Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 41: life and death

(First, roar a few throats, ask for a ticket, and have a college entrance exam tomorrow. I hope that every candidate can play his best.)

In the void, a huge spaceship resembling a fish quickly approached the second town boundary city.

After docking, the people above disembarked one after another. One of them was more than two meters tall and strong, like an iron tower, wrapped with dark chains, and the ends of the chains were human-sized **** and gun-like sharp blades. The majesty and arrogance exhaled oppressed all around, extremely cold.

Ten meters around, no one dared to approach, because as soon as they approached, they would be greatly oppressed immediately, feeling crushed and very uncomfortable.

"Second town boundary city, I'm here again." The big man stared at the huge city with a grin.

Soon, everyone really stepped into the second town boundary city.

When the big man wrapped in a chain stepped into the second town boundary city, someone saw that the pupils shrank like a needle.

"Desperately ordered, he came to the second town boundary town."

"What, is it the fifteenth fatal slaughter of the Second God List?"

"Yes, this is the big murderer."

Soon, the news spread to all forces and was known to everyone.

Asking for wild slaughter, the 115th master of the sub-god list, and also a second-level sub-god master.

On the sub-god list, the first two hundred are basically sub-god second levels.

The gap between the second level and the first level is very obvious.

"What happened to the second town boundary city with a fatal murder?" For a time, various forces speculated, and at the same time, they issued orders to restrict the operation of the door to pay attention, and should not provoke the fatal murder.

In the situation where the gods do not shoot, the second-level sub-god level is very scary. If you can't provoke it, don't provoke it.

"Is that you?" In the Shanhe Hall, the eyes of Chu Shanhe who received the news suddenly burst into a cold mang, and then a smile appeared on his face: "Come, hurry up, please come to Fengyulou , Just say I have a banquet and hospitality. "

Fengyulou is a famous restaurant in the second town of Jiecheng. It is worthwhile to host a banquet in Fengyulou.

There were only two people in the room in Fengyu Building.

One is Chu Shanhe, and the other is wild murder.

"Lord of the Shanhe Temple, Chushanhe, the youngest Chu member of the 233rd place in the Second God List?" Suddenly, Tu Tu glanced at Chushanhe, and his words were a little dignified.

This dignity is not directed at the Chushan River, but at the Chu family.

After all, the fatal killing is a casual person, there is no power behind it, and it can have a second-level cultivation and strong strength, ranked in the 115th place on the sub-list, showing its talent and extraordinary opportunities .

You must know that within the airspace of the second town boundary, there are many sub-level masters, but most of them are at the first level, and only a few can reach the second level.

Although the sub-god list does not necessarily list all sub-gods, it is the majority.

Of course, despite being a second-level sub-god master with amazing strength, the talents of Chu Shanhe should not be underestimated. It is also very possible to break through to the second level in the next day, not to mention the advanced star level. The young masters of the Chu family did not dare to despise him.

He is crazy, but not a headless man.

"It's contemptible." Chu Shanhe laughed. Although he was gifted, he had a lot of certainty to break through to the second level, and his origin was also extraordinary, but he didn't dare to underestimate such people for slaughtering, and was quite polite.

The two had their own concerns, and the scene was naturally in harmony.

In particular, Chu Shanhe intends to solicit mad killings.

If Hao Tuo can become a member of the Shanhe Temple, then the Shanhe Temple should grow further. After all, there is no second-level master in the current Shanhe Temple.

It is too difficult and difficult to break through the first level to the second level, and that is a watershed.

It's like the gap between Tianjiao and Peerless Tianjiao.

The second level breakthrough of the Divine Realm, whether it is strength or potential, is better than the first level breakthrough.

A banquet, although only two people, was at home.

"Chu Gongzi rest assured, I'll drag this Chen Zong in front of you." I ordered a swallow to swallow the whole roast chicken, chewed it with a few mouthfuls, and immediately grind the flesh into a powdery swallow, and then poured a large amount Altar wine, laughed.

"Brother Tutu reassured himself to eat meat and drink wine, and I will send a battle placard to Chen Zong." Chu Shanhe laughed.

"I'm overworked," Laughing at the request.

Since Chu Shanhe intentionally pulls himself in, he does not need to join the Shanhe Temple, but can enjoy it with peace of mind.

The ultimate goal is to abolish Chen Zong and complete the mission of Chunyu Tower, and you can get 20,000 void coins.

Of course, the Void Coins paid by Chu Shanhe for this purpose are by no means 20,000. Based on his knowledge of Chunyu Tower, he must pay at least 40,000 Void Coins.

It would be nice if the Void Coin could belong to itself.

Of course, the fatal slaughter can only be thought about, after all, he would not be able to get this task without Chunyulou, earning 20,000 void coins.



Within the Shenhai, the three flowers are swaying, and when they are dying, the flower of Qi and the flower of Fineness are masterpieces of light, bursting out and shining in all directions.

Halo swept heavily, and quickly restrained.

The two polar flowers seem to be more and more solid, and they seem to contain more powerful power.

Sixty percent!

The degree of condensing of the two flowers of the polar world has finally reached 60%.

This is due to Chen Zong's cultivation during this period and the second pot of Sanhuadan.

Unfortunately, in the past month, Sanhuadan got a pot at the city's main house, and then got a second pot at nine days, but the third pot and the fourth pot have not yet disappeared.

The flower of God is still 70%, but it seems that it should reach the peak of 70%, and it is just a line away from 80%.

However, as the top-level flower of the extreme state, it is more difficult to improve, especially the higher the level, the slower the efficiency of concentration.

Today, the level of the three flowers is 70% of the flower of the god, 60% of the flower of the essence and 60% of the flower of the qi, gradually catching up with the flower of the god.

"If there is another pot of Sanhuadan, the flower of the **** can certainly break through to 80%, but the flower of the essence and the flower of Qi cannot be improved to 70%." Chen Zong could not help secretly said.

"Fighting." Chen Zong's eyes suddenly lit up: "High-intensity fighting can help me resonate faster and condense the three flowers."

This has been verified in the magic prison.

But, where is the high-intensity battle in the second town boundary?

When Chen Zongzheng thought about it, there was a phantom like a glimmer of light, carrying a terrible force, and quickly radiated from the outside.

Chen Zong's left fingers were bluffing, and powers flowed between each other, blocking the surroundings. The ghostly shadow stayed at the palm of his hand, turning slowly, and it was a black, **** post.

Battle post!

Life and death post!

Chen Zong showed a fascinating look, and somebody even posted a dead note to himself.

Who is it

Open it, Chen Zong quickly glanced, and closed the post.

The post was issued in the name of Shanhe Dian, saying that Shanhe Dian had to fight with himself for life and death, and settle his grudges.

This is normal.

As soon as Chen Zong's thoughts turned, he planned to take over. It happened that he needed someone to engage in high-intensity battles in order to stimulate the Sanhua resonance and improve efficiency.

Maybe take this breakthrough.

The battle of life and death, when it can better stimulate the potential.

When Chen Zong received the post of life and death, news spread out, and soon it spread to the second town of Jiecheng.

Tianzong Jian Chen Zong will fight the battle of life and death with the 115th master of the Second God List three days later.

"What, Brother Chen is going to fight a life-and-death battle?" Lin Weiyin was shocked when he got the news. He left the Feixue Pavilion and went to the courtyard purchased by Chen Zong.

At the same time, Lan Yuanmeng of the Xinglan Club also received the news, and there was a faint flash of light in his eyes, and he even left.

Then, Chen Zong's courtyard ushered in two different beauties.

"Brother Chen, the cruel and murderous means of murder are fierce. Even some people ranked above him are reluctant to be enemies." Lin Weiyin anxiously.

"This is Chu Shanhe's handwriting." Lan Yuanmeng this time was surprisingly not on the Lin Weiyin, but also looked dignified.

"Anyway." Chen Zong smiled slightly.

Chen Zong also did some understanding about the fatal killings, and probably knew the temperament and strength of the person.

As it happens, I am also worried that Shanhe Dian can't produce any masters and can make himself fight high-intensity.

When it comes to strength, compared to destroying the demonic mother's nest in the first demon prison, he is more powerful than that. He has also cultivated the magical power of breaking the magical powers of the magical powers, and the power of attack that erupted in an instant is terrible. Far better than before.

That fatal slaughter cannot kill his own life.

This is a kind of self-confidence that comes from the deepest part of the heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~, this kind of self-confidence looks like Yuan Yueyue, also called Lin Weiyin and Lan Yuanmeng's eyes bright.

Three days elapsed.

On the platform of life and death in the second town boundary, stood a tall body like an iron tower, that body was wrapped with a thick black chain, exuding the terrible cold and blood, soaring into the sky.

Amazing oppression permeated the surroundings, and the repression made the atmosphere on the stage of life and death seem like an iron plate, which also made everyone outside the stage of life feel the pressure.

Shanhe Dian and his party stood aside, and Feixue Pavilion and Xinglanhui also stood aside.

It can be said that the entire Second Town boundary city stood around the life and death platform to watch the battle.

In secret, an old man also watched, it was the old man in the city's main mansion.

He was naturally sent by the city's owner, just in case, if Chen Zong was not able to kill him, he would secretly rescue him.


Is customized by the strong.

"Why hasn't Xinjian come that day?"

"Don't you be afraid to come?"

The argument sounded.

In the distance, a figure swept quickly, and in a short time, rushed to the platform of life and death, landed on the table, and was far away from the murderous Tutu.


"Is that the heart sword?"

Although the name of Chen Zongtian's Heart Sword was spread all over the Second Town Jiecheng, in fact, there are not many people who have seen his face.

"His breath is too much compared to the killings, is it the opponent?"

"It is not estimated that Tianxinjian is on the list of sub-Gods, but it is more than 600, but the number of fatal killings is 115. The difference is too large, it may be a one-sided slaughter."

Although Chen Zong suppressed Chushan River in a heavy magic prison, but Chushan River did not say it, Chen Zong did not say, the list of sub-gods was not updated, and the ranking was still over 600, which was underestimated.

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