Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 43: Breaking the pole (below)

(Third more, you, the rankings are down, the situation is critical, you may fall into the top ten at any time, and you need your strength)

One-hearted sword and one-hearted sword are powerful, but in fact it can only be regarded as the foundation. Only the heart of three-hearted sword has real power. However, refining one sword is the real killer and essence of one-hearted sword.

Of course, it is the current sword refining and one sword, because the former sword refining and one sword will consume all your strength.

Now, even if it is performed 20 or 30 times in a row, it is not a problem.

The refining heart under the sword of two thousand swords is one sword. Its power has greatly increased, and it has completely reached the third level of Little Magical Power's cultivation to the level of perfection. It is terrible and exquisite.

Force through force, break power with ingenuity.

Under a sword, he immediately blocked the broken body and defeated it, and the invisible sword trembled. All of them shattered, but they did not disappear, but all went to the bone to kill.

With one enemy and two, exquisite.

"The Holocaust!" It sounded like a thunder and blast, containing a terrible and terrible killing shock. The whole body seemed to have a **** sea of ​​dead mountains, and the bones floated in the **** sea, flowing with the waves, dark and hollow. There was an astonishing chill in the eye sockets, and the bone claws that appeared from time to time seemed to evoke death.

The demanding iron chain vibrated violently, making a terrible sound, as if surging and surging like a tide.

The iron ball and the tip of the gun swept across the blade in an instant, rolling up a terrible killing storm, and surrounding the massacre, as if it had become a peerless killer, tumbling towards Chen Zong.

This trick is a fusion of the little magical body and the incomprehensibility of the small magical power. It is a murderous trick created after the combination of the murderous murder and the murder, which has created his fame.

Originally thought that it was enough to destroy each other with the broken body and bones, but unexpectedly, they had to show the strongest killing trick.


After the fusion created this trick, in order to perfect it, he also went deep into some dangerous places, engaged in crazy battles and slaughters, and the souls who died under his commanding iron chain did not know how many people were appalling.

In this way, the Holocaust was truly perfected and promoted to the extreme.

Today, there is no room for improvement.

But in fact, the fatal killing at the second level has not been completed, but it is difficult to rely on his own ability. He wants to use external forces, that is, the power of some elixir to promote himself to reach the second level. A perfect situation, even if only a few percent possible.

But if you want to get elixir, you must pay Void Coins, a lot of Void Coins.

Now, as long as this task is completed, Void Coins are enough.


On the stage of life and death, endless killings pervaded, endless murderous enemies swept, completely flooded and shrouded, as if turned into a hellish, roaring wind, countless pale figures appeared, people or beasts, faces twisted, seem to be tortured , Like a ghost and an injustice, constantly screaming sadly.

Even if it was the protection of life and death, everyone felt chills, as if shrouded in endless killing energy, soaked in the killing energy, as if in fact, the whole body was cold and tingling, and could not lift a trace. Power, that killing intention went straight to Shenhai, and a corpse seemed to appear like a mountain.

噤 If chilling!

It's terrible, one by one, his face has changed dramatically, his complexion is pale, he can't help running the exercises, gather his mind, resist with all his strength, even Chushanhe.

Looking dignified!

Just watching it from the outside, he was so shocked. What about Chen Zong?

Under the shock of this terrible murderous intention and murderous gas, I was afraid that I could not move, and there was no resistance, and I was directly horrified by the opponent's horrible killings.

can not see!

I can't see it at all, completely shrouded in a holocaust move, endless murderousness, endless evil spirits, endless injustices, and ghosts haunting, roaring, roaring, and killing.

Being in it, completely covered and engulfed, Chen Zong could feel the murderousness in all directions, and the murderousness condensed into the essence, as if it turned into a sharp blade, cutting wildly, and seemed to tear himself.

The chain of orders is like a snake, and it looks like a python. Its power is terrible, and it comes from all directions.

Chen Zong stood still, with sincerity and sincerity, in his own self-confidence, taking the sword of the heart as the source, extending the superb Kendo realm, and feeling all the fluctuations around him, seemingly immobile, but at an amazing speed and subtle The magnitude of the movement is constantly moving to avoid the terrible power of the Holocaust.

Not all around seemed to condense into a substantive murderous power, but the incidental attack was powerful enough to slay the first-level sub-god, but it was not enough threat to itself.

The real attack was the chain that seduced the soul, and it was very amazing. If it was hit, even if it was protected by a heart-printing treasure, even if it was arrogant, it would hurt.


All of the attacks that were ordered by the mad slaughter failed, and were avoided by Chen Zong with incredible mystery.


Fully urged, the chains became more violent, and all the forces emerged.

The horrible killings in the endless murderous spirit are like killing evil spirits.

"Mysterious Slaughter!"

In a low-pitched voice, the fatal massacre shook, a terrifying force suddenly struck from the deepest part of the body, making his body swell even more in an instant, and every muscle on his body was raised , Contains the power of horror to the extreme.

Little magical secret mad slaughter!



In order to reach the second level of the sub-god level, Xiu can already urge the second-level Little Magical Secret Method. Although there is a load, it is also being endured in a short time.

Since with normal strength, it is impossible to suppress the other party, and it is impossible to destroy the other party, then only the secret method can erupt.

Since the secret law is about to erupt, then the second secret law is directly erupted, and the power is directly increased.

Sixty percent!

The mystery of Little Magical Power can generally increase the strength of 30%, the second can increase the strength of 60%, and the third, you can increase the strength by 10%, which is double.

In a hurry, under the mad slaughter technique, the body of the mad slaughter swelled in a circle, and the **** red light bloomed out, rendering all around, making the life and death platform seem to be **** purgatory.

The sharpened edge of each murderous tactic has multiplied its power and threatened Chen Zong directly.

Stress and surge!

Chen Zong looked dignified.

Within Shenhai, the three flowers are a masterpiece.

Immediately afterwards, the flower of the essence and the flower of the breath shook together, and the light was released in an instant, while rushing towards the flower of the god.

The flower of the **** also trembled with it, and it seemed to make an astonishing sound of tidal waves, and the halo swept away.



The flower of the gods finally broke through the peak of 70% to 80% with the help of high-intensity battles and strong enemies. The further it goes, the more difficult it is to improve.

If you rely on the usual practice, it is estimated that it will take a few months. Such a speed is already better than other practitioners, but it is still not enough for you.

Because time is limited.

As soon as the flower of the **** broke through to 80%, Chen Zong's perception of the surroundings increased a lot and became clearer.

Then, using the pressure of the opponent to sharpen the three flowers, the breakthrough of the flower of God has been completed, and it is time to end the battle.

Little magical powers break the pole!


Vientiane? Refining your heart and returning to one sword!

Power of the sword in the beginning!

Full combat power!

Chen Zong's cultivation is the first level of the sub-god level, and he can display the first method of breaking the mystery without any harm. However, after the show, there must be a time to ease the recovery.

Forcing the second weight is okay, but it will cause greater load and even trauma.

But also because Chen Zong's physique is arrogant, especially the top-level fine flower is condensed, the recovery ability is even more amazing. Therefore, he can forcibly withstand the load and backlash brought by the second weight of the Extreme Mystery, as long as Can no longer be used inside.

A phantom emerged, overlapping with Chen Zong's true body, waving the swords together, and the two swords merged into one, killing them instantly.

Secondly, the extreme secret method was broken, and part of its potential was directly exploded, which was overdrawn and turned into an amazing increase in strength by 60%.

Taichu Jianyuan is a medium-level spirit. Once excited, it can increase the power of Taichu Jianyuan by 60%, making Jianyuan's power even stronger.

This sword has reached its ultimate power.

A sword is killed, and the sword is looming, but it has the power of being able to split the sword.

All the razor-sharp blades formed by murderous power were chopped in an instant.

Outside the platform of life and death, everyone can only see a **** purgatory shrouded, but the sword of time, a sword light that seems to exist and does not exist is killed from it, a sword breaks the prison, as if splitting it into two.

Jianguang dissipated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After the endless murderous force was split, it spread out as if it were smoke blown by the wind, and as if exposed to the ice and snow under the sun.

On the stage of life and death, Chen Zongyi sword slanted forward, as if chopped down with one sword, standing still.

Rage Tu holds an iron ball in one hand, holds a chain in one hand, the sharp sword-like tip hangs down, and the large and strong body is motionless.

"What happened?"

Most people couldn't see what was happening on the stage of life and death, but just saw the intense endless murderous force spread out, and saw this scene.

Both of them stood still, seemingly turned into sculptures, and no one could see what was going on.

"Who won?" Someone asked blankly.

"This son, extraordinary." Secretly, the old man in the city's mansion sighed slightly, and the sword light just made him feel extremely mysterious.

The superb realm of the Tongjing Realm feels extremely mysterious, which shows the height of Chen Zong's sword.

When he was still standing, Chen Zong's wrists trembled gently, and the sword pointed across a mysterious and prosperous sword flower, blooming from the bud in an instant, there was an indescribable mystery.


The next breath, the sword returned to its sheath.

As the sword returned to the sheath, a bloodline emerged from the brows of the murderous slaying, spreading down quickly, and the huge and strong body like the iron tower also flickered and fell forward.


The platform for life and death seemed to startle, the roar, as if the sledgehammer hit the hearts of everyone directly, could not stop jumping wildly, extremely suppressed.


One hundred and fifteen fierce men on the sub-Gods list, who killed countless people and killed them, seem to have been killed by a sword.

Chu Shanhe trembled, her feet trembled, and when she noticed Chen Zong's gaze, her complexion turned pale, and deep inside, she even consciously gave birth to a little shock.

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