Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 44: Famous void

(First, today and today, all major schools have high-energy reactions. You must be panicked, calm and indifferent, to meet the test of tomorrow in the best state. At that time, will you be a disciple or a disciple from outside? It depends on your efforts, and let's make the most of it. Here, the six ways to open a big move for you, the sword **** possessed, the invincible)

Chen Zong did not expect that the battle with life-threatening slaughter not only caused the flower of God to break through 70% condensed to reach 80%. After beheading the life-threatening slaughter, he got his nineth heaven ring, and when he opened it, he was surprised.

180,000 Void Coins!

This is an amazing fortune.

You must know that you have won the first prize of 50,000 Void Coins after you have won the first place in the 10th annual Demon Trial.

This fatal killing is truly an old-time sub-god strong, ranked in the 115th place on the sub-god list, and the wealth is amazing.

It's a pity that without the help of Divine Realm, I can't absorb strength from it.

Divine power, but it will not help you for no reason, not to mention, the ability to absorb the power of Void Coins for yourself and the power to guide the absorption of Void Coins for others are two different things.

Cultivation, in the final analysis, still has to rely on oneself. If you rely on others blindly, in the end, it will be nothing.

In the Nine Heavens Ring of the Murderous Massacre, in addition to 180,000 Void Coins, there are some other things, elixir and treasures.

The elixir, the elixir for recovery and the elixir for healing, are all good grades and useful to Chen Zong, among them there is a bottle of Sanhua Dan, which is an unexpected delight.

As for the nine-day points possessed by the Frenzy Massacre, Chen Zong was unable to obtain them. Obviously, Jiuzhong Tianmao did not allow it. Otherwise, if he wanted to obtain the nine-dayuya points, he would only need to hunt down other Jiuzhongtianmao disciples.

Of course, it is also unknown whether the other party is a disciple of Nine Dragons, unless it is someone who knows better.

Although those treasures are also good, they are of no use to Chen Zong. They are much inferior to the 180,000 void coins.

Without hesitation, Chen Zong immediately closed the retreat and started refining Sanhuadan.

This is the third pot of Sanhua Dan.

This time, Chen Zong's refining was faster, but in just one day, ten Sanhuadan were completely refined and absorbed, but Chen Zong did not go out, but continued to cultivate, actively resonating with the polar state of Sanhua Grasp these empty opportunities like epiphany.

While Chen Zong was retreating, the battle between him and the Frenzy Massacre, but the news flew like snow flakes, spreading across the Second Town Boundary City, and quickly spreading around the Second Town Boundary City. And go.

The news spread at an alarming rate, across the stars, but in just a few days, it spread throughout the airspace of the Second Town Boundary City, and basically all the forces were known.

Tianxin Sword Chen Zong!

After Bai Yanluo, this is the second master to improve his ranking on the sub-shenzhen list.

The photos of the battle between Chen Zong and the Frenzy Massacre also appeared on the walls of many forces and were studied by them.

However, the murderous massacre was carried out to carry out the massacre, and the killing was transformed into a substantial covering of all sides, covering everything and covering the sky. Looking back on the shadow wall, it was also confused, and it was completely unclear what was the situation inside.

If it is on the spot, the powerful psychic powers are not obstructed at all, and the mystery can be clearly seen. However, most of the powerful psychic powers can hardly see through the back wall.

In the end, if there is a sword light, if there is nothing, it is as if a sword splits the area into which the misty murderous spirit is turned.

For the moment that is inconceivable, the sword light directly cut off the body of the life-threatening carnage, and it is invincible, utterly devastating, and irresistible, but this point can only be seen by people below and in a few places.

"This is good, let people contact and see if it can be included in this door." An elder from Dayanmen said in a loud voice.

Dayan Gate is the upper-ranking star-level force in the second town boundary city, which is second only to the Chu family.

"It's a pity, this sword practice, not sword practice." The Elder of Sword Valley exclaimed, knowing from Chen Zong's sword, very clever. In terms of sword path, the entire young generation of Sword Valley can There are very few who do it.

People like this are the future of a force.

But unfortunately, sword valley practice sword, non-sword practice, no matter how outstanding this sword, also missed sword valley, and sword valley, is a higher-level star-level forces, tied with Dayan Gate, and the Chu family called the second Three upper-level forces in the airspace of the town boundary city.

Among the main stars of the Chu family, the palace community is so tall and majestic that it seems like the mountains are rolling up and down for thousands of miles.

In a large hall, there is a tall figure, as if infinitely high, exuding a magnificent force, suppressing everything.

"Is this the one who defeated Shanhe?"

"It is this person who is returning to the housekeeper."

"Send someone to contact and see if it can be used by my Chu family, if not, arrange it as soon as possible." In the voice of indifference, there is a supremacy.


Inside the mountain and river hall, in the back room.

"What, 200,000 Void Coins." Chu Shanhe's look changed greatly. To deal with Chen Zong again, he must pay 200,000 Void Coins. His personal storage is not enough. Returning 30,000 Void Coins and the other 20,000 are the fees demanded by Chunyu Tower.


Jingfeng Star is a very prosperous star in the airspace of the Second Town Jiecheng City. It does not belong to any force. Its master is a powerful psychic power.

Because it does not belong to other forces, this quiet wind star has become the meeting point of many forces, and it has become very prosperous over time.

Jingfeng City is the largest and most prosperous city on Jingfeng Star. Among them, Jingfeng Palace is the most famous.

Jingfeng Palace is not a martial arts family, but a collection similar to the restaurant, hotel, casino, red building, etc. It can not be overstated as a golden cave.

Places such as Jingfeng Palace naturally have shadow walls, and they have more than one side.

This time the movie wall will play all kinds of interesting pictures for people who come here to watch and appreciate.

At this time, what was playing on the back wall was the battle between Chen Zong and the murderous murder.

When Chen Zongyi sword broke through the field of murderous gas, he killed many people in a frenzy, and exclaimed.


"So smart swordsmanship."

"I thought he was dead. I didn't expect to be able to fight back and kill the murderer in the end."

"Anyone with a heart sword this day?"

Almost all voices are exclaiming and admiring.

"This kind of skill is worth yelling, it really is a small place, fuss." A whispered voice sounded, but it contained an amazing breath, it sounded not too loud, but it was overwhelming. The sound of the field passed into everyone's ears.

"Shimei, these people are just a group of indigenous people, just like the frogs at the bottom of the well, why bother with them and have a share." Another gentle voice sounded, sounding like a spring breeze, but it was unpleasant, because the voice There is a feeling of supremacy, invisible, demeaning everyone.

"Two yellow-mouthed children, speaking in vernacular, have a kind, then come with me." A big Han roared suddenly, bursting with a breathtaking atmosphere, it seems to be the first-level cultivation of the next **** level, a flash, then Appearing on the side of the martial arts platform, he raised his finger of radish thickness and pointed to the corner, where there were two young men, one man and one woman.

The man looks like he is in his twenties. He is a sky blue robe with a sword and a jewel hanging from his waist. He looks very handsome, like a noble boy who has come out, but his look is indifferent and his eyes are alienated. In general, looking at everyone's eyes is like looking at a group of uncivilized savages.

The woman looks like she is about 20 years old. She is dressed in a goose yellow sword robe. She has an indescribably beautiful and lively appearance with a beautiful and beautiful appearance. With a youthful and lively temperament, people can't help but look at it.

But this woman is beautiful, but there is a high sense of pride between her eyebrows. At this moment, when she hears the words of the strong man, her brows are slightly frowned, and she is very impatient and disgusted.

"Since you are looking for your way to death, Grandma Aunt will do it for you." The figure of the woman in the goose yellow sword robe flashed, and it seemed like a streamer, and it landed on the martial arts platform in an instant.

In the induction, this woman's cultivation is also the first level of the sub-god level, but her body style gives a very sophisticated feeling, extremely mysterious.

"Take me a punch." The big man raised his fist, condensed like steel, and blasted out in an instant.

He had to use his fist to teach the other party, but for the sake of the beautiful woman who was so beautiful, it was better to defeat it, so that the other party was not ugly.

Therefore, the power of this punch has been restrained and weakened.

I saw a scorn of disdain and contempt flashed through the woman's eyes, but she suddenly flickered as if a bright yellow thunderbolt broke through the air.

Extremely fast, incredibly fast, everyone just felt that a bright yellow thunder light suddenly flashed in front of them, very delicate, like a thunderbolt, ephemeral ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There was still a clear yellow in the eyes of everyone. At the time of electric light, the woman had already collected her sword and returned to the sheath, her figure flickered, but she flew away from Wudoutai very quickly, and returned to her place.

"Brother, what do you think of my sword?" The woman seemed to be a little coquettish.

"That's right, it has three flavors." The young man seemed to be a little spoiled, admiring with a smile.

On the martial arts stage, the big man kept his punching stance, but remained motionless, like a sculpture.

"Mr. Han, what are you still doing?"

Suddenly, a little blood red bloomed in Dahan's brows, a ray of red blood was slowly flowing down, and the big man fluttered in shape and fell forward without vitality.


Time passed, and in a blink of an eye, another month or so had passed since the battle between Chen Zong and Mang Tuo, and the craze caused by Chen Zong also subsided.

In the closet, Chen Zongjing sat and practiced. In the sea of ​​spirits, the three flowers of Jingqi and Shenji were swaying, just like a lotus leaf gently swaying in the breeze.

Flower of God, 80%!

Fine flower, 70%!

Qi flower, Qicheng!

Originally, the flowers of Jinghua and Qiqi both broke through to 60%. After a battle with Soul Mania, the flowers of God broke through, and the flowers of Jingqi and Qi were further condensed and further improved. Driven by strength, he entered a state of epiphany again, taking this opportunity to retreat and practice.

Finally, the successful breakthrough of the flower of Qijinghua and Qiqihua rose from 60% to 70%. In this way, Chen Zong's strength was further refined by several percent on the original basis.

With this strength, you can fight against the murderous murder of a month ago. You only need to use the first method of breaking the mystery to kill it.

70% and 80% are closer to 10%, but Chen Zong knows that it will be more difficult to improve in the future.

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