Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 42: Broken (on)

(Second more)

Falling on the platform of life and death, Chen Zong felt like he was being stared at by some extremely dangerous beast, and it was like a sickle frame of death on his neck, which made Chen Zong feel very dangerous.

However, this feeling did not make Chen Zongxinsheng afraid, but he was a little excited inside.

Perhaps this battle will allow you to break through the condensed level of the Flower of God to 80%.

Once it reaches 80%, its own strength will be further enhanced.

"Not bad, it's a pity." Suddenly, Tuotu Tu's eyes narrowed slightly, staring at Chen Zong, only ten minutes before he uttered his voice. The sound of the sound dropped for a moment. A human-sized black ball suddenly shot out from the left palm.

Amazing roars rang through the world, like a sonic storm that struck the platform of life and death. The orb turned into a group of meteorites and burst into the air, carrying the power of horror to the extreme, destroying it.

Chen Zong immediately felt that the air in front of it was completely pushed and pushed by the iron ball, and crushed everything. On the black ball, you can still see the dim and mottled, diffuse a kind of rust The smell of blood was like blood that had dried up for a long time.

This iron ball, I don't know how much blood has been contaminated and how many people have been killed.

Terrible, chasing souls.



The strength was so extreme that it seemed like he could smash Chen Zong's body with a single blow.

With such amazing power, Chen Zong estimates that if he is hit, even if the heart-printed treasure is weakened, the remaining 30% of the power is enough to hurt himself.

Then, draw your sword.

The sword came out of the sheath and was cut out instantly.

Jian Guang twists and turns in an instant, but the iron ball is also deflected by Chen Zongyi sword and blasts past, while that Jian Guang kills the murderer in an instant.


Lin Weiyin was secretly nervous. Although Chen Zong's strength was strong, he ordered a murderous name.

But Chu Shanhe is a gaze of fierce light in his eyes, staring at Chen Zong full of murderous hatred.

The killing of the order was furious, the iron ball struck, and the other end of the chain was shot like a sharp-pointed sword. It was as if a sword was piercing, and it was as sharp as a big gun.

Two completely different attacks, from two different trajectories, killed Chen Zong, blocked the surroundings directly, intersected left and right, and intersected up and down.

Nowhere to hide, no way to escape.

However, Chen Zong also did n’t need to escape, and he swiftly drew two swords in a row, and the extremely powerful swords were shot through the air, intercepting the assaults of the fatal slaughter, respectively, and flew into a peerless sword. Suddenly, approaching the murderous massacre.


This is what Chen Zong is best at, but he is also good at commanding mad slaughter, so when he saw Chen Zong approaching, he suddenly showed a smile, and that smile looked a little bit stingy.

With one big hand, the five fingers are snapped like a devil's claw, as if all the space under the hand is clasped, all between the fingers.

If you are caught, you have no doubt at all, you cannot get away at all, and you will be crushed directly.

The second level of power erupted directly, and it was extremely powerful.

Compared to the many second-level Nether Demons killed in the first demon prison, it is much more powerful, but of course, it can still not be compared with the last Nether Demons who rode the black monster and held the black gun. It is also very powerful.

Surprising pressure came, as if to destroy Chen Zong, and directly suppressed the surroundings.

In the Shenhai, the three flowers swayed, and under the resonance, the halo spontaneously emerged, layer by layer, with a higher frequency than before.

This is a natural reaction that feels coercion, as if undergoing grinding and tempering.

This is also the purpose of Chen Zong.

The body flickered, as if the moon in the water was refracted, and the palm that had been ordered to fall was lost directly, but when he saw the same look, his eyes shot a horrific light in an instant, and the clasped hand changed instantly and swept away. To, as if rolled up a killing storm.

At the same time, under the other hand's traction, the tip of the chain suddenly shot through the air, as if a poisonous snake came out of a hole, with amazing speed and unparalleled explosiveness.

The chain, filled with terrible Morin killings, was energized, surrounded by the chain, and suddenly turned into a dark red poisonous snake. The poisonous snake's head was triangular, and the forehead seemed to have edges and corners. The eyes were cold and ruthless, full of silence.

Biting and tearing, the smell of stinky smell permeated all around, making Chen Zong feel dizzy.

It was instantly understood that it was not a real scent, but a false one, which originated from the manifestation of spiritual will and directly impacted the spiritual “taste”.

However, Chen Zong's spiritual will is extremely strong, because the flower of God is the top class, and he can fully withstand the divine impact of mad killing.

However, the other party's application of God's will do something extraordinary.

The body of the fatal slaughter is as strong as an iron tower. Every move is full of terrible oppression and strength. The speed of the hand is not slow at all. Moreover, the fatal iron chain has amazing power and contains delicate skills. Combining dexterity and power makes it more difficult to avoid, making it difficult for people to evade.

"Brother Chen's cultivation is the first level. Although he can slay the second level of the Nether Demon, the fatal murder is the old second level. His strength is stronger than those of the second level Nether demon. Lin Weiyin clenched his fist subconsciously, nervous, for fear that Chen Zong would be killed by order.

Fighting on the stage of life and death is not allowed to interfere. This is a rule. Once anyone intervenes, it is a violation of the rules. Even a force like the Chu family cannot afford the price.

Therefore, she can only watch and hope that Chen Zong can win.

But hope is slim.

The ferocity of the fatal slaughter is too great.

Chu Shanhe also clenched his fists, but not worried, but excited, because he hoped that Chen Zong would be abolished, and then dragged himself in front of him, he was severely humiliated, and then brought back to the Shanhe Hall to slowly make it, and he could squeeze it out. The full value of the other party, make up for their losses.

This small earthen can have such strength, it must have been a good opportunity.

Although he is the master of Chu family and his talents are extraordinary, the opportunity of the other party may be useful to himself and allow him to go further.

Otherwise, it would be too expensive to take out 50,000 Void Coins at once.

When everyone had their own thoughts, the battle on the stage of life and death became more and more fierce.

Chen Zong's cultivation is obviously better than mad killing, one is the first level and the other is the second level, and the three spirits of the essence and spirit of the mad killings are at least high-level.

There is a saying in the practice world that if you want to reach the second level, the flower of the polar world must be condensed to at least a high order, that is the basic.

If there is a low-order intermediate-order polar flower, it is almost impossible to reach the second level, because the potential is insufficient.

But how difficult it is to condense the flower of the higher order polar world.

As for the top rank, it is even more difficult, but this commanding wild slaughter has a flower of the extreme state reaching the top rank, and the remaining two are high rank.

The second level is a qualitative change with more powerful power.

Therefore, although in the realm, Chen Zong is better than mad killing, but in cultivation, mad killing is better than Chen Zong.

Sword sword unfolds with one heart, fights close, and sword heart follows.

The single-minded sword is the first move of the single-minded sword. It is powerful and mysterious, but now it has become a move that Chen Zongshun can use. This is because Chen Zong's current cultivation is a big advance. , The strength recovers faster, and can fully support the casting of the single-minded sword.

The sword light blended into the void, inconceivable, but unpredictable and unpredictable.

It has been a fierce battle for a while now, but Chen Zong has not fallen behind, which surprised everyone around him.

The murderous murder is also very surprised, and the murder is even more serious.

"The son's eyesight is truly extraordinary. This Chen Zong is just the first level of cultivation, but he has such a superb swordsmanship. His Kendo realm is beyond the level of the sub-god level, which can be compared with some supernatural powers." The observant city master ’s power through the gods was secretly surprised.

"With this talent, reaching the second level is inevitable. If you can obtain the source of the divine soldiers in the secret territory of the divine soldiers to refine the destiny of the destiny, your strength will increase dramatically."

"In the next day, this son will surely be able to step into the realm of the gods, and the future is boundless."

The old man became more and more eager to think, and immediately felt that the son's approach was very correct. He won such good feelings of arrogance, and he would have a thick report in Japan.

But now, I still hope that this son can defeat the murder of wild life ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If it can defeat the murder of wild life, the potential is even more amazing.


The full force of the murderous eruption erupted, and one foot stepped on the ground, and the platform of life and death suddenly shook, and a layer of terrible power exploded under the foot. The amazing power turned into a raging horror.

At the same time, the figure of Fang Tutu retreated, because he found that the opponent seemed to be better than himself at close combat, so that he felt a sense of restraint, and it was difficult to give full play to his advantages, which was very unpleasant.

Although there are a lot of fatal slaughters involved in small kung fu, it is to make up for some of its own defects, but the real ability is still in strength and speed.

A sufficient distance can reach the extreme power of his weapons and martial arts.

At the moment of the body's rapid retreat, a certain distance was pulled away. The head-sized ball suddenly shocked, and a small fingertip spike was worn out from the inside, and the end was shining with faint red light.


The spiked iron ball broke through in an instant, like a meteor shot down, and turned at a high speed. The bursting power was much stronger and more destructive than before.

Martial arts of little magic: broken body!

Immediately after, the other end of the chain was also shaken, and an unparalleled high-speed penetrated the void, as if able to pierce everything, so that Chen Zongsheng felt a pierced body.

Little Martial Arts: Penetrating!

As a number of masters on the sub-list, the little magical martial arts mastered by the Quest Tutu is not only one, but also matches the quest chain iron used by himself. The power is amazing.

When the crisis struck, Chen Zong looked completely cold, his eyes flashed, and his sword crossed.


Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

The heart refining under the sword of two thousand swords becomes one sword, the power is more terrible, and the speed is even more amazing.

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