Sword God

Vol 34 Chapter 48: Leave marks on the wall

(Second more)

The look and enthusiasm of the mother-in-law looking at the son-in-law really made Chen Zong unbearable.

"This child, didn't understand what I meant." Lin mother sighed slightly, looking at Chen Zong who was leaving a bit "ran away."

She didn't like Chen Zong very much, but she thought that the child looked pretty good, much stronger than those with empty heads and heads. In addition, Lin Weiyin never approached other young men, but made Lin mother sad. Already.

Now, even if he took the initiative to bring a young man back, it didn't seem to be exclusive, and it seemed as if there was still some meaning. Of course, Lin's mother was very happy.

As long as the child's nature is not bad, it doesn't matter if the talent is not talented, anyway, the Lin family is so powerful, one more genius and one less genius, it doesn't matter the small farmers.

"Children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren." Lin Changkong listened to Lin Mu's thoughts, and smiled, but it was like an old **** was there.

In his opinion, cultivation and strength are important. Only with sufficient cultivation and strength can one be free and be able to do what he wants to do. As for his life partner, he cannot be careless.

"My mother scared you." Lin Weiyin laughed.

"Very enthusiastic." Chen Zong also laughed.

"I'll take you to the Lin family's wall." Lin Weiyin shifted the topic, because she saw from Chen Zong's response that Chen Zong did not mean to continue the topic. She was a bit disappointed, but she changed the topic. .

"Zhaobi?" Chen Zong was puzzled.

"Zhaobi's full name is Jianqi Zhaobi. It is a treasure of our Lin family. For generations, anyone who has accomplished swordsmanship will leave marks on the wall. At the same time, you can also see the sword marks on the wall and feel them The meaning of the sword is confirmed by each other. "Lin Weiyin smiled slightly, letting some people passing by could not help but lose their mind.

The young lady is beautiful when she doesn't smile, but she smiles more beautifully.

The Jianqi Zhaobi is a jade jade, which can also be said to be a mountain wall. It is like a hill that is hundreds of meters high. It is split by a sword and removed half and left. The wall is like a mirror. Can shine.

In addition to the people of the Lin family, visitors often leave traces on the photo wall upon request.

Not necessarily a sword mark.

Although the Lin family is a kendo family, many people still understand the truth of returning to school.

Other martial arts martial arts can also confirm Kendo.

Only by accepting thousands of grinds can we let our kendo shine brightly.

Bao Jianfeng emerged from sharpening!

According to the rules of the Lin family, Chen Zong is a visitor, of course, he has to leave marks on the wall of the sword, and the sword practitioners are the sword marks.

Of course, that's just a name, the trace is the appearance, but the real will, that is, the sword.

"It's Miss!"

"Miss Miss is here."

"Is that the young lady of our Lin family?"

There were many people standing in front of the sword, all young men and women. When they saw Lin Weiyin, they were all excited.

Lin Weiyin is the best son of the Lin family and the owner of Feixue Pavilion. He is in charge of Feixue Pavilion. I heard that this time Feixue Pavilion has also overwhelmed other forces, ranking first, far beyond once.

All this is thanks to the young lady.

Well-deserved pride of heaven.

In the minds of every child of the Lin family, the young lady is the well-deserved first generation of the younger generation, even many older generations.

A small number of these people are the winners selected by the sword competition this time. They are the best candidates of the Lin family on the Ring Sword Star. As soon as they enter the Lin family, they hear how the various ladies are outstanding and how amazing The information is naturally very curious about Miss Lin's wife, Lin Weiyin.

Now that I finally saw the real person, I couldn't help but look twice.

At first glance, I think it looks very good. I can't help but look at it a few more times.

Facing the enthusiastic greetings from everyone, Lin Weiyin nodded politely, but did not respond enthusiastically to the Tang Dynasty.

So far, apart from his immediate family members, among his peers, Lin Weiyin has never been passionate about a young man.

Well, except Chen Zong.

This is another look, favor.

Along the way, Lin Weiyin and Chen Zong have already spoken of the Lin Qi ’s sword-like picture, so Chen Zong has a deeper understanding of this picture.

Hundreds of meters in size stood straight on the middle of the mountainside, the surface was smooth, reflecting the shadows of people, and the mountains and the water. It looked like a miniature of the world.

"Several years ago, I left a mark on the wall." Lin Weiyin smiled at Chen Zong. The smile was not obvious, but it was a faint one. It had the beauty of snowdrop blooming on the top of the snow mountain. Through his heart, the person who saw this smile couldn't help shuddering, not afraid, but an indescribable freshness emerged from the bottom of his heart.

It's like pouring a bowl of cold sour plum soup on a hot summer day.


Whole body Shutai!

"A few years ago, when I left a mark on the wall, I chose to take the will of five people to see through, and only by Chen Brother's ability," Lin Weiyin said with a smile again.

"I try." Chen Zong also smiled slightly.

It is a custom and a rule to leave marks on the wall.

Generally, before leaving marks, you will first choose some traces left by your predecessors to enlighten, and to enlighten the traces is equivalent to enlighten the martial will contained in them.

However, those martial wills are enlightened by others, including the wills of others. When enlightenment, we must pay attention not to be affected by the will, but to penetrate it and draw the essence into it. Self-improvement and enhancement of his martial arts willful wives.

Therefore, there is a limit to enlightenment. If you go beyond your own limit to enlighten you, you may be disturbed by the will of other people. Not only will you not be able to improve and strengthen yourself, but will leave flaws, making it difficult for you to go further.

In general, practitioners can only choose two martial arts wills for enlightenment. Geniuses can choose three martial arts wills, and even more powerful ones can reach four.

Lin Weiyin can choose five kinds, which is obviously very extraordinary. You must know that Lin Zhenglong can only choose four kinds of martial arts will to understand.

Because of this, Lin Weiyin became the first genius of the Lin family, which is no less than the first day of previous generations.

If Lin Weiyin grows up, a few years later, the Lin family may add another supernatural power.

For the forces that can enter the void, the strongest in the power of the gods is the real foundation and the basis for the long-term existence of the power. Of course, it is not just the power of the gods, but also a sufficient number of juniors, especially geniuses. .

Otherwise, it will only be green and yellow.

Everyone was very curious about this young male brought back by Lin Weiyin, and they looked and examined.

Chen Zong stood in front of the wall, and the mirror-like wall reflected Chen Zong's figure, lifelike, as if imprinted.

As soon as the consciousness moved, he immediately put himself into the back wall. At an instant, Chen Zong felt that his consciousness seemed to travel through time and space, and kept flying forward.

Clouds are light and windy, but dark and deep.

There are countless stars, there is a magnificent magnificent, magnificent, profound and mysterious, vast and boundless.

Starry sky!

This is a star-studded chat group.

The starry sky is clear, the stars are shining, each of the twinkling stars is different in color, and the atmosphere is different.

After careful consideration, Chen Zongfang discovered that it was not starlight at all, but it was like starlight. Its essence was martial arts will, a cohesion of martial arts will, and it turned into starlight.

Perceived, the starlight around it seems to be zooming in.

The upper left is a group of burning fireballs, filled with amazing high temperature and heat, as if can burn everything, the whole body is orange-red, the temperature is amazing, it is obviously a martial will that is biased toward the flames.

The one on the lower left is thick and steady, like a mountain suspended in motion, with a towering atmosphere that suppresses the majestic spirit of the void.

Directly in front, the one is actually a martial arts will flashing silver divine appearance like a knife. Obviously it is a kind of knife intention, extremely sharp, and there is a kind of unpredictable.

At a glance, the stars flickered, far or near, all manifestations of martial arts will.

Chen Zong let go of his consciousness, and in this side of the starry sky, it continued to spread and spread, as if it spread to endless, covering the entire starry sky.

All the stars shone, as if under the cover of consciousness.

Many, many, thousands, this is the accumulation of many years,

Leaving a mark on the wall is not something anyone can do.

Under the consciousness of the gods, the starlights transformed by martial arts will continue to flicker, emitting breath fluctuations of different strengths and weaknesses.

The bigger the star light is, the stronger the fluctuation of the breath is ~~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ otherwise it is weaker.

In this way, we can see that those martial wills are stronger and which martial wills are more common.

Chen Zong didn't know how many martial arts stars he could enlighten, so he began enlightenment from a stronger martial arts will.

Because the more powerful the will of martial arts, the richer and deeper the mystery it contains.

At a glance, Chen Zong chose the first martial arts starlight.

It is a martial arts starlight with a golden blade shadow in it, which is one of the top few among thousands of martial arts willlight stars.

This is the knife will.

The way of the sword can directly reflect each other.

Chen Zong completely concentrated his consciousness and rushed towards the starlight of the knife-path will.

"My sword, cut strong, cut sharp, cut stars and break the moon, there is no match in the world."

A magnificent and full-bodied sound, as if it sounded from the depths of the ancient age, but just momentarily, it was like a thunderous thunder, directly impacted, it seemed to explode in the depths of Chen Zong's consciousness, magnificent.

In a hurry, a blade that was so strong and sharp as a star exploded like a blast of golden blades of light, glowing with extreme sharpness, as if severing everything between heaven and earth, killing everything in the sky like a volley.

This knife seems to split Chen Zong.

Chen Zong's consciousness stood still. Facing the knife, he just stared, without any intention of avoiding.

A very good knife, as if there is nothing to resist and block between the heavens and the earth, everything will be torn apart by this knife.

Suddenly, Chen Zong's consciousness was split into two parts by the knife light. When the knife light broke into the consciousness, countless mysteries also emerged, and Chen Zong felt more deeply. Be free to read the latest chapter of Kendo Master Claw Machine Bookstore.

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