Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 47: Ring Sword Star Lin

(The first one is more, our ranking has been falling from seventh, ah, almost falling out of tenth, critical, little sister-in-law is crying)

The Lin family is one of the four middle-ranked stars in the airspace of the second town boundary city. It is a kendo family and has inherited swordsmanship from generation to generation. Almost every generation has a certain degree of talent for sword training.

As a medium-level star power, the Lin family ruled more than one star, but there were as many as nine. The ring sword star was where the Lin clan was located, which was the main star.

When Chongfeng approached the Ring Sword Star, Chen Zong stood awkwardly at the bow of his ship, and his pupils dilated in a flash, looking very surprised.

Ring Sword Star is a huge star. While slowly rotating, it also seems to slowly rotate around a certain star. This is a normal phenomenon. It is not surprising that Chen Zong was surprised by the ring sword star. Surrounded by a ray of light, the strongest fairy statue.

That's the ring of stars!

Only stars that are strong enough will be surrounded by rings of stars, like a layer of protection.

However, the star ring is just a title, with different forms.

Some stars have rings of meteorites, and some stars have rings of gale.

The ring of the sword star, also unique, is the sword light.

It's like a majestic sword that turns into a long river, and surrounds the sword star. It is endless and endless.

From the sword light star ring, Chen Zong can clearly feel the powerful power contained in it, that is the power that belongs to the sword, as if it broke out, when it attacked somewhere, it would destroy everything.

That Jianguang is a whole, indestructible, and can be attacked and defended, but under Chen Zong's super-perception, you can feel that Jianguang is composed of the sword spirits.

How much sword energy can surround a star?


A little thought, Chen Zong felt a scalp numbness, because even if he is doing his best to inspire the sword, even if it takes tens of thousands of years, he cannot form such an amazing sword light star ring, even a hundred It's not even a quarter.

No, maybe it is not one percent, it is not even one thousandth or even one ten thousandth, or it can never be achieved, and the power contained in each sword is infinitely better than its own.

It was a qualitative change of level.

"This is our Lin family's star guardian sword array." Lin Weiyin's voice sounded in Chen Zong's ears, and there seemed to be a feeling of pride in it: "This array, named Da Zhoutian Endless Sword Formation, is My Lin family's ancestors laid it out with their poor life-long strength, but at the beginning of the laying down, it only took shape. Then, after each generation of the Lin family has cultivated successfully, they will inject sword energy into it. For many years, it ’s endless. The sword array is getting stronger and stronger. "

These can be regarded as a kind of secret, but they are not particularly secretive, but generally they will not tell outsiders casually, but Lin Weiyin told Chen Zong without any hesitation.

Of course, even if Chen Zong knew what the sword formation was and how it was formed, it was nothing.

"Da Zhoutian's Endless Sword Formation is endless, and can defend the Ring Sword Star, even the powerful gods can't forcibly invade. Once it turns into an attack, it can break the stars." Lin Weiyin's words, called Chen Zong was shocked.

Smash the stars!

How big and hard a star is.

One blow can break the stars, how terrible that power should be.

It's almost impossible to imagine, completely beyond your current level, I don't know how many times.

"Can the Divine Realm break the stars?" Chen Zong asked.

In the Tianyuan sanctuary, the purgatory ghost clan invaded, but the Great Holy Realm Xeon did not take the shot. Chen Zong speculated that the first is that the purgatory ghost family has a large number and strong strength. The big holy realm's shot is not simple, but it requires use To true power.

Therefore, the Taixuanjie is unbearable.

Think about it, just before the world will wake up, only nine-star combat power is enough to tear the void, the sub-god level can break through the void, and the powerful sub-god level can completely crush the void.

When the Great Sacred Land was shot, wouldn't it be a disaster.

In addition, after the world will wake up, it may also be that the world will not allow the great holy realm to shoot, otherwise, it is better to damage the rebirth war **** Lu Bu.

The shot of the Great Sacred Realm can cause extremely strong damage to the Taixuan Realm, and even destroy the Taixuan Realm. Although Chen Zong has not seen this, he has no doubt.

However, I do n’t know how many times a star is bigger than the Taixuan Realm. Even the entire heavenly sanctuary is not as big as a star.

To be sure, the Great Holy Land Xeon in the Heavenly Yuan Sanctuary can never crush the stars with a single blow.

What about psychic state?

"It is said that the powerful psychic state can do it." Lin Weiyin himself was not very sure, because the information of the psychic state was very mysterious, and it was impossible to understand without the psychic state.

Chen Zong did not ask any more.

The Chongfeng is a Lin's warship, but it cannot directly cross the endless sword array of the Great Zhoutian, and must be inspected.

After passing the test, you can move on.

After entering the ring of stars, the speed of Chongfeng began to decrease slowly, and then entered the energy layer of the ring sword star, and the speed further decreased.

According to Lin Weiyin, the ring sword star is the main star of the Lin family. On the ring sword star, there is only the Lin family and no other powerful forces exist.

Of course, the ring sword star is huge. In the void, it belongs to the middle-order stars. On such a huge star, if only the Lin family is the only one, it may seem too desolate.

The so-called no other powerful forces refer to other forces that can step into the void.

The Lin family is the ruler of the Ring Sword Star, the most powerful force, while the other forces are all small forces without strong gods, and the strongest are only sub-gods.

To a certain extent, the many forces on the Ring Sword Star are actually equivalent to the Lin family's talent cultivation perspective of small poison doctors.

Every few years, the Lin family will hold a kendo conference. After several months, talented disciples of various forces will fight each other, selecting one by one, and finally select the best few people and earn them. The Linjia door wall became the main or branch of the Lin family.

Perhaps it has been inculcated for countless years. Therefore, everyone on the Ring Sword Star has the highest honor to be included in the Linjiamen Wall.

For any of the forces on the Ring Sword Star, the Lin family is a holy place.

A medium star, ruled by the Lin family, the vast majority of geniuses were also born in the Lin family, but outside the Lin family, occasionally peerless Tianjiao was born.

In this way, the birth of itself and the recruitment from outside the family ensured the longevity of the Lin family.

Along the way, Lin Weiyin also introduced the situation of the Lin family to Chen Zong.

One master and nine branches!

In other words, the Lin family has one main vein, nine branches.

The main vein is also the vein of the homeowner, and the branch veins are respected by the elders in secret.

The game battle between the homeowner and the elder is actually the game battle between the main and branch veins.

This is a struggle for power within the family, and Chen Zong has no interest in it.

Lin Weiyin also seemed to know that Chen Zong was not interested, so he didn't say much, just made a brief introduction.

The key introduction is to transform the sword realm.

However, Huajian Realm has not been opened yet, and it will take a short time.

The Lin family is very elegant. The palace is located between the mountains. It is majestic and majestic, and the sword's sharp and sharp atmosphere is everywhere. It looks like a holy place of Kendo. Compared with any martial arts that Chen Zong has seen before, Magnificent majestic, amazing agent system.

The martial arts in Tianyuan Sanctuary are totally incomparable.

Here, Chen Zong can feel a strong kendo atmosphere, which is a kind of sword culture, a sword's heritage, and a sword's precipitation.

For those who practice swords, practicing in such a place will make the sword skills more obvious.

The Lin family was able to sit on a medium star and eight lower stars, becoming the four major middle-class forces in the airspace of the second town boundary city, and it really has its own extraordinary features.

Just the scale of the palace in front of him makes Chen Zong further realize that there is no gap in the void.

Without stepping into the void and becoming a star-level force, it is too weak after all.

Chen Zong and Lin Weiyin fell together and stepped on the ancient bluestone steps, beside them were grass and green. In the distance, they looked endless and beautiful.


"It's Miss that is back."

"Miss Miss hasn't been back in years."

When the Lin family saw Lin Weiyin, they were all excited.

"Who is that man?"

"Walking with the young lady side by side, and seeing that the young lady is not exclusive at all, are you going to be our aunt?" A girl-in-law talked secretly and looked at Chen Zong secretly.

They all know the young lady's temper, and have never seen a young man who can walk side by side with the young lady ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ so close.

This is the first one that has to make people curious about the city's best dragon.

Not only the girl is curious, the servants are also curious, the guards are curious, but the housekeeper is also curious.

All in all, it's curious because it's fresh.

You know, even the elder grandson Lin Zhenglong cannot be so close to Lin Weiyin.

With so many eyes, it was Lin Weiyin's cheeks flushed slightly, but Chen Zong had a light-skinned look, as if he had never noticed it.

"Sister, you're back." After receiving the news, Lin Weizhen rushed out, saw Chen Zong again, and smiled: "Brother Chen, you are also here."

Since coming to the Lin family as a guest, Chen Zong naturally also wants to meet the present person in charge of the Lin family.

Lin Changkong!

It is Lin's father, Lin Weiyin's father, a sub-level master.

The head of the family is Lin Weiyin's grandfather, but now he has gradually delegated authority and rarely intervenes in family matters. Unless it is a major event, otherwise, he gives it to his son Lin Changkong to take care of it.

Because the powerful gods, they want to go one step further, and spend most of their time and energy on cultivation to improve themselves as much as possible.

Lin Changkong is a moderate-looking middle-aged man with a smile on his face. He doesn't seem to have the majesty of a half-owner, but no matter how the temperament of the superior can be hidden, he can't completely hide it.

Lin's mother even looked at her son-in-law. Although Chen Zong's look remained unchanged, he had a headache.

He didn't mean that to Lin Weiyin.

In addition, after the transformation of the sword realm, he immediately returned to the second town boundary city, striving to upgrade Xiu to the second level within a limited time, enter the mysterious realm of secret soldiers, and then, you should continue to break out. Be free to read the latest chapter of Kendo Master Claw Machine Bookstore.

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