Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 46: Polar realm

(Third), ask for a ticket 呗

From the second town of Jiecheng to the main star of the Lin family, it takes a few months to fly at the speed of Chongfeng. This period of time must be spent on Chongfeng.

On the deck, Chen Zong calmed his mind, his eyes were closed, and the whole person was in a state of emptiness. Numerous auras burst out in his mind.

That aura, as if flying fire meteors, as if a dazzling sword light, shining in all directions, dazzling extremely.

Jianguang crisscrossed, the direction was uncertain, there was no sign at the beginning, and I did not know where it would fall.

But the mysterious and mysterious thing is that between the countless sword-light staggered lasings, they have converged into one point. When the moment erupts, it seems like the stars explode, emitting a mighty beam of light, and the light seems to be guided and condensed by an invisible but extremely powerful force. For an extremely dazzling and dazzling light, extremely cohesive, and instantly burst out to kill, running through all the rebirth of the killing aspect.

At the same time, Chen Zong's closed eyes opened and the two golden awns shone to the extreme, bursting out of the air in an instant, as if penetrating the void on the deck, straight through far.

Draw a sword!

A golden sword light burst out from the sword of the heart, and instantly turned into sixteen shining.

Jin Yao Guan's star sword shines first and second.

These two swords evolved in an instant, and the essence of convergence was unique.

It was a sword light, one that seemed to be between heaven and earth, the most dazzling and dazzling sword light. As soon as he appeared, he couldn't look directly.

Lin Weiyin narrowed his eyes unconsciously, only feeling that his eyes had a feeling of being flashed, and there was a slight tingling sensation.

However, she still resisted the discomfort caused by this kind of tingling pain, staring with wide eyes, feeling instinctively, this sword that Chen Zong is about to issue is very extraordinary.

Everything just done, that dazzling as if it were the most shining golden sword light between heaven and earth, just a hand gesture, but it has permeated with awesome power.

Lin Weiyin even felt that the sword, which had the same origin as Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword, was better than the first and second.

After all, Lin Weiyin was familiar with Jin Yaoguan's star sword.


For a moment, Chen Zong swung his sword to the extreme, and when he waved it, the dazzling to the extreme light was restrained and became less dazzling.

However, the power contained in it is more and more magnificent and terrible. It is extremely condensed, as if it turned from sand to petrochemical steel, and it contains an indescribable blazing heat. And the high temperature is enough to burn everything you call this is also called golden finger.

When the extreme heat and the extremely condensed power are merged into one, all light is restrained, all power is hidden in the depths, but terrifying.

Back to Basics!

Avenue to Jane!

The dark golden sword light condenses a simple and profound atmosphere, and carries the extreme heat and extreme sharpness.



Nothing is broken!

Lin Weiyin narrowed his eyes subconsciously, his scalp was irritated, as if in front of that sword, he was extremely small, all means could not resist the slightest, and they would all be defeated.

The ultimate sword!

Extreme sword!

This sword was killed, as if exhausting all the power of Chen Zong.

There seemed to be traces of ripples spreading across the void of the deck across Jianguang.

The strength of the void is far better than the Heavenly Realm. Before that, even if Zong used Vientiane? One sword for refining the heart could not inspire the slightest ripple, but now the sword was exhausted with all its strength, but it caused a little ripple. .

Lin Weiyin couldn't help glaring her beautiful eyes, her red lips slightly open, and her face stunned.

The power of such swordsmanship is truly terrible.

A sword was shot, and the speed of the sword light was amazing. It struck the cabin of Zhongfeng in an instant, but it was resisted by an invisible force, and the ripples were opened, and the ripples seemed to be crushed.

In a hurry, it seemed that an invisible force appeared, shattered that sword light, and turned it into an extremely hot light that sputtered away, and in an instant bloomed incomparable heat and strong light, shining in all directions, causing the temperature on the deck to soar. Dozens of times catching ghost peasants.

It took a long time to recover as before.

Chen Zong received the sword and returned to her sheath, but her eyes closed again. After a few dozen breaths, she opened her eyes, and her sharp, extreme breath was also restrained, and the wind was light and light.

"Brother Chen, just that sword ..." Lin Weiyin couldn't help but speak out.

"Jin Yaoguan star sword." Chen Zong responded with a smile.

"Third?" Lin Weiyin's eyes lighted and he asked incredulously.

Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword was given to Chen Zong by her, only the first and second are incomplete, lacking the most powerful and profound third.

But the sword just before was neither the first heavy Jin Mang nor the second heavy Shine, but a sword deeper and stronger than Jin Mang and Shine.

Combined with Chen Zong's epiphany, only the third can be explained.

"Is it the third ..." Chen Zong groaned. "Should be, it should not be."

The first is for Jin Mang, that is, the style of Chen Zong's starting hand, the sword of the heart is blooming, and then the sixteen shining swords are the second.

After that, the sixteen shining sword lights converged into one, and the blooming light was extremely strong, as if it were the brightest dazzling light between heaven and earth.

That, when it is the third.

But this time's epiphany is not so simple, but to make Chen Zong's Kendo foundation even more solid, and combined with a momentous epiphany with a grand foundation, Jin Yaoguan's star sword has been thoroughly understood and optimized from beginning to end. It is entirely suitable for an archangel to start by himself.

The only sword, which belongs to the combination of the first, second, and third, of Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword is a sword for completeness.

There is no such thing as the first, the second, and the third. There is only one sword.

"This sword was named after Guan Xing." Chen Zong secretly said.

"Miss, your friend, it is clear that you learned that sword to the extreme, and grasped the mystery." A low voice sounded in the sea of ​​God of Lin Weiyin.

"Polarity ... Upanishad!" Lin Weiyin's red lips opened again, his face shocked.

As the first genius of the Lin family and the owner of the Feixue Pavilion, of course, Lin Weiyin's knowledge reserve will not be poor, so she is very clear about what the meaning of the polar world and the meaning of the uprising represent.

The three flowers of Jingqi Shen are the flowers of the extreme realm, which represent the cultivation of the practitioner's Jingqi Shen after reaching the extreme.

That is a level, a hierarchy, a state.

Supernatural powers, of course, have their own extremes, and when they reach the extremes, they grasp the mysteries.

Lin Weiyin knows that the extreme power and mystery of this little magical martial arts are the true power of the small magical power, but it is almost impossible for the sub-god to master, the most is to cultivate to the third level.

Legend has it that only the top true disciples of the great religion are expected to master the extremes and mysteries of martial arts at the sub-level.

The so-called great religion is at least astral level power.

The gap between star-level forces and astral-level forces is like a drop of water compared to a vast ocean, which is completely incomparable.

Could it be said that Brother Chen can be compared with the top true stories of the big and small religions?

It's impossible to imagine. Just thinking, there is a feeling of dizziness rising up the United States.


In fact, Chen Zong didn't know what the realm and what the meaning was, but felt that it was very extraordinary. The sword of the star was completely the convergent essence of Jin Yaoguan's star sword. It has reached the extreme of this little magic sword. To the point of promotion.

The power of this sword is already above the sword of refining one's heart, even if it is now a magical illusion? The sword of refining one's heart is also inferior and has become Chen Zong's strongest sword trick.

Invisibly, his own attacking force has been further improved.

Next, Lin Weiyin talked about the mystery of the extreme realm, and Chen Zong knew that, before he knew it, he had done another incredible thing.

However, Chen Zong was just a little surprised. He was not so excited. It seemed that he was accustomed to it and made Lin Weiyin admire it even more.

"Miss, your friend, the future is immense." The low voice sounded again, with a bit of amazement: "If he can worship the Astral Master, in the future, not only will he be able to achieve psychic powers, but he is also expected to dominate the void. . "

Every strong psychic person is a knowledgeable generation, and they know more about the secrets of the void, and even they will be surprised, really extraordinary.

Lin Weiyin was appalled by the evaluation of the powerful psychic powers in the family, but there was a little ecstasy for no reason.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the entire month on the Chongfeng is about to pass ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ A star also appears in the line of sight, blinking, as if dazzling like a sword.

That is the main star of the Lin family: Ring Sword Star!

For the purpose of this trip, Lin Weiyin also informed Chen Zong in detail, so that Chen Zong knew exactly what to do.

Sword Realm Gao Qiming!

That was an important place for the Lin family.

"Brother Chen, about two days later, we will reach the ring sword star."

Chen Zong stood in front of the deck and stared ahead, Lin Weiyin stood aside and said softly.

Chen Zong nodded and didn't speak, he was not a good person at first.

Lin Weiyin didn't speak again, this silence, but it did not make people feel embarrassed.


On the deck, two sword lights staggered.

It was Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin who fought on the basis of swordsmanship.

But this time, Lin Weiyin integrated the mystery of Tianhan Feixue Sword, while Chen Zong integrated the mystery of Jin Yaoguan's Star Sword.

Lin Weiyin feels that even compared with the top true stories of the Star Creature, Chen Zong will definitely not be inferior, because he not only understands the Arctic mystery of mastering the magical swordsmanship, but also before that, A little magical swordsmanship is complemented by incompleteness.

You know, almost every complete little magical power is created by a true supernatural power.

Chen Zong is now only a first-level cultivation at the sub-god level, but he is able to do something that can only be done through the Divine Realm.

This battle was the last confrontation between Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin on the heavy front.

Over the past month, the confrontation between the two was no less than ten games. Lin Weiyin's gains were great, and it felt that it was not far from the third major achievement of Tianhan Feixuejian. It may not take long to successfully break through.

Maybe, this is the breakthrough in the territory of Huajian. Be free to read the latest chapter of Kendo Master Claw Machine Bookstore.

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