Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 39: 3 flowers

(Second, one more at night)

Void multiple star fields.

In some starfields, there are many mysteries, most of them are different, but one is the same, that is, the mystery of the magic soldier.

It is rumored that the mysterious realm of the magic soldier is actually left by a top force that is dominated by a number of void stars, and that force is closely related to the magic soldier.

The mystery of the mysterious soldier is the place where the powerful forces provide for the disciples to experience, in which they can obtain the mysterious soldier or even the source of the mysterious soldier, so as to condense their own destiny.

In each galaxy of the Yuanyuan star field, there is a portal to the secret realm of the soldiers.

All galaxy-level forces are eligible to receive corresponding quotas and enter the secret territory of the magic soldier to obtain the magic soldier and even the source of the magic soldier.

For any sub-god, it is a great opportunity.

But unfortunately, only the sub-gods who have reached the second level are eligible to enter the secret realm of the soldiers.

Now Chen Zong is not enough.

One year!

Another year has elapsed, and the secret realm of the soldiers will open. At that time, Chen Zong must step into the second level, otherwise, he will miss this opportunity.

Farewell to the city owner, after leaving the city owner's house, Chen Zong did not go to Lin Weiyin, etc., but immediately bought a house with complete supporting facilities with Voidcoin.

There are houses and courtyards, as well as practice rooms, etc. It costs a total of 20,000 Void Coins and is very valuable.

Then, after giving Lin Weiyin a ninth heavenly ring tone, she began to retreat.

One year!

Only one year.

And the first level has not been cultivated to completion, let alone the second level.

Time is short and rush.

Began to retreat. After Chen Zong adjusted his interest rate, he took one capsule of Sanhuadan immediately.

Sanhuadan is about the size of an egg yolk, but there are three colors intertwined, one is azure, the other is dark brown, and the other is blood red.

Three colors represent three flowers.

The scent of azure color is quiet and high, as if the clouds of the sky, the sky is above.

The dark brown scent is thick and steady, just like the earth, and cannot be shaken.

The smell of blood red was boiling with blood, as if the blood was burning, like magma billowing.

A pill is so mysterious.

At the entrance of the elixir, instead of swallowing into the belly, it melted directly in the mouth and turned into three brilliances of different colors and rushed directly into Shenhai.

In a hurry, three different colors of light rushed to the corresponding flower of the polar world.

Azure blends into the flower of God. The flower of God suddenly diffuses a layer of azure halo. It seems to be improving a little bit, but it is more difficult to reach the 70% of the flower of God, so it is not obvious.

However, the improvement of the essence flower will feel more obvious.

But the improvement of Qi Flower is the most obvious, so Qi Flower only condenses to 40%.

The three flowers swayed, even without the need for Chen Zong to actively refine it. It just resonated, and it continued to refine the power of Sanhuadan at an amazing speed.

However, in just two hours, one Sanhuadan was refined, and the condensed degree of Sanhua has been improved. The improvement of Qihua is most obvious, but it has not reached 50%.

Well, keep taking it.

However, in less than two days, ten capsules of Sanhuadan were taken by Chen Zong and refined. If it was passed out, I don't know how many people would be stunned.

Normally the first level of the sub-god level wants to refine a grain of Sanhuadan, and it takes two days to say less.

But Chen Zong refined ten grains in less than two days. This speed was more than ten times different. This is the benefit of the top-order polar three-flower resonance.


Qi Flower's condensing degree finally reaches 50%, which is flush with Jing Flower.

The ten Sanhuadan, if refined from the high-order polar flower, can at least be raised from 40% to 60%, but Chen Zong is not a high-order polar flower, but a top-order polar flower. The difficulty of each meditation is higher.

"Sanhuadan, I need more Sanhuadan."

Ten capsules of Sanhuadan make the Qihua's condensed degree reach 50%, while the refined flower is close to 60%, and the flower of the **** has also improved.

Then, if there are more Sanhuadans, the higher the level of concentration of Sanqihua, the faster the improvement with the resonance.

Unfortunately, Sanhua Dan is not easy to buy.

However, perhaps he can use this channel.

Speaking of the Nine Emperors, I still have a task that I haven't handed in yet.

The consciousness sinks into the Nine Heavens Circle and looks at the task of slaughtering demons.

"The task has been completed, killing a large number of void demons, destroying a demonic mother's nest, the record is amazing, rewarding nine thousand and one thousand, and additionally rewarding Nine Emperor Tianchi achievement: Demon Hunter."

Suddenly, Chen Zong's message on the Nine Heavens Ring went from zero to a thousand at nine points, and that achievement never came to an end, with the addition of a demon hunter.

"The demon hunter ..." Chen Zong couldn't help showing a smile, which was really strange.

When focusing on the achievement of the demon hunter, Chen Zong “sees” each scene of fighting against the void demon in a heavy demon prison, and even every scene of hunting in the demon's mother's nest. Emerged.

This angle is very comprehensive. It seems that he has become a complete bystander, watching and observing from the most objective angle, but it seems like he has experienced a battle in person and has a deeper experience.

"Miao Miao Miao." After Chen Zong watched it again, he couldn't help secretly getting excited.

The achievements of Nine Emperors are not only used to raise the level of disciples of Nine Emperors, but they also contain such mysteries, allowing you to watch the battle of achievements from a clear angle and regain consciousness.

"One thousand and nine days and one achievement are enough to promote my Jiuzhong Tianyi disciples from the first to the red tomorrow to the second to Xuan Huatian." Chen Zong secretly said.

Chen Zong immediately submitted an application, and immediately passed the examination. The red and orange light of the red light and the orange light appeared on the Nine Heavy Sky Ring.

Xuanhuatian Disciple!

Compared with the other Jiuzhongtianyi disciples in the second town boundary city, Chen Zong's ascension speed is undoubtedly amazing.

"One thousand and nine days seems a lot, but it is not enough." Chen Zong silently estimated.

His current disciple level is Xuanhuatian, which belongs to the second level. When he can be converted to the first and second level of the Little Magic Power, he cannot be converted to the third level.

Then it takes 1.9 days to exchange the first weight of Little Magical Power, but it costs 1.9 days to exchange the second weight, and 10,000 days to exchange the third weight.

The nine days that I own can only be redeemed to the first, and for myself, it does not help.

Then, instead of redeeming it, use nine days to post the task.


A pot of Sanhuadan, 1.9 days.

In other words, if someone gives himself a pot of Sanhuadan, he will have to pay 1.9 days to the other side. This is not Chen Zong's own decision, but the evaluation given by Jiu Zhongtian.

"One thousand and nine days is only enough for me to exchange for ten pots of Sanhua Dan." Chen Zong secretly said, ten pots of Sanhua Dan, I'm afraid I can't condense all of my three flowers to a satisfactory level.

After all, the power of elixir has obvious effects at first, and the effect will gradually weaken as you take more.

Then, you can redeem the three pots first. Besides, even if you want to redeem them, you may not be able to redeem them.

After the mission was released, Chen Zong did not know when Sanhuadan would be available.

When Chen Zong's disciple level was raised, Lin Weiyin also knew, because she received the reward, which was derived from Jiu Zhongtian's reward, and that reward was 1.9 days, which is the referral.

Immediately, Lin Weiyin also checked the tasks posted by Chen Zong.

"Sanhuadan ..." Lin Weiyin thought for a moment, and was shocked.

Sanhuadan is only useful for practitioners who have not completed the first level. If it is complete, it will be useless. In addition, there are restrictions on taking Sanhuadan.

Generally three to five pots, the effect becomes minimal, after five pots, there is no effect at all.

For example, Lin Weiyin has already taken four pots of Sanhuadan, so Sanhuadan is useless to her.

It is true that Sanhuadan is rare and precious, but that is relatively speaking, it is very difficult for casual people to get Sanhuadan.

But if the stars want to get Sanhuadan, the difficulty will be smaller.

Lin Weiyin is the owner of the Feixue Pavilion. The first-day star power of the Lin family is proud. The family will try their best to cultivate it. If they are replaced by other members of the Lin family, it is difficult to get Sanhuadan, let alone four pots. Already.

Now, Chen Zong needs Sanhuadan, but Lin Weiyin does not have it. It is not easy to get Sanhuadan through his family in a short time.

Lin Weiyin was shocked that Chen Zong actually needed Sanhuadan ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After all, Chen Zong could be able to kill the second-level sub-level void demon.

Isn't Chen Zong the second level?

Or the first level?

And, is the first level of Sanhua not a perfect one?

If so, it would be incredible.

If the first level has not been completed successfully, you can defeat the second-level void demons, even Tianshan, such as Chu Shanhe, can't do it.

Doesn't this mean that Chen Zong's talents are far better than Chushanhe? In this second town boundary airspace, it is the first, and compared with the first town boundary city and the third town boundary city, it is not at all Inferior.

Even in the entire galaxy, it is one of the best.

"This time, Feixue Pavilion can take the first place and be assigned to the super-resource star. It's all thanks to Brother Chen. It should be reported." Lin Weiyin thought about it.

Thinking of this, Lin Weiyin couldn't help sending Chen Zongyin to the Ninth Sky Ring and asked Chen Zong's repairs if the first level was unsuccessful.

Chen Zong naturally responded.

"Great, less than half a year, the family's sword sword realm opened, and I got a place for Brother Chen." Lin Weiyin secretly rejoiced.

Of course, Chen Zong didn't know this yet. After echoing Lin Weiyin, he began to understand the first priority of the mini-supernatural powers.

The blood thunder burst of the second magical cult that was cultivated before can no longer increase the gain for himself.

The mysterious magical method is much more mysterious than the martial arts of magical magic, and it is more difficult to practice. Generally, the first level of the sub-god level can only be cultivated to the first level of the magical magical magical formula, and it cannot be easily cast.

The second type can be forced to force, which will cause great damage to itself.

As for the third, it is impossible to urge.

However, if it breaks through to the second level and the second urging, the load is not so strong, and the third urging can be forced.

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