains, his hair was scattered, his complexion was pale, and he looked very embarrassed. Please search (pinshu.com) to see the most complete! Newest fastest novel!

"Damn earthworm, I will never let you go in Chushanhe." Chushanhe's eyes were red, his face was full of rage and murderous teeth, his teeth were gritted, thinking of Chen Zong, he could not wait for his flesh.

To make yourself so embarrassed, you have to consume an amazing one-time treasure: a thousand miles away!

Fortunately, for thousands of miles, he was able to get away from Chen Zong's sword at an instant, appearing thousands of miles away, and would not be pursued.

Otherwise, it is estimated that it can only stimulate the protective power of the Demon Slayer. It will leave here and be eliminated. At that time, the Shanhe Temple will not be able to obtain any ranking. laughing stock.

It will even make the family question their abilities.

Take out the elixir, take the exercises, and quickly recover the power consumed, and make up for the load caused by the secret method.

As for Chen Zong, after he left here, he slowly worked out ways to deal with it. He must not be let go. He must be killed before he resolved his hatred.

No, you have to torture it severely before you kill it.

After the strength was restored, Chu Shanhe's expression also returned to calm, his body moved, and he left again.

You must kill more Void Demons in order to maintain the ranking of Shanhe Temple.

After all, Chen Zong's strength is so strong that he can certainly kill many void demons, and he and Feixuege are a group.


There are two ways to get a high ranking.

The first method is naturally to kill more Void Demons, but how many Void Demons must be killed in order to achieve a high ranking, it is hard to say because there is no one pair.

Perhaps you can slay many void demons yourself, but others can also make a final conclusion.

This method is uncertain.

The second method is to eliminate all other groups that want to participate in the ranking. Naturally, even if you have a small record, you can get a high ranking.

However, this second method is also not easy to perform. At least when other people have not provoked themselves, Chen Zong will not do this kind of thing, which is at odds with his kendo.

Then, slay more void demons.

Now the suspected second-level void demon enters the first-level demon prisoner, which makes the danger coefficient of the first-level devil a lot higher.

However, the second level still has strong and weak points, and, in one-on-one, he almost exhausted his power to kill.

If it's one-on-two, it's not a match at all, it's also because your cultivation is not enough.



Tear it!

Chen Zong continually beheaded the Nether Demon.

In the distance, two figures flew forward, and Chen Zong recognized them.

One is Lan Yuanmeng, the founder of Xinglan Club, and the other is a sword-like young man in black clothes who was recommended by Lan Yuanmeng to the Nine Dragons.

But the two were hunted down by a void demon, and the void demon's breath was overbearing, and it suddenly reached the second level.


The two kept escaping, but the void demon chased after it, and it was difficult to escape at all.

"Yuan Meng, you go first, I'll stop him." The young man in black clothes immediately made a decision, paused, and whispered to Lan Yuan Meng, while waving and cutting.

The long black knife glowed with extreme coldness. When it was killed with a single knife, the black knife was torn into the void, carrying the terrible and violent power, and killed the second-level void demon.

This overbearing knife made Chen Zong look away and praised him secretly.

A very pure knife method is a kind of amazing killing power. The power is overwhelming and amazing.

From that knife, Chen Zong can see that the strength of this young man in black clothes is definitely better than the epee madness of Shanhe Dian.

However, this strength is not at all the opponent of the second-level void demons.

Lan Yuanmeng gritted his teeth without stopping, but seizing the time Li Jin was fighting for himself, he was far away.

The Void Demon in the second level is too strong. They can be regarded as joining forces, and they will be broken in the slightest. They will have to use the power of the Slaughter Order to leave.

However, the team of the Star Blue Club is left with them. If they use the power of the Slaughter Order to leave, they are eliminated and there is no ranking.

Must not be eliminated, at least one person must be left.

Since Li Jin makes a choice to sacrifice himself, then he should seize the opportunity and get away as much as possible.

Li Jin's combat power broke out completely, and the black long sword rose suddenly several times, turning into a black giant knife. The giant knife surrounded countless vigors, as if thunder and thunder gave off an astonishing power.




The black giant sword erupted without amazing power without sheer power.

The black sword light converges, turning into a surge of sword waves, carrying no astonishing violent power, and ruthlessly bombards the void demon without mercy.

However, Chen Zong saw the mystery of this sword, not to kill the enemy, but to stop the footsteps of the void demon.

Obviously, this young man in black clothes knows that with his own combat power, he can't fight the demon in the void. It can be considered that the other party is standing still and letting himself be chopped and killed.

Furthermore, one of the best ways to get away from Lan Yuanmeng is to block the opponent's footsteps and delay the opponent's speed.

Li Jin's idea is undoubtedly correct. Constantly erupting the power and waving the sword, the sword light is endless, endless, it seems to be the sword light waves that continue to impact, and do not seek to kill the enemy, just to delay the obstruction. To the effect.

However, the second-level Nether Demon is still too strong, even if it is blocked, it is only a trace.

In the end, the Nether Demon was approaching, as if the arm of a long sword suddenly waved, and instantly tore the heavy knife light cut by Li Jin, with a violent murderous intention, and struck across the air.

Seeing that, Li Jin was going to be chopped by that terrible dagger.

"Yuan Meng, I can only help you get here." Li Jin roared, immediately inspiring the protective power of Tu Mo Ling.

He can pay for Lan Yuanmeng, but in this case, he doesn't have to fight his life.

Protected by the power of the Slaughter Order, a blow from the Nether Demon failed, and Li Jin disappeared.

With the short time Li Jin had fought for, Lan Yuanmeng had passed by at full speed, tens of thousands of meters away from the second-level void demon, and saw Chen Zong.

"You aren't leaving yet." Lan Yuanmeng immediately hurriedly, but she no longer cares about Chen Zong, and can remind him that it is already in the face of her old rival Lin Weiyin.

After all, now he is in a state of escape.

But at the next breath, Lan Yuanmeng held back, because the other side not only did not escape, but turned into a sword light passing by, killing the second-level void demon.

Seeking the dead?

Or arrogant?

Still confident?

I don't know, Lan Yuanmeng suddenly fell asleep.

It feels like the other person isn't the stupid self-dead.

Subconsciously, Lan Yuanmeng had a slight body shape, slowed down, and looked back.

I saw that touch of sword light without condensing, as if it had been transformed into a silk thread, like a cloud of mist and mist, there was an indescribable leisurely comfort, but there was a hidden edge.

Killed with a sword, when the black film of the body flashed, but was suddenly torn, called Lan Yuanmeng very shocked.

Before, the four of them could not break through the black membrane of their body, and they were eliminated by two. She and Li Jin had to escape.

What do you see now?

The incompetent generation who was looked down upon by women and thought they were hiding behind a woman not only had the courage to rush to the second-level void demons, but their swords could even break through the black membrane of the body.

The next scene gave Lan Yuanmeng a feeling of being subverted.

Fierce battle!

Chen Zong actually engaged in a fierce battle with the second-level void demons, and it can be seen that Chen Zong seems to occupy the wind.

It is undeniable that the second-level void demons are indeed very powerful, and Chen Zong cannot kill them all at once, but can only slowly consume his power and finally kill him.

Now Chen Zong is constantly consuming the power of the Nether Demon.

Lan Yuanmeng stopped completely, and was even slightly closer, observing more closely.

The more you look, the more you are shocked.

Really, the second-level void demon, not only could not help Chen Zong, but was also suppressed, constantly sword, constantly wounded, and power was constantly consumed.


It turned out that this person turned out to be a master of the second level of the enemy of enemies. It was so amazing, even if the void demon was suppressed by a heavy magic prison, his strength was weakened, and he was very arrogant.

The reason why he didn't respond to the persecution in the face of persecution such as Chu Shanhe ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was because he was disdainful.

Lan Yuanmeng could not help but start to make up for himself.

Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

When the power of the Void Demon was almost exhausted, Chen Zongshi displayed his arrogant sword to smash his skills, and suddenly the Void Demon was seriously wounded and consumed more power.

Vientiane? Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

It is still an illusion, which is the ultimate that Chen Zong can do now.

This kind of mighty power caused the far-away Lan Yuanmeng to feel cold all over the body, and the tempting body feeling could not help but tremble.

The Void Demon immediately sword, the endless sword gas broke out in the body, tearing one after another, and finally consumed its power, and successfully killed.

However, Chen Zong himself consumed 80% of his strength and immediately took the elixir.

"You ... you killed ... the second-level void demons ..." Lan Yuanmeng quickly approached Chen Zong, widening his eyes, as if to see Chen Zong through, writing on his face with astonishment and shortness of breath. , Between the chest ups and downs, seems more hot and seductive.

"It's weird?" Chen Zong responded resolutely while refining the power of elixir.

This understatement left Lan Yuanmeng a little stunned. Immediately, his eyes burst into a fiery glow, as if it could melt everything.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful. Come to my Star Blue Club. I will refer you to join the Star Blue Church. With your talent and strength, you will definitely be valued." Lan Yuanmeng's thinking is a little big.

"Thank you very much." Chen Zong refused.

"Come here, come on." Lan Yuanmeng entangled *, the blazing eyes became more intense, and his face flashed a shyness unconsciously: "As long as you are willing to join my Star Blue Club, everything is easy to say."

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