Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 38: First prize

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Feixue Pavilion is the first group, Shanhe Temple is second, and it is surpassed by Feixue Pavilion. This is incredible, but it has become a reality.

can not imagine!

Lin Weiyin's cheeks were flushed with excitement, his tall body trembled slightly, but Chu Shanhe vomited blood and was unconscious.

Lin Zhenglong's brothers are as dead as a face. This time, not only can't they participate in the family, but the cancellation of Lin Weiyin's title will make Lin Weiyin more valued by the family and the family owner's pulse will be more stable.

If Lin Zhenglong said anything more, he would become a villain who is playing tricks and has no ability or ability, but he will be cast aside.

Lin Xiaofu and Lin Xiong both changed their appearances. Before, they chose to stand. This is also the usual choice before. It is normal to sell for the price, but now, they are a little regretful.

Immediately thought again, Chen Zong was not a member of Feixue Pavilion, but this time only helped Feixue Pavilion. If he did not join Feixue Pavilion and Lin's family, Lin Weiyin could only be glorious.

Thinking of it this way, my heart was relieved a little.

The group ranking ends, followed by the individual ranking.

However, this time the personal ranking is very clear, because there is only one person for each influence.

Only these eighteen people qualify for the ranking.

Chen Zong came first and Chu Shanhe came second.

Next, it is natural to allocate resource stars.

Feixue Pavilion is the first place. If you go directly to the top, you can directly get the mining right of a super resource star. The deadline is normally ten years.

Ten years of mining can only extract a small part of the resources, but it can give Feixuege a great development.

Individual ranking rewards are also announced one by one.

Starting from the eighteenth place.

Of course, the personal rewards after the top ten are more general, and the top ten rewards will be better, especially the top three.

Chen Zong's rewards are not trivial.

50,000 Void Coins!

A pot of Sanhua Dan!

You can choose any small magical power in the main city hall!

Void coin is the circulating currency in the void. It contains a high-level pure power, and that power is the level of the gods, which is very amazing. Sometimes the strong gods of the gods will also use the coins to cultivate.

50,000 Void Coins is an amazing wealth, enough to make many people jealous.

A pot of Sanhua Dan is also of amazing value.

The name of Sanhua Dan is very simple, but its essence is not trivial, because it is an elixir that can assist Jingqi Shenji Jing Sanhua to condense, and it is a cultivation elixir.

Such an elixir has little effect on practitioners who have condensed Sanhua to a satisfactory level, and has become a supplement to Sanhua's power, but it is of high value to Chen Zong.

Moreover, even if there is a void coin, Sanhuadan may not be bought, at least in the second town boundary city, and it may be bought in a stronger and higher place.

A pot of Sanhua Dan is ten capsules.

Finally, you can choose a small magical power in the main city hall, which is also of great use to Chen Zong.

"This little friend, please come with me." After the old man announced the reward, he said to Chen Zong, leaving with the old man in the eyes of the puzzled and envious of everyone.

With the old man, Chen Zong continued to walk inside the city's main house.

The mysterious city main mansion also unveiled itself.

Crossing the covered bridge and over the pool, the city's main mansion seems very vast.

The old man paused in front of a small pavilion.

The pavilion, a figure of a black and silver robe, was sitting at the pavilion leisurely, leaning against the railing, and sprinkling a few stars toward the water. Underwater, the fish gathered.

"My son, Chen Zong is here." The old man bowed in salute.

"Come here." A soft, warm voice sounded in Chen Zong's ear, but it sounded like a thunder.

Familiar voice!

Chen Zong walked into the pavilion, only feeling a dazzle in front of his eyes, as if dazzled, the figure of the black and silver robe had turned, facing himself.

That face looked handsome and handsome, and his eyebrows seemed extraordinary, his eyes were as deep as the void.

It looks like a person of similar grade to himself, but Chen Zong has a feeling that this person is definitely older than himself.

The breath of the other person's body, if there is none, has a feeling of infinite height and vastness like a void.


Divine Realm!

For a moment, Chen Zong made a judgment.

The person in front of him is a powerful man who has the power of the gods.

"You are very good." The other party spoke, a smile on his face, and the voice made Chen Zong feel more familiar.

"It's you," exclaimed Chen Zong.

"It's me." The man in the black and silver robe nodded faintly.

A headless conversation, but even the two sides understand what it means.

"Thank you, senior." Chen Zong's body was upright, and his sword was performed with both hands.

If it wasn't for the other party's help, he would not be able to absorb the power in the Void Coin, and successfully raised the Taiyuan Jianyuan Gong to the ninth level, and condensed the flower of Qi.

That will undoubtedly take a lot of time.

For cultivators, especially genius cultivators, time is like life. Breaking out as soon as possible has greater benefits.

In addition, it is the killing order given by the other party.

All in all, it is true that the other party has some kindness to itself.

Of course, Chen Zong is also very clear that in this world there is no love and hatred for no reason, everything has a reason.

The other side is so supportive of himself, it certainly has its purpose.

Even just optimistic about yourself is also a purpose.

"You have a good attitude." The seemingly young city owner smiled again. His eyes were full of deep wisdom, and he seemed to be able to see through Chen Zongfang's thoughts, which shocked Chen Zong.

"I have nineteen supernatural powers. There are exercises, martial arts, and secret methods. As a reward, you can choose one." The city owner smiled, and the thoughts moved. Suddenly, there were nineteen different colors of light. Mission emerged.

These light clusters are about the same size, but the colors are different, and the breath they emit are also different.

Chen Zong swept slowly, secretly excited.

Nineteen supernatural powers. If all of them are available, they can be regarded as their own accumulation if they are not used by themselves.

But unfortunately, only one can be selected, which shows its preciousness.

Since there is only one door, it is necessary to choose well.

Needless to say, Chen Zong can feel the types of these magical powers just by the breath fluctuation.

"My early sword Sword Yuan Gong is the ninth most important, and it is also a level of little magical power." Chen Zong secretly said: "So, Gongfa should be abandoned."

In an instant, Chen Zong ruled out the two exercises in the nineteen magical powers.

As for martial arts, it is useful and can be turned into accumulation, but only the effect of swordsmanship is the most obvious. The remaining seventeen magical powers have three swordsmanships.

Finally, there are two mysterious magical methods.

Chen Zong hovered between swordsmanship and secret.

Sword practice can increase your own means of countering the enemy, and you can also increase the accumulation of swordsmanship, but the secret method can become a key hole card, a brief surge in strength, and reverse the disadvantage.

There is no conclusive conclusion between strength and weakness, and everything depends on personal choice.

"My single-minded sword has now reached the level of little magical power, and it can be gradually improved. One little magical sword and one little magical sword are less. For me, the difference is not much." "Then, choose a little magical secret."

At the critical moment, the secret magical law broke out, which could increase the combat power and reverse the war situation.

Then, there are two ways of mysterious magical powers, and one of them should be chosen.

Chen Zong carefully sensed the breath fluctuations of the two little magical secrets. He sensed them by heart and chose them by heart.

After ten breaths, Chen Zong felt a movement and immediately swept out, enveloping the little magical power on the left.

The light melted into the invisible, turned into a burst of information, and poured into Chen Zong's mind.

Little magical secrets: Breaking the pole!

This secret method is also divided into three layers, which are very mysterious, far better than Jin Yaoguan's star sword, and it is difficult for Chen Zong to understand it in a short time.

The town owner smiled slightly and put away the other eighteen light groups.

"This little magical power must not be passed on," the city owner urged with a smile.

"City owners rest assured, I only practice by myself." Chen Zongzheng said.

"Well, I have a chance here, I don't know if you dare to take it?" The city owner suddenly converged the smile on his face, stared at Chen Zong, and said positively.

"Opportunity?" Chen Zong stunned for a moment. The owner of the city came to himself. The real purpose was to send the opportunity?

Immediately, Chen Zong ruled out the idea and offered him a chance in vain. Naturally, it was impossible.

Fate, there must be some demand, now there is no, does not mean that there is no future.

Chen Zong did not agree rashly.

Opportunities are accompanied by risks. Opportunities given by others must also give rewards. It makes sense, then, to look at what kind of opportunity.

If it is not useful to you, it is better not to.

"You can rest assured ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ This opportunity is of great use to any sub-level practitioner, and it is also true for you." The city owner smiled and said, "I will not give you the opportunity in vain, as long as you can do it later Within the range, just help me. "

"The lord of the city loved him, and the juniors should be cheeky." Chen Zong responded as soon as he thought about it.

"Okay." The owner couldn't help laughing.

He first shot to help Chen Zong absorb a ray of power in the Void Coin and then gave him a slaughtering order. This was to get in touch and also to see Chen Zong's ability.

Chen Zong's ability was beyond his expectation.

In this way, I intend to send out that opportunity.

This opportunity is because it is useless, but for any sub-god level, it is very amazing, any sub-god level wants to get.

To cultivate a junior in this way, of course, I hope that I can help myself in the future, otherwise, why?

"So, I'll talk to you about this opportunity." The city owner smiled and saw that it was a smile from his heart: "Have you ever heard of the magic soldier?"

"Divine soldier." Chen Zong nodded, Xiao Yu Shenbing is a kind of Shenbing.

"One of the magical soldiers is called the mortal magical soldier, which is closely related to its own vitality, spirituality, and soul." The city owner said leisurely. Evolution can grow with you. "

"Let ’s see." As soon as the voice fell, I saw the right palm of the city lord spread out, and a stream of light emerged. It was a black light, turning into a black wheel, slowly turning, the edge of the wheel , But permeated with a dazzling dazzling silver divine.

The breath emanating from this round is not mysterious and unpredictable.

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