Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 45: Epiphany

(Second, the "salted fish" in the group is also a fan of the gods "Xianyun Qingyan" expressed the need for blessings from six to six, Liu Da wish you a fish jump at Dragon Gate to practice air dance, and one dragon to move Jiuxiao.

The dark battleship, shaped like a sword without a sharp edge, flew quickly in the void, away from the second town boundary city.

Lin Family Heavy Front!

There are not many or even few personnel on the Chongfeng. In addition to the personnel who control the Chongfeng, there are only Lin Weiyin and Chen Zong, the chief of the Feixue Pavilion.

As for Uncle Rong, who is in a state of God, he stayed in Feixue Pavilion.

Of course, on this heavy front, but there is still a psychic state sitting secretly.

This trip is the main star of Lin Weiyin preparing to take Chen Zong to the Lin family, because the Lin Jian's sword-making realm is about to open.

Lin Weiyin asked Chen Zong for a place to enter the sword world, because Chen Zong won the first place in the group for Feixue Pavilion, and obtained a ten-year mining right of a super resource star. Feixue Pavilion and even the Lin family have great benefits.

Regardless of the help of outsiders or their own ability, in short, during the period of Lin Weiyin's cabinet, Feixue Pavilion won the first place in the slaughter trial group and was awarded the second-class resource mining right by the second town boundary city. This is the fact that Lin Weiyin contributed a lot.

With great credit, there should be rewards.

On the heavy front deck, Lin Weiyin held a flying snow sword, and the sword light fluttered like white snow, as if passing by a cold wind, fluttering, the trajectory was unpredictable, and all went to Chen Zong.

Each piece of snow is condensed by sword qi, highly condensed, amazingly powerful, seemingly light, but extremely sharp, cutting everything.

Every snowflake was under the sword of Lin Weiyin, and it was as smart as an elf.

At the moment, Chen Zong was surrounded by snow and had nowhere to avoid.

The two are fighting on the basis of swordsmanship.

Although it is the basis of swordsmanship, Lin Weiyin has been able to integrate the learning of a swordsmanship and some of the subtle mysteries of the Tianhan Feixue sword into the ordinary swordplay. But it is more profound and powerful than the previous swordsmanship.

This also means that the foundation of Lin Weiyin's swordsmanship has become more solid and complete.

Strictly speaking, the dangling snowflakes are a kind of mutated sword practice into silk, after Lin Weiyin Mingwu practiced sword into silk, with his own understanding and talents, evolved into the most suitable way.

Sword training into silk is a superb skill, but different sword repairs will condense different shapes. Lin Weiyin's snowflakes are actually surrounded by countless subtle sword qi.

Compared with before, Lin Weiyin's swordplay has grown significantly.

However, Chen Zong was standing still, waving a sword, and understated, it seemed that he would not point out the slightest fireworks atmosphere, one after another, the highly condensed and carrying the terrible and extremely snowflakes, and the next breath, they collapsed into countless .

No matter how Lin Weiyin sends out his sword or attacks, he can't invade Chen Zong's five-foot circle, and he can't even let Chen Zong's footsteps move.

The flower of the **** is condensed to 80%, and the perception and mastery of the surroundings becomes stronger.

Lin Weiyin is improving, Chen Zong's promotion will only be more obvious.

If it is replaced by others, in such a situation that the opponent becomes stronger but the opponent is stronger, I am afraid that it will be desperate, but Lin Weiyin is not, but is tenacious, and the sword is natural.

Lin Weiyin's repeated defeats and repeated defeats made Chen Zong think of himself before, so he also pointed at each other more carefully.

This battle lasted for two hours before it ended. Lin Weiyin almost exhausted his physical strength and was panting. On the other hand, Chen Zong was restless.

The battle between the two people is like one side running constantly at high speed, while the other side is wandering in the court, and the physical exertion is completely different.

Lin Weiyin sat down quickly to recover her energy.

Chen Zong was on the side, looking at the void outside the Chongfeng.

The eternity is immutable, just like eternal immortality. In the distance, a little bit of starlight flickers. Blinking and flickering are beautiful.

Occasionally, you will see a stream of light passing by, flashing away, and in an instant, an endless light burst out.

That's a shooting star!

Chongfeng kept away from the boundary town of the second town and sailed in the direction of Lin's house. Lin Weiyin was restoring strength, while Chen Zong stood on the edge of the deck with a sword and stared at the starry sky outside the deck.

The stars shine.




Chen Zong staring at the starry sky, his thoughts seem to be drifting away, constantly drifting away, into the void, and the whole person must merge into that void.

Lin Weiyin just finished adjusting her breath, and her beautiful eyes turned, and a faint gleam of light fell on Chen Zong's body, but she was shocked.

At this moment, Chen Zong seems to be floating, and his breath is melting continuously, as if he wants to blend into this void.

It was like the gods, as if they were going to blend into the void of this side. This superb state of affairs caused Lin Weiyin to completely stop for a moment.

"Miss, this is epiphany." A low voice sounded directly in Lin Weiyin's sea of ​​God, let Lin Weiyin react, his body flickered, and he stood aside to protect Chen Zong, even if it was heavy here. The Fenghao should also avoid any interference with Chen Zong.

An epiphany is very rare and nowhere to be found.

Some practitioners may not have a single epiphany in their life because of insufficient talent.

Although there is no trace of epiphany, one thing is certain: the more talented the practitioner, the greater the possibility of epiphany, even more than once.

Epiphany is a good opportunity, and every epiphany will bring improvement to the practitioner, perhaps the exercises, martial arts, or others.

In short, as long as it is an epiphany, it is a good thing. Interrupting the epiphany of others is no different from killing the father.

During the epiphany, Chen Zong's consciousness seemed to be detached from the body, floating out of the protection of the heavy front, and appeared in the void.

The sound of whirring sounds continuously, it is the wind from the void, it is the wind of the void, it is hard to hear at ordinary times, and it is harder to feel, only in this state can it be contacted.

Under the wind of the void, Chen Zong felt that his consciousness was about to be blown away.

very dangerous!

A sense of crisis sprang up.

This void is really terrible.

Once consciousness is blown away by the wind of the void, it is likely that he will become a living dead.

Suddenly, Chen Zong made an instant decision, his consciousness moved, and he rushed towards the body.

At the same time, not far away, a meteor burning with a blazing flame was passing by, and the blazing heat rushed towards him, as if to burn himself.

The fiery heat condenses into the wind of the void, making the wind of the void hot and unbearable, as if to ignite one's consciousness and completely incinerate.

The meteor's light was reflected into the consciousness, and it immediately touched Chen Zong.

A deep and mysterious feeling, breeding from the depths of consciousness, and then blooming as if blooming, when for a moment, as if some kind of spirituality was ignited and detonated, impacting consciousness.

With the spiritual guidance at the deepest level of consciousness, a strong force suddenly emerged from the depths of consciousness, and a surge broke out, but in an instant, Chen Zong seemed to be transformed into a meteor, erupting beyond compare The high speed, speeding through the void, headed towards itself.


Very fast, like a shooting star, and like a burning sword light, through all things, the wind of the void can not resist.




Speaking at a later time, Chen Zong's consciousness directly penetrated the protective power of the Chongfeng, and rushed straight into the sea of ​​Shen Shen.

There was a shock in Shenhai, and it seemed like the wind was rising, and in a flash, a little bit of starburst bloomed. It was extremely magnificent and beautiful, just like a starry sky.

However, this vision disappeared only in a short time. Chen Zong's consciousness returned to his body and quickly stabilized. Numerous auras, like meteors passing through the void, continuously appeared in the sea of ​​God.

"This son, it is so strong to escape from the wind of the void with consciousness. It is so powerful." The psychic powers secretly guarding the heavy front was secretly surprised. He is a psychic powers. Void winds and the like exist, and naturally know what happened to Chen Zong.

That was the crisis!

That kind of crisis is almost a mortal situation for the below-goal state. Originally, he intended to help, but he did not expect Chen Zong to survive the crisis in his own capacity, it is estimated that there will be no small gains.

"This child's **** flower may be the top order." The secretly strong man guessed secretly.

Of course, he only guessed that the flower of God was the top order, and did not think that Chen Zong's other flower of the extreme state was also the top order.

After all, the three flowers have reached the top level. That's amazing. It's impossible. Unless it is the true teachings of the great religions ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I just don't know what the epiphany is like.

Chen Zong's consciousness returned to Shenhai. Only the strong psychic realm who guarded the Chongfeng secretly knew it. As for Lin Weiyin, the realm was not enough, so he knew nothing, but stood not far to serve as Chen Zong's guard. general.

After consciousness returned, Chen Zong opened his eyes immediately, but closed his eyes and began to enlighten.

In the Shenhai consciousness, countless auras are like a meteor passing through the void, burning, and in an instant, an unparalleled light blooms, releasing incredibly high-temperature heat, extremely hot, as if it can burn everything and burn the void ish.

Each meteor is an inspiration, and it is the inspiration that evolved from the epiphany under the crisis of talent.

Inspiration is like starlight blooming, complicated and exquisite.

Under the influence of Chen Zong himself, the group in Shenhai constantly collided, as if in the chaos of continuous explosion, there seemed to be a little bit of starry condensate emerging.

As soon as the cohesion emerged, it was immediately crushed and destroyed by the chaotic moral forces such as the thunder, fire, wind, and yin and yang rotation. However, it emerged instantly and was in a continuous cycle of birth and death.

Chen Zong was not aware because Chen Zong was constantly absorbing inspiration.

Subconsciously, the mystery of Jin Yaoguan's star sword also appeared.

First: Jin Mang!

The mystery emerged completely, and then was cracked by Chen Zong, deeper cracked, and further combined after cracking.

Recombination is a combination that fully fits with Chen Zong himself, and is an optimization based on himself.

Soon, the optimization of the first heavy Jinmang was completed, and the optimization of the second heavy shine began.

When Jin Yaoguan's star sword's first and second shines were optimized, Chen Zong began to play the third.

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