Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 40: Chunyu Tower

(Third, currently we are ranked in the eighth, ninth and tenth bites very tight, very cruel, a posture that must be surpassed at any time)

Shanhe Temple.

The Chushan River was cold and pale.

Before, I even spit two blood, and was blamed by the Chu family. The whole person was in a very low state. Only now has he recovered.

Chen Zong!

Thinking of the name and the face, Chu Shanhe hated his teeth and was very fragile.

However, the battle in the heavy magic prison made Chu Shanhe realize that he was not his opponent.

The strength of Chen Zong seems to have reached the second level.

Only other means can be used.

Deepening, Chu Shanhe kept deepening into the interior of Shanhe Temple, and finally entered a secret room that only he could enter.

This secret room is very secret. Only the Chushan River can be opened. The secret room is not large. A table is placed in the middle, and a fist-sized crystal ball is placed on the table.

Chu Shanhe stood in front of the crystal ball and concentrated his thoughts. The crystal ball trembled suddenly, shining a light, and projected onto the opposite wall.

At first, the wall was blurred, as if the clouds were rising, and it seemed to be blown by the wind, exposing a rustic pavilion standing on the vast earth and bathed in a drizzle of light rain.

The quaint pavilion seems to be constantly zooming in front of it, and there is a feeling of rushing out of the picture.

There was a flash of gold in front of me, a black gold mask suspended in mid-air, but there was no one behind. The black holes of his black eyes seemed to be burning with a trace of golden flame. Chu Shanhe looked for a moment, his face was dignified.

It looks strange and mysterious.

"Well, Chu Shanhe, the master of the Shanshan Temple in the second town ..." The sound came out of the picture through the mask. It was a bit dull, and there seemed to be some doubt in the tone. "Chushan River, find me Chunyulou What happened? "

"I'm going to abandon someone." Chu Shanhe said with gritted teeth, his eyes flickered with intense fierce light.

"Who?" The black gold mask made a dull voice again.

"Chen Zong, Second Town Boundary City." Chushan River.

"Can you provide accurate information?" The black gold mask asked.

Chu Shanhe was about to say all the information he knew about Chen Zong, even the strength of the other side.

The black gold mask did not respond, and remained silent, faintly aware of Chunyulou's rules.


The name is simple and common, but the meaning is extraordinary.

Chunyu is silent and pervasive, and this is the case for Chunyu Tower. People in all channels are the same. The news is in all directions. If you want to know what news, you can find Chunyu Tower. Of course, you need to pay the corresponding price.

Chunyu Tower not only has superiority in information, but also undertakes other aspects, such as fighting such as killing and so on.

This is a killer-like organization and a wind-like organization, all in all, very versatile.

After about a few dozen breaths passed, the eyes of the black gold mask bloomed again, as if gazing at the Chushan River through the picture, giving Chushan River a sense of being seen through.

"The information you provided is consistent." The black gold mask has confirmed Chen Zong's message: "Bright assassination or assassination?"

"I don't need you to kill him, but to abolish him and bring it to me." Chu Shanhe countered.

"Bright or dark?" The black gold mask asked again.

"What method is Ming? What price is it? What method is dark? What price?" Chu Shanhe asked, "Chunyu Tower is not a charitable organization and charges fees."

"It is clear that people will find Chen Zong's life and death battle and abolish it, 50,000 void coins."

"It was secretly concealed from the main city of the second town boundary city, secretly abolished, 100,000 void coins."

"50,000 Void Coins, 100,000 Void Coins!" The face of Chu Shanhe suddenly changed, and the value was too high.

"Although Chen Zong is of ordinary origin, he has good talents and is valued by the owner of the second town boundary city. This price is needed." Hei Jin mask said: "Bright or dark?"

Chu Shanhe is thinking about it.

50,000 Void Coins, which is not a small sum of money, although you can get it, but most of your personal savings, it took many years to accumulate.

"Ming!" Chu Shanhe couldn't help thinking of the insult he was being subjected to. As he couldn't take out 100,000 vanity coins to assassinate, then he assassinated.

Moreover, Chen Zong was abolished in a way of life and death. At that time, he could also watch in person and watch how Chen Zong was beaten and abolished.

That way, it will be more comfortable.

After being abolished, if you become a waste person, you will fall into your own hands and severely torture and torture.

"Now, take out fifty thousand void coins," said the black gold mask.

Chu Shanhe took the 50,000 Void Coins very painfully, and piled them into a small bag in the dense room. Immediately, I saw a light burst from the crystal ball and fell on the 50,000 Void Coins. The 50,000 Void Coins disappeared quickly. .

"The Chunyu Tower will arrange a second-level sub-level challenge to Chen Zong as soon as possible, and fight with life and death," said the black mask again.

After speaking, the black gold mask keeps getting smaller, as if it is constantly retreating, away from the eyes of Chu Shanhe, the ancient garret bathed in rain silk also appeared.

Immediately, it seemed as if a gust of wind was blowing, bringing a mist, and the cloud covering the mist became extremely mysterious.

The picture ends here.

The last light on the crystal ball went out, and it became dim, only the fierce light from the bottom of Chu Shanhe's eyes.

"Chen Zong, soon you will become a dead dog kneeling in front of me." Chu Shanhe whispered his teeth, like the roar of a trapped beast.

Shame, wash with blood.

No, it's not as simple as blood, you have to pay it back a hundred times.


"Chen Zong, a little boy from a remote star who accidentally stumbled into the void, um, can alone destroy a demon fortress, at least the second level of strength, a bit interesting."

On a star not far from the second town boundary city, in a secret room in a city, a strong man with a very strong body is wrapped with thick arms and black chains, the chains are like a python wrapped around the thick On his arm, a large, strong palm was slowly turning a large iron ball linked to the chain, and between the rotations, a harsh sound was made.

He looked at the paper with some information on it and grinned with a smirk.

"Twenty thousand Void Coins, I can get twenty thousand, plus twenty thousand Void Coins, the money is enough."

"That being the case, I'll go to the second town Jiecheng and complete the task as soon as possible."

When the big man came together, the chain made a trembling trembling sound. The body was more than two meters, extremely magnificent, and gave a strong pressure around him.

Soon, a void ship flew out of the stars and quickly flew away in the direction of the Second Town Jiecheng.

A big man with a chain was standing on the deck, but no one dared to approach him. The man who recognized him, pointed in secret, looked very surprised.

Obviously, this man is extraordinary.


In the training room, Chen Zong is practicing the secret method of little magical powers: breaking the pole first.

The mysterious magical method is more mysterious than martial arts, but under Chen Zong's extraordinary understanding, but within a day, he realized the first mystery and began to cultivate.

Pokemon Mystery Breaking Pole is an explosive mystery, which is similar to Blood Thunder, but different.

The blood thunder burst is a condensed bleeding thunder seed. The power of the blood thunder seed is attached to the attack to increase its power. It has no load on itself, but the magical power of the magical power is different.

Breaking the pole is to erupt the potential of the body in a strange and mysterious way in an instant, turn it into a force, attach to other forces, and increase the power by 30%.

Also, because it is the relationship that forcibly inspires its potential into power at the moment, it will cause a momentary strong shock to itself, there must be a relaxation period, and it cannot be continuously urged, otherwise it will cause damage to itself.

To some extent, the difficulty of practicing extreme poles lies in control.

Control of one's own body, control of one's own body, instantly stimulate potential, forcibly erupt.

If you don't have enough control power, you can't urge it at all, let alone give out any power.

In a nutshell, the breaking of the mysterious method of the Little Magical Powers means that the power of an overdraft of its own potential erupts in a flash, causing a strong load and a certain degree of damage to itself.

Of course, if there is a relaxation period after the show, it will regulate the recovery itself. The stronger the body, the faster the recovery.

"Then, try the power of extreme power now." Chen Zong secretly said, his eyes flickered, like an electric sword.

Taking a step, Chen Zong walked towards the human-like test sword stone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ It is the same material as Fengyulou's test sword stone, which can withstand the full-scale attack of the first level of the sub-god without breaking.


Jian Guang was inconceivable. The moment he emerged from the sheath, he crossed over ten meters, hitting the sword stone directly, leaving a sword mark, which was half deep.

This sword did not do its best, nor did it use the extreme breaking secret method.

Then, it is the sword that needs to be used to break the mystery.

Chen Zong looked so shocked that he immediately stimulated his own potential by first breaking the extremely secret method.

I just felt that the bones in my body trembled, the viscera trembled together, and the blood was like the water of a large river and a river raging and dying.

The shocking momentum waved through the body, and the shock went away, just feeling as if it were about to burst out of his body, bursting his body.

If you are not strong enough, you will feel torn directly.

Of course, this is just an illusion.

It only forcibly stimulates part of its own potential into a force that is overbearing and merges into its other forces.

Chen Zong only felt that the power in his body was like a thunderous surge, and instantly, into all power, straight through the sword.


Immediately after the sword came out, a sword mark appeared on the test sword stone, which was much deeper than the first sword mark.

The first sword's mark is half of the test sword's stone, and the second sword's mark is two-thirds of the test sword's stone.

Except for the power of breaking the extreme mystery, the other powers used are the same as those of the first sword.

The same power, but because of the use of the relationship of breaking the mysterious method, the power of this sword has greatly increased, even more arrogant.

Immediately, Chen Zong felt a shortfall in his body, which was an overdraft of instantaneous potential, but this overdraft was not an irrecoverable overdraft and would not affect the exertion of his own strength. It would be eased as long as there was some time. Come back.

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