Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 34: Disturbing mother

(The third one is offered, please ask for a few monthly passes for snacks)

In a heavy magic prison, two figures flew past at low speed, extremely fast.

One is Chen Zong, the other is Lan Yuanmeng.

Why do the two act together?

Is Chen Zong abandoning the Fei Xue Pavilion and joining the team of the Star Blue Club?

Of course not, even if the conditions given by Lan Yuanmeng are even better, even deeper hints are given, but Chen Zong is still unmoved.

Because, he has promised Lin Weiyin, this is the promise of the sword.

As for the current traffic, Lan Yuanmeng told Chen Zong that a demon mother nest was found.

The demon's nest is the nest of the demon. It is not clear how many demon's nests are in this heavy devil, but each demon's nest is very important.

Once destroyed, it will affect the birth of the Void Demon, which will weaken the power of the Void Demon invisibly.

There is a vast and boundless magical prison, but it is impossible to enter through the magical realm. Only under the magical realm can be used. The sub-level master is most suitable, but it is also difficult to find the demon mother nest.

Lan Yuanmeng was able to find a demon mother's nest, which is indeed very good luck.

Now, she will take Chen Zong to the demon's nest to see if she can destroy it. If she can destroy a demon's nest, the record is amazing.

Along the way, naturally also encountered some void demons, the weaker void demons, Chen Zong did not shoot, and handed it to Lan Yuanmeng to kill and let her achieve the record, after all, she took herself to the demons' nest.

If you want to destroy the demon's mother nest, you can't rely on the strength of Lan Yuanmeng. If it can be destroyed in the end, the biggest record will belong to Chen Zong.

Now that he is going to eat meat, the soup will give Lan Yuanmeng a total score.

Lan Yuanmeng is also welcome, with a pair of machete in hand, like a blue starlight embellishment, with a bit of misty colors, as if the stars and blue butterflies fluttered, but there was a fatal opportunity.

Led by Lan Yuanmeng, Chen Zong finally saw a black lair in a huge rift.

The lair was irregularly round, dark, deep, and astonishingly dark, covered with holes, densely packed, and letting one look at it, the cold air in my heart could burst and my scalp burst.

At a glance, Lan Yuanmeng's expression changed greatly, and he was extremely shocked. It seemed that there was a great horror inside.

Although Chen Zong did not have such a reaction as Lan Yuanmeng, his perception was more acute. He could feel a strong and mellow breath from the dark and huge lair, and it was extremely dangerous.

However, Chen Zong is eager to try.

If the timing is not right, he will inspire the power of the demon order to leave here.

Although he promised Lin Weiyin to get a good place for Feixuege as much as possible, he had to give up at the moment of critical life.

"Chen Zong, I don't think you should go in." Lan Yuanmeng stepped back.

She only saw it from a distance before, and she didn't feel so strong. Now, this feeling is so intense that it makes her very palpitated.

"I'm going in." Chen Zong's tone was unquestionably firm, permeating a sense of incisiveness.

This sharp, indomitable, and invincible.

Lan Yuanmeng looked at it for a moment, looking at Chen Zong's eyes, admiring it even more, and even a little bit of inquiry. This is said to be a person from a remote star.

However, Chen Zong ignored Lan Yuanmeng, flickered into a sword, and rushed silently towards the demon's nest.

The speed is extremely fast, Lan Yuanmeng has no time to react.

After a short pause, Lan Yuanmeng did not follow the flying away in the end. The demon's mother's nest gave her a terrible feeling. .

The sword light was subtle, spreading like a silk thread, and immediately encountered obstruction, which was the protective power of the demon's nest, a heavy black halo.

However, Jian Guang paused for a moment, but got into the black halo.

In the beginning, Jian Yuan's amazing power was terrible, tearing and running through everything.

Under Lan Yuanmeng's gaze, the sword light broke through the defense of the demon's nest, and entered the demon's nest from a hole.

"I hope you can be safe." Lan Yuanmeng said secretly, turned and flew away.

Continue to hunt for Nether Demon hunting for more records.

The hole was huge, with a diameter of several meters, Chen Zong flew into the sword, and felt the colder and more airy atmosphere, constantly blasting from all directions.

However, for Chen Zong, the impact of this cold and cold atmosphere can not help himself, but the deeper the atmosphere, the stronger and more amazing the breath.

After a while, Chen Zong fell down and stepped on the ground of the demon's mother's nest with both feet. It seemed to have a soft feeling, but it was very tough.

The touch of his feet let Chen Zong know that this demon mother nest is like flesh and blood.

A group of Nether Demon also appeared, but Chen Zong converged and tried to hide.

The core of the demon's mother's nest is located in the depths. Only by destroying its core can the mother's nest be destroyed, which is a great record.

Moreover, as long as the heart of the mother's nest is destroyed and destroyed, the mother's nest will also be destroyed, and the demons inside will also be implicated.

Therefore, it is better to avoid the Void Demon as much as possible before finding the heart of the mother's nest.



Chen Zong controls his own strength and breath, is perfectly restrained, and it is difficult for the Nether Demon to find it.

However, here is the demon's mother nest after all, the place where the Nether Demon was bred, and the Nether Demon's embryo, like the base camp.

Chen Zong is incompatible with this place.

A void demon with eighteen eyes walked by, and between the eighteen eyeballs turning, the eyes seemed to be able to penetrate all directions.

As he passed Chen Zong's hiding place, he gave a slight meal.

The next breath, eighteen eyes were completely condensed in Chen Zong's hiding place, so that Chen Zong could no longer hide himself.


Chen Zong's response was extremely rapid. Since he couldn't hide, he took the initiative and killed this void demon first.

This Void Demon is the first level, not too strong, and Chen Zong directly used the sword of refining heart to return to one sword.

This sword is more powerful than when it first entered the prison.

Once killed with a sword, the Nether Demon was cut off directly, and the sword gas raged away, strangling directly.

However, Chen Zong's sword fluctuated so strongly that it still spread and was felt by other void demons.

It was as if they were stabbing a horse honeycomb, and a large number of void demons rushed from all directions.

Inside the demon's mother nest, the road extends in all directions. If you are unfamiliar, you will easily get lost.

In fact, Chen Zong didn't know where the core of the demon's mother nest was, so he could only find it slowly, but by luck.

I didn't want to expose the whereabouts before, but I just searched slowly, but now I have to expose.

Well, since it is exposed, let's kill it.

Even if you can't find the core, you have to slay more void demons and get more records.

The long sword trembled, and Chen Zong again turned into a ray of sword light and flew across the sky to kill him instantly.

The void demons guarded in the demonic mother's nest are all sub-levels, and basically all are sub-levels of the first level.

After all, at the second level, it will be suppressed by a heavy magic prison, which is very uncomfortable, and it is difficult to improve its strength. Even if it can resist the suppression of a heavy magic prison in the demon's mother nest, but want to further improve Strong, but very difficult.

At least several times more difficult than in the second hell.

The pursuit of strength is the instinct of life, especially the evil life such as the Void Demon, and strength is the only passport.


Pursue strength!

Now, the second level of the Void Demon in the second demon prison is ordered to enter the first demon prison, but it is to deal with the human race practitioners who enter here, and will not guard the demon mother nest.

Here, the Void Demon will be more powerful, and if the non-Void Demon enters, it will be suppressed, but this suppression can't help Chen Zong, because of the sixth heavy sworddo realm.

Kill kill!

Chen Zong burst into full force, each sword condensing its strength with the fur of the sixth heavy kendo realm, extremely condensed, the power was terrible to the extreme, that kind of sharpness, invincible.

A sword swept across the sky, the sword light passed by, and the Nether Demon was continuously beheaded. Under the raging sword energy, the Nether Demon died.

Strands of black breath continued to spread, pouring into the mark of the slaughter on the back of the left hand, turning into Chen Zong's record.

Today, this slash does not know how much has accumulated.

With a sword in hand, Chen Zong's invincible, sharp edge of a sword is irresistible.

Nether demons are furious and attack aggressively. Here, but the devil's mother nest is the nest where they were conceived. How can the Nether Demons invade here.

To kill!

Be sure to kill!

"Changkuan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Chen Zong said while slashing his sword, his eyes became brighter, and the sword spirit spread throughout his body became more and more sharp, sharp and sharp.

The first level of Nether Demon is very powerful, although it is not as good as Chen Zong, it is also a very good sword.

During the killing, the Three Flowers of the Polar Realm resonated and swayed endlessly. The flower of Qi became more condensed and gradually improved towards 40%.

30% to 40%, 60% to 70%, 90% to 10%, all are a big improvement, and their own strength is more obvious.

Therefore, once Qihua's condensing level reaches 40%, its own combat power will further become stronger.

Then, let these void demons become the swords for the sword to further enhance their combat power.

Not only do they have to contribute for themselves, they also have to become their own sharpening stones, which is really not easy.

Not long after, dozens of first-level void demons died under Chen Zongjian, and the flower of Qi continued to bloom, becoming more condensed, and the breath was continuously accumulated, waiting for the accumulation to the extreme, and then breakthrough.

In the roar, the breath of a Void Demon continued to intensify, and the breath of those Void Demon who died was continuously absorbed and devoured.

Second level!

This void demon forcibly ascended to the second level.

However, it is only just entering the second level.


Outside the mother's nest, there was more than one Void Demon killed by Chen Zongjian.

So this one will also become his own record.

First use the sword to kill the opponent's power. When the kill is about the same, Chen Zong will show his heart-strengthening sword and kill it.

After beheading each other, the flower of Qi swayed, the light bloomed, and then quickly restrained.

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